Registry of Naturalized subjects in the Hawaiian Kingdom
(circ. 1840-1893)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Name: | Native of: | Naturalized: |
Sablan, Joaquin | Guam | 1870, Oct. 19 |
Sablan, Sylvester | Guam | 1870, Oct. 19 |
Sabry, Allen | United States of America | 1844, May 22 |
Sabsters, Samuel E. | United States of America | 1844, June 24 |
Sackett, F. | United States of America | 1865, June 3 |
Saffery, E. | Great Britain | 1844, June 3 |
Sai Sam | China | 1892, Aug. 19 |
Saint, Silas de | Cape de Verd Isles | 1854, Oct. 5 |
Saivie, Joseph | Austria | 1860, July 25 |
Saiz Pablo | United States of America | 1849, March 3 |
Salas, Domingo | Guayaquil | 1852, Jan. 5 |
Salmon, William | Great Britain | 1844, June 13 |
Sam | China | 1855, Nov. 26 |
Sam | China | 1857, Jan. 13 |
Sam | China | 1858, Aug. 9 |
Sam | China | 1858, Oct. 8 |
Sam ae Kua | China | 1868, March 6 |
Sam, Antonio | Cape de Verd Isles | 1845, Nov. 20 |
Samado, Pedro | Cape de Verd Isles | 1848, Dec. 27 |
Samoa, John | Samoa | 1892, April 25 |
Sampson, Charles R. | Great Britain | 1851, March 18 |
Samwi | China | 1863, July 11 |
Sancy, Manuel | Western Islands | 1859, Jan. 31 |
Sanford, H.M. | United States of America | 1862, Oct. 11 |
Sands, Robert C. | United States of America | 1869, March 13 |
Sanford, Fred. D. | United States of America | 1846, March 14 |
Sang Song | China | 1892, Aug. 15 |
Sangolia, Jau | Guam | 1853, Nov. 24 |
Saniola, Joe | United States of America | 1857, Aug. 18 |
Santas, Pedro | Guam | 1863, March 4 |
Santiana, Manuel | Chile | 1861, Aug. 8 |
Santos, Jose | Guam | 1855, Nov. 27 |
Santos, Manuel | Portugal | 1856, Jan. 28 |
Satter, C. | United States of America | 1856, Aug. 4 |
Sau Nam (no signature) | China | 1892, Sept. |
Saunders, Edwin | United States of America | 1853, April 18 |
Saunders, Frank | Great Britain | 1856, Jan. 29 |
Saunders, W.T. | Great Britain | 1854, April 12 |
Saurin, Eugene | Ireland | 1847, Nov. 30 |
Savage, Thomas B. | United States of America | 1851, Aug. 2 |
Savidge, Samuel | Great Britain | 1862, Jan. 31 |
Sawkins, James G. | Great Britain | 1851, Dec. 22 |
Sawyer, Henry H. | United States of America | 1852, April 20 |
Sayer, Nathan F. | United States of America | 1849, Feb. 12 |
Sayre, George | United States of America | 1845, Dec. 15 |
Schimelfenning, E. | Prussia | 1855, Dec. 31 |
Schmid, H. | Germany | 1851, Aug. 2 |
Schnieder, H. | France | 1875, April 26 |
Scholtz, B.H. | Prussia | 1886, Jan. 27 |
Scholtz, Friedrich | Silesia | 1869, April 14 |
Schone, C.G. | Germany | 1854, April 18 |
Schrider, Franz | Germany | 1869, June 26 |
Schumacher, R.D. | Germany | 1864, Oct. 9 |
Schutte, W. | Germany | 1867, March 8 |
Scoon, D. | United States of America | 1855, Oct. 6 |
Scudder, Micaiah | United States of America | 1849, Oct. 2 |
Sea, Henry | Great Britain | 1845, Oct. 3 |
Seabury, J. | Western Islands | 1860, Oct. 12 |
Seal, W.R. | Great Britain | 1866, July 10 |
Seaman | Batavia | 1856, Jan. 3 |
Searle, John C. | Australia | 1880, March 6 |
Searle, R.C. | Australia | 1879, Sept. 13 |
Sears, Francis B. | United States of America | 1869, Feb. 2 |
Seberino, Joseph | Portugal | 1848, April 19 |
Seck Yee | China | 1892, July 28 |
See Kang | China | 1892, Aug. 19 |
See Quan | China | 1892, July 29 |
Seely, Jesse I. | United States of America | 1863, Nov. 25 |
Seidensbroker, George | Germany | 1864, May 11 |
Sen Shing | China | 1892, July 27 |
Sena, Francisco J. | Cape de Verd Isles | 1868, Jan. 6 |
Senea | China | 1856, Jan. 11 |
