KITV Island Life Live—Dr. Keanu Sai Explains Senator Crabbe’s Letter to the Attorney General about the State of Hawai‘i’s Legal Status

On KITV Island Life Live yesterday, Dr. Keanu Sai explains Senator Cross Makani Crabbe’s letter to Attorney General Anne Lopez requesting a legal opinion on the legal status of the State of Hawai‘i in light of the continued existence of the Hawaiian Kingdom as an occupied State by the United States since January 17, 1893.

7 thoughts on “KITV Island Life Live—Dr. Keanu Sai Explains Senator Crabbe’s Letter to the Attorney General about the State of Hawai‘i’s Legal Status

    • This sounds like the Hague in 2000. The United States was invited to the proceedings, they deliberately refused. They know they would have to provide proof that Hawaii is U.S. sovereign territory. There is no proof. So yes, the AG is up against a wall. I’d seriously do the wisest thing and I do it soon. Prepare for a military government.

  1. This election the population can make a stand by not voting for war crimes. Protest American elections and the fraudulent misrepresentation of the occupied Hawaiian Kingdom! Long live the Queen!

  2. Woot! Woot! Lamestream cabal-owned media (((now))) letting this KNOWLEDGE seep out into our TV-watching islanders? A VERY GOOD SIGN! Plus, down-to-earth Lina Girl & Davey D are the right ones to let it all flow out! KNOWLEDGE (to all) IS POWER! <3

  3. Israel is surrounded. Both the US and UK deploying troops under the guise of evacuation of civilians. All gloves may be coming off with 40k waiting to attack Israel on orders in the Syrian Golan. Tel Aviv has been targeted and attacked, 3 million evacuated in North Israel. Israel air attack on Tartuz (Port/346 CE-Constantine) yesterday, a Russian base, escalates the matter.
    With Hamas on one front, Houthis on another, Hezbollah, who just entered the northern doors (65km ingress) of Israel yesterday, Russia will not tolerate Israel’s foolery as they warned in 2017 when they threatened to crush Israel’s fighter jets. From attacking Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and yesterday Tartuz, Israel is either creating a war knowing it has the military industry and banking system of the US or Netanyahu made a huge strategic mistake. Will American politicians, the defense and munitions industry, and war hawks, get involved in another war in the middle east? Will the American people support another bloodletting?

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