Today, January 6, 2025, Dr. Keanu Sai, as Head of the Royal Commission of Inquiry, sent a letter to Lieutenant Colonel Michael Rosner regarding the Army doctrine of command responsibility and his military duty to transform the State of Hawai‘i into a Military Government. Here is a link to the letter.
On January 1, 2025, the Royal Commission of Inquiry (“RCI”) published its War Criminal Report no. 25-0001 finding Brigadier General Tyson Y. Tahara, Commander Hawai‘i Army National Guard, guilty of the war crime by omission. BG Tahara willfully disobeyed an Army regulation, was willfully derelict in his duty to establish a military government, and failed to stop or prevent war crimes under the doctrine of command responsibility for war crimes committed against the civilian population by the imposition of American municipal laws and administrative measures. Therefore, his conduct, by omission, constitutes a war crime.
The term “guilty,” as used in the RCI war criminal reports, is defined as “[h]aving committed a crime or other breach of conduct; justly chargeable offense; responsible for a crime or tort or other offense or fault.” However, in a criminal prosecution, “guilty” is used by “an accused in pleading or otherwise answering to an indictment when he confesses to have committed the crime of which he is charged, and by the jury in convicting a person on trial for a particular crime.”
Since returning from the Permanent Court of Arbitration in December of 2000, the Council of Regency continued to expose the continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom as an occupied State according to the rules of international humanitarian law. In that sense, the Council of Regency was guided by paragraph 495—Remedies of Injured Belligerent, U.S. Army Field Manual 27-10, which states, “[i]n the event of violation of the law of war, the injured party may legally resort to remedial action of […]: a. Publication of the facts, with a view to influencing public opinion against the offending belligerent.”
The implementation of publishing these facts was initiated when I entered the political science graduate program at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. There, I earned a master’s degree specializing in international relations and public law, in 2004, and in 2008, a Ph.D. degree on the subject of the continuity of Hawaiian Statehood while under an American prolonged belligerent occupation since January 17, 1893. These efforts prompted other master’s theses, doctoral dissertations, peer review articles and publications about the American occupation.
Moreover, this exposure, through academic research, also inspired historian Tom Coffman to change the title of his 1998 book from Nation Within: The Story of America’s Annexation of the Nation of Hawai‘i, to Nation Within—The History of the American Occupation of Hawai‘i. Coffman explained the change in his note on the second edition:
I am compelled to add that the continued relevance of this book reflects a far-reaching political, moral and intellectual failure of the United States to recognize and deal with the takeover of Hawai‘i. In the book’s subtitle, the word Annexation has been replaced by the word Occupation, referring to America’s occupation of Hawai‘i. Where annexation connotes legality by mutual agreement, the act was not mutual and therefore not legal. Since by definition of international law there was no annexation, we are left then with the word occupation.
In making this change, I have embraced the logical conclusion of my research into the events of 1893 to 1898 in Honolulu and Washington, D.C. I am prompted to take this step by a growing body of historical work by a new generation of Native Hawaiian scholars. Dr. Keanu Sai writes, “The challenge for … the fields of political science, history, and law is to distinguish between the rule of law and the politics of power.” In the history of the Hawai‘i, the might of the United States does not make it right.
As a result of the publication of facts, United Nations Independent Expert, Dr. Alfred deZayas sent a communication, from Geneva, Switzerland, to Judge Gary W.B. Chang, Judge Jeannette H. Castagnetti, and members of the judiciary of the State of Hawai‘i dated February 25, 2018. It his letter, Dr. deZayas stated:
I have come to understand that the lawful political status of the Hawaiian Islands is that of a sovereign nation-state in continuity; but a nation-state that is under a strange form of occupation by the United States resulting from an illegal military occupation and a fraudulent annexation. As such, international laws (the Hague and Geneva Conventions) require that governance and legal matters within the occupied territory of the Hawaiian Islands must be administered by the application of the laws of the occupied state (in this case, the Hawaiian Kingdom), not the domestic laws of the occupier (the United States).
