Registry of Naturalized subjects in the Hawaiian Kingdom
(circ. 1840-1893)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Name: | Native of: | Naturalized: |
Babcock, Alden | United States of America | 1851, June 23 |
Babcock, W. | United States of America | 1862, Jan. 6 |
Baile, William | United States of America | 1844, Nov. 2 |
Bailey, Edward | United States of America | 1849, May 7 |
Bailey, F.E. | United States of America | 1882, Aug. 15 |
Bailey, Thomas M. | United States of America | 1852, Dec. 13 |
Baker, Charles H. | United States of America | 1847, March 30 |
Baker, Floyd | United States of America | 1853, July 11 |
Baker, J.H. | Canada | 1866, May 17 |
Baker, James | United States of America | 1845, Dec. 2 |
Baker, John | Great Britain | 1848, Jan. 19 |
Baker, John | Great Britain | 1846, Jan. 5 |
Baker, Markus A. | United States of America | 1848, Oct. 30 |
Baker, William | Ireland | 1853, Dec. 31 |
Bal, Eugene | France | 1858, Sept. 4 |
Baldwin, Dwight | United States of America | 1849, May 9 |
Ballot, I. | France | 1854, Jan. 17 |
Ballou, John | United States of America | 1847, May 10 |
Banister, Andrew | United States of America | 1859, Feb. 18 |
Banks, John H. | United States of America | 1848, Feb. 23 |
Banning, J.F.O. | Prussia | 1886, June 24 |
Bannister, Mark | United States of America | 1854, Nov. 18 |
Baptiste, Juan | Portugal | 1856, Jan. 24 |
Barba, A. | Portugal | 1890, Jan. 20 |
Barin, James | Great Britain | 1852, Dec. 18 |
Barker, J. | Denmark | 1850, Nov. 18 |
Barker, John | United States of America | 1844, July 1 |
Barker, Robert S. | United States of America | 1847, Sept. 29 |
Barnard, J.E. | Great Britain | 1854, April 27 |
Barnes, W.B. | Great Britain | 1848, Nov. 29 |
Barr, William | Great Britain | 1852, Jan. 20 |
Barre, Hippolite | France | 1845, Jan. 10 |
Barreson, Benj. | Norway | 1851, Nov. 26 |
Barrett, Daniel | Great Britain | 1846, July 6 |
Barrows, Albert | United States of America | 1850, Sept. 12 |
Barrows, Solomon D. | United States of America | 1846, July 9 |
Bartholomew, Wallace | United States of America | 1874, Oct. 19 |
Bartlett, I. | United States of America | 1853, April 19 |
Bartlett, John | Great Britain | 1855, Nov. 26 |
Bartow, C.S. | United States of America | 1854, March 11 |
Bassinus, Jose | Guam | 1860, Nov. 23 |
Bastien, P. | Corsica | 1856, Aug. 2 |
Bates, Asher B. | United States of America | 1848, July 4 |
Bates, Walter | United States of America | 1875, March 4 |
Batiere, John | Western Islands | 1865, March 31 |
Baum, H.P. | Germany | 1879, Sept. 29 |
Baumann, Charles | Germany | 1850, Dec. 26 |
Baur, H. | Prussia | 1864, April 9 |
Bauxer | Calcutta | 1849, Sept. 25 |
Bayne, James | Great Britain | 1851, April 3 |
Beadles, William | Great Britain | 1844, June 14 |
Beakley, Chris | Great Britain | 1846, June 6 |
Bean, Benson | United States of America | 1851, Oct. 30 |
Beatty, John | United States of America | 1845, May 29 |
Beckwith, George E. | United States of America | 1880, Nov. 20 |
Beckwith, Jeremiah | United States of America | 1850, Sept. 20 |
Beckwith, J.W. | United States of America | 1851, Jan. 20 |
Beckwith, W.S. | United States of America | 1861, Jan. 24 |
Bedder, Walter | United States of America | 1854, Dec. 6 |
Beers, Henry A. | United States of America | 1867, Nov. 18 |
Beesing, John | Germany | 1862, June 28 |
Bell, John | Germany | 1858, May 4 |
Bell, Moses | United States of America | 1853, Aug. 23 |
Bell, Moses | United States of America | 1855, Feb. 24 |
Bell, P.H. | United States of America | 1854, Nov. 2 |
Bell, William G. | Ireland | 1852, Oct. 3 |
Benham, A. | United States of America | 1854, Nov. 18 |
Beni | Tahiti | 1852, May 29 |
Bennet, Charles | Great Britain | 1852, March 15 |
Bennett, C.C. | United States of America | 1867, July 6 |
Bennett, William | Great Britain | 1856, Feb. 20 |
Bent, Zenas | United States of America | 1844, June 27 |
Benter, M.H. | Denmark | 1851, Feb. 18 |
Benu, W. | Guam | 1855, Feb. 6 |