Serra, Phillip de | United States of America | 1846, March 10 |
Sevener, Manuel | Western Islands | 1864, July 25 |
Severance, H.W. | United States of America | 1861, Dec. 13 |
Severance, Luther | United States of America | 1858, Nov. 2 |
Sharman, F. | Great Britain | 1879, Sept. 10 |
Shau Nam | China | 1892, Aug. 20 |
Shaw, James | Great Britain | 1853, Nov. 15 |
Shaw, John | Great Britain | 1848, Jan. 17 |
Sheadeen, Sheik | India | 1850, Oct. 15 |
Sheen, Thomas | Great Britain | 1850, Oct. 29 |
Sheldon, Henry L. | United States of America | 1849, Feb. 3 |
Shelley, Percy B. | United States of America | 1845, July 15 |
Sheong | China | 1856, May 31 |
Shepherd, P.P. | United States of America | 1878, Sept. 17 |
Sheppard, John | United States of America | 1854, April 11 |
Sherman, E. | United States of America | 1881, May 10 |
Sherman, George E. | United States of America | 1844, May 22 |
Sherman, Horace | United States of America | 1854, Nov. 13 |
Sherman, John | Cape de Verd Isles | 1867, July 9 |
Sherwood, F.A. | United States of America | 1853, Aug. 24 |
Sheu Lun | China | 1892, July 28 |
Shoon Hing | China | 1890, July 7 |
Shuster, Adolph G. | Germany | 1845, June 4 |
Shute, Agar T. | United States of America | 1850, Dec. 14 |
Si Kan | China | 1858, March 9 |
Siedenburg, J.G. | United States of America | 1865, Nov. 18 |
Siemsen, T.F. | Germany | 1869, June 21 |
Silloway, John | United States of America | 1863, July 29 |
Siluoy, A.T. | Western Islands | 1858, Feb. 23 |
Silva, Andrew | Cape de Verd Isles | 1870, Jan. 8 |
Silva, Antone | Western Islands | 1855, July 4 |
Silva, Antone | Western Islands | 1868, Feb. 24 |
Silva, F. | Western Islands | 1863, Jan. 30 |
Silva, Frank | Western Islands | 1861, July 1 |
Silva, Henry | Western Islands | 1860, Jan. 20 |
Silva, Joe | Western Islands | 1867, March 20 |
Silva, John | Western Islands | 1854, Sept. 19 |
Silva, John | Western Islands | 1867, Feb. 11 |
Silva, Manuel da | Madeira | 1892, Sept. 8 |
Silva, Thomas | Cape de Verd Isles | 1867, May 23 |
Silvea, Manuel | Western Islands | 1859, Feb. 10 |
Silvi, Antonio | Portugal | 1844, Dec. 12 |
Silvia, Jose | Western Islands | 1850, Jan. 31 |
Simenses, Paulo | Equador | 1866, June 13 |
Simerson, W.R. | United States of America | 1853, Oct. 6 |
Simmones, William | United States of America | 1856, Sept. 6 |
Simmons, Thomas | United States of America | 1850, April 10 |
Simonson, C. | United States of America | 1851, May 23 |
Sin Moi (no signature) | China | 1892, Aug. |
Sinclair, Francis | Great Britain | 1874, Oct. 26 |
Sing Chee | China | 1890, July 8 |
Sing Chung | China | 1890, Oct. 14 |
Sing Kee (no signature) | China | 1892, Aug. |
Sing Loy | China | 1890, July 5 |
Singery, A. | Germany | 1856, Jan. 15 |
Sisson, J.P. | United States of America | 1878, March 20 |
Sisson, William | United States of America | 1849, July 12 |
Sitiana | China | 1856, Sept. 2 |
Skillings, Theodore | United States of America | 1849, Sept. 25 |
Sloane, James | Ireland | 1859, June 27 |
Slocum, John C. | United States of America | 1844, Sept. 26 |
Smart, C.L. | Great Britain | 1855, Sept. 26 |
Smart, John | United States of America | 1869, Sept. 8 |
Smidt, Charles | Sweden | 1870, Jan. 12 |
Smitch, Henry | Great Britain | 1845, July 24 |
Smith, Benj. N. | United States of America | 1858, Feb. 16 |
Smith, Daniel | United States of America | 1845, Nov. 22 |
Smith, Daniel | Great Britain | 1868, Jan. 24 |
Smith, Edward | United States of America | 1880, Sept. 30 |
Smith, Elijah E. | United States of America | 1875 April 8 |
