Lieutenant Colonel Fredrick J. Werner War Criminal – Lieutenant Colonel Tuisamatatele, Jr. to Establish a Military Government of Hawai‘i in One Week

Today, August 26, 2024, Dr. Keanu Sai, as Head of the Royal Commission of Inquiry, sent a letter to Lieutenant Colonel Tuisamatatele, Jr. regarding the publishing of War Criminal Report no. 24-0004 on Lieutenant Colonel Fredrick J. Werner’s war crime by omission. The RCI also informed him that he has until 12 noon on August 26, 2024, to perform his military duty of establishing a military government of Hawai‘i. Here is a link to the letter.

Today, August 26, 2024, the Royal Commission of Inquiry (“RCI”) published its War Criminal Report no. 24-0004 finding Lieutenant Colonel Fredrick J. Werner guilty of the war crime by omission. LTC Werner willfully disobeyed an Army regulation and was willfully derelict in his duty to establish a military government. Therefore, his conduct, by omission, constitutes a war crime. LTC Werner, in his official capacity as a senior member of the State of Hawai‘i Department of Defense, has met the requisite elements for the war crime by omission, by willfully disobeying an Army regulation and by willful dereliction in his duty to establish a military government, and is, therefore, guilty of the war crime by omission. These offenses do not have the requisite element of mens rea.

The term “guilty,” as used in the RCI war criminal reports, is defined as “[h]aving committed a crime or other breach of conduct; justly chargeable offense; responsible for a crime or tort or other offense or fault.” It is distinguished from a criminal prosecution where “guilty” is used by “an accused in pleading or otherwise answering to an indictment when he confesses to have committed the crime of which he is charged, and by the jury in convicting a person on trial for a particular crime.” According U.S. military law, Colonel Kawakami is accountable by court-martial or nonjudicial punishment under Article 15, UCMJ. Under international criminal law, LTC Werner is subject to prosecution, by a competent court or tribunal, for the war crime by omission.

Consequently, as the Commander of the 1st Battalion, 487th Field Artillery Regiment, you are now the theater commander. You should assume the chain of command, as the theater commander of the occupied State of Hawaiian Kingdom and perform your duty of establishing a military government by 12 noon on September 2, 2024. In my letter to LTC Werner, dated August 19, 2024, I recommended that he submit a formal request to Major General Hara, as head of the Department of Defense, to request that the Attorney General, Anne Lopez, according to Hawai‘i Revised Statutes §28-3, provide a legal opinion that refutes the legal opinions of Profession William Schabas and Professor Federico Lenzerini that the Hawaiian Kingdom continues to exist as a State under international law. It is a request as to a question of law, which the Attorney General is bound to answer, but a request from the head of the Department of Defense is required under §28-3.

It would appear that LTC Werner did not do so, which led to the publishing of War Criminal Report no. 24-0004. For you to not perform this military duty of establishing a military government of Hawai‘i, you will need a legal opinion from the Attorney General concluding that the State of Hawai‘i exists within the territory of the United States, and not within the territory of the Hawaiian Kingdom. I am attaching a sample letter from you to Major General Hara requesting of the Attorney General for a legal opinion according to §28-3.

If you make this request to MG Hara prior to 12 noon on September 2, 2024, then you will not be derelict in your military duty, because the Royal Commission of Inquiry will then give time for MG Hara to make a formal request for a legal opinion from the Attorney General and give time for the legal opinion to be completed.

If you are derelict in the performance of your duty to establish a military government, then you would be the subject of an RCI war criminal report for the war crime by omission. From the date of the publication of your war criminal report on the RCI’s website, Lieutenant Colonel Joshua A. Jacobs, Commander of 29th Brigade Support Battalion, will assume command of the Army National Guard and will have one week to transform the State of Hawai‘i into a military government.

If LTC Jacobs is derelict in the performance of his duties to establish a military government, then he would be the subject of an RCI war criminal report for the war crime by omission. From the date of the publication of LTC Jacobs’s war criminal report on the RCI’s website, Lieutenant Colonel Dale R. Balsis, Commander of 227th Brigade Engineer Battalion, will assume command of the Army National Guard and will have one week to transform the State of Hawai‘i into a military government.

Should LTC Balsis be derelict in the performance of his duties to establish a military government and be the subject of a war criminal report for the war crime by omission, that will be published on the RCI’s website; then the sequence of events will loop to the Executive Officers. First, with the 29th Infantry Brigade, second, with the 1st Squadron, 299th Cavalry Regiment, third, with the 1st Battalion, 487th Field Artillery Regiment, fourth with the 29th Brigade Support Battalion, and fifth with the 227th Brigade Engineer Battalion.

This looping, within the 29th Infantry Brigade’s component commands, will cover all commissioned officers to include Majors, Captains, First Lieutenants and Second Lieutenants. After the commissioned officers have been exhausted in the 29th Infantry Brigade, the chain of command of commissioned officers of the 103rd Troop Command and its component commands will begin, followed by the chain of command of commissioned officers of the 298th Regiment, Regional Training Institute, and its component commands.

As you are aware, U.S. military officers are held to the highest personal and professional standards. When those standards are not met, officers may be administratively punished or criminally prosecuted. For you not to demand from the Attorney General for a legal opinion that the Hawaiian Kingdom no longer exists under international law, is to place the men and women, under your command, into harm’s way with criminal culpability under both military law and international criminal law. To ignore this will have dire consequences for the Hawai‘i Army National Guard.

