France—1857 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation

French Treaty

On October 29, 1857, a Treaty was signed between France and the Hawaiian Kingdom in Honolulu and thereafter ratified by both governments. Article IV of this treaty provides:

“their respective subjects shall enjoy, in both States, a constant and complete protection for their persons and properties.  They shall, consequently, have free and easy access to the tribunals of justice, in prosecution and defense of their rights, in every instance, and in all the degrees of jurisdiction established by the laws.”

Neither France nor the Hawaiian Kingdom gave notice to the other of its intention to terminate this treaty in accordance with the terms of Article XXVI of the 1857 Treaty.  Therefore this treaty is still in full force and continues to have legal effect to date. Former French territories, which acquired their independence from France, are successor States to, at the very least, Article IV of the Hawaiian-French Treaty with regard to the citizenry of the successor State that effectively replaced the citizenry of the predecessor State in the treaty. These successor States, which includes mandate territories, are:

  1. Algeria.  Independence:  July 5, 1962.
  2. Benin.  Independence:  August 1, 1960.
  3. Burkina Faso.  Independence:  August 5, 1960.
  4. Central African Republic.  Independence: August 13, 1960.
  5. Chad.  Independence:  August 11, 1960.
  6. Comoros.  Independence:  July 6, 1975.
  7. Congo.  Independence:  August 15, 1960.
  8. Côte D’Ivoire.  Independence:  August 7, 1960.
  9. Djibouti.  Independence:  June 27, 1977.
  10. Gabon.  Independence:  August 17, 1960.
  11. Guinea.  Independence:  October 2, 1958.
  12. Lao People’s Democratic Republic.  Independence:  July 19, 1949.
  13. Lebanon. Independence from French Mandate: November 22, 1943.
  14. Madagascar.  Independence:  June 26, 1960.
  15. Mali.  Independence:  September 22, 1960.
  16. Mauritania.  Independence:  November 28, 1960.
  17. Morocco.  Independence:  March 2, 1956.
  18. Niger.  Independence:  August 3, 1960.
  19. Republic of Cameroon. Independence from French Trusteeship on January 1, 1960.
  20. Senegal.  Independence:  April 4, 1960.
  21. Syria. Independence from French Mandate: April 17, 1946.
  22. Togo. Independence from French Trusteeship on April 27, 1960.
  23. Tunisia.  Independence:  March 20, 1956.
  24. Vanuatu.  Independence from France and Great Britain: July 30, 1980.
  25. Viet Nam.  Independence:  September 2, 1945.

Denmark—1846 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation

Denmark Treaty

On October 19, 1846, a Treaty was signed between Denmark and the Hawaiian Kingdom in Honolulu and thereafter ratified by both governments. Article II of this treaty provides:

“the subjects of His Majesty the King of Denmark, residing within the dominions of the King of the Hawaiian Islands, shall enjoy the same protection in regard to their civil rights as well as to their persons and properties, as native subjects;  and the King of the Hawaiian Islands engages to grant to Danish subjects the same rights and privileges which now are, or may hereafter be, granted to or enjoyed by any other foreigners, subjects of the most favored nation.”

Neither Denmark nor the Hawaiian Kingdom gave notice to the other of its intention to terminate this treaty in accordance with the principles of customary international law.  Therefore, this treaty is still in full force and continues to have legal effect to date. Former Danish territories, which acquired their independence from Denmark, are successor States to, at the very least, Article II of the Hawaiian-Danish Treaty with regard to the citizenry of the successor State that effectively replaced the citizenry of the predecessor State in the treaty. The successor State is:

Iceland.  Independence:  June 7, 1944.

Belgium—1862 Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation

Belgium Treaty

On October 4, 1862, a Treaty was signed between Belgium and the Hawaiian Kingdom in Brussels and thereafter ratified by both governments. Article IV of this treaty provides:

“the respective citizens of the two countries shall enjoy the most constant and complete protection for their persons and property.  Consequently they shall have free and easy access to the court of justice in the pursuit and defense of their rights in every instance and degree of jurisdiction established by the laws.”

