5 thoughts on “Dr. Keanu Sai does a Second Interview on Keep It Aloha Podcast

  1. EXCELLENT 2nd interview– and look forward to more! Their audience & social media reach fabulously s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s exposure to our current issues– i.e. WHY is there division between various Hawaiian ‘kanaka’ groups. Dr. Sai, as always, explains in simple, non-combative points backed by EVIDENCE in efforts to pull folks TOGETHER– what a gift!

    What’s QUITE interesting, is how the UHM Hawaiian Studies Program appears compromised, and maybe nepotism has also led to staff ’emotionally teaching’ outside of their credentialed areas? WHY is their Hawaiian Studies Program resisting “moving forward” on something so historically significant as REAL political FREEDOM from tyranny?

    I recall when I attended UHM, kanakas had been convinced Hawaii had been “colonized”, and therefore the best route would be to gain “indigenous rights” UNDER the US FED gov like other Native American groups. NOW WE KNOW BETTER! So, WHY SETTLE for less when ALL the EVIDENCE per law & orders SHOWS that the Hawaiian Kingdom NEVER CEASED TO BE, and one’s ENTIRE COUNTRY CAN BE FULLY REINSTATED after OCCUPATION ends?

    Worse, WHY would ANY kanaka in ‘academic circles’ be angry at Dr. Sai for DISCOVERING & FIGHTING for all that for decades? Makes NO sense! Therefore, maybe the intent of the UHM program SHOULD be scrutinized for their (lack of) academic rigor on the topic? Because anything LESS than vetted FACTS & primary sources to form an ‘opinion’ may show infiltration, with a nod of allegiance to our occupiers instead. Let’s HOPE not. :-0

    I remain thankful for my continued education on our NEW TRUTHS that surface at a quickening pace that can no longer be stopped. IMUA! <3

  2. Love the questions and answers.

    I would like to see the Hawaiian Kingdom government run and control the resorts as this can be how the government educates the visitors and control tourist visas. They could even put in a Hawaiian History Museum to learn about how Hawaii.was.never part of United States. And then as the resort is ran by the government, then all Hawaiian subjects would have access to the resorts and this would repair how much of the resort industry left Hawaiian subjects from access to their own beauty.

    I also figured Hawaiian Kingdom would have work visas or migrant workers like they had when they went to other nations to invite workers to come over. It seems any haoles can apply for work visas but their current property would clearly not be available for them to keep as Hawaiian subjects would get priority.

    But all these questions are.like putting the cart before the horse. Treaty of peace and restitution would need to be established first.

  3. Another US ambassador screws up but this time in Honduras. First was in Mexico, now in Honduras and on the heels of seizing Maduro’s plane. No US Honduras extradition treaty anymore though, things are certainly changing. The BLOB gets another smack for meddling in others internal affairs.

  4. It’s some information like this that annoys me e.g. ‘ignorance is our enemy’ ‘It’s not the American government.’ etc. It’s just weird. Dr. Sai said it himself there’s many ways of fighting e.g. Kahahana and Kahekili. What’s all the worry about? Don’t suppress the people’s desire and right to participate in politics. They can help the fight by raising awareness etc. Whether the people do it with you or without you It’s our right. This is the reason I comment in here voicing my frustration rather than showing support. I been feeling like the regency has been pounding information and opinions in our heads like the quote above which I find a bit misleading. I would’ve been satisfied had they also mentioned the enemy which is the United States of America. I’m sure it’s America who occupies our country. I’m trying not to come off as an enemy to the regency and give them a hard time, but they’ve been dictating a lot recently and that’s just the impression I’m getting from them. Not listening to the people is just one of the tell tall signs of dictatorship.

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