The duty to transform the State of Hawai‘i into a Military Government of Hawai‘i was thought to be Lieutenant Colonel Michael Rosner who was the most senior officer in the Hawai‘i Army National Guard as a consequence of the war crime by omission committed by Major General Kenneth Hara—War Criminal Report no. 24-0001, and down the chain of command, by Brigadier General Stephen Logan—War Criminal Report no. 24-0002, Colonel Wesley Kawakami—War Criminal Report no. 24-0003, Lieutenant Colonel Fredrick Werner—War Criminal Report no. 24-0004, Lieutenant Colonel Bingham Tuisamatatele, Jr.—War Criminal Report no. 24-0005, Lieutenant Colonel Joshua Jacobs—War Criminal Report no. 24-0006, and Lieutenant Colonel Dale Balsis—War Criminal Report no. 24-0007.
The Royal Commission of Inquiry was recently made aware that there was a change of command ceremony on September 7, 2024, with Brigadier General Tyson Tahara becoming commander of the Hawai‘i Army National Guard. The previous commander was Brigadier General Stephen Logan who was serving as both the Deputy Adjutant General under MG Hara as well as commander of the Hawai‘i Army National Guard. The change of command occurred because BG Logan took command as the Adjutant General after MG Hara retired in October.
Today, the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) notified, by letter, BG Tahara of his duty to establish a Military Government of Hawai‘i by November 28, 2024, or become the subject of a war criminal report for the war crime by omission under the Army doctrine of command responsibility for war crimes. Because BG Logan committed the war crime by omission, the RCI stated to BG Tahara that he needs to immediately request of Lieutenant Colonel Phelps, who is the Staff Judge Advocate for the Hawai‘i Army National Guard, answers to the following two questions.
First question: Do I have a duty to assume command as Adjutant General under Army Regulation 600-20, paragraph 2-11? If yes, then go to the second question. If no, give me a legal reason why I do not have this duty.
Second question: Do I have a duty to establish a military government Under DOD Directive 5100.1, U.S. Army Field Manual 6-27—chapter 6, and the law of occupation? If yes, then begin the mission of transforming the State of Hawai‘i into a military government by November 28, 2024. If no, give me a legal reason why I do not have this duty.
In the age of reason, from France to America to Hawaii! Who would’ve thought that the Jewish revolution in France would have such an impact on Hawaii today, let alone America’s founders. Gotta love logic and history!
Excellent to know!
The truth shall set us free. Thank you Jesus!
With the ICC warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant, individuals must hold themselves accountable to the highest standards of international law. Like Biden and Trump, Schatz and Hirono are also on the lele. Let’s go Tahara!
I hope the news about the International Criminal Court at The Hague, issuing arrest warrants for Mr. Netanyahu, for war crimes is making Josh Green and all the others that have committed war crimes think really hard. I hope it keeps them up at night.
The west divides themselves as some American senators want to sanction countries supporting the ICC and invoke the “Hague Invasion Act” while others want to ensure US foreign policy and transactions comply with international humanitarian law. With the UN Special Committee on Gaza report and the global acknowledgment of Israel’s genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, the US may very well be next (Sen. Graham statement).
The US going protectionist in 2025 may very well be the end of the road for these rogue regimes because they already “fundamentally reject” the rule of international humanitarian law and actively tried to discredit the ICC. With more than 180 countries voting against Israel’s actions and US sanctions on Cuba, the fact that many Pacific countries sided with the US needs more attention.
…sided with US on UN cease fire needs more attention.
Tick Tock! Countdown to less than a week now. . . Meanwhile fraud Circuit Court continues to ignore any threat to their unlawful seizures.😖 #lawfare
Appreciate your ongoing informative posts, Dr. Sai. Have learned so much in the process, which has triggered yet more research for innerstanding. IMUA!
Dr. Sai, are you aware that Kamala flew into Kona on Tuesday (11/19), and will fly out on Monday (11/25)? The odd thing is media reported as a vacation — the week before the holiday? Also, she’s staying at the Mauna Lani hotel where they have meeting/conference rooms. Vacations are usually in more remote or secluded lodging.
5 days prior to her arrival (11/14), I counted 12 military plane fly-overs from Pohakuloa to Hilo airport. This occurred every 5 minutes from 12:00-13:00, and was followed by military helicopters at sporadic intervals. I thought it was u.s. gearing up for a false flag “WW3” to keep this u.s. administration in office, with Kamala as the figurehead after Biden is deemed incapacitated, and decrease the population simultaneously.
But why would Kamala come here, at this point in time? It appears that they are meeting with military personnel with regard to their occupation dilemma. This is reminiscent of the build up to the military attack on Maui. It occurred 60-days following the announcement from families with proper claim to Lahaina and Makawao that they would be reclaiming their land. If you recall, Josh Green penned emergency proclamations 3 weeks prior to the emergency (must be psychic [eye roll]). In the proclamations was a ban on land reclamation!
