Registry of Naturalized subjects in the Hawaiian Kingdom
(circ. 1840-1893)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Name: | Native of: | Naturalized: |
Pablo, Peter | Guam | 1855, Dec. 20 |
Packaril, Joseph | Great Britain | 1858, Sept. 30 |
Pahana | China | 1865, May 8 |
Pai Yee | China | 1866, Dec. 20 |
Paiko, Manuel | Western Islands | 1850, Jan. 1 |
Paine, Stephen | United States of America | 1845, June 4 |
Paingbone | China | 1858, May 17 |
Painter, John M. | United States of America | 1850, Aug. 13 |
Palakiho, Hose | United States of America | 1844, June 14 |
Palmer, J.W. | West Indies | 1851, May 8 |
Palmer, Samuel R. | Great Britain | 1844, Nov. 5 |
Palomo, John | Guam | 1860, Jan. 28 |
Pana | China | 1858, July 13 |
Panakor | Society Islands | 1857, Nov. 18 |
Pang Ah Yok | China | 1890, Nov. 26 |
Pang Lum Mow | China | 1890, July 5 |
Pang Tai | China | 1890, Oct. 17 |
Paranwahaiti | Tahiti | 1845, Jan. 30 |
Parauvahaiti | Tahiti | 1847, Oct. 14 |
Paris, John H. | United States of America | 1856, Jan. 7 |
Park, Thomas K. | United States of America | 1853, April 7 |
Parke, Willliam C. | United States of America | 1850, June 1 |
Parker, George | United States of America | 1852, April 9 |
Parker, John P. | United States of America | 1844, May 2 |
Parker, Nathaniel | United States of America | 1858, Jan. 4 |
Parks, George H. | United States of America | 1848, Nov. 4 |
Parmenter, Gilbert | United States of America | 1856, April 15 |
Parrey, W. (see Perry, W.) |
Parrish, J. | United States of America | 1852, Jan. 10 |
Parslow, Henry A. | United States of America | 1847, Aug. 9 |
Parsons, A.W. | United States of America | 1849, Aug. 23 |
Parsons, James C. | United States of America | 1854, April 10 |
Parsons, Thomas | Great Britain | 1845, March 11 |
Pascoe, George W. | United States of America | 1879, Jan. 27 |
Paterson, John D. | Nova Scotia | 1855, March 21 |
Patterson, George | Great Britain | 1848, March 9 |
Patterson, John W. | United States of America | 1845, Sept. 22 |
Patterson, William | United States of America | 1869, Dec. 9 |
Paty, William | United States of America | 1844, April 24 |
Pauro | 1866, July 5 |
Pavie, Louis A. | France | 1852, June 14 |
Pawahi, Keaka | Marquesas Islands | 1845, Jan. 3 |
Pawelo | Society Islands | 1863, Nov. 24 |
Payne, F. | Great Britain | 1849, March 28 |
Pea | China | 1857, Nov. 23 |
Peacock, James | Great Britain | 1846, May 16 |
Pearson, John W. | United States of America | 1844, Sept. 5 |
Pearson, M. | United States of America | 1859, Nov. 16 |
Pearson, William | Great Britain | 1850, Feb. 22 |
Peasai | China | 1858, Feb. 23 |
Pease, John | Western Islands | 1857, Dec. 17 |
Pease, William | United States of America | 1850, Feb. 11 |
Peate | China | 1856, Sept. 9 |
Peel, Jonathan | Great Britain | 1852, Nov. 19 |
Pekelo (alias Philip) | Tahiti | 1869, Nov. 26 |
Pelham, John | Great Britain | 1844, June 24 |
Pemberton, John | United States of America | 1844, Sept. 20 |
Penhallow, Benj. H. | United States of America | 1845, April 26 |
Penhallow, D.B. | United States of America | 1844, Sept. 14 |
Penn, Joshua | United States of America | 1847, Nov. 15 |
Pennie, Alexander | Great Britain | 1880, Jan. 17 |
Penny, Thomas D. | United States of America | 1844, June 22 |
Penty, W. | Germany | 1854, Feb. 7 |
Peri, Antone | Portugal | 1851, March 19 |
Perite, John | Cape de Verd Isles | 1861, Aug. 6 |
Perkins, James K. | United States of America | 1857, Dec. 5 |
Perkins, John G. | United States of America | 1844, Nov. 5 |
Permien, F.W. | Prussia | 1878, Nov. 6 |
Perry, Isaac | United States of America | 1848, May 9 |
Perry, James | Cape de Verd Isles | 1871, Sept. 11 |
Perry, John | Guam | 1870, June 25 |
Perry, Jose | Western Islands | 1859, Feb. 8 |
