The War Report: 2013 Will Note Hawai‘i’s Occupation

The next publication of The War Report: 2013 is schedule to be released by Oxford Press on December 6, 2014. The War Report: 2013 is the second in a series of annual reports that will give an overview of armed conflicts and occupations for that particular year, and is designed as a resource for those working in the field, governments, policy-makers, journalists and the United Nations.

For the year 2012, The War Report reported 37 armed conflicts on the territory of 24 states; of the 38 only one was an active international armed conflict, between South Sudan and Sudan. Also reported were 9 “belligerent occupations”, which fall under laws governing international armed conflicts. These occupations included the occupation of Azerbaijan by Armenia; Cyprus by Turkey; Eritrea by Ethiopia; Georgia by Russia; Lebanon by Israel; Moldova by Russia; Palestine by Israel; Syria by Israel; and Western Sahara by Morocco. Each of the occupations reported have the following headings: Classification of the Conflict; Summary of Applicable International Law; History of the Conflict; Parties to the Conflict; Casualties; Displacement; and War Crimes Allegations, Investigations, and Prosecutions.

The reported, “The long-term trend from officially declared wars between sovereign states to armed conflicts inside states and territories has important implications for international justice,” says Dr. Stuart Casey-Maslen, editor of The War Report. “Without a clearer legal basis for what constitutes an armed conflict under international law, accused perpetrators of war crimes will not be prosecuted.”

“The classification of an armed conflict under international law is an objective legal test and not a decision left to national governments or any international body, not even the UN Security Council,” says Andrew Clapham, Director of the Academy and Graduate Institute Professor in International Law.

“It is not always clear when a situation is an armed conflict, and hence when war crimes can be punished,” added Professor Clapham. “The War Report aims to change this and bring greater accountability for criminal acts perpetuated in armed conflicts.”

On May 24, 2014, Dr. Maslen notified Dr. Keanu Sai by email that Hawai‘i would be noted in the next publication of The War Report: 2013. When Dr. Sai met with Dr. Maslen at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law’s office in Geneva on March 26, 2014, the staff of the War Report was already in their final stages of editing the reported armed conflicts and occupations for the year 2013 before submitting the manuscript to Oxford Press. Dr. Sai sought to have Hawai‘i included, but realized at the meeting it was too late for this edition.

At the meeting, Dr. Sai presented a power point presentation on the history of the Hawaiian Kingdom and how it came under an illegal and prolonged occupation. Dr. Maslen was also provided with information and evidence of the occupation. In March, Dr. Maslen assured Dr. Sai that a decision would be made and if it has been determined that Hawai‘i is occupied according to the Academy’s criteria it will be listed on its website Rule of Law in Armed Conflicts in June. The website provides monthly updates on armed conflicts and occupations and is currently under construction, but was scheduled to be completed by June. Dr. Maslen also told Dr. Sai in the email that the website will be completed at the end of July instead of June as previously thought.

It would appear that the information on Hawai‘i’s occupation is what prompted Dr. Maslen to note Hawai‘i’s occupation in the publication of The War Report: 2013. Dr. Sai was very thankful to Dr. Maslen and his staff for the last minute notation, and he has been told that the Geneva Academy will be monitoring the developments in Hawai‘i for inclusion in the next publication, which will be released in December 2015.  

37 thoughts on “The War Report: 2013 Will Note Hawai‘i’s Occupation

  1. It’s official!! The Hawaiian Kingdom has been recognized by yet another international entity!! History is being made, we are witnessing the beginnings of the restoration of the government of the Hawaiian Kingdom!

  2. Smiling. Sending to Secretary of State John Kerry to assist him in answering the questions that CEO Kamana’opono Crabbe sent him.

  3. I got noticed by a friend in Australia that they had signed petition recognizing the sovereign nationhood of Hawaii. Blessed her and pray there will be many many more signers.

  4. Mahalo nui loa for these collaborations at the international level. Efforts needed to bring attention to the proper people as to the truth about the prolonged and illegal occupation.. great work.