The publication of facts also prompted the U.S. National Lawyers Guild (“NLG”) to adopt, in 2019, a resolution calling upon the United States of America to begin to comply immediately with international humanitarian law in its long and illegal occupation of the Hawaiian Islands. Among its positions statement, it declared the “NLG supports the Hawaiian Council of Regency, who represented the Hawaiian Kingdom at the Permanent Court of Arbitration, in its efforts to seek resolution in accordance with international law as well as its strategy to have the State of Hawai‘i and its Counties comply with international humanitarian law as the administration of the Occupying State.”
Furthermore, in a letter to Governor David Ige of the State of Hawai‘i, dated November 10, 2020, the NLG called upon the governor to comply with international humanitarian by administering the laws of the occupied State. The NLG letter concluded:
As an organization committed to the mission that human rights and the rights of ecosystems are more sacred than property interests, the NLG is deeply concerned that international humanitarian law continues to be flagrantly violated with apparent impunity by the State of Hawai‘i and its County governments. This has led to the commission of war crimes and human rights violations of a colossal scale throughout the Hawaiian Islands. International criminal law recognizes that the civilian inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands are “protected persons” who are afforded protection under international humanitarian law and their rights are vested in international treaties. There are no statutes of limitation for war crimes, as you must be aware.
We urge you, Governor Ige, to proclaim the transformation of the State of Hawai‘i and its Counties into an occupying government pursuant to the Council of Regency’s proclamation of June 3, 2019, in order to administer the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom. This would include carrying into effect the Council of Regency’s proclamation of October 10, 2014 that bring the laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom in the nineteenth century up to date. We further urge you and other officials of the State of Hawai‘i and its Counties to familiarize yourselves with the contents of the recent eBook published by the RCI and its reports that comprehensively explains the current situation of the Hawaiian Islands and the impact that international humanitarian law and human rights law have on the State of Hawai‘i and its inhabitants.
Similarly, on February 7, 2021, the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (“IADL”), a non-governmental organization (NGO) of human rights lawyers, which has special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (“ECOSOC”) and accredited to participate in the Human Rights Council’s sessions as Observers, passed a resolution calling upon the United States to immediately comply with international humanitarian law in its prolonged occupation of the Hawaiian Islands—the Hawaiian Kingdom. In its resolution, the IADL also stated it “supports the Hawaiian Council of Regency, who represented the Hawaiian Kingdom at the Permanent Court of Arbitration, in its efforts to seek resolution in accordance with international law as well as its strategy to have the State of Hawai‘i and its Counties comply with international humanitarian law as the administration of the Occupying State.”
Together with the IADL, the American Association of Jurists—Asociación Americana de Juristas (“AAJ”), also an NGO with consultative status with the United Nations ECOSOC and an accredited observer in the Human Rights Council’s sessions, sent a joint letter, dated March 3, 2022, to member States of the United Nations, on the status of the Hawaiian Kingdom and its prolonged occupation by the United States. In its joint letter, the IADL and the AAJ also “supports the Hawaiian Council of Regency, who represented the Hawaiian Kingdom at the Permanent Court of Arbitration, in its efforts to seek resolution in accordance with international law as well as its strategy to have the State of Hawai‘i and its Counties comply with international humanitarian law as the administration of the Occupying State.”
On March 22, 2022, I delivered an oral statement, on behalf of the IADL and AAJ, to the United Nations Human Rights Council (“HRC”) at its 49th session in Geneva. The oral statement read:
The International Association of Democratic Lawyers and the American Association of Jurists call the attention of the Council to human rights violations in the Hawaiian Islands. My name is Dr. David Keanu Sai, and I am the Minister of Foreign Affairs ad interim for the Hawaiian Kingdom. I also served as lead agent for the Hawaiian Kingdom at the Permanent Court of Arbitration from 1999-2001 where the Court acknowledged the continued existence of my country as a sovereign and independent State.
The Hawaiian Kingdom was invaded by the United States on 16 January 1893, which began its century long occupation to serve its military interests. Currently, there are 118 military sites throughout the islands and the city of Honolulu serves as the headquarters for the Indo-Pacific Combatant Command.
