Registry of Naturalized subjects in the Hawaiian Kingdom
(circ. 1840-1893)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Name: | Native of: | Naturalized: |
Haaki, Deidrich | Germany | 1868, Feb. 27 |
Hacket, James | United States of America | 1844, Dec. 13 |
Hackfeld, John | Germany | 1864, Dec. 13 |
Hadley, James C. | Great Britain | 1850, March 12 |
Haesel, Heinrich | Germany | 1845, Jan. 16 |
Hagan, Martin | United States of America | 1882, June 24 |
Hager, Anton | Germany | 1858, Sept. 24 |
Hager, G. | Germany | 1865, March 15 |
Hahaa | China | 1859, March 7 |
Hahaa | China | 1863, April 27 |
Haiaa | China | 1857, June 3 |
Hains, Charles | Prussia | 1874, Aug. 5 |
Halborn, John | Great Britain | 1845, Nov. 24 |
Hall, Charles | United States of America | 1846, July 2 |
Hall, Edward | Great Britain | 1850, July 26 |
Hall, Edwin O. | United States of America | 1849, May 14 |
Hall, George | Great Britain | 1873, Oct. 13 |
Hall, Isaac D. | United States of America | 1869, Sept. 3 |
Hall, William | Great Britain | 1854, Dec. 4 |
Halladay, Richard | Great Britain | 1850, Aug. 10 |
Hallock, Smith | United States of America | 1856, March 1 |
Halsey, Charles H. | United States of America | 1854, Oct. 3 |
Halsey, J.S. | United States of America | 1851, June 28 |
Halsey, Samuel H. | United States of America | 1857, Dec. 22 |
Halstead, John J. | United States of America | 1844, Sept. 3 |
Halstead, Joseph | Great Britain | 1852, July 17 |
Halstead, Robert | Great Britain | 1887, Oct. 3 |
Halton, E.S. | United States of America | 1845, Nov. 1 |
Hamarue | China | 1855, June 13 |
Hamblin, W.E. | Great Britain | 1857, Jan. 31 |
Hames, Benj. | United States of America | 1845, April 30 |
Hamilton, George | United States of America | 1855, April 16 |
Hamilton, Peter | Sweden | 1858, March 29 |
Hamilton, William | Jamaica | 1855, Dec. 3 |
Hamlin, F.H. | United States of America | 1869, March 24 |
Hammond, Francis | United States of America | 1845, June 4 |
Hammond, W.H. | United States of America | 1882, Aug. 24 |
Hanale | Marquesas | 1845, Nov. 14 |
Hanchett, S.P. | United States of America | 1848, May 27 |
Hang Lum | China | 1892, Aug. 29 |
Hang Same, C. | China | 1886, Aug. 24 |
Hangee | China | 1860, Feb. 6 |
Hanks, F.L. | United States of America | 1847, May 28 |
Hannet, John | Great Britain | 1850, Nov. 29 |
Hanson, P. | Norway | 1855, Sept. 5 |
Harde, Bernhard | Germany | 1871, Feb. 9 |
Harding, Francis E. | United States of America | 1845, Aug. 11 |
Harding, S.G. | Great Britain | 1860, June 1 |
Hardy, George | Great Britain | 1851, May 8 |
Hardy, J. | United States of America | 1851, Dec. 10 |
Hardy, J. | United States of America | 1878, June 8 |
Hare, J.H. | United States of America | 1879, Oct. 22 |
Harfield, J.W. | Great Britain | 1867, Aug. 21 |
Harper, E.B. | Great Britain | 1867, April 12 |
Harper, John | United States of America | 1849, Feb. 21 |
Harris, Charles C. | United States of America | 1850, Sept. 23 |
Harris, F.H. | United States of America | 1868, Nov. 2 |
Harris, Orin J. | United States of America | 1850, Dec. 21 |
Harrison, John | Great Britain | 1856, March 7 |
Hart, C.F. | Great Britain | 1863, June 12 |
Hart, C.W. | United States of America | 1882, July 23 |
Hart, Isaac S. | United States of America | 1844, Aug. 9 |
Hart, Stephen | Great Britain | 1844, Dec. 7 |
Hartwell, Alfred S. | United States of America | 1868, Sept. 30 |
Hartz, William | Germany | 1855, Nov. 13 |
Harvey, M.R. | United States of America | 1850, March 7 |
Haslet, John D. | Great Britain | 1851, Feb. 5 |
Hassard, James G. | United States of America | 1845, July 9 |
Hassel, James | United States of America | 1844, Oct. 23 |
Hassenger, J.A. | United States of America | 1861, Oct. 8 |
