KITV Island Life Live—U.S. Military To Begin Withdraw from Hawai‘i on October 23, 2024

On KITV Island Life Live yesterday, Dr. Keanu Sai explains the termination of the 1887 Pearl Harbor Treaty and its impact on the U.S. military in the Hawaiian Islands. Here is a link to a blog post that explains the termination of the treaty on October 23, 2024.

6 thoughts on “KITV Island Life Live—U.S. Military To Begin Withdraw from Hawai‘i on October 23, 2024

  1. Dr Sai you made it possible for the Hawaiian Kingdom, that America is no longer the owner of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Big Mahalo..It can now be said all those non Hawaiians born during the time of America’s presence in Hawaii are not Hawaiian subjects, but are American citizens. Unless their parents are blood Hawaiians. The blood percentage is not Hawaiian Kingdom law but American laws.

    • You’re right about all that blood quantum requirements. It was done to divide everyone, that still works sadly today.
      There’s lots of recent ‘foreigners’ here for sure, and this resource states 20% of Hawaii’s population are immigrants. The top countries of origin for immigrants were the Philippines (45 percent of immigrants), China (9 percent), Japan (8 percent), Korea (6 percent), and the Marshall Islands (4 percent).

      As for what equates to being “Hawaiian” Take a listen to Dr. Sai’s explanation about ethnicity & “place” names. (on youtube) “Hawaiian” merely tells where someone lives and NOT one’s ethnicity. Therefore, ALL born during Hawaii’s occupation in Hawaii are technically “Hawaiians”.
      Also, blood kanaka maoli are NOT a “native” but rather “aboriginal” since actual roots are from somewhere else. [Mu tribe were smallish people (aka Menehune) actually claim to be in Hawaii first, preceding the wave of Tahiti wayfarers & were recorded in Hawaii census up until early1900s].
      Queen’s promise of cheap land & free medical was only for the aboriginal kanaka maoli & blood lineages. However, Hawaii was ALWAYS a melting pot, and remains one of it’s strengths. Going forward, Dr. Sai says one’s ALLEGIANCE is what will really matters, not one’s ethnicity. ‘Leadership’ positions from now on will be based on meritocracy– YEAH for that! <3

      • Well Erin, Queen Liliuokalani was concrerned about her people, not foreigners born in Hawaii. Queen Emma and Princess Kapiolani are kanak oiwi (hapa) So all the kanak oiwi carry Hawaiian blood. Its the blood not the mouth that makes you Queen Liliuokalani people, whom she loved and cared about that they wouldnt be massacred by the American military. It was our decendants that landed by canoe in a land without snakes…That is by order and direction of Jehovah who created the heavens and the earth. We dont have a military force but HE does. Dr Sai his staff and attorney, and professors of Hawaiiana are kanaka oiwi..Look at the Hawaii State senators they all can claim allegiance, of the Hawaiian Kingdom but that is so BS..look how the Hawaiian people were served under them….our people died under their care waiting for this day to happen..Lets look at the assest of the so called legislators proclaiming the Hawaii |State Motto..aole the money went into their pockets, million dollar homes and kids college education. I’m all for allegiance but i wont make the same mistake twice. Only an insurgent would

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