KITV Island Life Live—Dr. Keanu Sai talks about his recent publication by Oxford University Press on the American occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom

On KITV Island Life Live yesterday, Dr. Keanu Sai talks about his recent chapter titled “Hawai‘i’s Sovereignty and Survival in the Age of Empire” in a book Unconquered States: Non-European Powers in the Imperial Age. The book was published by Oxford University Press in December of 2024. Be sure to download Dr. Sai’s chapter by clicking the link above.

27 thoughts on “KITV Island Life Live—Dr. Keanu Sai talks about his recent publication by Oxford University Press on the American occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom

    • Where would Oxford be if not for Wycliffe, and all the Catholoc liety that revolted against the Pope (Huss, Knox, Calvin, Luther, etc.), whom published the 1st Bible in English beginning the protestant reformation and “opened the eyes” of King Henry the 8th of papal corrution of the word of God? Hawaiian Protestantism and the Laplace incident would be plainly non-existent.Once again, however in the Pacific, Oxford has lit a fire in the minds of men by the publication of information to lead us into a new 21st century world order. Congratulations Kumu and Lorenz!

  1. I will attend the book sharing at the Imin Conference Center at UH Mānoa on February @4:00 pm. It is free to the public and they will have lottery to get a free book. Dr. Sai, will be speaking.

    • Has anyone given any thought about the kanaka, and how this birthright thing is playing out. The Native Americans are actually not citizens. They are citizens of their own nations. Trump is saying they can not do this, they will be deported because of this. He says the only way to fix this is they have to become American citizens. But if they do this their treaties become null and void and he can take back the land they live on. Any thoughts on how this will play out for the Hawaiian Kingdom.

      • I’ll just say this…Hawaiians are born Hawaiian. Subscribing to social security is not obligatory. Hawaiian parents pledge their childs birthright as US citizens for economic privileges and benefits when they contract without reservations with the federal agent, the Social Security Administration. This is done at birth by the parents when the child is neither the age of majority nor has the capacity to understand their right to contract specifically for public benefits such as WIC, TANF, Section 8, child tax credit, etc.
        We are not obligated to sign our children up for social security however we are by nature obligated to care for, protect, nurture and support them as is our duty as natural parents. It is tough given the commercial occupation of our territory and the Federal public trust framework governing it.
        Although many Hawaiian families are needy and dependent on government assistance, in yielding to the economic might of the US, all must be vigilant in protecting their birthright. If Hawaiians must yield, then do so under protest as did our Queen. We all have a right to contract unlimited and therefore we all have a right to defend our birthright and reserve our rights in unconscionable contracts in order to dispute any issue arrising therefrom.
        Freedom and independence is scary, deal with it!

        • Many kanaka deal with generational trauma, due the overthrow. Now that kanaka are finally pulling themselves out of the ties of generational trauma, by education and the return of cultural practices and the Hawaiian language. But many of these critical programs are on the chopping block due to the president Trumps stance on DEI. Even some projects from DHHL are on the chopping block. We will have to find ways to fund these programs on our own so the future of our Hawaiian race is not controlled by a president of another country. I think OHA should start paying for these Hawaiian language schools etc.

          • Hawaiians will need to become independent of government assistance. We will need to depend on ourselves, families and friends because when it all hits the fan America doesn’t produce, it only consumes. It is a devouring colon, eating and digesting everything it contacts and contracts. For example, the State owes 20% of crown and government land revenue to OHA However, no accounting of such revenue has ever been properly done to date indicating the State has not intended nor acted in good faith to protect the Native Hawaiian people’s public trust property and constitutional guarantee of due process. Of course, the State could also sell bonds but then again you can bet that you’ll start to see your property assessments go up to collect the taxes needed on the bond revenue demanded by bond holders. And that’s not even considering government pensions pooled and invested in those same or similar government bonds. All the State does is roll them up and out so no bond ever closes. Interest rates go up, and terms get extended. Fraud is rampant and needs to be acknowledged, not ignored nor profited from especially when allocated as funds for government programs. These are the silent weapons of the governments quiet war to pillage and plunder the people!