Neither Belgium nor the Hawaiian Kingdom gave notice to the other of its intention to terminate this treaty in accordance with the terms of Article XXVII of the 1862 Treaty.  Therefore this treaty is still in full force and continues to have legal effect to date. Former Belgian territories, which acquired their independence from Belgium, are successor States to, at the very least, Article IV of the Hawaiian-Belgian Treaty with regard to the citizenry of the successor State that effectively replaced the citizenry of the predecessor State in the treaty. These successor States are:

  1. Democratic Republic of the Congo.  Independence:  June 30, 1960.
  2. Burundi. Independence from Belgian Trusteeship on July 1, 1962.
  3. Rwanda. Independence from Belgian Trusteeship on July 1, 1962.

Austria/Hungary—1875 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation

Austria-Hungary Treaty

On June 18, 1875, a Treaty was signed between Austria-Hungary and the Hawaiian Kingdom in London and thereafter ratified by both governments. Article IV of this treaty provides:

“the Citizens of each high contracting Parties when resident in the territory of the other shall enjoy the most constant and complete protection for their persons and property, and for this purpose they shall have free and easy access to the Courts of Justice, provided by law, in pursuit and defense of their rights.  They shall be at liberty to employ lawyers, advocates or Agents to prosecute or defend their rights before such Courts of Justice.  In fact they shall enjoy in this respect all the rights and privileges which are granted to natives, and shall be subject to the same conditions.”

Following the dismemberment of Austria-Hungary into two separate States of Austria and Hungary following the first Word War, Hungary also became a State party with Austria to the 1875 Treaty with the Hawaiian Kingdom.

Neither Austria nor Hungary nor the Hawaiian Kingdom gave notice to the other of its intention to terminate this treaty in accordance with the terms of Article XIX of the 1875 Treaty.  Therefore this treaty is still in full force, continues to have legal effect to date. Former Austro-Hungarian territories, which acquired their independence from Austria-Hungary, are successor States to, at the very least, Article IV of the Hawaiian-Austro/Hungarian Treaty. These successor States are:

  1. Czech Republic. Independence: October 28, 1918.
  2. Poland. Independence: November 11, 1918.
  3. Slovakia. Independence: Independence: October 28, 1918.

Hawaiian Kingdom Treaties and International Law

The Hawaiian Kingdom is a member State of the Universal Postal Union since January 1, 1882, has forty-six (46) State treaty partners, and, to a limited degree, one hundred twenty-seven (127) successor State quasi-treaty partners. In the Hawaiian Kingdom’s Protest and Demand filed with the President of the United Nations General Assembly on August 10, 2012, the Hawaiian Kingdom’s identification of successor States collectively included former colonial, mandate and trust territories. This identification was made without any prejudice to the particular rights of each successor States in relation to the mode of exercising self-determination when they achieved their independence.

According to Professor Oppenheim, “there is room for the view that in case of separation resulting in the emergence of a new State the latter is bound by—or at least entitled to accede to—general treaties of a ‘law-making’ nature, especially those of a humanitarian character.”Beato explains, “contrary to conventional law’s clean slate doctrine, relatively few newly independent states renounce all of their predecessor state’s treaties. Instead, new states tend to adopt a pragmatic approach which balances issues of self-determination and sovereignty in foreign affairs against the need to foster stability in international relations.” Professor Hershey states that it “is generally agreed that the purely local or personal rights and obligations of the [predecessor State]…remain with the [successor State].” Treaty obligations to private individuals survive the succession and bind the successor State.

Provisions of these treaties not only protect the private rights and obligations of the citizenry of the predecessor States and their successor States while within the territory of the Hawaiian Kingdom, but also protect the private rights and obligations of the citizenry of the Hawaiian Kingdom while within the territories of the predecessor States and their successor States. This rule stems from the principle of international law that change in sovereignty does not affect the private rights of individuals.

