ITS OFFICIAL: England’s Oxford University Press publication of “Unconquered States” makes the American Occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom the Longest in Modern History

Oxford University Press (OUP) has made it official that the American occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom is the longest occupation in modern history that began in 1893. It was previously thought that the longest occupation in modern history was the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem that began in 1967.

The significance of OUP’s publication of Unconquered States: Non-European Powers in the Imperial Age, with a chapter written by Dr. Keanu Sai titled “Hawai‘i’s Sovereignty and Survival in the Age of Empire” is that Hawai‘i was never the 50th State of the American Union but rather an occupied State under international law with its rights and obligations intact despite the prolonged nature of the occupation. What was defeated or overthrown, albeit illegally, was the government of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1893, and not the Hawaiian Kingdom as a State, which is also referred to as the country.

Dr. Sai’s chapter reconnects the Hawaiian Kingdom to Great Britain, not the United States, when it became a British Protectorate in 1794 under the reign of King Kamehameha I. In 1843, Great Britain recognized the Hawaiian Kingdom as a sovereign and independent State, which ushered in the Hawaiian Kingdom into the Family of Nations. Dr. Sai then explains the connection to the United States by an invasion of U.S. Marines on January 16, 1893, which led to the unlawful overthrow of the Hawaiian government and its unlawful seizure of the Hawaiian Islands during the Spanish-American War in 1898. To be conquered is for the Hawaiian Kingdom to have transferred its sovereignty and territory to the United States by a treaty of cession.

There is no such treaty that exists except for the unlawful imposition of American laws, which is the war crime of usurpation of sovereignty during military occupation. Dr. Sai explains under international law why the Hawaiian Kingdom continues to exist as an occupied State under international law, which the Permanent Court of Arbitration acknowledged in 1999, in Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom. The PCA not only acknowledged the Hawaiian Kingdom’s continuity as a State, but also recognized the Council of Regency as its provisional government during the occupation.

Dr. Sai was one of 23 academic scholars from around the world that was invited to write a chapter on a non-European State that was not conquered under international law. If Dr. Sai’s chapter had no historical or legal basis, OUP would not have allowed the chapter to be published. This is a cornerstone of academic research where a scholar does not argue a position in their research, but rather provides historical and legal evidence that cannot be refuted. In this sense, the scholar is subject to a scientific approach where a scholar’s findings and conclusions are open for rebuttal by other scholars who serve as reviewers. This is called peer review in the academic world where opinions have no place. OUP states in the book, “Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.”

Only when the American occupation is recognized worldwide can the occupation come to an end by a treaty of peace. OUP is added leverage to bring compliance to the law of occupation or the criminal culpability that ensues if the State of Hawai‘i is not transformed into a Military Government to administer the laws of the occupied Hawaiian Kingdom.

14 thoughts on “ITS OFFICIAL: England’s Oxford University Press publication of “Unconquered States” makes the American Occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom the Longest in Modern History

  1. As an Ali’i Kanaka Maoli descendent… This is all “fine and dandy” but… my question is…

    Why isn’t this on every news agency Nationally and Internationally?…

    “It’s dead silent” out there…. In other words… ZERO attention being applied to this Truth. Why?!…

    Help me understand?!…

    • “TRUTH” has been censored about everything, forever.. .Cabal globalists OWN all the media pushing THEIR propaganda while covert global military operations continued to TAKE THEM DOWN. Watch “Monopoly Who Owns The World” a documentary by Tim Gielen for insights. It’s free on many platforms. Essentially the dark global “Military Industrial Complex” et al are finally getting taken down– a HUGE undertaking. Dr. Sai has gotten us IN PERFECT POSITION to transition yet other global events must fall into place first. Tick Tock. Whew!

    • “As an ali’i kanaka maoli descendent”?!?! 🤔🤔🤔… I’ve yet to meet a kanaka maoli who ISNT descended from one ali’i or another, it’s extremely common, yet the rest of us don’t feel the need to start comments out announcing that fact about us.

      “Fine and dandy”?!?! … that comes off as being massively condescending and dismissive of Regent Sai’s tireless efforts to end the occupation. Since you appear to find his efforts lacking, what have YOU done to free the Hawaiian Kingdom and its people from the American regimes illegal occupation 🤔?!

  2. GLAD to see a post from you Dr. Sai! Was hoping you’d drop something on Day 30 after your last post– showing you’re AOK! And ta-dah! Day 30 you DID!
    Most of us here on this site KNOW you’ve left NO stone unturned, and have set up ‘next steps’ strategic plans too with military precision. CLEARLY your LIFE experiences prepared you well for this lengthy battle of wits in law and history! What an EPIC TALE/ moʻolelo that will likely outlive us all!
    MAHALO COUNCIL OF REGENCY & all those that have contributed their good faith efforts over the decades– and before! What an AMAZING generational tapa that has been in-the-making!
    Let’s hope before/on FRIDAY January 17th, 2025 (the overthrow of the HK government anniversary), there WILL BE JUSTICE! Wouldn’t that be EPICl!
    Aloha ‘oe!

    • btw
      1. January 17 marks significant astronomical alignments this year, such as the conjunction of Venus and Saturn.
      2. The number 17 also symbolizes VICTORY.
      3. Many countries, especially Iraq, are reevaluating their currency soon while severing ties with their Cabal private “central banks” (Fed Reserve equivalent). This WILL bring MUCH JOY from debt slavery to MANY!
      4. Recall Keanu mentioning that his aha moment about Hawaii being under a puppet government came while serving in the MiddleEast– Iraq? So it appears that his journey HAS made a COMPLETE circle of sorts! Pretty nifty!

  3. Thank you Dr. Sai and the Council of Regency for all you do. I look forward to receiving updates regarding the Hawaiian Kingdom with great anticipation. Our people are suffering so much injustice caused by the illegal State government. I hope I’ll still be alive to see the day the Hawaiian Kingdom is restored and justice prevails.

  4. Regent Sai,
    Mahalo nui for all that you do for the Kingdom and its people. This is another step in the right direction. You WILL end this illegal occupation & you honor your ancestors and fellow Hawaiians with your hard work and dedication.

  5. I need to get this book. Get more educated. It needs to really go viral in Hawaii as well as the mainland. People need to educate themselves on this topic. So when the come to Hawaii they understand.

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