  2. BRAVO Dr. Sai– such an amazing warrior with your WORDS, via law & order. This latest chapter in Oxford University Press is just ANOTHER testament that MORE INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS also agree with your findings! There has NOT been any that haven’t– just those that do NOT want to give up their power, profits nor be penalized by their controllers.
    What IS comforting is knowing that the since NO country can “take” another country by *just* a congressional Act per international law & the (cabal) US also LACKS ANY SIGNED TREATY of cession, its claim to Hawaii IS NULLIFIED –under the THE PRINCIPLE OF “EX INJURIA JUS NON ORITUR” [A RIGHT CANNOT ARISE FROM A WRONG.] End of story! So it appears that we’re just waiting for the ‘chapters’ to play out until restoration– hopefully after DJT’s public inauguration? 🙂
    Until then, the CORPORATION of the #StateOfHawaii & its subsidiaries (depts), with business Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S ®077676997 will continue to seek profits from us during their fleeting moments… darn.

    Anyway, GO LISTEN to Dr. Sai’s FREE presentation on WEDNESDAY February 26, 4pm at UH IMIN Center (across from Kennedy Theatre on East West Road). Since that building is considered part of the (private) East West Center, not certain *if* they’ll provide free parking… Regardless, raffles for ‘free books’ excites this (former) librarian, ha!

    • Behind the US government are the hands of power, the money trust. The American oligarchs benefit from the central bankers goals and therefore will not bite the hand that feeds them. It is not so much the US we’re contending but the central banking system and it’s owners, the prime banks, who are now socializing their risks and privatizing the profits.

        • Fascinating Lopaka. Didn’t know about the BTFP creation, REQUIRING monthly Fed Reserve REPORTS! I THOUGHT that the Fed Reserve had already been absorbed into the Treasury… like the IRS has, with payments directed to them instead.

          The PRIVATE Fed Reserve has NEVER been audited before (just like black budget military industrial complex) YET (((now))) The Board will provide MONTHLY updates (since March 12, 2023) concerning the BTFP in accordance with section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act. So it appears ‘they’ aka white hats, Earth Alliance etc… are trying to give us a softer landing by s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out the process?

          As for me, I just wanna CLIP those FRAUD judicial wings that corporate #StateOfHawaii is currently flapping to PROFIT off locals’ hardship. Supposedly tomorrow a Chinese (national?) ‘investment’ Co w/ branches throughout the US takes ownership of our hale — after the lenders’ fraud Chinese “esquires” [who openly advertise on their website they represent a SYNDICATE of international investors] assisted them. NO NEED to PROVE they still HOLD originals docs, NOR does anything they submit have to be “sworn under the penalty of perjury” as lawfully required per 28 USC §1746. They’ve tampered with docs, committed mail fraud, and continue to deny me my Constitutional “trial by jury” along with my recent hearing requests to QUESTION their “witness” about all their FRAUD. NO facts = NO witness = NO jurisdiction = NO case. YET they are evidently ABOVE the law! Ugh.
          WE here know that the US has NO STANDING in Hawaii, as an OCCUPIER. So Hawaiian subjects are still caught in these unethical doldrums a bit longer. Drats! 🤡

  3. This level of exposure speaks volumes on how the public is aware of the occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Knowledge is power.

  4. People who criticize this work can say what they want; the bottom line is if they cannot prove Hawaii got annexed to the USA, their opinions are nonsense. Since there is no treaty showing we got annexed to the dominion of the USA, the HK still exist and that’s the way it is going to go down.

    And we don’t have to prove we’re occupied territory. The opposition has to prove we are not. No such proof exist! If it did, it should have happened last year and all of this would go away.

  5. Facts aside, the US does not care because mostly all it’s citizens don’t know. So, in order to move the US you must enlighten their people or Congress. We have not stood together for such a cause in this or any generation since our great-great grandparents lodged their protest.
    We are, and have been, divided. Divided in class, generations, status, ideology, family, interests, etc. However we have come together yet only to respond to acts taken against us. Still it is then, and only then, do we discover our defense strong, our cause sustainable, and our courage, unceasing.
    Impelled by forces beyond our control, we still manage to overcome all our differences and unite to fight every battle here in our homelands. And in this, our enemies cannot pretend. They cannot act as if they do not see us growing.
    No more will they not think of us. They shall think of us when they convene in their halls of lies and sit at their corrupt tables. No more will our people stand aside. No more!
    We have made ourselves, our country, visible once again. If not in reality, at least, in the minds and hearts of all who now reside on these precious grounds. Our presence in the streets, on the news, in the great offices of government, everywhere we are heard because talk is everywhere. But…
    As utopic as the achievement of Hawaiian Independence can be and given all the progress and clarity provided and driven by Keanu, we must stay grounded in the economy and politics which subjects our persons to US domination. Trump just hit the ground running and it is clear apartheid is back on the US table. Manifest destiny sails full steam ahead, and in plain view once again.
    Shall we not stand on the shoulder of our ancestors…or are we to forever protest and fight the systems here in our territory?