An example of successorship is Australia. Under the Hawaiian-British Treaty of 1851, British territory included Australia, which at the time was a Crown colony. On January 1, 1901, Australia was granted independence by Great Britain and was no longer a part of British territory. Australia became a successor State of Great Britain, who is now the predecessor State to Australia. The private rights which British subjects held under the 1851 Hawaiian-British Treaty while within Hawaiian territory would now apply to Australian citizens, and the private rights of Hawaiian subjects held under the Hawaiian-British Treaty would apply when Hawaiian subjects are in Australian territory.

Hawaiian Territory and the Law of Occupation

Territorial sovereignty is the independent right of a State to carry out its activities over a territory that has been internationally recognized as belonging to a State. Since the occupation of the Hawaiian Islands by the United States on August 12, 1898, the laws of occupation apply to Hawaiian territory and where the Hawaiian Kingdom exercised its right of territorial sovereignty, the United States would temporarily exercise the Hawaiian right within the limitations imposed by the 1893 Lili`uokalani assignment and the Restoration Agreement, being international compacts, the 1907 Hague Convention, IV, and the 1949 Geneva Convention, IV, and U.S. Army Field Manual 27-10. §6 of the Hawaiian Civil Code states:

“The laws are obligatory upon all persons, whether subjects of this kingdom, or citizens or subjects of any foreign State, while within the limits of this kingdom, except so far as exception is made by the laws of nations in respect to Ambassadors or others.  The property of all such persons, while such property is within the territorial jurisdiction of this kingdom, is also subject to the laws.”

The Islands constituting the defined territory of the Hawaiian Kingdom that was internationally recognized in 1893, together with its territorial seas whereby the channels between adjacent Islands are contiguous, its exclusive economic zone of two hundred miles, and its air space, include:

Island:                   Location:                               Square Miles/Acreage:

Hawai‘i                 19º 30′ N 155º 30′ W             4,028.2 / 2,578,048
Maui                      20º 45′ N 156º 20′ W             727.3 / 465,472
O‘ahu                    21º 30′ N 158º 00′ W             597.1 / 382,144
Kaua‘i                   22º 03′ N 159º 30′ W             552.3 / 353,472
Molokai                 21º 08′ N 157º 00′ W             260.0 / 166,400
Lana‘i                    20º 50′ N 156º 55′ W             140.6 / 89,984
Ni‘ihau                  21º 55′ N 160º 10′ W             69.5 / 44,480
Kaho‘olawe           20º 33′ N 156º 35′ W             44.6 / 28,544
Nihoa                    23º 06′ N 161º 58′ W             0.3 / 192
Molokini               20º 38′ N 156º 30′ W             0.04 / 25.6
Lehua                    22º 01′ N 160º 06′ W             0.4 / 256
Ka‘ula                   21º 40′ N 160º 32′ W             0.2 / 128
Laysan                   25º 50′ N 171º 50′ W             1.6 / 1,024
Lisiansky               26º 02′ N 174º 00′ W             0.6 / 384
Palmyra                 05º 52′ N 162º 05′ W             4.6 / 2,944
Ocean                    28º 25′ N 178º 25′ W             0.4 / 256

TOTAL:                   6,427.74 (square miles) / 4,113,753.6 (acres)

Hawaiian Nationality and the Law of Occupation

The Hawaiian nationality is termed Hawaiian subject and not Hawaiian citizen. The distinction between subject and citizen is that the former is the political status of an individual in a monarchical form of government, whether absolute or constitutional, and the latter is the political status of an individual in a republic or non-monarchical government.

Under Hawaiian law, nationality can be acquired four ways:

  1. Born within Hawaiian territory—jus soli, also called native-born or natural-born;
  2. Born outside of Hawaiian territory from parents with Hawaiian nationality—jus sanguinis;
  3. Naturalize. The Minister of the Interior, with the approval of the Monarch, shall have the power in person upon the application of any alien foreigner who shall have resided within the Kingdom five years or more, stating his intention to become a permanent resident of the Kingdom, to administer the oath of allegiance to such foreigner, if satisfied that it will be for the good of the Kingdom. (§429, Article VIII, Hawaiian Civil Code);
  4. Denizen. The Monarch can confer upon any alien resident abroad, or temporarily resident in this Kingdom, letters patent of denization, conferring upon such alien, without abjuration of allegiance, all the rights, privileges and immunities of a native. The letters patent shall render the denizen in all respects accountable to the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and impose upon him the like fealty to the King, as if he had been naturalized. (§433, Article VIII, Hawaiian Civil Code).

