Lieutenant Colonel Jacobs War Criminal – Lieutenant Colonel Dale Balsis to Establish a Military Government of Hawai‘i in One Week

Today, September 9, 2024, Dr. Keanu Sai, as Head of the Royal Commission of Inquiry, sent a letter to Lieutenant Colonel Dale Balsis regarding the publishing of War Criminal Report no. 24-0006 on Lieutenant Colonel Jacobs’ war crime by omission. The RCI also informed him that he has until 12 noon on September 16, 2024, to perform his military duty of establishing a military government of Hawai‘i. Here is a link to the letter.

Today, September 9, 2024, the Royal Commission of Inquiry (“RCI”) published its War Criminal Report no. 24-0006 finding Lieutenant Colonel Joshua A. Jacobs guilty of the war crime by omission. LTC Jacobs willfully disobeyed an Army regulation and was willfully derelict in his duty to establish a military government. Therefore, his conduct, by omission, constitutes a war crime. LTC Jacobs, in his official capacity as a senior member of the State of Hawai‘i Department of Defense, has met the requisite elements for the war crime by omission, by willfully disobeying an Army regulation and by willful dereliction in his duty to establish a military government, and is, therefore, guilty of the war crime by omission. These offenses do not have the requisite element of mens rea.

The term “guilty,” as used in the RCI war criminal reports, is defined as “[h]aving committed a crime or other breach of conduct; justly chargeable offense; responsible for a crime or tort or other offense or fault.” It is distinguished from a criminal prosecution where “guilty” is used by “an accused in pleading or otherwise answering to an indictment when he confesses to have committed the crime of which he is charged, and by the jury in convicting a person on trial for a particular crime.” According to U.S. military law, LTC Jacobs is accountable by court-martial or nonjudicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ. Under international criminal law, LTC Jacobs is subject to prosecution, by a competent court or tribunal, for the war crime by omission.

Consequently, as the Commander of 227th Brigade Engineer Battalion, you are now the theater commander. You should assume the chain of command, as the theater commander of the occupied State of Hawaiian Kingdom and perform your duty of establishing a military government by 12 noon on September 16, 2024. In my letter to LTC Jacobs, dated September 2, 2024, I recommended that he submit a formal request to Major General Hara, as head of the Department of Defense, to request that the Attorney General, Anne Lopez, according to Hawai‘i Revised Statutes §28-3, provide a legal opinion that refutes the legal opinions of Profession William Schabas and Professor Federico Lenzerini that the Hawaiian Kingdom continues to exist as a State under international law. It is a request as to a question of law, which the Attorney General is bound to answer, but a request from the head of the Department of Defense is required under §28-3.

It would appear that LTC Jacobs did not do so, which led to the publishing of War Criminal Report no. 24-0006. For you to not perform this military duty of establishing a military government of Hawai‘i, you will need a legal opinion from the Attorney General concluding that the State of Hawai‘i exists within the territory of the United States, and not within the territory of the Hawaiian Kingdom. I am attaching a sample letter from you to Major General Hara requesting of the Attorney General for a legal opinion according to §28-3.

If you make this request to MG Hara prior to 12 noon on September 16, 2024, then you will not be derelict in your military duty, because the Royal Commission of Inquiry will then give time for MG Hara to make a formal request for a legal opinion from the Attorney General and give time for the legal opinion to be completed.

If you are derelict in the performance of your duty to establish a military government, then you would be the subject of an RCI war criminal report for the war crime by omission. The sequence of events will then loop to the Executive Officers. First, with the 29th Infantry Brigade, second, with the 1st Squadron, 299th Cavalry Regiment, third, with the 1st Battalion, 487th Field Artillery Regiment, fourth with the 29th Brigade Support Battalion, and fifth with the 227th Brigade Engineer Battalion.

This looping, within the 29th Infantry Brigade’s component commands, will cover all commissioned officers to include Majors, Captains, First Lieutenants and Second Lieutenants. After the commissioned officers have been exhausted in the 29th Infantry Brigade, the chain of command of commissioned officers of the 103rd Troop Command and its component commands will begin, followed by the chain of command of commissioned officers of the 298th Regiment, Regional Training Institute, and its component commands.

