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Registry Naturalized Subjects

Registry of Naturalized subjects in the Hawaiian Kingdom
(circ. 1840-1893)

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Name: Native of: Naturalized:
Maby, John H. United States of America 1884, Jan. 29
Macdonough, John United States of America 1844, Nov. 6
Macdowell, T.C. Great Britain 1877, Oct. 19
Macey, H.C. United States of America 1859, July 8
Macfarlane, C. Great Britain 1864, June 21
Macfarlane, H. Tahiti 1868, Nov. 30
Macgregor, George Great Britain 1851, Jan. 27
Macintyre, H. Great Britain 1856, Dec. 24
Macomber, L.R. United States of America 1851, Feb. 18
Macy, Benj. B. United States of America 1870, July 2
Macy, George W. United States of America 1844, Dec. 11
Maddox, David United States of America 1848, Nov. 21
Maertens, William Germany 1894, May 1
Magill, Arthur Germany 1842, Aug. 29
Magnet, Charles United States of America 1844, Dec. 30
Magoon, John A. United States of America 1881, Nov. 7
Maguire, Charles United States of America 1844, June 14
Maiano Guam 1856, Nov. 17
Maiko Manila 1858, Nov. 24
Mailahi Society Islands 1855, May 15
Maiuri Tahiti 1850, June 18
Makee, Parker M. United States of America 1887, Sept. 6
Malaea, Ruahine Tahiti 1868, Oct. 30
Mallett, J.H. Great Britain 1860, July 4
Malteno, F.K. Great Britain 1862, April 18
Mamaki East Indies 1847, April 21
Mamaki India 1858, March 11
Mammen, F. Germany 1861, Nov. 25
Man Ah On China 1892, July 23
Man Ping China 1890, Nov. 18
Manger, Thomas Tahiti 1856, Nov. 12
Mangham, Joseph Great Britain 1849, July 6
Manner, Alfred Switzerland 1865, July 1
Manoa (alias G. White) Rarotonga 1857, Nov. 27
Manteiro, Antonio Cape de Verd Isles 1867, Jan. 26
Manuel, Alexander Cape de Verd Isles 1869, Feb. 22
Manuel, Antone Cape de Verd Isles 1849, March 24
Manuel, Antone Cape de Verd Isles 1857, Jan. 5
Manuel, Antonio Western Islands 1855, Jan. 8
Manuel, John France 1844, Dec. 11
Manuel, Joseph Portugal 1845, Nov. 11
Marble, Jacob Canada 1858, Jan. 2
March, Fedk. Great Britain 1849, Oct. 20
Marchant, Lorenzo United States of America 1860, Oct. 1
Marcos, Frank Spain 1881, Sept. 23
Maria, Antone Western Islands 1867, Nov. 25
Maria, Joe Western Islands 1860, July 24
Maria, Joseph Portugal 1845, Dec. 27
Maria, Jose Portugal 1852, April 6
Marie, Antone Western Islands 1861, Jan. 22
Marie, J.J. Chile 1855, Dec. 3
Markham, W.A. Ireland 1858, May 1
Marques, Augustus Italy 1882, May 16
Marsden, Joseph Great Britain 1890, Jan. 21
Marsden, Simon New Zealand 1858, Sept. 16
Marsh, James W. United States of America 1853, April 25
Marsh, Lucius United States of America 1851, Dec. 22
Marshal, Josiah B. United States of America 1850, July 20
Marshall, Antonio Western Islands 1859, Feb. 2
Marshall, T.H. United States of America 1851, June 25
Marshall, W. Great Britain 1851, July 29
Marsters, Samuel J. United States of America 1853, Jan. 5
Marstine, John Equador 1875, Nov. 15
Marston, L. United States of America 1851, Nov. 1
Marten, M. Western Islands 1856, April 15
Martin, Jeremiah West Indies 1846, Aug. 7
Martin, Louis L. United States of America 1845, Nov. 13
Martin, Robert H. Great Britain 1851, March 22
Martin, Thomas West Indies 1848, Oct. 16
Martin, Timothy United States of America 1850, Sept. 19
Maryans, Thomas Philippine Islands 1868, Feb. 25
Matai Tahiti 1867, Nov. 23
Mathews, James United States of America 1850, Oct. 19
Matthias, Louis Germany 1871, Feb. 1
Maughan, Jos. Great Britain 1849, July 6
Maydell, Julian Jose Talchuana 1860, May 14
Mayden, E.B. United States of America 1854, April 7
McBryde, Duncan Great Britain 1859, Dec. 13