  5. Mahalo Dr. Sai, Acting Hawaiian Kingdom Gov’t. and fellow countrymen/women who support these efforts to end our occupation. Now, no country can deny our occupation and the presumption of continuity of the Hawaiian Nation state. Mahalo Ke Akua
    Imua Imua e Lanaki’la

  6. OHA was and will never be for the people. This entity was created by Waihee, the Governor and other officials and it’s fully controlled by the STATE. Now lets shut it down and have the people create their own Trustee Organization starting with some good, honest and trust worthy trustees. The name OHA should be buried and gone. Have the people come up with a new name.

    Mahalo to Dr. Keanu Sai, Dexter Kaiama and all the others that helped to make this happen.

    • Perhaps replace acronyms DHHL & OHA with HHH Hawaii Housing & Humanities – transfering all responsibilities and duties back to a Ministry, versus Department. That’s after we place the Hawaiian Ha’e back to its rightful place, and lower the USA flag forever from public places.

    • Don’t worry about OHA and all their rubbish! (Of course I praise the few trustees, including Dr. Crabbe, for their understanding of this information) Because no matter what OHA does or what the U.S. or State of Hawaii governments do, in the end it’s all invalid. Hawaii is occupied. A country’s laws cannot go beyond its boarders and into foreign territory. Its a violation of International Law. All the laws passed here by State of Hawaii and the U.S. Government is all invalid, void, and illegal!

      • Of course, they BETTER be careful what they do because their actions could lead to War Crimes and just like the Nazi’s in Nuremberg who committed War Crimes, there is gonna be no mercy if they are guilty!

        And just saying, “I was doing my job” or “I was just following orders” will pretty much not save them either! Especially if they knew this information and knowingly committed War Crimes!

        • I totally agree with you. It’s like watching the City Council on TV, when they’re voting and say “In Reservation” its another way of saying YES! They will still be held responsible for making a common sense decision.

  7. Does this mean that judges will be more considerate of the possibility of being held accountable for war crimes? When is the next court decision for a case that includes eviction and an imperfect title? (Laulima) Or any other case that chooses to say that a military tribunal is the proper venue. Anyone know? That will be interesting!

    • Noelani, Dr. Sai is schedule to testify in Hilo Circuit Court this Friday May 30, 2014. This is in regard to the foreclosure’s that Laulima Title is fighting for individual’s on Hawaii Island. We should hear something in the news on Friday or see a post on this blog soon after.

        • Aloha Noelani,

          I just wanted to give you an update, the hearing Dr. Sai was scheduled to testify in Hilo today May 30, 2014, it was rescheduled for July. I’m not sure what the specific date is, but if I hear something I’ll post it.

  8. Ooh! Here we go! I wonder if I can get myself a copy from Oxford Press so I can carry it around with me and flash it into people’s faces showing proof that Hawaii is occupied by the U.S. (At least in a good-starting way to try to get them to ask the right questions). Very good news!

    Also I cannot wait for Switzerland to become Hawaii’s Protecting Power (Article 9 of the IV Geneva Convention)! When that happens, oh, brahdda–that sounds like the beginning of the end for this occupation right there! The world’s first country to formally no longer recognize America’s presence in Hawaii–That would no doubt ask some questions in people’s uneducated minds!

  9. As the Laulima West Hawaii Affiliate, I was a part of this journey along with Dr. Sai, attorney Dexter Kaiama, CEO Kale Gumapac, Nanci Munroe (East Hawaii Affiliate) and several others from when Laulima Title Search & Claims was first created to assist people with their foreclosures and defected titles to their properties. In the beginning many people doubted us, but due to Dr. Sai’s research and the irrefutable evidence he assembled we continued to holomua because we believed in our na’au that it was the right thing to do.

    As I sit here typing this my eyes are filled with tears as I look back at the struggles we have been through, the names that we have been called and the obstacles that were placed before us. I look back to our clients who placed their trust in us to protect them and their homes from the loan sharks who were selling everyone properties with defected titles and simply relying on the illegal courts to evict them just as they have been doing throughout these islands for many years. I look back to our Queen who used the Executive Agreements and law to protect her people and her Kingdom, to our kupuna who signed the Ku’e Petition refusing to be a part of the illegal occupiers and to our makua, like my own mother and father, who believed that one day the truth would be revealed.