For the past century, the United States has and continues to commit the war crime of usurpation of sovereignty, under customary international law, by imposing its municipal laws over Hawaiian territory, which has denied Hawaiian subjects their right of internal self-determination by prohibiting them to freely access their own laws and administrative policies, which has led to the violations of their human rights, starting with the right to health, education and to choose their political leadership.
None of the 47 HRC member States, which includes the United States, protested, or objected to the oral statement of war crimes being committed in the Hawaiian Kingdom by the United States. Under international law, acquiescence “concerns a consent tacitly conveyed by a State, unilaterally, through silence or inaction, in circumstances such that a response expressing disagreement or objection in relation to the conduct of another State would be called for.” Silence conveys consent. Since they “did not do so [they] thereby must be held to have acquiesced. Qui tacet consentire videtur si loqui debuisset ac potuisset.”
More importantly, on December 30, 2024, Oxford University Press (“OUP”) published Unconquered States—Non-European Powers in the Imperial Age, with a chapter I authored titled “Hawai‘i’s Sovereignty and Survival in the Age of Empire,” which I am enclosing. OUP is a highly reputable academic publisher that acknowledges the Hawaiian Kingdom as an occupied State. The editors of the book, Professor H.E. Chehabi from Boston University and Professor David Motadel from the London School of Economics and Political Science, invited 23 scholars from around the world to contribute a chapter on an unconquered State, being a non-European Power. OUP is regarded as the gold standard for publishing academic research worldwide.
If the Hawaiian Kingdom was not an occupied State but rather the 50th State of the American union, OUP would not have allowed my chapter to be published. The cornerstone of academic research is where a scholar does not argue a position taken in their research but rather provides historical and legal evidence that cannot be refuted. In this sense, the scholar is subject to a scientific approach where a scholar’s findings and conclusions are open to rebuttal by other scholars who serve as reviewers. This is called peer review in the academic world where opinions have no place. Notably, OUP states in the book, “Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.” Thus, by OUP’s publication of my chapter, the Council of Regency has reached the pinnacle of academic publishing regarding the continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom under international law on the world stage.
OUP’s release also establishes that the American occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom is now the longest occupation of a State in modern history. Previously, it was thought that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, that began in 1967, was the longest occupation in modern history. As such, the Council of Regency has effectively “influen[ed] public opinion against the offending belligerent.” I conclude my chapter with:
Despite over a century of revisionist history, “the continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom as a sovereign State is grounded in the very same principles that the United States and every other State have relied on for their own legal existence.” The Hawaiian Kingdom is a magnificent story of perseverance and continuity.
LTC Rosner, you are now the most senior Hawai‘i Army National Guard officer in the occupied Hawaiian Kingdom. Those officers above you are the subjects of war criminal reports by the RCI, and are therefore, war criminals subject to prosecution because “[c]ommanders are legally responsible for war crimes they personally commit (para. 4-24—Command responsibility under the law of war, Army Regulation 600-20).”
As such, you should assume emergency command, and as the theater commander of the occupied Hawaiian Kingdom, you must perform your duty of establishing a military government. As the theater commander, you do not standby for orders to establish a military government from any superior officer outside of the occupied Hawaiian Kingdom. Paragraph 3—Command Responsibility, FM 27-5, clearly states, the “theater commander bears full responsibility for [military government]; therefore, he is usually designated as military governor.”
Furthermore, it is the Hawai‘i Army National Guard, not the U.S. Army Pacific Command, that has the duty to establish a military government because the former is in effective control of 10,931 square miles of Hawaiian territory, while the latter is in effective control of less than 500 square miles of Hawaiian territory. Paragraph 6-12—Prerequisites and Scope of Military Occupation, FM 6-27, states:
Whether a situation qualifies as an occupation is a question of fact under LOAC. Under Article 42 of the 1907 Hague Regulations, “Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of a hostile army. The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.” Military occupation:
• Must be actual and effective; that is, the organized resistance must have been overcome, and the Occupying Power must have taken measures to establish its authority
• Requires the suspension of the territorial State’s authority and the substitution of the Occupying Power’s authority; and
• Occurs when there is a hostile relationship between the State of the invading force and the State of the occupied territory
In light of the above, as a U.S. Army officer, you have the opportunity to stand on the right side of history. As you are well aware, to not perform your duty will have dire consequences under international humanitarian law and the law of occupation.