McCabe, James Ireland 1870, Oct. 3
McCandles, William United States of America 1870, July 4
McCandless, E.C. United States of America 1860, Oct. 11
McClanning, M. United States of America 1854, Sept. 16
McCoart, John Ireland 1855, Dec. 13
McConnell, George H. Canada 1868, Jan. 23
McCormack, John Great Britain 1850, Oct. 16
McCormick, James United States of America 1854, Oct. 3
McCorriston, Daniel Great Britain 1867, March 5
McCorriston, Edward Ireland 1868, June 8
McCoughtry, H.W. United States of America 1855, Feb. 8
McCristy, C.J. United States of America 1890, Jan. 24
McCubbin, Hamilton Great Britain 1870, March 4
McCully, L. United States of America 1855, Aug. 14
McCully, W.R.M. United States of America 1860, March 26
McDermott, Patrick Ireland 1867, Dec. 21
McDuffe, Alexander Great Britain 1848, Feb. 28
McFarlane, J.B. Great Britain 1851, July 1
McGil, Antona Cape de Verd Isles 1854, Dec. 30
McGill, Joseph United States of America 1847, Nov. 22
McGlyn Ireland 1853, Dec. 31
McGregor, George Great Britain 1850, April 29
McGuire, J.W. United States of America 1855, Sept. 13
McIntosh, H.W. Ireland 1890, July 24
McIntyre, A. Great Britain 1874, Oct. 13
McIntyre, H. Jr. Tahiti 1867, Jan. 25
McIntyre, John Ireland 1855, Oct. 6
McKeague, S.K. United States of America 1878, Nov. 1
McKean, James Great Britain 1848, March 9
McKenney, H.J. United States of America 1866, April 10
McKibbin, Robert Jr. Ireland 1874, Nov. 21
McKinney, Johnson United States of America 1855, Nov. 21
McLane, William A. United States of America 1846, Jan. 13
McLean, George C. Great Britain 1851, Jan. 13
McLelland, John Great Britain 1846, Jan. 2
McNestry, John Great Britain 1851, Dec. 9
McQueen, Thomas United States of America 1868, Oct. 31
McQuien, Daniel United States of America 1845, Oct. 9
McVeigh, John D. Canada 1890, July 23
McWeed, Fredk. United States of America 1860, Nov. 30
Mealy, John Great Britain 1848, Jan. 25
Medeira, Joe Western Islands 1856, Feb. 13
Medine, Antone Chile 1856, March 25
Meek, John United States of America 1844, Aug. 12
Meeker, Louis E. United States of America 1882, Aug. 23
Mehemia (alias Tom Smith) Tahiti 1869, Nov. 24
Meho Tahiti 1849, Nov. 1
Mehrten, J.A. United States of America 1880, Aug. 31
Meim, John Germany 1863, Sept. 9
Melton, Phillip Chile 1856, Oct. 22
Mendenos, J.A. United States of America 1866, April 16
Mendes, Francisco Western Islands 1859, Jan. 21
Mendida, Juan Guam 1850, May 22
Menecke, Charles Germany 1885, Nov. 13
Mennenga, Eilert Germany 1870, Dec. 3
Mercer, John Great Britain 1851, Aug. 29
Mergell, Julius Germany 1870, Dec. 3
Merrick, L. United States of America 1860, Nov. 7
Merseburgh, William Germany 1848, May 3
Metcalf, Theophilus United States of America 1846, March 9
Meyer, D. Germany 1854, Nov. 29
Meyer, J.W. Germany 1853, June 2
Meyer, R.W. Germany 1851, July 21
Meyers, William Holland 1881, July 11
Mi Sheun Ah China 1881, Jan. 5
Michael Cape de Verd Isles 1884, Dec. 10
Michel, Pierre France 1850, Sept. 25
Migal, Francisco Manila 1853, Nov. 7
Migele United States of America 1844, June 12
Miller, C.K. United States of America 1886, Jan. 30
Miller, George United States of America 1868, April 13
Miller, Henry Great Britain 1849, Nov. 25
Miller, Henry Cape de Verd Isles 1854, April 13
Miller, John Great Britain 1845, Jan. 21
Miller, William United States of America 1856, Feb. 4
Mills, G.W. United States of America 1862, Sept. 29
Mills, James D. Great Britain 1860, Dec. 27
Mills, Joseph R. United States of America 1868, Dec. 28
Mills, Richard United States of America 1852, Nov. 19
Milne, John Great Britain 1846, Sept. 25
Minas, Pedro Goa 1848, June 26