Hasslocher, J.J.E. | Germany | 1861, Oct. 29 |
Hastings, Frank P. | United States of America | 1891, March 27 |
Hatch, F.M. | United States of America | 1878, Jan. 9 |
Hathaway, George W. | United States of America | 1845, Jan. 13 |
Hattermann, H. | Germany | 1865, March 15 |
Hauly, Daniel | Ireland | 1854, Dec. 12 |
Havekost, J.D. | Germany | 1849, Feb. 28 |
Having, William G. | United States of America | 1862, July 12 |
Haward, Charles | United States of America | 1858, Dec. 22 |
Hawkes, Edward | Great Britain | 1844, Dec. 20 |
Hawkesworth, William | Great Britain | 1852, Nov. 19 |
Hayley, B. | Great Britain | 1882, Aug. 4 |
Hayman, Joseph | Prussia | 1882, April 7 |
Hayselden, F.H. | Great Britain | 1879, June 25 |
Hayward, J.W. | United States of America | 1848, Feb. 8 |
Hebbard, H.F. | Canada | 1887, Aug. 9 |
Hechtel, H.P.C. | Germany | 1871, Jan. 21 |
Hee Cho | China | 1890, Aug. 11 |
Hee Jur Yaw | China | 1892, Aug. 29 |
Hee Leong (no signature) | China | 1890, Oct. |
Heen, H.A. | China | 1891, Sept. 24 |
Heeper, Charles | Great Britain | 1855, Nov. 12 |
Heinemann, George (no signature) | Norway | 1890, Sept. |
Held, T.D. von | Germany | 1860, Nov. 12 |
Helms, Peter | United States of America | 1857, Oct. 20 |
Hemkeny, Louis | Germany | 1856, Sept. 3 |
Hendrick, William | United States of America | 1845, Dec. 27 |
Hendrick, W.H. | United States of America | 1871, Jan. 24 |
Hendry, Robert E. | United States of America | 1876, Oct. 11 |
Henele | China | 1860, Jan. 28 |
Henere | Ocean Island | 1850, Dec. 2 |
Hennessay, Thomas | Great Britain | 1844, Dec. 6 |
Hennessi, Jeremiah | United States of America | 1851, May 28 |
Henry, Antonia | France | 1847, Aug. 23 |
Herbert, Allen | Sweden | 1881, July 13 |
Hering, J.M. | Germany | 1860, June 14 |
Hermann, Julius | Germany | 1853, Aug. 13 |
Herrick, Isaac | United States of America | 1853, Oct. 28 |
Herusberger, Johnson | Germany | 1855, July 9 |
Heuck, C.T. | Germany | 1852, March 1 |
Hewett, A.M. | East Indies | 1891, March 25 |
Hewitt, James | United States of America | 1851, May 19 |
Hewlett, William L. | United States of America | 1845, Dec. 26 |
Heyn, Edward B. | Germany | 1854, Nov. 9 |
Higgins, George W. | United States of America | 1845, Oct. 22 |
Higgins, William D. | United States of America | 1847, Dec. 8 |
Higginson, D.C. | United States of America | 1844, June 24 |
Hiki | Tahiti | 1861, April 22 |
Hill, E.P. | Great Britain | 1852, Dec. 20 |
Hillebrand, W. | Prussia | 1865, Jan. 27 |
Hills, William | United States of America | 1845, Nov. 13 |
Hilo | New Zealand | 1857, Dec. 12 |
Hind, Robert R. | Great Britain | 1890, Jan. 24 |
Hinton, Otho | United States of America | 1857, May 23 |
Hirst, Joseph B. | Great Britain | 1869, March 1 |
Hitchcock, H.R. | United States of America | 1849, April 28 |
Hizueris, Teontino | Mexico | 1867, Dec. 26 |
Ho Fon | China | 1890, July 1 |
Ho Leong | China | 1892, July 27 |
Ho Poi | China | 1892, Aug. 11 |
Ho Poo | China | 1892, Aug. 3 |
Ho Sang | China | 1892, Aug. 19 |
Ho Sun | China | 1890, Sept. 30 |
Ho Yee | China | 1892, Aug. 27 |
Hobbs, John | Great Britain | 1844, Nov. 28 |
Hobron, E.C. | United States of America | 1864, Jan. 7 |
Hobron, T.H. | United States of America | 1851, Jan. 14 |
Hockchaw, C. | China | 1892, July 23 |
Hocking, A. | Great Britain | 1892, Nov. 28 |
Hodge, William | Great Britain | 1844, July 9 |
Hodgkins, A.R. | United States of America | 1877, Feb. 6 |
Hoe | China | 1857, Jan. 12 |
Hoen | China | 1845, Aug. 13 |
Hoeppener, Andrew | Russia | 1849, Sept. 1 |
Hoffman, E. | Germany | 1850, Dec. 14 |
Hoffman, Edward | Germany | 1886, Oct. 25 |
Hoffschlaeger, E. | Germany | 1855, July 26 |
Hoffschlaeger, E. | Germany | 1871, March 24 |
Hoke (Jose Mays) | Chile | 1844, May 23 |