Once a State is occupied, international law preserves the status quo of the occupied State as it was before the occupation began. To preserve the nationality of the occupied State from being manipulated by the occupying State to its advantage, international law only allows individuals born within the territory of the occupied State to acquire the nationality of their parents. To preserve the status quo, Article 49 of the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention mandates that the “Occupying Power shall not…transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.” To do so is a war crime.

For individuals, who were born within Hawaiian territory, to be a Hawaiian subjects they must be a direct descendant of an individual who was a Hawaiian subject prior to the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom government on January 17, 1893. All other individuals born this date to the present are aliens who can only acquire the nationality of their parents.

According to the 1890 government census, Hawaiian subjects numbered 48,107, with the aboriginal Hawaiians, both pure and part, numbering 40,622, being 84% of the national population, and the non-aboriginal Hawaiians numbering 7,485, being 16%. Despite the massive migrations of foreigners to the Hawaiian Islands since 1898, which, according to the State of Hawai‘i Office of Hawaiian Affairs, numbers 1,302,939 in 2009, with the aboriginal Hawaiian population at 322,812 (25.3%), the status quo of the national population of the Hawaiian Kingdom is maintained.

In other words, with the increase in numbers of Hawaiian subjects, both aboriginal and non-aboriginal, since 1893, the status quo of the Hawaiian national population has been maintained to date. Therefore, under the international laws of occupation, the aboriginal Hawaiian population of 322,812 in 2009 would continue to be 84% of the Hawaiian national population, and the non-aboriginal Hawaiian population of 61,488 would continue to be 16%. The balance of the population in 2009, being 918,639, are aliens.

Viewers of the Hawaiian Kingdom Weblog from 45 Countries and Territories

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As of today, viewers of the Hawaiian Kingdom Weblog are from the following countries. The listing of countries is by priority of number of views and not by alphabetical order.

United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Italy, Philippines, Germany, India, France, Austria, Switzerland, Turkey, Netherlands, Iceland, Norway, Spain, Denmark, Côte d’Ivoire, Qatar, Iceland, Timor-Leste, Sweden, Puerto Rico, Singapore, United States Minor Outlying Islands, Nigeria, Belgium, French Polynesia, Uganda, Luxembourg, Indonesia, Kuwait, Czech Republic, Chile, Saint Lucia, Portugal, Fiji, Russian Federation, Mexico, Brunei Darussalam, Pakistan, Virgin Islands, and Hong Kong.

Swiss General Secretariat Receives the Hawaiian Kingdom’s Accession to the Fourth Geneva Convention

Ambassador BattigOn January 14, 2013, Ambassador Benno Bättig, General Secretariat of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), received at his office in Berne, Switzerland, the Hawaiian Kingdom’s Instrument of Accession to the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Along with the Instrument of Accession, Ambassador Bättig also received a copy of the Hawaiian Protest and Demand deposited with the President of the United Nations General Assembly, August 10, 2012; and a DVD package of the Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom arbitration case at the Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague, Netherlands, 2001.


The FDFA is responsible for maintaining the foreign relations of Switzerland and serves as the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The department is headed by Federal Councillor Didier Burkhalter. The FDFA is composed of a General Secretariat and the State Secretariat, to which the department’s directorates and agencies are subordinate. Ambassador Bättig was appointed General Secretariat January 11, 2012.