15 thoughts on “Lieutenant Colonel Fredrick J. Werner War Criminal – Lieutenant Colonel Tuisamatatele, Jr. to Establish a Military Government of Hawai‘i in One Week

  1. Mahalo nui loa Dr. Keanu Sai you will live on forever in the Hawaiian Kingdom! You will have schools named after you, streets with your name on them, statue’s made in your honor, you have chosen your path of living on forever and all these war criminals will just have there Short lived fugitive lives that no one wants to remember or even care of what they did here in the Hawaiian Kingdom! E’A to all Hawaiian Kingdom Subjects!

    • Actually, these war criminals will be remembered for generations. Theyll be remembered IN DISGRACE! There’s no doubt that in post- war Hawaii, this country’s legal and political history will be taught and drilled into the minds of all students in all Hawaiian schools. And one of the subjects that will be brought up will be these war crimes and these criminals. Their names will be branded forever in a disgraceful manner! History will have nothing good to say about them! No question about that!

      That’s one of the many reasons why a military government must come into power now before more people get hurt! Here’s one thing I always think of: USS Arizona would be where it is right now and more than a 1000 U.S. solders would be alive today or would have at least lived their lives if those Executive Agreements were honored from the very beginning!

      • CORRECTION: USS Arizona would NOT be where it is right now and more than a 1000 U.S. soldiers would be alive today or would have at least lived their lives if those Executive Agreements were honored from the very beginning!

        • One who seeks equity must do equity: equity acts in personam.

          If Hawaiians want self-government, then they must go get it. Hawaiians should be advocating their Queens peace treaty in every way, shape, and form, and in every forum, public meeting and legislative hearing. The peace, freedom and self-government of any people is not contingent on the actions of others. The future of Hawaii is not determined by public servants who are aware of the factual circumstances of the occupation yet are inextricably intertwined within, given a financial stake to gain, the privilege to pillage, in our oppression.
          True self-determination requires all Hawaiians to follow Her Majesties lead and demand from Congress the execution of our peace treaty by legislation. The dreams and realities of so many of our people, in this time, depends on this generation, us, to stand up to Congress. We cannot remain shackled. At the end of their chain of command is our freedom. If they do not grant us Hawaiians our freedom, then we Hawaiians must seize it ourselves with our love of country and righteousness!

  2. Disappointing, but not surprised. It’s very interesting that these military officials wouldn’t defer their liability to AG Lopez and would rather risk a tribunal hearing. Ironically no bombs or bullets were used when this occupation started 131 years ago and now the RCI without bombs or bullets and without pen or paper, using only electronic means of communication is taking down the United States military leaders of the soldiers here in Hawaii. These military officials may be battle ready, but can they actually see the frontal attack by a foreign entity? Perhaps they never heard about the story of Samson and Delilah.
    When will they figure out they’re in a loose, loose situation? There comes a time when all you can do is have a good chuckle and say next!
    Indeed this is no joke, but in the end I think we’d rather be the ones having the last laugh!

  3. “U.S. military officers are held to the highest personal and professional standards….” Humm. Their ACTIONS/INACTION shows their true colors, regardless of their medals, military adornment & promotions.

    Suppose it’s BEST to weed out (((now))) those who lack integrity, honor & love for their communities. Dr. Sai’s published list of potential military HK traitors and/or heroes makes hiding impossible. They and their families must live with the impact of their decisions for generations to come. Would be tough to remain in Hawaii, carrying the burden of such shame– if they IGNORED international law & what’s BEST for our people.

    • The Royal Commission of Inquiry alongside the Council of Regency has been doing just that. Indeed, they have been building cases and defending our state’s rights establishing a docket needed for prosecution in both ICJ and ICC which are courts of competent jurisdiction. In breach of their duty, they have caused damage and injury thereby committing war crimes. Liens must be established in the form of criminal charges. Currently our national debt is unknown as the amount of bonds purchased from the COR has not been published but such charges would offset these bond liabilities. On the civil front, the private side of international law, we as a people have the duty to hold Congress accountable to the Queens executive agreements. So while the COR and RCI have taken up the duty to hold the authorities with effective control accountable to public international laws of war, the Hawaiian people have the duty to hold Congress accountable to our Queens executive agreements rather then their unfair and deceptive Federal trust legislation.

  4. Interesting …TODAY 8/26/24 45th President/our current CIC DJT addressed the “National Guard Association” of the United States’ 146th General Conference & Exhibition in Washington (DC). Tulsi Gabbard introduces & endorses DJT here in this clip

    In the morning, Tulsi Gabbard & DJT et al were at a private ceremony at Arlington Cemetery honoring fallen Afghanistan-war soldiers. No Biden to be seen at either event…

    So CIC DJT is mentioning that Tulsi & him WILL be working with each other ‘in the future’… Humm. Maybe, just maybe, OUR 808 National Guard has been given orders to ‘hold back’ on transitioning Hawaii to a 3-year temp mil gov UNTIL given the green light? Seems so. I trust DJT & Tulsi thus far!

  5. Also, Dereliction of duty is covered by Article 92(3) of the UCMJ… & Article 133 UCMJ Conduct Unbecoming an officer and gentleman! Which he should be subject to Article 32 (UCMJ) Hearing for both offenses… (Once an officer receives an Article 32 hearing, even though they may be found not guilty. They won’t be considered for promotion! “This is my experience with the military”) (note: failure to perform his duty as an officer is a court martial offense!)

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