Wow, how the tables have turned for it to be lawful for Hawaii’s Army to takeover due to the American Occupation. I can just see it on msm, “the Hawaiian army overthrows their government, legally.” Moreover, it would be of great benefit for us to become the masters of trade, commerce and industry in our homelands.
“The Hawaiian army overthrows their government, legally.”
EXACTLY, Lopaka! The former ‘Royal Guards’ aka National Guard ‘trumps’ the Occupiers! Am imagining how locals will be asked & will respond on HOW to make our island nation “Great Again”! 😉
I’ve been reading up on HEMP as biofuels, building material (anti-mold, fire retardant), medicinal, clothing, twine etc — a long list of benefits. All former glyphosate fields SHOULD be planted with hemp, at least, to pull out soil toxins.
Recent grads or HS seniors should also ‘do service’, learning how to competently defend themselves & HK too. What a contrast to what’s done now! “Education” certainly needs a good sweep– less indoctrination & more meaningful, practical hands-on experience. Let’s get our youth THINKING CRITICALLY again! 🎉
Such EXCITING TIMES ahead! BRAVO acting Council of Regency!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Truly is exciting Erin but be careful of irrational exuberance. The international community cannot even hold Israel accountable, and with Chinas sanctions on rare earth minerals and 10 defense contractors, the US will suffer economically. This puts China in the cross hairs. Furthermore, we got Fiji, Tonga, Tuvalu, Palau, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, and other Pacific nations supporting Israel’s occupation of Palestine. Even Japan is taking there marching orders from Washington. Just look at this past week, Korea got their marching orders from Blinken.
We got a whole lot of work cut out for us in the Pacific.What is necessary is knowledge and understanding of the powers that be of that time and how social groups and orders like the Jesuits, Freemasons, Knights of Pythias, Illuminati, etc. infiltrated and established courts and thereby controlled all religions, cultures, and secular powers.
Even today Hawaiians remain ignorant of the geopolitical nature and foundation of Christendom as well as our island society. From Ignacio Loyola to Francis Xavier to Matteo Ricci, the Jesuits opened up all societies thru persecution and education. There was a reason why our ancestors adopted protestantism rather than catholicism. From the Albigensis and Waldenses, to Native Americans and Hawaiians, all of Christendom, and international law for that matter, is founded on genocide and papal powers. We must look deeper beyond the surface of what is laid before us in order to see the kaleidoscopic history of the Roman Catholic Church.
*JUST* seeing your reply now, @Lopaka. Weird how the ‘notification’ feature does NOT work. So NOT certain IF you will see this…
Anyhow, I AGREE that the political STAGE is certainly clouded. Sadly alliances are made to protect one’s demise rather than on the merits of what’s ETHICAL, MORAL or LAWFUL. A foreigner I’m helping battle in Family Court to get her child back, ALWAYS tells me she NEVER THOUGHT “US Courts” would be so CORRUPT (lying lawyers, compromised judge). Yet the point is really that our courts ARE CORRUPT, covert maritime, bank-owned PROFIT centers tapping into our legal fiction accounts–LAWFARE! I CAN verify this based on a few things:
1. My birth certificate/certif of live birth IS printed on bank note paper w/ “Northern BankNote Co.” typed in microscopic letters in the ornate boarder.
2. Business registry Dun & Bradstreet SHOWS “corporation” Dun numbers listed for State of Hawaii, Judiciary, Police etc. Here are 3-
State of Hawaii D-U-N-S® 077676997
3. My attempt at bankruptcy (to save our home) showed that the hired attorney (((covertly))) valued my assets at 24 MILLION, then listed the beneficiaries (inc the fraud ‘debt collecting’ lawyers) as beneficiaries! Judge et al APPROVED!