CLARIFICATION: Article 156  of the Fourth Geneva Convention provides that accessions shall be notified in writing to the Swiss Federal Council and the Swiss Federal Council shall communicate the accessions to all the Powers in whose name the Convention has been signed, or whose accession has been notified. The Swiss Federal Council receives accessions through the FDFA. And according to Article 159, the Swiss Federal Council also informs the Secretary-General of the United Nations of all ratifications, accessions and denunciations received by them.

War Crime: “Americanization” of the Hawaiian Islands

Statehood Photo

Usurpation of sovereignty is the unlawful exercise of the sovereignty of another country by a foreign government during the occupation of occupied territory. Usurpation of sovereignty is the means by which a foreign government denationalizes the inhabitants of an occupied territory through political, cultural, social and economic means. The intent of denationalizing the inhabitants is to obliterate the national character of the occupied state.

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Usurpation of sovereignty and attempts to denationalize the inhabitants of occupied territory were listed as “war crimes” after World War I by the 1919 Commission on the Responsibility of the Authors of the War and on Enforcement of Penalties. In the Nuremburg trials after World War II, Germany’s usurpation of sovereignty and their attempt to denationalize the inhabitants of occupied territories was categorized under Count III of the Nuremburg Indictment, “GERMANIZATION OF OCCUPIED TERRITORIES.”



Like the Nazis during World War II, United States President McKinley’s administration during the Spanish-American War in 1898 purported to annex the Hawaiian Islands and put into operation a plan that endeavored to assimilate Hawaiian subjects and residents of the islands politically, culturally, socially and economically into the United States of America. Their goal was to obliterate the national character of the Hawaiian Kingdom and to fortify the Hawaiian Islands as a military outpost to protect the west coast of the United States from foreign invasion. To do this, the administration enlisted the assistance of insurgents such as Sanford Dole who was appointed by McKinley as governor of the puppet government called the Territory of Hawai‘i. Dole headed the insurgency of businessmen whose leadership comprised of:

  • Charles Reed Bishop, Hawaiian subject
  • Henry Ernest Cooper, American citizen
  • Crister Bolte, Hawaiian subject
  • Andrew Brown, British subject
  • William Richards Castle, Hawaiian subject
  • John Emmeluth, American citizen
  • Theodore F. Lansing, American citizen
  • John A. McCandless, Hawaiian subject
  • Frederick W. McChesney, American citizen
  • William Owen Smith, Hawaiian subject
  • Lorrin A. Thurston, Hawaiian subject
  • Edward Suhr, German citizen
  • Henry Waterhouse, Hawaiian subject
  • William C. Wilder, Hawaiian subject
  • Charles L. Carter, Hawaiian subject
  • Samuel Mills Damon, Hawaiian subject
  • Peter Cushman Jones, Hawaiian subject
  • James A. King, British subject

AmericanizeIntimidation and propaganda in the early part of the 20th century was used by the insurgents and U.S. Armed Forces to “Americanize” the Hawaiian Islands. Hawai‘i’s history books were revised and used to “Americanize” the children in the schools throughout the islands. The Hawaiian language was shunned and replaced with English, and mass migration of United States citizens to the islands took place on a grand scale, which included people from U.S. territories and possessions. According to the 1890 Hawaiian Kingdom government census, United States citizens numbered a mere 1,928 out of a population of 89,980. Within 60 years, the number of U.S. citizens grew exponentially to 423,174 out of 499,794 by 1950 according to the U.S. Census Reports. For more information see law article: American Occupation of the Hawaiian State: A Century Unchecked. Also conscription or the drafting of Hawaiian subjects into the United States Armed Forces took place during the First World War (1914-1918), the Second World War (1939-1945), the Korean War (1950-1953) and the Vietnam War (1965-1975).

People today that have no knowledge of the Hawaiian Kingdom being an independent and sovereign State since 1843; with over 90 embassies and consulates though out the world; with 46 treaty partners in 1893; a progressive government with a limited and constitutional monarchy; a multi-ethnic national population; and international agreements settling the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian government in 1893 that remain binding agreements today, speaks volumes as to the success of the propaganda and plan to assimilate the population into the belief that Hawaiian subjects are United States citizens and that Hawai‘i is the 50th State of the American Federal Union.