Perry, Louis | Western Islands | 1857, Nov. 6 |
Perry, W. | Great Britain | 1861, Dec. 23 |
Peters, Aaron | United States of America | 1859, April 23 |
Peters, John | Great Britain | 1849, Nov. 16 |
Peterson, Arthur P. | United States of America | 1884, Aug. 22 |
Peterson, Charles | Great Britain | 1851, Feb. 25 |
Peterson, Charles | United States of America | 1853, Feb. 9 |
Peterson, Charles A. | United States of America | 1884, Aug. 13 |
Peterson, J.B. | United States of America | 1865, June 21 |
Petri, H. | Germany | 1851, May 30 |
Pfluger, C.F. | Germany | 1870, June 10 |
Pfluger, Ferdinand | Germany | 1869, June 8 |
Phelps, C.F. (see also Thelps) | United States of America | 1869, June 17 |
Philer, Charles E. | United States of America | 1866, Dec. 15 |
Phillips, Charles J. | United States of America | 1848, May 10 |
Phillips, Henry | United States of America | 1855, Dec. 17 |
Phillips, James | United States of America | 1850, Nov. 8 |
Phillips, John | Great Britain | 1890, Jan. 31 |
Philips, S.H. | United States of America | 1866, Sept. 12 |
Pierce, Cyrus E. | United States of America | 1845, March 14 |
Pierce, Edward A. | United States of America | 1882, April 28 |
Pierce, Shepherd | United States of America | 1850, June 13 |
Pierce, Thomas | Great Britain | 1868, March 14 |
Pierre, John B. | United States of America | 1848, Feb. 25 |
Pikau, Tom | Ocean Island | 1859, Jan. 5 |
Pila | Society Islands | 1852, Nov. 15 |
Pilioi, Ben | Mangaia | 1853, April 27 |
Pioa | China | 1860, Nov. 13 |
Pirey, Joe | Western Islands | 1859, Feb. 4 |
Pispittste, John | United States of America | 1846, July 11 |
Pitman, Benj. Jr. | United States of America | 1844, July 20 |
Plasse, Otto | Germany | 1871, Feb. 9 |
Plat, J.T. | Australia | 1854, Aug. 4 |
Platt, William | Germany | 1880, July 29 |
Plunkett, John H. | United States of America | 1846, March 5 |
Po Ah | China | 1874, Nov. 9 |
Pohikaawili | Tahiti | 1848, Sept. 22 |
Pokai | Manihiki, S. Pacific | 1869, Nov. 19 |
Polson, George | United States of America | 1854, Nov. 29 |
Ponia | China | 1855, Jan. 20 |
Pont, William | Great Britain | 1846, June 2 |
Poole, Benj. E. | United States of America | 1849, Nov. 14 |
Poole, William | United States of America | 1848, Oct. 14 |
Poor, Henry F. | United States of America | 1856, March 10 |
Porter, Daniel | United States of America | 1881, May 2 |
Porter, John J. | United States of America | 1857, Dec. 18 |
Posson, Jacob | United States of America | 1857, Aug. 5 |
Potienter, Christian | Germany | 1853, Dec. 22 |
Potter, Andrew | United States of America | 1847, May 18 |
Potter, B.M. | United States of America | 1867, Jan. 30 |
Potter, George C. | United States of America | 1890, July 16 |
Potter, John | United States of America | 1845, June 30 |
Pottle, Levi | United States of America | 1846, Nov. 9 |
Pow Put | China | 1892, July 14 |
Powell, William | United States of America | 1855, Oct. 25 |
Power, Aaron R. | United States of America | 1870, May 2 |
Powers, Samuel | United States of America | 1845, Dec. 10 |
Prader, N. | Western Islands | 1860, Sept. 28 |
Pratt, F.S. | United States of America | 1864, Jan. 14 |
Pratt, Thomas | Great Britain | 1844, Nov. 28 |
Prendergast, Henry | Ireland | 1854, Oct. 19 |
Preston, Edward | Great Britain | 1871, April 1 |
Procter, Richard | Great Britain | 1846, Aug. 19 |
Pruck, T.C. | Russia | 1865, July 6 |
Pui Kong | China | 1890, Oct. 29 |
Punchard, George W. | United States of America | 1846, July 13 |
Puniailama, John | Sumatra | 1854, Nov. 7 |
Purdy, Henry | Great Britain | 1844, Aug. 22 |
Purvis, E.W. | Sumatra | 1881, June 27 |
Purvis, Robert W.T. | Great Britain | 1885, Jan. 5 |
Purvis, W. Herbert | Great Britain | 1890, Jan. 7 |
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