Neutrality Studies Podcast: EX-Army Officer WAGES LAWFARE To End Illegal Occupation of Hawaii | Dr. Keanu Sai

Dr. Keanu Sai was invited to do a podcast interview by Professor Pascal Lottaz on the subject of the American occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom, a Neutral State. Professor Lottaz is an Assistant Professor for Neutrality Studies at the Waseda Institute for Advanced Study in Tokyo. He is a also a researcher at Neutrality Studies, where its YouTube channel, which airs their podcasts, has 153,000 subscribers worldwide.

20 thoughts on “Neutrality Studies Podcast: EX-Army Officer WAGES LAWFARE To End Illegal Occupation of Hawaii | Dr. Keanu Sai

    • Anyone have an opinion on this book: THE DIARIES OF QUEEN LILIUOKALANI OF HAWAII, 1885–1900, Edited and with Annotations by David W. Forbes??? The description of this $40 book from UH (only waiting list is available right now) gives me some pause as it’s missing some key perspectives found in the blog. Here’s the description (if it’ll all copy):
      Queen Liliuokalani, the eighth monarch of the Hawaiian Islands, is known and honored throughout the world, even though she was never ceremonially crowned. Published here for the first time, the Queen’s diaries, which she penned between 1885 and 1900, reveal her experience as heir apparent and monarch of the Hawaiian Islands during one of the most intense, complicated, and politically charged eras in Hawaiian history.

      The practice of keeping journals and diaries was well established among the Hawaiian alii, or chiefs, when Lydia Kapaakea Paki, later known as Liliuokalani, was a child. In most cases, however, only fragments of alii diaries have survived. Those of Queen Liliuokalani are the sole—and striking—exception.

      The Liliuokalani diaries for 1887, 1888, 1889 (short version), 1893, and 1894 are a part of the group of documents known as the “seized papers” that are now held by the Hawaii State Archives. These are among the records seized by order of Republic of Hawaii officials in 1895 with the intent of obtaining evidence that she had prior knowledge of the 1895 counterrevolution. The government eventually turned these documents over to the territorial archives in 1921, four years after the death of the Queen. Four of the diaries transcribed here were not seized and remained in the Queen’s possession; today these are in the Bishop Museum. The important 1889 (long version) diary is now in the private collection of a member of her family and its contents appear here in publication for the first time

      Collectively, the Queen’s diaries, introduced, edited, and annotated by David W. Forbes, provide the reader with invaluable insights into Liliuokalani’s private life, thoughts, and deeds during her rule as sovereign of the Hawaiian Islands; the overthrow of her government in 1893; her arrest, imprisonment, trial, and abdication in 1895; and her efforts in Washington, DC, to avert the 1898 annexation of her beloved islands to the United States.

      David W. Forbes is an internationally recognized historian specializing in the written and pictorial history of Hawaii. He is the author of the four-volume Hawaiian National Bibliography 1780–1900 (University of Hawai‘i Press and Hordern House, 2003), as well as numerous books, essays, artist monographs, and catalogues. The Forbes Collection in the Hawaii State Archives includes his transcriptions and notes regarding significant documents of the Hawaiian kingdom’s last royal family.

      • In the queen’s book she knew about William Wilcox’s counterrevolution. She also wondered why white American people chose Hawaii to grow crops when America has so much more land for their plantations. She also felt her brother King Kalakaua should’ve taken the bullet instead of promulgate the bayonet constitution. The queen and many other Hawaiian monarchs also predict the extinction of the native Hawaiian people due to mass foreign settlers which they promulgated and other reasons. This is Hawaii’s story of incompetence and foolishness.

        • I’m not sure on the accuracy on some of the things I’ve said. It’s been years since I’ve read her book. Perhaps someone can correct any mistakes in my post. Anyway, just giving my opinion I feel Hawaiians are responsible for many of the foolish things we’ve done. Although we can blame those traitors and insurgents, we need to blame our monarchs as well. They were the ones who empowered them, made them landlords and government officials. Who’s the traitor and the fool?

          • Blame is not necessary. What is necessary is knowledge and understanding of the powers that be of that time and how social groups and orders like the Jesuits, Freemasons, Knights of Pythias, Illuminati, etc. infiltrated and established courts and thereby controlled all religions, cultures, and secular powers. Even today Hawaiians remain ignorant of the geopolitical nature and foundation of Christendom as well as our island society. From Ignacio Loyola to Francis Xavier to Matteo Ricci, the Jesuits opened up all societies thru persecution and education. There was a reason why our ancestors adopted protestantism rather than catholicism. From the Albigensis and Waldenses, to Native Americans and Hawaiians, all of Christendom, and international law for that matter, is founded on genocide and papal powers. We must look deeper beyond the surface of what is laid before us in order to see the kaleidoscopic history of the Roman Catholic Church.

  1. That’s amazing! Mahalo nui regent Sai, for all you do to expose the occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom by the American regime.

    • “Regent Sai” certainly sounds great & reflects his immense ‘voluntary’ de facto HK leadership he’s been providing w/o waver! RESPECT.