Because Germany was held to account by the international community for their illegal actions during the Second World War, Norway, France, Luxembourg, the former Soviet Union, Denmark, Belgium, and the Netherlands are not politically, culturally, socially and economically tied to Germany and they are not speaking German. But if Germany was not held accountable, these countries would no more be German through “Germanization,” than the Hawaiian Kingdom would be American through “Americanization.” Both “Germanization” and “Americanization” are War Crimes, and the situation would be regulated by the international laws of occupation and humanitarian law.

Since the Spanish-American War, the Hawaiian Islands have been under an illegal and prolong occupation by the United States, and through an effective plan of “Americanization” it has been able to conceal its occupation for over a century. Today, over 20% of the islands are under the direct control of the United States Armed Forces Pacific Command and, as a result, the islands are presently targeted for nuclear attack by China, Russia and any other adversary of the United States who are threatened by the military presence in the Hawaiian Islands.

The war criminals who set this in motion are dead, but their legacy has effectively replaced the memory of Hawai‘i’s people of the national character of the Hawaiian Kingdom. The fact that the public has no recollection of the Hawaiian Kingdom as a sovereign and independent State and that it is currently under occupation is the evidence of the war crime of “Americanization.”

1949 Geneva Convention, IV, Took Effect Over the Hawaiian Islands January 14, 2013

SWITZERLAND GENEVA CONVENTIONS 60th ANNIVERSARYIn the aftermath of World War II, countries met in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1949 to draft four treaties (conventions) and three additional protocols that establish standards for the humanitarian treatment during war. The Fourth Geneva Convention, in particular, would also “apply to all cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance. (Article 2).” The Convention also provides protection to “those who, at a given moment and in any manner whatsoever, find themselves, in case of a conflict or occupation, in the hands of a Party to the conflict or Occupying Power of which they are not nationals (Article 4).”

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Nationals who are “protected persons” under the Convention are protected from, “willful killing, torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments, willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health, unlawful deportation or transfer or unlawful confinement of a protected person, compelling a protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile Power, or willfully depriving a protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial prescribed in the present Convention, taking of hostages and extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly (Article 147).” Violation of these rights of “protected persons” constitute a “war crimes.”

There are currently 194 countries who are High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention. Of the High Contracting Parties, 193 comprise all of the member States of the United Nations, and 1 is a non-member State of the United Nations, Cook Islands.

On November 28, 2012, the acting government of the Hawaiian Kingdom signed the instrument of accession acceding to the Fourth Geneva Convention for the protection of the civilian population during Hawai‘i’s occupation, and on January 14, 2013, the instrument was deposited with the Swiss Federal Council in Berne, Switzerland. Pursuant to Article 157, the Convention took immediate effect from the date of the deposit because Hawai‘i is currently under occupation.

By acceding to the Fourth Geneva Convention, the Hawaiian Kingdom, as a State, became a High Contracting Party and its territory now comes under the Fourth Geneva Convention and Hawaiian nationals are presently considered “protected persons.” The International Criminal Court prosecutes perpetrators who commit war crimes that violate the rights of “protected persons” as defined by the Fourth Geneva Convention.

UPDATE: This posting was withheld for the past two weeks until confirmation of the receipt of the instrument of accession could be obtained. It is confirmed that the deposit of the instrument of accession took place on January 14, 2013.

U.S. Pacific Command Admits to Police Officer “No Treaty of Annexation”

PACOM insigniaOn January 17, 2013 a hearing was held in a foreclosure case, Bank of Hawai‘i v. Keli‘iho‘omalu, in the Circuit Court of Second Circuit in Wailuku, Island of Maui. The Keli‘iho‘omalus filed a motion to dismiss on the grounds that the court does not legally exist and if the case was not dismissed the actions taken by the Court and the Plaintiff would constitute war crimes and they will be reported to the United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva, Switzerland.

