Dr. Sai appointed as Hawaiian Ambassador-at-large


On August 1, 2012, the acting government of the Hawaiian Kingdom appointed David Keanu Sai, Ph.D., its Ambassador-at-large. Dr. Sai has a Ph.D. in political science specializing in international relations and public law.

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Dr. Sai originally founded the acting government of the Hawaiian Kingdom on March 1, 1996, with Donald Lewis and Nai‘a Ulumaimalu, Trustees of the Hawaiian Kingdom Trust Company. Dr. Sai also served as lead agent for the Hawaiian Kingdom in international arbitral proceedings before the Permanent Court of Arbitration, Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom (1999-2001). The Arbitral Tribunal in the Larsen arbitration comprised of Professor James Crawford, SC, Presiding Arbitrator, who at the same time was a member of the United Nations International Law Commission and Special Rapporteur on State Responsibility (1997-2001); Professor Christopher Greenwood, QC, Associate Arbitrator, who now serves as a Judge on the International Court of Justice since February 6, 2009; and Gavan Griffith, QC, Associate Arbitrator, who served as former Solicitor General for Australia. The jurisdictional basis of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom was a dispute between a State and a private person.

Dr. Sai also served as agent for the acting government when a Complaint was filed against the United States of America with the United Nations Security Council on July 5, 2001, under the Presidency of China.