Berger, Charles O. | Germany | 1884, Jan. 4 |
Berger, Henry | Germany | 1879, April 28 |
Berges, Charles R. | United States of America | 1869, July 16 |
Berham, Latiere | France | 1865, March 31 |
Berkenbusch, H.H.W. | Germany | 1853, Sept. 19 |
Bernard, J. | Great Britain | 1845, April 1 |
Bernhard, Bastel | Hungary | 1859, March 29 |
Berrill, William | Ireland | 1873, March 26 |
Berry, Joseph | United States of America | 1857, Nov. 27 |
Bertleman, F. | Germany | 1855, April 25 |
Bertlemann, C.H. | Germany | 1869, June 1 |
Betswerth, W.A. | United States of America | 1850, Dec. 16 |
Bickerton, R.F. | Great Britain | 1876, Jan. 22 |
Bindt, F.J.M. | Hamburg | 1872, Dec. 23 |
Bingham, H. | United States of America | 1857, Oct. 22 |
Bingham, W.St.M. | Great Britain | 1853, Oct. 21 |
Binns, Fredk. E. | United States of America | 1845, March 20 |
Bira | Tahiti | 1848, March 25 |
Bischoff, Joseph | Canada | 1862, July 19 |
Bishop, Artemas | United States of America | 1849, April 28 |
Bishop, Charles R. | United States of America | 1849, Feb. 27 |
Bishop, Henry B. | United States of America | 1852, Feb. 3 |
Bishop, H.F. | United States of America | 1862, July 30 |
Bishop, Henry F. | Great Britain | 1855, Sept. 21 |
Biven, Edmund R. | United States of America | 1886, Aug. 24 |
Black, J.C. | United States of America | 1861, Dec. 10 |
Black, John | United States of America | 1846, June 12 |
Black, J.H. | United States of America | 1879, June 3 |
Blacksten, James H. | Chile | 1853, Feb. 10 |
Blair, James C. | Great Britain | 1854, July 12 |
Blake, Alva | United States of America | 1845, Oct. 27 |
Blake, Richard | United States of America | 1856, Dec. 6 |
Blake, Thomas | United States of America | 1850, Sept. 23 |
Blakey, Ira | United States of America | 1852, Nov. 10 |
Blan, I.D. | United States of America | 1852, March 12 |
Blasdell, John Q. | United States of America | 1844, June 24 |
Blenheim, C. | Great Britain | 1851, June 23 |
Blossom, John W. | United States of America | 1845, Oct. 29 |
Blossom, William | Great Britain | 1842, Nov. 15 |
Blume, Fredk. C. | Germany | 1844, Oct. 15 |
Boardman, John | United States of America | 1848, Aug. 7 |
Bob | Tahiti | 1848, Nov. 27 |
Bochle, John | Germany | 1855, Nov. 20 |
Bogs, Frank | Fayal | 1858, Dec. 6 |
Boileau, J. | United States of America | 1853, Nov. 14 |
Bolster, A.S. | Ireland | 1862, Oct. 10 |
Bolte, C. | Germany | 1884, July 23 |
Bolte, Philipp | Germany | 1860, Aug. 30 |
Bombay, Charles | Africa | 1870, July 16 |
Bombay, Jim | Africa | 1870, Feb. 14 |
Bond, Edward P. | United States of America | 1850, Dec. 4 |
Bond, Elias | United States of America | 1849, April 28 |
Bond, John R. | Great Britain | 1853, Feb. 11 |
Bonner, William | West Indies | 1848, Oct. 13 |
Borden, Joseph | United States of America | 1844, Oct. 19 |
Borden, William | United States of America | 1880, Feb. 23 |
Boremann, Gerhard | Oldenburgh | 1871, Feb. 9 |
Borros, L. | Cape de Verd Isles | 1854, Jan. 24 |
Bosselmann, Anton | Germany | 1870, Dec. 3 |
Botner, James M. | United States of America | 1848, Aug. 17 |
Bourgeoise, E. | France | 1850, Dec. 9 |
Boutury, Augusta | France | 1857, Oct. 5 |
Bow Kee | China | 1892, Aug. 23 |
Bowler, John F. | United States of America | 1885, March 18 |
Bowley, Samuel C. | United States of America | 1880, March 8 |
Bowlin, R.H. | United States of America | 1850, April 20 |
Bowling, T. | Great Britain | 1854, Nov. 15 |
Bowman, B.J. | United States of America | 1863, May 27 |
Boyd, Robert | Great Britain | 1844, May 18 |
Bradley, John | Great Britain | 1856, April 1 |
Bradley, Thomas | Great Britain | 1855, Aug. 13 |
Brag, (or Bray) Wm. H. | Barbary | 1851, May 7 |
Braley, George H. | United States of America | 1855, May 18 |
Brandon, M. | United States of America | 1859, Aug. 31 |
Branish, Charles | Germany | 1851, Jan. 9 |
Bravo, Joseph | United States of America | 1855, Jan. 19 |
Brayton, Benj. C. | United States of America | 1852, April 14 |
Brazil, Jose | Western Islands | 1859, Feb. 10 |