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In their motion, the Keli‘iho‘omalus provided clear evidence of an illegal occupation by the United States and that without a treaty of annexation, the State of Hawai‘i government and its courts are illegal. The Keli‘iho‘malus argued, “This Court cannot claim the Circuit Court of the Second Circuit has subject matter jurisdiction in light of the evidence to the contrary, and if this court disregards the evidence it will be in direct violation of Article 147 of the 1949 Geneva Convention, IV, by willfully depriving the Defendants a fair and regular trial, which is a grave breach and a war crime.”

Attorney Dexter Kaiama provided special appearance for the Keli‘iho‘omalus at the hearing. In addition to the evidence already submitted, Kaiama read into the record a “Declaration of Leland Pa,” a Hawai‘i County police officer that inquired into war crimes committed by Hawai‘i Island Circuit Court Judges Greg Nakamura and Glen S. Hara, and District Court Judge Barbara Takase.

The complaints were filed by Kaiama with the U.S. Pacific Command and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland, and alleged these judges deprived his clients of their right to a fair and regular trial during occupation, being a war crime under the 1949 Geneva Convention, IV. The basis of the complaints were the 1893 Lili`uokalani assignment and the Restoration Agreement, being international compacts, the 1907 Hague Convention, IV, and the 1949 Geneva Convention, IV, and U.S. Army Field Manual 27-10.

According to the declaration, Pa initiated the inquiry in September 2012 as part of his “duty to identify potentially serious law enforcement and government problems” after obtaining “copies of war crime complaints from the Law Office of Dexter K. Kaiama.” He stated he began the inquiry to see how he would be affected as a police officer and “if it would pose potential problems for law enforcement and government officials.”

At 10:30 p.m., November 6, 2012, Pa called the “Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Human Rights Council Branch-Complaint Procedure Unit, United Nations Office at Geneva” and that a spokesperson confirmed they are in receipt of the complaints but could not provide any more assistance. Pa stated the spokesperson recommended that he “contact U.S. departments that deal with war crime complaints.”

On November 8, 2012, at 9:30 a.m., Pa called the headquarters of the U.S. Pacific Command at Camp Smith, Island of O‘ahu, and spoke with Ronald Winfrey, Principal Deputy Staff Judge Advocate. Pa informed Winfrey of his concerns and how these complaints could affect his duties as a police officer. When asked about the complaints from Kaiama, Winfrey stated “he knows those complaints because out of all the complaints he has read those are the most precise and clear.”

Pa stated that as he “began discussing the basis of the complaints such as no treaty of annexation, Mr. Winfrey candidly and without hesitation said, ‘Oh yes, there is no treaty.’” According to Pa, Winfrey attempted to ease Pa’s concerns about the implications of war crimes by stating that U.S. Courts will not hear these cases because they would be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction. Pa then asked Winfrey to respond to his questions.

  • “Since there is no treaty, can the unresolved issues of the executive agreements and Hawaii’s occupation get resolved by a U.S. Court in the future?” Winfrey “stated that is possible.”
  • “If a U.S. Court should find in favor of plaintiff’s claim regarding the executive agreements and Hawai‘i’s occupation, then the prosecution of said War Crimes would come into play?” Winfrey “stated that is possible.”
  • “Since there is no treaty, the plaintiff does not need a U.S. court ruling? The Plaintiff could get these issues resolved in an International venue and then prosecution of war crimes would come into play?” Winfrey “stated that is possible.”

Pa informed Winfrey that as a police officer he swore “an oath to uphold the laws and constitution of the United States. Article 6, clause 2 of the U.S. constitution declares that treaties, which includes executive agreements, are the supreme law of the land. Because there is no treaty of annexation we are faced with a difficult situation, which needs clarification and I find it necessary to notify my superiors.”

Pa’s telephone conversation with Winfrey took place before the Hawaiian Kingdom acceded to the International Criminal Court (ICC) on December 10, 2012 and beginning on March 4, 2013 the ICC can begin the investigation of war crimes committed within Hawaiian territory. After March 4, 2013, the U.S. Pacific Command will also be subject to investigation and prosecution by the ICC.