On KITV Island Life Live yesterday, Dr. Keanu Sai talks about his recent chapter titled “Hawai‘i’s Sovereignty and Survival in the Age of Empire” in a book Unconquered States: Non-European Powers in the Imperial Age. The book was published by Oxford University Press in December of 2024. Be sure to download Dr. Sai’s chapter by clicking the link above.
Kamehameha was the conqueror, America is the occupier!
Where would Oxford be if not for Wycliffe, and all the Catholoc liety that revolted against the Pope (Huss, Knox, Calvin, Luther, etc.), whom published the 1st Bible in English beginning the protestant reformation and “opened the eyes” of King Henry the 8th of papal corrution of the word of God? Hawaiian Protestantism and the Laplace incident would be plainly non-existent.Once again, however in the Pacific, Oxford has lit a fire in the minds of men by the publication of information to lead us into a new 21st century world order. Congratulations Kumu and Lorenz!
I will attend the book sharing at the Imin Conference Center at UH Mānoa on February @4:00 pm. It is free to the public and they will have lottery to get a free book. Dr. Sai, will be speaking.
BRAVO Dr. Sai– such an amazing warrior with your WORDS, via law & order. This latest chapter in Oxford University Press is just ANOTHER testament that MORE INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS also agree with your findings! There has NOT been any that haven’t– just those that do NOT want to give up their power, profits nor be penalized by their controllers.
What IS comforting is knowing that the since NO country can “take” another country by *just* a congressional Act per international law & the (cabal) US also LACKS ANY SIGNED TREATY of cession, its claim to Hawaii IS NULLIFIED –under the THE PRINCIPLE OF “EX INJURIA JUS NON ORITUR” [A RIGHT CANNOT ARISE FROM A WRONG.] End of story! So it appears that we’re just waiting for the ‘chapters’ to play out until restoration– hopefully after DJT’s public inauguration? 🙂
Until then, the CORPORATION of the #StateOfHawaii & its subsidiaries (depts), with business Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S ®077676997 will continue to seek profits from us during their fleeting moments… darn.
Anyway, GO LISTEN to Dr. Sai’s FREE presentation on WEDNESDAY February 26, 4pm at UH IMIN Center (across from Kennedy Theatre on East West Road). Since that building is considered part of the (private) East West Center, not certain *if* they’ll provide free parking… Regardless, raffles for ‘free books’ excites this (former) librarian, ha!
It is not so much the US we must contend with but the international money trust and banking system.
Fascinating Lopaka. Didn’t know about the BTFP creation, REQUIRING monthly Fed Reserve REPORTS! I THOUGHT that the Fed Reserve had already been absorbed into the Treasury… like the IRS has, with payments directed to them instead.
The PRIVATE Fed Reserve has NEVER been audited before (just like black budget military industrial complex) YET (((now))) The Board will provide MONTHLY updates (since March 12, 2023) concerning the BTFP in accordance with section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act. So it appears ‘they’ aka white hats, Earth Alliance etc… are trying to give us a softer landing by s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out the process?
As for me, I just wanna CLIP those FRAUD judicial wings that corporate #StateOfHawaii is currently flapping to PROFIT off locals’ hardship. Supposedly tomorrow a Chinese (national?) ‘investment’ Co w/ branches throughout the US takes ownership of our hale — after the lenders’ fraud Chinese “esquires” [who openly advertise on their website they represent a SYNDICATE of international investors] assisted them. NO NEED to PROVE they still HOLD originals docs, NOR does anything they submit have to be “sworn under the penalty of perjury” as lawfully required per 28 USC §1746. They’ve tampered with docs, committed mail fraud, and continue to deny me my Constitutional “trial by jury” along with my recent hearing requests to QUESTION their “witness” about all their FRAUD. NO facts = NO witness = NO jurisdiction = NO case. YET they are evidently ABOVE the law! Ugh.
WE here know that the US has NO STANDING in Hawaii, as an OCCUPIER. So Hawaiian subjects are still caught in these unethical doldrums a bit longer. Drats! 🤡