Brecy, Robert | Great Britain | 1845, Nov. 24 |
Bremen, James | Great Britain | 1851, May 28 |
Bremond, Victor | Tahiti | 1864, Nov. 12 |
Brewster, George W. | United States of America | 1845, Sept. 18 |
Brickwood, Arthur P. | Great Britain | 1845, Oct. 25 |
Bridges, G.A. | United States of America | 1866, March 8 |
Bridle, W. | Great Britain | 1860, April |
Briggs, James J. | United States of America | 1851, March 28 |
Bright, Edmond | United States of America | 1846, July 11 |
Brightman, Joseph | United States of America | 1857, Aug. 15 |
Brinkfeld, Alexander | Germany | 1845, Oct. 20 |
Bristan, Thomas | Great Britain | 1855, Dec. 15 |
Britton, William F. | United States of America | 1845, Dec. 2 |
Brede, William | Germany | 1869, July 31 |
Brodie, John | Canada | 1882, July 27 |
Bronson, George W. | United States of America | 1850, Feb. 12 |
Brooks, S.L. | United States of America | 1855, Jan. 26 |
Brooks, T. | Great Britain | 1851, Oct. 24 |
Brosseau, J.B. | United States of America | 1844, Dec. 3 |
Brown, Antone | Cape de Verd Isles | 1860, May 27 |
Brown, Charles | United States of America | 1857, Nov. 12 |
Brown, Charles A. | United States of America | 1888, June 27 |
Brown, Frank | Great Britain | 1878, Jan. 12 |
Brown, Godfrey | Great Britain | 1876, April 29 |
Brown, G.W. | United States of America | 1862, May 13 |
Brown, H. | Germany | 1852, Oct. 30 |
Brown, H.C. | United States of America | 1855, Oct. 2 |
Brown, Harry | Tahiti | 1852, Nov. 22 |
Brown, Henry | Great Britain | 1846, June 2 |
Brown, Henry | Great Britain | 1850, Nov. 29 |
Brown, Jacob | United States of America | 1845, March 20 |
Brown, Jacob | United States of America | 1868, April 9 |
Brown, James | Great Britain | 1866, Dec. 12 |
Brown, John | United States of America | 1851, April 28 |
Brown, John | Great Britain | 1851, Nov. 26 |
Brown, John | Friendly Islands | 1852, June 21 |
Brown, John | Sweden | 1852, Dec. 3 |
Brown, John | United States of America | 1853, Oct. 29 |
Brown, John | United States of America | 1856, March 29 |
Brown, John | Great Britain | 1856, April 21 |
Brown, John H. | United States of America | 1858, Oct. 9 |
Brown, Robert | Great Britain | 1844, Nov. 21 |
Brown, Samuel | United States of America | 1850, April 12 |
Brown, Thomas | Great Britain | 1860, Jan. 9 |
Brown, V.R.H. | United States of America | 1853, Oct. 15 |
Brown, William | Great Britain | 1849, May 25 |
Browne, Lionel | Great Britain | 1864, April 20 |
Bruce, Charles W. | Sweden | 1886, Sept. 17 |
Bruce, William H. | United States of America | 1854, March 9 |
Brumit, Charles | Great Britain | 1850, Sept. 12 |
Brunswick, James H. | United States of America | 1852, Oct. 30 |
Bryam, Jonas M. | United States of America | 1848, Feb. 11 |
Bryant, Thomas | United States of America | 1845, Oct. 27 |
Bryant, William | United States of America | 1847, Feb. 9 |
Buck | China | 1857, April 16 |
Bucklin, Henry O. | United States of America | 1850, Aug. 13 |
Buckman, S.W. | United States of America | 1855, March 22 |
Buckwedde, B.H.W. | Germany | 1860, June 11 |
Burbank, Samuel | United States of America | 1850, Dec. 14 |
Burchardt, Ernest A. | Great Britain | 1890, Jan. 15 |
Burgess, Edward | Great Britain | 1852, Feb. 19 |
Burgess, James L. | United States of America | 1848, Oct. 13 |
Burgess, Nathan F. | United States of America | 1886, Jan. 30 |
Burlingame, F.E. | United States of America | 1846, Jan. 2 |
Burns, Charles | Great Britain | 1849, Nov. 30 |
Burns, Cornelius | Ireland | 1850, June 1 |
Burns, Michael | Great Britain | 1849, April 7 |
Burns, William | Great Britain | 1844, Feb. 6 |
Burroughs, Thomas | United States of America | 1853, Nov. 14 |
Burrows, John | United States of America | 1855, Aug. 28 |
Burton, John | West Indies | 1851, March 18 |
Butler, Charles | United States of America | 1851, May 7 |
Butler, William | United States of America | 1856, Nov. 6 |
Butts, C.H. | United States of America | 1853, March 28 |
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