Kamehameha Schools Presents “Hawai‘i’s Sovereignty and Survival in the Age of Empire: A Conversation with Dr. David Keanu Sai”

Dr. Keanu Sai, a graduate of the Kamehameha Schools Kapālama campus in 1982 has been invited by Kamehameha Schools Ka‘iwakīloumoku Pacific Indigenous Institute, in partnership with Kanaeokāna, for a presentation on March 5, 2025, with questions and answers to follow about his recent chapter “Hawai‘iʻs Sovereignty and Survival in the Age of Empire” published by Englandʻs Oxford University Pressʻ Unconquered States: Non-European Powers in the Imperial Age in December of 2024. No registration is required for this free public in-person event and light refreshments to follow.

The public is encouraged to attend because Dr. Saiʻs presentation will get into the operational plan for transitioning the State of Hawai‘i into a military government of Hawai‘i and the impact it will have on the population of Hawai‘i, e.g. health care, land, taxes, cost of living. The session will be recorded and uploaded on Kanaeokana’s website.

The session will be recorded and uploaded on Kanaeokana’s YouTube channel.

8 thoughts on “Kamehameha Schools Presents “Hawai‘i’s Sovereignty and Survival in the Age of Empire: A Conversation with Dr. David Keanu Sai”

  1. We have been listening to all of Dr Sai speeches and Q&A, there are many of us Hawaiians in Florida California Texas Arizona that would like to return home, we will be keeping an eye and ear on all the latest developments with regard to our home Hawaii and would like return to our home

    • Regent Sai,
      Have you considered having a meeting with the prime ministers of Greenland, Denmark and Canada regarding US President Trumps threats to overthrow or buy their countries against their will? I think a meeting with them would be a good opportunity to both spread awareness of the Hawaiian Kingdoms illegal occupation as well as give those countries arguments and speaking points as to the US’s illegal reach in its expansionist ideology. Perhaps if questioned about it, they could bring up the illegality of the US’s occupation of our Kingdom to publicly display that his doing so to them would likewise be illegal. It could also prove to forge a friendship between our sovereign nations wherein one or all of those countries may consider holding those named in war crime reports and holding hearings against them for international law violations?

  2. Awesome, another chance to go…yessah! Kumu, you already know I going come with questions so here is a prelude.
    The greatest impact will be our sovereigns power to coin money and regulate it’s value. With its proper use and exercise comes economic freedom! Servitude, usury and debt is all there is without it.
    From the time of Jesus of Nazareth to Hitler, Central Bankers have managed to take global control of all nations and governments like pirates operating on the high seas unencumbered and unmolested. Indeed, it was a pirate by the name of William Patterson that established the Bank of England. Some wouldn’t believe it but even Jesus, although he did flip the money tables and forced the Patricians out, was crucified as a “lèstès” next to 2 other pirates/traffickers/fishers of men.
    Anyhow, most people wouldn’t connect the scheme of central banking to pirating, robbing or plundering yet history tells us this is a fact. A deep truth and reality we have yet to let sink in. Yet taxing power of any government rests on its credit guarantee that all sovereigns are endowed with.
    However the acceptance of fiat money not backed by assets of intrinsic value but by that same credit guarantee of the government in today’s US dollar controlled international financial order presents a domestic and international crisis that cannot be met nor matched by the universal acceptability of gold. While governments may tax their people and sell bonds to fund government and pay the national debt, and such a power was used by Kamehameha and Kaahumanu ma until Boki accepted all debts of the Council thereby making it private rather than that of the Council, will the COR inform us of the debt created on behalf of the subjects as an integral and vested part of the Hawaiian State?
    Also, there is a significant historical reason why countries are dropping the dollar. No country, or fiat currency for that matter, has ever survived as long as gold. Will the COR follow the yellow brick road amd convert the dollars received because there is no place like home?

  3. Amazing! I sometimes wonder if our country is run as a meritocracy as well, not a democracy. While it is explicitly stated in our Constitution that the Kingdom is of a Constitutional Monarchy, based on the articles of the Constitution, the Kingdom is also run as a meritocracy as well. I could be mistaken.

    In the end, we are a Constitutional Monarchy and we should stay that way.

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