Miner, Edward Great Britain 1847, Nov. 18
Miner, T.T. United States of America 1856, April 7
Ming Hym, C. China 1890, July 3
Mingo Singapore 1851, Sept. 13
Mini Marquesas 1859, June 8
Minnerly, John United States of America 1853, Dec. 5
Miquel, Joseph Cape de Verd Isles 1861, Feb. 20
Miriam, Wiliam United States of America 1845, Feb. 12
Mist, Henry W. Great Britain 1887, Aug. 11
Mitchell, Isaac R. United States of America 1851, Dec. 15
Mitchell, John Great Britain 1853, Nov. 21
Mitchell, J.S. United States of America 1853, Oct. 6
Mitchell, Leonard United States of America 1847, June 21
Mitchell, William C. United States of America 1854, Feb. 16
Moaa China 1856, Nov. 13
Moeller, Thomas G. Germany 1871, Jan. 5
Moffit, R. Ireland 1853, Jan. 25
Moi 1843, May 22
Moinoa Tahiti 1846, April 27
Moller, C.B. Denmark 1848, Dec. 25
Monsarrat, M.C. Ireland 1853, April 25
Montaro, Pedro J. Cape de Verd Isles 1872, Nov. 2
Monteiro, J. Cape de Verd Isles 1860, Aug. 18
Montgomery, Isaac Great Britain 1846, May 18
Montgomery, John Great Britain 1851, June 28
Monting Chong China 1886, Jan. 14
Monwar, N. China 1890, Oct. 15
Moo Kong, T. China 1892, Aug. 20
Moody, James S. United States of America 1848, June 6
Mooney, P.A. United States of America 1851, May 6
Mooney, Robert Ireland 1881, April 6
Moore, Augustus United States of America 1857, Dec. 9
Moore, A.W. United States of America 1856, May 19
Moore, Charles United States of America 1850, Nov. 3
Moore, George M. United States of America 1847, Aug. 14
Moore, H.C. Ireland 1856, Dec. 15
Moore, Joseph United States of America 1858, Jan. 5
Moore, Robert Great Britain 1885, Aug. 12
Moore, William France 1848, Nov. 25
Moran, Carlos Denmark 1847, Nov. 23
Moran, Francis United States of America 1860, Sept. 21
Moreno, Celso C. Italy 1880, Aug. 14
Morey, Martin United States of America 1848, June 19
Morgan, George Great Britain 1845, July 30
Morgan, Jacob United States of America 1845, July 28
Morgan, J.F. United States of America 1890, Feb. 4
Morrill, John United States of America 1845, Nov. 10
Morrill, Joseph United States of America 1882, Feb. 6
Morris, Joseph Western Islands 1875, Jan. 6
Morrison, J.H. United States of America 1851, March 18
Morrison, R.H. United States of America 1866, Sept. 17
Morrison, William B. United States of America 1845, Jan. 9
Morse, Joseph H. United States of America 1851, July 7
Morse, Levi United States of America 1855, Dec. 19
Mortensen, Hans Denmark 1882, Aug. 15
Morton, E. United States of America 1863, June 10
Morton, William United States of America 1848, Aug. 14
Moses, William Maritius 1870, Aug. 27
Mossman, T.J. Great Britain 1853, April 25
Mossman, W.F. Great Britain 1880, Oct. 22
Mow Keong Chang China 1886, Jan. 18
Mow Kwong China 1892, Aug. 24
Mow Pin China 1892, Aug. 26
Mow Sing China 1890, Nov. 27
Moxey, John Great Britain 1851, July 3
Mulholland, John Ireland 1853, Oct. 11
Muller, E. Germany 1890, Jan. 24
Muller, Frank Belgium 1884, Dec. 12
Muller, Henrich Germany 1870, Dec. 3
Mullis, Thomas F. Great Britain 1877, May10
Mundan, James Great Britain 1855, Nov. 10
Munn, James Great Britain 1851, March 25
Munn, John G. United States of America 1850, Dec. 21
Munson, Agustus United States of America 1846, Jan. 6
Munzsa China 1867, Aug. 10
Muras, Anton S. Western Islands 1863, July 10
Murphy, R. United States of America 1860, Nov. 8
Murray, Paul United States of America 1859, Nov. 29
Murrell, William Great Britain 1849, Feb. 10
Murrey, Owen Great Britain 1850, Feb. 21
Muscary, John India 1855, March 16
Musta East Indies 1859, Feb. 7
Muuhau New Zealand 1862, Dec. 24

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