  6. Hey-folks, did you catch the NEW Secretary of Defense Hegseth SAY the fact that we ARE under a “Continuity of Government”? That means we ARE ‘at war””. Hence it CONFIRMS this unusual info war we’re in that also impacts Hawaii’s FREEDOM timing too.
    To confirm Hegseth’s COG mention, go to the new website it has a tab for “Continuity of Government”. Never saw that on a WH page before ( I used to lead student groups to DC).
    For more details can review the Department of Defense (DOD) Law of War Manual that outlines the “rules” between countries when engaged in war, i.e. use of bioweapons (CV19?), lasers (DEW?) etc. Translated DEEP STATE is NOT playing fair…
    The manual also mentions many things that Keanu has (Army Field Guide, international organizations & sphere of influence etc)
    Will post links tomorrow when on a computer.!

    • So much for “continuity of government.” If it was a real world scenario, then the highest US government leaders would be in a black hawk downed by a domestic aircraft due to air traffic. They should have been able to see this coming a mile away. Something is fishy in the air and they obviously need more ground training if that is what they were really doing.

      • This vlogger covers most of what happened including COG.
        INTERESTINGLY he includes archival video of Hawaii Senator Inouye telling folks to STOP TALKING ABOUT COG
        States that the ‘Shadow Gov’ started in the 1980s… so the COG is NOT new, just some newer players.
        The “Doomsday” presidential plane was in flight OVER the plane-helicopter accident yet DJT was NOT on it. So evidently a FF played out instead?
        Hawaii’s Tulsi also is featured in this video calling out deep state players (Brennen, Biden laptop) w/ Epstein List subpoenas looming… Tick Tock!
        The fight to CLEAN HOUSE continues…

  7. Lol, Deepseek got western countries shaking in their boots. Open source getting attacked by the global profiteers. America is overpaid, wasting money, overcharging customers, etc. 2025 will put America in its place in the global order. China’s overcapacity will overtake US pole position. Tesla is already losing their lead to BYD. Innovation doesn’t wait for anyone, even profiteers. It won’t be too long before China boots Tesla and American manufacturing and financing companies operating in China.

    • Christmas for Putin ain’t over. ING took a $700 million loss to leave Russia. Austria and Italys banks are next as Russia already took $2 billion and both foreign banks got nearly $10s of billion in the Russian economy. US may have seized $300 billion but Russia has more presents to open, legally. $200 billion in foreign assets invested in Russia today allows Putin to get his lick back.

      • When China gets their supply lines straight the US better watch out. They have cornered the rare earth minerals, caviar, bilateral trade infrastructure and cooperation, cocoa, and AI market. G7 will turn to China and the US will get hit hard from all angles, head shots and body blows. This US trade war will be painful for all. Like germanium, tungsten, gallium…bismuth, molybdenum, and tellurium will hurt the US MIC. Basically, the resource card is in China’s hands who can starve out US industries and manufacturing. When they unleash their production power at scale, its all over for US dollar. No country can bring down production costs to compete with China. Financial controls and foreign investments with counter party risk is a nono is 2025. Less US dollars abroad, less investments in US bonds. Kaboom!

        • After the broad based dismantling of the administrative state and the bureaucratic blitzkrieg against DEIA public policies and personnel, the monetization of the asset side of the US books in the name of the people in order to “put them to work” appears suspicious especially in light of a sovereign wealth fund, gold backed treasuries bonds and bitcoin holdings. The Saudis should have never given Jared that $2 billion, and now that Pheonix is in Gaza, the American, Yahu, wants Palestinians resettled in Saudi. The cat is nearly out of the bag.

          • 25 on steel and aluminum imports in exchange for 10 on auto exports…lol!!! China is leveling with Trump because the US no can compete with China who sells 22 million cars just to themselves. There goes Ford, GMs and Mercedes profit margins.
            With independent supply chains and energy costs so low that the US has been crying “overcapacity” perhaps the US should not have messed with the dragon that is China. Conditioning China’s participation in the WTO on their ratification of the WHO was a wrong move. Now both organizations or mechanisms of economic control have been exposed and unmasked.

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