Dr. Keanu Sai to Present on the American Occupation at FestPAC on Thursday June 13 from 11am to 12:30pm at the Hawai‘i Convention Center Kaua‘i Room 311

Dr. Keanu Sai will do a presentation on the American occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom at the 13th Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture. Dr. Sai’s presentation will be on Thursday, June 13, 2024, from 11:00am to 12:30pm in the Kaua‘i Room 311 at the Hawai‘i Convention Center.

The Festival of Pacific Arts & Culture (FestPAC) is the world’s largest celebration of indigenous Pacific Islanders. The South Pacific Commission (now The Pacific Community – SPC) launched this dynamic showcase of arts and culture in 1972 to halt the erosion of traditional practices through ongoing cultural exchange. It is a vibrant and culturally enriching event celebrating the unique traditions, artistry, and diverse cultures of the Pacific region. FestPAC serves as a platform for Pacific Island nations to showcase their rich heritage and artistic talents.

The roots of FestPAC trace back to the 1970s when Pacific Island nations commenced discussion on the need to preserve and promote their unique cultural identities. The hope was to create a space where Pacific Islanders could convene to share their traditional arts, crafts, music, dance, and oral traditions with the world. This initiative was driven by the desire to strengthen cultural bonds among Pacific Island communities and foster a greater understanding of their cultures.

The inaugural Festival of Pacific Art and Culture took place in 1972 in Suva, Fiji. Over the years, FestPAC has evolved and grown in stature, becoming a highly anticipated event for both Pacific Islanders and visitors from around the world. The festival has not only preserved traditional arts and culture but has also served as a platform for contemporary Pacific Island artists to express their creativity and address contemporary issues.

One of the festival’s most important objectives is to promote cultural exchange and understanding among the participating nations. It provides an opportunity for artists and cultural practitioners to learn from each other, share stories, and forge lasting connections. FestPAC serves as a reminder of the common heritage that binds Pacific Island nations and highlights the importance of preserving and celebrating their heritage.

Since its inception, FestPAC has been hosted by different Pacific Island nations on a rotational basis. Each host country takes on the responsibility of organizing and hosting the festival, providing a unique opportunity to showcase their own culture and hospitality. Host nations have all played a pivotal role in the festival’s success. They have worked tirelessly to create a welcoming and vibrant atmosphere for artists and visitors alike, ensuring that FestPAC remains a foundation of cultural exchange and celebration in the Pacific.

9 thoughts on “Dr. Keanu Sai to Present on the American Occupation at FestPAC on Thursday June 13 from 11am to 12:30pm at the Hawai‘i Convention Center Kaua‘i Room 311

    • You probably already got the info (now?) in the blog yet here it is: Dr. Keanu Sai will do a presentation on the American occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom at the 13th Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture. Dr. Sai’s presentation will be on Thursday, June 13, 2024, from 11-12:30pm in the Kaua‘i Room 311 at the Hawai‘i Convention Center.

      btw for many of the HCC presentations saw that ‘registration’ was required.
      Here’s the schedule … doesn’t list his presentation specifically yet he already gave the room 311 & timed 11am.

  1. Me ka mahalo ia,
    Its important to be accurately represented amongst our po’e kanaka o Pasifika and to also enlighten them as to our objective to be Un Occupied. Unfortunately, many of our cousins are in the same wa’a but with knowledge may find a unified freedom by your presentation.

    o wau no,
    Mahealani Ventura

  2. VERY GLAD that Hawaiian Kingdom WILL be present in this momentous gathering of Pacific Islander FAMILY. <3 Granted, it's probably planned/funded by the 'occupiers' yet important none-the-less!

    HOPING that the 'key leaders' of all the islands attend Keanu's presentation– since it's not specifically listed. While they could always watch them online, there's NOTHING like in-person Q & A following. *priceless*
    Here's the link to the 10-day event: https://event.festpachawaii.org/

  3. Praise KeAkua for the Plan to bring Justice to the Hawaiian Kingdom. This Proclamation is Absolutely Historic in our lifetime of believing we were part of the United States And our Pacific Family still mostly under this same delusion! This will become the Most inspirational Story that our guests will take Home all throughout the Pacific! Mahalo Beloved Sai

  4. Free Kanaky free new caledonia and west papua. The important issue of colonialism and occupation surrounding our melanesian brothers been making headlines for some time now because they are fighting, and many have died fighting for their freedom. Pray for our pacific island brothers. Ho’oulu Lahui preservation and regeneration of culture and people. Aue Hawaii needs more than preserving culture we need to preserve our race. Watching our chief Kawanakoa and other hawaiian royalty next to the chiefs of the pacific island nations including kiingi tuheitia was shocking. For a minute I thought the hawaiian reps were actually American but their Hawaiian. Yikes anyway Josh Green receiving Hookupu was such a sham he didn’t even bother selecting someone to represent the native hawaiians. Maybe Kawananakoa although selecting Kawananakoa who is our hawaiian chief and potentially king would have made me cringe. Native Hawaiians are so washed away it’s a bit kalofae. All the white european scholars were right when they said hawaii is a brother nation to the europeans. Not just politically but ethnically as well. The chinese technically could say the same thing, so does the japanese and latinos. Anyway, that is the way our ancestors chose to go and lead our people. It leaded our native hawaiian people right into a burning house. Honestly, I’m tired about hearing this history of the occupation it’s so redundant and so inefficient. Our pacific island brothers and sisters know about the occupation. Perhaps we need to fight a little bit and make some noise that way. Fight for your freedom and pay the ultimate price. That was always the cost for freedom. It’s always been that way and I been saying it for a while now. Get out there with the Lahui Moana nui akea and try you’re best to blend in lol. Unite and wala au w your brothers and sisters. Share ideas and solutions on addressing important environmental issues, global issues, political issues etc. Regenerating culture and RACE.

  5. [I copied this from the newer post indicating the time change…]

    After 4 years of internet HK sleuthing, today felt like I had front row IMAX seating! While I slid in late, what I heard provided a good overview of what many of us here are already familiar with. During the short Q & A a visiting Fijian also chimed in to offer their perspective. The presentation WAS filmed so hopefully it’ll be available on both YT Hawaiian Kingdom Academia & also this blog.

    btw Point of clarification (that resulted from side a convo that Dr. Sai & I were part of): Participating in the US’s Universal Commercial Code (UCC) system where one claims their ‘strawman/birth certificate name as your own is NO SOLUTION. Since the ‘original sin’ FRAUD of usurping HK sovereignty nullifies ALL of that.

    Mahalo again, Dr. Keanu Sai for your leadership & efforts. <3 I whole heartedly agree that EDUCATION our own remains the biggest hurdle. I noticed the book vendor in the same room had no titles by Sai, and when I bumped into local educators in the hallway (public, charter & DOD), they had NO CLUE either. Can hardly wait for censorship to be 'of the past'.
    Aloha to all!

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