  2. Yes, I’m so happy for the exposure. Every time I watch Dr Sai give a presentation I learn something new. Dr. Stay safe. Mahalo nui!🥰

  3. The world needs to know that the Hawaiian Kingdom has always been Neutrality one of four countries in this world! Dr. Keanu Sai and the Council of Regency is moving the target off the Hawaiian Kingdom by giving truth, facts that we are not the fifty fake state of the USA! America comply with international humanitarian law’s and let’s see where that takes you! Aloha mean’s good Bye to! Deoccupy America go home already and don’t forget to clean all your rubbish up and take your army’s with you guy’s, Aloha o’e!

  4. YEAH! More EXPOSURE! 🎉🎉🎉
    Also wondering *IF* the Hawaiian Kingdom is STILL in the business of LAWFULLY protecting Hawaiian Kingdom subjects from the illegal occupiers’ EXPLOITATION — as mentioned again during this presentation, i.e. Foreclosures? The illegal seizure of local’s property, in which the property’s titles record began AFTER the illegal occupation took place. [Plus, loss of job BECAUSE of their fake CV draconian mandates!] 🤬

    UNDER US LAW: Lender FAILED to provide ANY LAWFUL evidence in the form REQUIRED (sworn under penalty of perjury) per their 28 U.S. Code § 1746. Translated, they have NO valid “evidence” [aka NO “Competent Witness”] & also REFUSE to produce the “original wet ink Note” for inspection which they state they have… In US law, NO valid facts = NO witness = NO case = NO jurisdiction! Yet they IGNORE & press for a 2/22 sale to a Chinese National! Worse, “trail by jury” requests DENIED too, which are a US RIGHT. 🤡

    Plus there’s ALL the unlawful “occupation” evidence provided by the Hawaiian Kingdom (UN’s Dr. deZayas’ letter to HI judicial to cease & desist illegal land grabs & lender’s Title Defect claims)– all IGNORED too! It’s like Hawaiian subjects are in the doldrums, aka windless territory rendering all efforts moot. Still *WISH* faux State of Hawaii Circuit Ct judges were put on NOTICE for WAR CRIMES by HK! 🙏🏼

  5. Another American led overthrow in Syria…they finally took the oil. And Schatz and Hirono are on the record voting against ‘S.J. Res. 51; A joint resolution directing the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in Syria that have not been authorized by Congress. It’s all in plain view now, and there is no end in sight.
    My heart goes out to the Syrian people!

    • Yeah– I took notice that ‘our’ reps got press for that & also Schatz was in a Dem’s photo op too– which was a very odd staged moment too. When I’ve searched often before HI ‘congresspersons’ were often ‘absent’ (didn’t vote etc). So WHY NOW? Let’s (((HOPE))) the madness ends sooner-than-later.

      • No need wonder how they would vote on a resolution that would call for the withdrawal of US forces from occupying the Hawaiian Islands which was authorized by Congress!

          • The common folk are too busy living to focus on how the US elites push for civil wars in other countries to secure their interests under regimes they favor. Like who wants to study the mechanisms that create the conditions for the society we live in. From CIA cables regarding scenarios of dramatic political change in Syria in 1986 to Operation Timber Sycamore in 2011, American citizens have to find their backbone. After another $5 billion in weapons and loans was sent by Biden/Yellen to Ukraine before he takes the exits, I’d sure like to know where all those Javelins and Stingers went missing. Talk about the US making America and Ukraine Great again, not since FDR gave Litvinov funds did so many Ukrainians die in the name of foreign aid. And now Ukraines comedian needs to enlist 18 year old men because they got no cause but the US cause. To fight for a cause is what the US lacks. Without a just cause, there can be no morale to fight let alone defeat an enemy. There will come a time when those who wish to fight will have to fight their own wars because those who seek peace will put down their arms.

  6. On the subject of exposure. Somehow it seems like people are not talking and sharing amongst each other. It is on a daily basis that I remind people that we were not colonized and we are not working towards sovereignty because we never lost it. Frustrating sometimes. I would like to see more reporters being interested in this subject.

    • Yep. Unfortunately most tune-in to lame-stream-media that’s seemingly still globalist owned. Hence, NO meaningful reports on things that would REALLY MATTER to locals.

  7. I really would like to know what is the current debt of the bonds floated by the Council and who are the largest shareholders. The fact that many governments are in debt today prove that we, and all populations, must be aware of and curb government spending if not monetary reform. To succeed our people must know their governments debts as well as the origins and development of the modern global financial system because the last check and balance on a government is it’s people for whom their common welfare government was created for.
    The Tower of Basel is the eye of Sauron and the high levels of sovereign debt is the greatest threat on not just the global economy but every nations economy including ours. Although the Kraken is going protectionist so much so that even the G7 is gonna get clobbered in 2025, all nations and sovereigns are subject to BIS. It behooves us to know the economic warfare going on given the current chip, trade, and currency wars waged on all the nations of earth in light of our reawakening.

  8. The annual ritual of US government shutdown and American tradition of kabuki theatre is a reminder that the US government will default on their debt to the money trust!

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