    For as Kamehameha had stated before a battle in 1790: “Imua , imua e na poki’i a inu i ka wai awa’awa a ohe hope e hoi mai ai”……”Move forward young bothers and drink of the bitter waters for there is no turning back”!!!

    We refused to turn back and the day has come for us to move forward and drink of the sweet water of……INDEPENDENCE!!!

    Yes, mahalo to Dr. Keanu Sai, attorney Dexter Kaiama, Laulima CEO Kale Gumapac, Nanci, our fellow Laulima Ohana, our fellow Acting Hawaiian Kingdom Government Ohana and to all of you who have assisted and supported us and most of all mahalo Ke Akua for watching over us as we holomua into the next phase of our AWESOME AWESOME journey.

    As my daughter had stated to me on the day I obtained custody of her she said: “Dad, my tears are tears of joy”!!! And so are mine…….

    • Aloha Dutchy,
      I commend each and everyone that has brought our Hawaiian Kingdom to place of “TRUTH” that cannot be denied. Looking at my past I see my tutus smiling and I can say I got it!…You are Kanaka! My tears are for the past, present & future…….Mahalo………..Mahalo……..Mahalo nui Loa!

  10. I am a proud Hawaiian today and give thanks to Ke Akua for bringing Dr. Keanu Sai and everyone who has help our Hawaiian people. I cry as I write this because my great grandfather John Henry wise went to prison for treason for helping Prince Kuhio hide our Queen in Iolani Palace when our Hawaii was being overthrowned. Mahalo Nui to all.

  11. Well the site is up and we are not on it. I typed Hawaii in the search bar and nothing came up. I guess this thing is not a go. I really had hope in this. I guess the war crimes and lies are going to continue here in HAWAII. Is all lost? The DOI is trying everything to legitimize the stealing of the AINA even though majority said AOLE there still pushing the issue. Something needs to happen soon or HAWAII will really be the 50th state.

    • Kealii, my friend, educate yourself. Know your rights, not the rights America says you have, but the right granted under the Hawaiian Kingdom Constitution of 1864 and the rights of a protected person under the international laws of occupation. Once you understand this you begin to take this illegal system apart. Do not take it apart to be malicious, take it apart because it is illegal. Education is key. Share it with everyone.

      • Aloha Tim I understand that we are occupied and know about protected persons etc etc. I have grown up being part of this movement from when I was a keiki kane. My family was involved from the days of Kahoolawe and before until now. One of my anakala was one of the last to be captured from Kahoolawe when they did the occupation to stop the bombing so it’s not like I don’t know what’s going on. I know that anything that america does is illegal here but knowing that you cannot trust them do you really think they wouldn’t try some sneaky tactics to legitimize the stealing of the AINA they have already started it. Why would they take testimony on the us continent also? That does not make sense. I just hope the Swiss get involved and becomes our protecting power. It will take something like that for people to start paying attention. I’ve read people on this blog saying and i quote “We don’t need a protecting power”. Uh yes we do we have tried for 121 years does it look like we are getting any ware on our own NO. I just hope things pick up soon. Aloha

          • My hope is that everything stops …….all development like the Kakaako 50 condo development by the Howard Hughes Corp, the housing development on best ag land on Oahu, and any real estate land developments, etc, immigration, foreclosures, military war exercises, and that the US be held financially responsible with punitive damages thrown in for good measure…..that should get their attention.

  12. Maika’i hopefully the RULAC website will post something soon also. Ordering my copy now. Mahalo AHKG for all the hard work you are doing. IMUA KO HAWAII PAE AINA!!!

  13. Aloha Tim, a friend ordered his copy of the 2013 War Report. According to him the person he spoke with while placing the order told him Hawaii is mentioned in the report. However, since they were provided Hawaii’s info while the report was already in the printing stage It will not have a full detailed report like the others. Updates with a full report on Hawaii would be available later on their website.

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