This looping, within the 29th Infantry Brigade’s component commands, will cover all commissioned officers to include Majors, Captains, First Lieutenants and Second Lieutenants. After the commissioned officers have been exhausted in the 29th Infantry Brigade, the chain of command of commissioned officers of the 103rd Troop Command and its component commands will begin, followed by the chain of command of commissioned officers of the 298th Regiment, Regional Training Institute, and its component commands. As you are aware, U.S. military officers are held to the highest personal and professional standards. When those standards are not met, officers may be administratively punished or criminally prosecuted. For you not to demand from the Attorney General for a legal opinion that the Hawaiian Kingdom no longer exists under international law, is to place the men and women, under your command, into harm’s way with criminal culpability under both military law and international criminal law. To ignore this will have dire consequences for the Hawai‘i Army National Guard.

7 thoughts on “Lieutenant Colonel Jacobs War Criminal – Lieutenant Colonel Dale Balsis to Establish a Military Government of Hawai‘i in One Week

  1. Too bad outspoken Tulsi Gabbard, formally with Hawaii’s 29th Brigade Special Troops Battalion Team for 17 years, is not in line of consideration to transition Hawaii to a military government & serve as ‘governor’. :-[
    She IS still active yet in 2020 she transferred to a new CA Army Reserve unit & since then has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. I don’t know much about military & it’s protocol yet that WOULD be great *if* she’d come home & dutifully STAND UP for her fellow islanders! I don’t think she’d ignore her duty like these other string of… traitors.

    • Why? She would just end up being another war criminal, considering she refuses to admit her beloved America could do any wrong. She refuses to admit the US is occupying the Hawaiian Kingdom, she is not an ally of the Hawaiian people.

      • I don’t know for sure yet it seems plausible that Tulsi COULD play a future role, yet had to leave HI before Dr. Sai’s deadline where he ‘uninvited’ military bases here (Oct. 2024). Think Dr. Sai stated that NG would remain & Title 10 mil too?
        I specifically looked at what her father & Tulsi have stood up for/against over the years, i.e. they’ve taken a stance against the pushed tranny agenda, GMOs etc.. I suspect they’ve pushed back in ways they could while fighting WITHIN the system? Like sleepers– readying to activate?
        Afterall, we ARE in a global info war, and Hawaii National Guard WERE “federalized” (back in 2017?) by then president/ Commander in Chief DJT so our NG could LEAVE the state for duty. So my guess is that UNTIL the ‘good’ US mil is successful, many have INFILTRATED the ‘bad’ US mil (mil industrial complex). Recall that 26,000 National Guard went to DC in January 2021, and NG announced on ABC news that there was a “peaceful transition to military power”.

        My local teacher pal in his 40s was suddenly YANKED out of teaching to go FT NG military around the time $.5 BILLION was allocated for underground warfare “training”. At that time, while he could NOT compromise any mission details, he did ask if my boys wanted to join, and that they needed drone operators– which they’d train if need be.
        Look into Rattletrap1776 posts on Telegram by ex mil intelligence Derek Johnson. He provides ALL the proofs necessary for us “civilians” to SEE via military codes/protocols/flags & even uniforms what’s going down while THE WORLD is under “Continuity of Government” status. Tulsi also has served in intelligence.
        Plus, WHY would there be so much recent pageantry about our HK & Queen’s display in DC, her portrait restoration, September “Hawaiian History Month” since 2020, and after 130 years, Queen Liliuokalani’s Royal Standard (her personal flag) returned home w/ an official ceremony at Washington Place in 2023?
        So, I just try to remain POSITIVE that in good timing, the dominoes WILL fall towards HK’s regained FREEDOM. I know my NG pal is a GOOD guy & father, and Tulsi seems to be cut from the same cloth. Plus, I wonder IF she had to LEAVE Hawaii officially, to return in a “US gov” role during the 3-year transition years? Who knows?! Time WILL tell— HOPEFULLY SOON! Whew!

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