Smith, E.M. | United States of America | 1850, Feb. 19 |
Smith, F.A. | United States of America | 1866, June 4 |
Smith, Frank | Cape de Verd Isles | 1855, Nov. 24 |
Smith, George | Cape de Verd Isles | 1854, March 8 |
Smith, G.A. | United States of America | 1853, Oct. 28 |
Smith, J. Mott | United States of America | 1852, Dec. 14 |
Smith, J.R. | United States of America | 1878, Dec. 2 |
Smith, J.W. | United States of America | 1853, March 4 |
Smith, James | Great Britain | 1844, July 3 |
Smith, James | Great Britain | 1849, Jan. 30 |
Smith, James | United States of America | 1853, Oct. 17 |
Smith, James | United States of America | 1858, Nov. 25 |
Smith, James | United States of America | 1867, April 17 |
Smith, James | Great Britain | 1869, Oct. 25 |
Smith, James W. | United States of America | 1851, Sept. 3 |
Smith, John | United States of America | 1844, Oct. 23 |
Smith, John | Denmark | 1844, Nov. 14 |
Smith, John | United States of America | 1846, Dec. 4 |
Smith, John | Ireland | 1851, Feb. 21 |
Smith, John | United States of America | 1856, Oct. 22 |
Smith, John | Great Britain | 1858, March 26 |
Smith, John | Great Britain | 1864, Dec. 27 |
Smith, John L. | Germany | 1863, March 17 |
Smith, Joseph | Great Britain | 1871, May 26 |
Smith, Joseph B. | United States of America | 1844, Dec. 16 |
Smith, Joseph H. | Great Britain | 1846, Feb. 12 |
Smith, Manuel | Portugal | 1844, June 11 |
Smith, Oliver | United States of America | 1844, July 5 |
Smith, Richard | United States of America | 1850, Sept. 20 |
Smith, Simon | United States of America | 1846, Sept. 28 |
Smith, Tom (alias Mehemia) | Tahiti | 1869, Nov. 24 |
Smith, Thomas | United States of America | 1848, March 6 |
Smith, Thomas | United States of America | 1855, April 17 |
Smith, William | United States of America | 1844, June 18 |
Smith, William | Great Britain | 1844, July 3 |
Smith, William | Great Britain | 1848, June 12 |
Smith, William | United States of America | 1851, Sept. 23 |
Smith, W. James | Tahiti | 1868, Jan. 17 |
Smithies, J. | Newfoundland | 1855, Sept. 13 |
Smitt, Alexander | Great Britain | 1868, Nov. 19 |
Smyth, G.M. | Great Britain | 1890, July 23 |
Smyth, James | Ireland | 1847, Feb. 17 |
Snell, A.W. | United States of America | 1848, March 29 |
Sniffin, Bennet | United States of America | 1844, Dec. 21 |
Snow | India | 1845, Aug. 6 |
Snow, Charles | United States of America | 1844, Dec. 13 |
So Yong | China | 1892, July 13 |
Soarez, Joao B. | Cape de Verd Isles | 1868, May 30 |
Soden, Bartholomew | Ireland | 1850, April 2 |
Sohrai, George | Germany | 1865, Jan. 11 |
Soizey, Manuel | Western Islands | 1848, Nov. 10 |
Sokim | China | 1857, Jan. 10 |
Soper, John H. | Great Britain | 1884, Sept. 29 |
Soto, Hose | Chile | 1851, May 8 |
Souan | China | 1856, Dec. 2 |
Souca, Francisco | Western Islands | 1869, April 19 |
Southerland, Elon G. | United States of America | 1849, Dec. 4 |
Southwick, Philip | United States of America | 1854, June 17 |
Souza, Frank J. | Western Islands | 1848, Oct. 26 |
Souza, Jono Manuel de | Western Islands | 1849, May 28 |
Spalding, Samuel C. | United States of America | 1848, July 28 |
Spangelina, Josh | Guam | 1856, Nov. 17 |
Sparke, D. | Germany | 1864, Dec. 5 |
Sparks, James | Great Britain | 1851, March 6 |
Spaulding, G.W. | United States of America | 1878, April 4 |
Spear, H.P. | United States of America | 1854, Sept. 30 |
Speckmann, D. | Germany | 1871, Oct. 2 |
Speiden, R. | United States of America | 1851, Oct. 6 |
Spelman, Thomas | Great Britain | 1850, Feb. 15 |
Spence, Charles M. | United States of America | 1887, May 13 |