JESUITS/The Vatican = #FakeJews = #Satanists I’ve learned these last years of their PURE EVIL in which human sacrifice (in various forms of atrocities vs. children) has survived from their Khazarian roots (present day Ukraine). NO WONDER Hawaii has had a string of them in Hawaii to carry out their DIRTY DEEDS via fraud s/elections– Lingle, Abercrombie (forged Barry’s birth certificate), Green, Schatz bros— ALL NOT BORN in Hawaii who QUICKLY float to TOP HI positions. I CAN confirm that Green SAID at a political prayer breakfast that his PARENTS were Jesuits! There’s a reason why PEDO PREISTS were never prosecuted :-(..
As for Hawaiian Kingdom subjects’ ignorance– we ARE kept financially stressed & ill-informed. Globalists’ mockingbird media only provide a steady stream of FLUFF pieces AND misinformation. Also WEF Klaus Schwab also confirmed in his book they PREFER ‘Asians’ because they’re compliant…
Anyway, let’s HOPE JUSTICE COMES SOONER than later! Whew!
EXCITING TIMES! NO ‘deadline’ mentioned, just a ‘do it as militarily required’! Certainly feels VERY CLOSE NOW… The Council of Regency et al must be pinching themselves given their journey has been long and not without peril nor consequences. I HAVE THE UPMOST RESPECT & GRATITUDE TO YOU ALL! An extra special hat tip to “Our David” Keanu Sai for taking on ALL the giants w/ his MIGHTY pen!
Looking forward to the AMAZING GREATNESS that WILL happen here. Just know locals WILL rise to the occasion to help REIMAGINE what a healthy, clean, positive & STRONG Hawaiian Kingdom Nation looks & feels like. Re-learning the TRUE Hawaiian Kingdom history will ignite so much PRIDE in their island heritage too. Woohoo!
As we go down the list of commanding officers inheireting the duty to comply with international law, US law, and humanitarian law, and investigate and charge them with “WAR CRIMES” for not establishing a military court and to administer Hawaiian Kingdom Law, im curious as to how far down the chain of command can we go ? It seems as though these clowns dont care if they are now considered to be “war criminals”. That said, my head is telling me that we need to start making examples of them. Prosecute, convict and sentence these criminals, starting with Kenneth Hara example no.1. Doing this might encourage the others to obey the law and do their duty. ????? Jus thinking out loud…
… Mahalo Dr. Sai and team for all you do and are doing.
I jumped onto this site a bit ago, and once again, my eyes have been open to the countless hostilities inflicted against the innocent by the government of the United States. Is there anyone in the lower 48 who does NOT believe that Hawaii is a true state of this union. My guess is no one. My thanks to Dr DK Sai for providing truth to fake power.
And I think anyone who calls Hawaii a U.S. State or says we are part of the United States, is disrespecting the honor of the USA. Everyone knows we’re occupied territory, especially those that have the power to end this; but for them to continue professing and maintaining this illusion that Hawaii is U.S. sovereign territory with no evidence of a treaty, I think those people are unworthy to call themselves an American, much less a Hawaiian! In fact in the HK, a foreign subject cannot become a Hawaiian if they are haole (Immoral nature)–one of the stipulations in the Civil Code of naturalization.
“a foreign subject cannot become a Hawaiian if they are haole (Immoral nature)–one of the stipulations in the Civil Code of naturalization.
I didn’t finish,,,sorry. Iolani, in the Code of Naturalization, the word Haole is not written. In wehewehe dot org, the words Immoral nature are not definitions of haole. I find that your opinion is offensive. You’re fully entitled to your opinion, but as a hapahaole I’m sorry that you look upon haole’s in that way. And you might consider accurate quotes of the Code in the future.
In the following excerpt to assert a better dialogue change the phrase to: As such, we await your emergency command to establish a military government as the theater commander of the occupied Hawaiian Kingdom.
As such, you should assume emergency command, and as the theater commander of the occupied Hawaiian Kingdom, you must perform your duty of establishing a military government. As the theater commander, you do not standby for orders to establish a military government from any superior officer outside of the occupied Hawaiian Kingdom. Paragraph 3—Command Responsibility, FM 27-5, clearly states, the “theater commander bears full responsibility for [military government]; therefore, he is usually designated as military governor.”