The Hawaiian Finger Trap and the State of Hawai‘i

The Chinese finger trap, which is a woven cylinder, is when a person puts their index fingers in both ends of the cylinder and try to pull their fingers out, the weave of the cylinder tightens around the fingers. The trap is in the way in which the material is woven. And so we have the Hawaiian finger trap that State of Hawai‘i Attorney General Anne Lopez finds herself in when Senator Cross Makani Crabbe wrote a formal letter requesting for a legal opinion about the State of Hawai‘i and its lawful status within the Hawaiian Kingdom.

The weave of the Hawaiian finger trap is made of years of historical facts interwoven with international law since the Hawaiian Kingdom became a sovereign and independent State on November 28, 1843, and, thereby, becoming a member of the Family of Nations. The United States followed by recognizing Hawaiian independence on July 6, 1844. By 1893, the Hawaiian Kingdom had twenty-seven treaties with other countries, four of these treaties is with the United States.

The Hawaiian Kingdom maintained diplomatic representatives and consulates accredited to other countries. Hawaiian Legations were established in Washington, D.C., London, Paris, Lima, Valparaiso, and Tokyo, while diplomatic representatives and consulates accredited to the Hawaiian Kingdom were from the United States, Portugal, Great Britain, France, and Japan. There were two Hawaiian consulates in Mexico; one in Guatemala; two in Peru; one in Chile; one in Uruguay; thirty-three in Great Britain and her colonies; five in France and her colonies; five in Germany; one in Austria; ten in Spain and her colonies; five in Portugal and her colonies; three in Italy; two in the Netherlands; four in Belgium; four in Sweden and Norway; one in Denmark; one in Japan; and eight in the United States. Foreign Consulates in the Hawaiian Kingdom were from the United States, Italy, Chile, Germany, Sweden and Norway, Denmark, Peru, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Austria and Hungary, Russia, Great Britain, Mexico, Japan, and China.

Unlike other non-European States, the Hawaiian Kingdom, as a recognized neutral State, enjoyed equal treaties with European powers, including the United States, and full independence of its laws over its territory. In his speech at the opening of the 1855 Hawaiian Legislature, King Kamehameha IV, reported, “It is gratifying to me, on commencing my reign, to be able to inform you, that my relations with all the great Powers, between whom and myself exist treaties of amity, are of the most satisfactory nature. I have received from all of them, assurances that leave no room to doubt that my rights and sovereignty will be respected.”

In its 2001 arbitral award in Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom, the Tribunal at the Permanent Court of Arbitration (“PCA”) acknowledged this when it stated, “in the nineteenth century the Hawaiian Kingdom existed as an independent State recognized as such by the United States of America, the United Kingdom and various other States, including by exchanges of diplomatic or consular representatives and the conclusion of treaties.”

Independent States are protected by international law, which is why States are the benefactors of international law. Unlike laws within countries like the United States where the source of law is a legislature, on the international plane there is no legislative body that enacts international law. Instead, the sources of international law are customary law, treaties, principles of law, judicial decisions, and scholarly articles written by experts in international law. A common misunderstanding is that the United Nations General Assembly creates international laws. It does not. It only enacts resolutions or position statements that may include international law.

Under international law, there is a presumption that the State continues to exist even though its government was militarily overthrown. Because there is a presumption, not an assumption, that the Hawaiian Kingdom continues to exist under international law despite the United States overthrow of the Hawaiian government, the Attorney General would have to provide rebuttable evidence that there is no application of the principle of presumption because the Hawaiian Kingdom was extinguished under international law by a treaty of cession where the Hawaiian Kingdom ceded its sovereignty and territory to the United States. There is no such treaty except for American laws being imposed in the territory of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Because the Hawaiian Kingdom exists, the State of Hawai‘i cannot lawfully exist within Hawaiian territory. The Hawaiian finger trap.

So the question the Attorney General has to answer is in light of the two legal opinions that conclude the Hawaiian Kingdom continues to exist under international law, is the State of Hawai‘i within the territory of the United States or is it within the territory of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Like the presumption of innocence, the accused does not have to prove their innocence, rather the prosecution must prove with evidence beyond all reasonable doubt that the person is not innocent. What also sets the foundation is that because Professor Craven and Professor Lenzerini are scholars in international law, their legal opinions that Senator Crabbe included in his letter to the Attorney General are a part of international law.

The premise is that the State of Hawai‘i exists within the territory of the Hawaiian Kingdom until she can provide evidence beyond all reasonable doubt, a treaty, that the State of Hawai‘i is within the United States. Her silence answers the question that the State of Hawai‘i is in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Her legal opinion will say the same thing.

Her silence actually works against the State of Hawai‘i because under international law there is the principle of acquiescence. According to Professor Antunes, acquiescence “concerns a consent tacitly conveyed by a State, unilaterally, through silence or inaction, in circumstances such that a response expressing disagreement or objection in relation to the conduct of another State would be called for.” Silence conveys consent. Qui tacet consentire videtur si loqui debuisset ac potuisset.

9 thoughts on “The Hawaiian Finger Trap and the State of Hawai‘i

  1. The trappings come with the territory!
    “A hiki mai ke Aloha, ae pono mai ana, ka mole ke aa o ka aina, ke kaheka kai kapu a Kane.”
    – Ka Wai Apo Lani; Liliuokalani

    • E kala mai…correction.
      “A hiki mai ke Aloha, a e pono mai ana, ke kaheka kai kapu a Kane, ka mole ke aa o ka aina.”
      – Ka Wai a Polani; Queen Liliuokalani

      • Oh, you mean the AG! Ha! The laugh’s on me!

        SURE she knew ‘it’ was coming, since Dr. Sai KEPT asking in his letters for the military to GET a determination from her. Leave it up to a NEWLY appointed legislator to ask the Q! The ol’ boys club hadn’t time to indoctrinate him yet!

    • Meaning of what Lopaka wrote?
      “A hiki mai ke Aloha, a e pono mai ana, ke kaheka kai kapu a Kane, ka mole ke aa o ka aina”

      Here’s a translation:
      “The love (Aloha) has arrived, and all is in harmony (pono), as the sacred boundary (kaheka kai kapu) of Kane, the god of creation, encircles the land (ka aina).”

      It’s calling upon the power of Aloha & the harmony it brings, while acknowledging the sacred boundaries set by Kane (man) to protect the land and its inhabitants.

      Seems that our sweet Lilioukalani’s prayer is FINALLY getting answered! Not with spears, but with words! 🙂

  2. Excellent mental visual– always have a few of those Chinese finger traps laying around! 🙂
    Great overview, and EXCELLENT Island News short segment tonight too with Davey D and Lina Girl, Keanu! HOPE those continue since that’s seems to be the way to get most locals to ‘tune in’ via their TV.
    I did add a comment of WHERE to find more information (w/o any active links) YET that was quickly taken down. So it seems there’s still a level of info CONTROL. Drats. Yet better than nothin’!
    Here’s the link

  3. Awesome and exciting news! Thank you Lord Almighty for guiding all those devoted in breaking the chains of mental, physical, and spritually imprisonment of greed. Many, many prayers bring us forward to this time in history. Patience, awareness, dilegence with much prayers are in the ongoing process to freedom. Amen

    • Amen Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono which mean “The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness. That is prophetic by King Kamehameha III. America, and the Japanese immigrants (who has been running the State of Hawaii) couldnt live up to righteousness. They covet the Hawaiian Kingdom. Aole evil has a shelf life.

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