Holbrock, James | United States of America | 1844, Sept. 27 |
Holcomb, Dwight | United States of America | 1852, July 1 |
Holct, T. | Norway | 1866, July 28 |
Holdsworth, H.S.H. | Great Britain | 1853, March 31 |
Hollister, R.S. | United States of America | 1849, Oct. 17 |
Holms, Henry | Great Britain | 1890, Aug. 11 |
Holstein, H. | Denmark | 1854, July 1 |
Holt, David | Great Britain | 1858, Feb. 23 |
Honeywell, Charles | United States of America | 1854, July 23 |
Hong Quon | China | 1890, Feb. 25 |
Hong Wing | China | 1892, Aug. 10 |
Hongur, Charles | France | 1860, May 30 |
Honina | China | 1890, Nov. 5 |
Hons, George | Germany | 1892, Aug. 12 |
Hoo Kau | China | 1892, Aug. 20 |
Hook, George | United States of America | 1858, Nov. 16 |
Hoona | Tahiti | 1844, Nov. 28 |
Hoops, Hermann | Germany | 1876, Dec. 3 |
Hoouka | Society Islands | 1857, Oct. 16 |
Hopeau | China | 1855, Oct. 16 |
Hopke, E.F. | United States of America | 1886, April 12 |
Hopkins, Charles G. | Great Britain | 1845, March 29 |
Hornblower, William | Great Britain | 1844, Dec. 24 |
Horner, A. | United States of America | 1890, Jan. 23 |
Horner, Charles F. | United States of America | 1887, Aug. 8 |
Horner, John M. | United States of America | 1890, Jan. 23 |
Horner, W.Y. Sr. | United States of America | 1890, June 4 |
Hoting, M. | Germany | 1864, Nov. 24 |
Hotolan, William | United States of America | 1859, April 13 |
Hottmeyer, S. | Denmark | 1851, July 18 |
Hough, James | United States of America | 1844, Nov. 23 |
Houghtailing, G.W. | United States of America | 1849, Nov. 26 |
Houghton, F. | Cape de Verd Isles | 1866, Feb. 24 |
House, John | United States of America | 1848, Aug. 25 |
Houston, Alex. | France | 1858, Feb. 23 |
Houston, O.H. | United States of America | 1854, Feb. 16 |
How Chong | China | 1892, July 9 |
Howard, C. DeW. | United States of America | 1862, Jan. 11 |
Howard, Daniel | United States of America | 1862, July 1 |
Howard, Dexter | United States of America | 1845, Dec. 29 |
Howard, George | Sweden | 1881, June 16 |
Howard, William | United States of America | 1845, Oct. 31 |
Howard, Willliam | Great Britain | 1850, March 13 |
Howe, A.B. | United States of America | 1850, Sept. 18 |
Howe, George W. | United States of America | 1855, Jan. 9 |
Howland, Henry S. | United States of America | 1849, July 14 |
Hozell, Charles | Great Britain | 1857, July 30 |
Huanu | Peru | 1844, May 23 |
Hubbell, Josiah B. | United States of America | 1844, Dec. 6 |
Huddy, William | United States of America | 1850, Aug. 24 |
Hudson, W.E.H. | United States of America | 1859, Feb. 4 |
Huene | China | 1856, Sept. 29 |
Hueston, George A. | United States of America | 1870, March 18 |
Huff, Charles P. | United States of America | 1852, Sept. 13 |
Huffnung, A. | Great Britain | 1886, Dec. 29 |
Huffnung, S.B.F. | Great Britain | 1886, Dec. 29 |
Hughes, W. | Great Britain | 1846, July 13 |
Hughes, W. | Ireland | 1861, Nov. 20 |
Hughes, W. | Ireland | 1862, March 13 |
Hugho, S.S.A. | Austria | 1875, March 15 |
Hughs, James | United States of America | 1850, May 25 |
Hulim | China | 1856, Sept. 15 |
Humphreys, Moses | United States of America | 1850, Sept. 20 |
Humphries, B.H. | United States of America | 1852, Nov. 17 |
Humphreys, W. | Great Britain | 1851, Nov. 19 |
Humphreys, William | Great Britain | 1867, Dec. 28 |
Hundsdoerffer, F.W. | Prussia | 1853, Nov. 1 |
Hunt, Charles | United States of America | 1853, Feb. 4 |
Hurcomb, Daniel | Great Britain | 1849, Dec. 27 |
Hutchinson, Francis B. | Great Britain | 1875, Sept. 29 |
Hutchison, F.W. | Great Britain | 1854, Sept. 7 |
Hutson, Henry | West Indies | 1851, Jan. 7 |
Hyde, T.J. | Great Britain | 1865, April 1 |
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