Spencer, Ashford | New South Wales | 1867, Sept. 4 |
Spencer, Francis | Australia | 1862, Sept. 30 |
Spencer, G.F. | Australia | 1863, Aug. 4 |
Spencer, J.M. | United States of America | 1852, Oct. 25 |
Spencer, Noble | United States of America | 1844, Dec. 6 |
Spencer, O.B. | United States of America | 1874, March 3 |
Spencer, Rhodes G. | United States of America | 1862, Dec. 12 |
Spencer, Stephen | Great Britain | 1855, Jan. 4 |
Spring, Charles | Friendly Islands | 1852, Oct. 13 |
Squires, T.Y. | United States of America | 1859, Jan. 12 |
St. John, Henry | Great Britain | 1849, March 5 |
St. John, Sam A. | United States of America | 1850, Oct. 17 |
Stackpole, C.E. | United States of America | 1876, June 3 |
Staley, T.N. | Great Britain | 1864, Feb. 1 |
Standefer, J.M. | United States of America | 1853, Oct. 6 |
Stanley, R.H. | United States of America | 1861, Feb. 4 |
Stapenhorst, Florens | Prussia | 1853, Aug. 25 |
Starkey, Charles E. | United States of America | 1844, July 12 |
Starr, Peter | Chile | 1848, Nov. 25 |
Stember, John F. | United States of America | 1845, Jan. 23 |
Steel, James M. | United States of America | 1844, July 24 |
Steinke, Fritz | Prussia | 1871, Feb. 6 |
Stelling, John H. | United States of America | 1889, July 6 |
Stenbeck, John | Germany | 1849, Dec. 28 |
Stephenson, W.H. | Great Britain | 1864, June 9 |
Sterling, Robert | Great Britain | 1868, Jan. 24 |
Sterns, R.S. | United States of America | 1881, Nov. 3 |
Stevens, F. | United States of America | 1851, June 11 |
Stewart, Charles P. | United States of America | 1847, March 30 |
Stewart, George M. | United States of America | 1852, Oct. 20 |
Stidolph, William H. | Great Britain | 1845, July 30 |
Stiles, Wyman | United States of America | 1850, Nov. 25 |
Still, R.S. | Great Britain | 1850, Oct. 17 |
Stilwell, Chase | United States of America | 1865, May 20 |
Stocker, A. | Germany | 1853, May 30 |
Stokes, John | Great Britain | 1845, Nov. 10 |
Stolz, Louis H. | Buenos Ayres | 1884, July 29 |
Stone, Joseph F. | United States of America | 1844, June 21 |
Stone, William H. | United States of America | 1887, June 24 |
Storey, Samuel | United States of America | 1859, Aug. 31 |
Strafz, H. | Germany | 1860, July 28 |
Stretz, Ed. | Prussia | 1863, July 29 |
Stupmann, Otto | Prussia | 1870, Dec. 3 |
Sturpek, C.S. | Germany | 1854, Feb. 22 |
Sturt, Frederick | Great Britain | 1847, Aug. 21 |
Sue | China | 1856, Aug. 5 |
Sullivan, John B. | United States of America | 1859, Nov. 19 |
Sumpson, F. | Great Britain | 1855, Dec. 18 |
Sunter, Albert | United States of America | 1870, June 3 |
Surnoto, J.P. | Western Islands | 1860, Oct. 31 |
Suwan | China | 1856, Jan. 18 |
Swain, Francis B. | United States of America | 1855, Dec. 31 |
Swain, Louis E. | United States of America | 1868, April 20 |
Swan, James | United States of America | 1881, July 6 |
Swan, Lyman | United States of America | 1851, Nov. 6 |
Swimley, J.A. | United States of America | 1855, Oct. 15 |
Swinton, Henry S. | Great Britain | 1844, March 25 |
Sylva, Antonio G. | Western Islands | 1859, Feb. 2 |
Sylva, Charles | Western Islands | 1861, Feb. 14 |
Sylva, Frank | Western Islands | 1859, Feb. 5 |
Sylva, John | Cape de Verd Isles | 1853, Feb. 28 |
Sylva, John | Western Islands | 1854, Dec. 15 |
Sylva, Joseph M. | Western Islands | 1861, Jan. 15 |
Sylvia, Antonio | Portugal | 1846, Oct. 1 |
Sylvia, Francisco | Portugal | 1845, Feb. 1 |
Syren, W. | United States of America | 1854, Oct. 9 |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z