Be hyper vigilant for your and your loved ones lives and safety. When the criminal syndicate gathers, nothing good comes from it.
Aloha Kehaulani,
Would you (or anyone reading this) mind sharing links or any information regarding “It occurred 60-days following the announcement from families with proper claim to Lahaina and Makawao that they would be reclaiming their land.” please. By people with “proper claim” do you mean māhele awardees?
Also what proclamation by Josh Greed are you referring to where he banned land reclamation? Is that referring to māhele claimants attempting to reclaim land?
Mahalo for your time.
Just listened to discussion from 2023 that included a local gent & Juan O Savin (who appears to be part of the ‘white hat’ movement & IS here OFTEN– maybe now) that stated that Hawaii HAS BEEN essentially taken over by 3 letter agencies and their minions, used as a training & test ground for their dirty works to use elsewhere– for a VERY LONG TIME. Essentially confirming Green et al are planted, ruling by their faux Executive Orders. [He also details a testimonial by a subcontracted Maui FEMA worker.]
ALSO wanted to mention that Mauna Kea Observatory public web cam caught a hovering UAP craft, rectangular shape that was approached by a vehicle and a few people. (can find that on YT GinaMariaColvinHill’s MaunaKea Observatory playlist)
Then yesterday, the SAME black, rectangular craft was filmed elsewhere traveling at the 30,000 elevation level reported on YT Thirdphaseofmoon
[I clipped the video here to jump to that segment]
Hence, the battles of the Hawaiian Kingdom seem to go WELL BEYOND just battling the ‘cabal US’. Ultimate freedom also necessitates the careful removal of the cabal intelligence agencies & it seems the aerospace industrial complexes too! I’m guessing once US is clearly restored as a REPUBLIC again, then HK can piggyback on that victory for our own freedom too.
So very thankful that Dr. Sai et al have been kept SAFE these past decades!
<3 IMUA!
fyi Just listened to discussion from 2023 that included a local gent & Juan O Savin (who appears to be part of the ‘white hat’ movement & IS here OFTEN– maybe now) that stated that Hawaii HAS BEEN essentially taken over by 3 letter agencies & their minions, used as a training & test ground for their dirty works to use elsewhere– for a VERY LONG TIME. Essentially confirming Green et al are plants, ruling by their faux Executive Orders. [He also details a testimonial by a subcontracted Maui FEMA worker.]
Search RUMBLE juan-o-savin-maui-and-a-history-lesson-patriot-party-news on 9-30-2023
ALSO wanted to mention that Mauna Kea Observatory public web cam caught a hovering UAP craft, rectangular shape that was approached by a vehicle and a few people. (on YT GinaMariaColvinHill’s MaunaKea Observatory playlist dated 11/2/22
Then yesterday, the SAME black, rectangular craft was filmed elsewhere traveling at the 30,000 elevation level reported on YT Thirdphaseofmoon on 11/23/24 from around the 10 min. mark
Hence, the battles of the Hawaiian Kingdom seem to go WELL BEYOND just battling the ‘cabal US’. Ultimate freedom also necessitates the careful removal of the cabal intelligence agencies & it seems the aerospace industrial complexes too! I’m guessing once US is clearly restored as a REPUBLIC again, then HK can piggyback on that victory for our own freedom too.
Thankful that Dr. Sai et al have been kept SAFE these past decades! 💗 IMUA!
What a masterstroke by the US sanctioning Gazprom! When reigning in European manufacturing, energy is where it’s at. Winter is near, and Europe is feeling the cold LNG chills of US sanctions.
Given Shanghai’s new pipeline from Russia is almost complete and another 20 million metric tons is on soon to be online, China will have lower energy costs by the new year. And with a scale to topple the next 9 countries on GDP, 2025 will be a trade war between the top consumer and producer economies. If China can catch up on technology and if we are to look at patent applications only, China is dominating the board holding nearly 90% of all patents applied for in the last year. Just look at their microchip technology advances.
Meanwhile, proxies will benefit from being middlemen to European fears of indirect sanctions from transacting thru Swift with Gazprombank to fears of US retaliation or loss of Chinese imports, finance and/or trade infrastructure. So while the US has been blowing up their’s and their neighbors backyards, China is looking to establish long term relationships based on mutual benefit, national sovereignty, security, and cooperation with the Backyardigans. 2024 is going to be a doozy, hold on everyone!
If China can catch up, then America has only it’s Trump card to play, financial leverage and controls.
Silence about Brigadier General Tyson Tahara since November… Did Hawaiian Kingdom finally reach the Tippy Top? 😎