5 thoughts on “Dr. Keanu Sai on Keep It Aloha Podcast

  1. Sweet! So this is where you were coming back from. My apologies for skipping the courtesies but as you could tell we were running late for our flight. It’s always nice however seeing you Kumu.

  2. Mahalo piha for all this time and energy & your kuleana is so admirable!!! You mentioned you swore allegiance to the Hawaiian Kingdom; how does that translate while still be governed by the state of Hawaii? How do you navigate it all? Is there a legal way to pledge allegiance to the Hawaiian Kingdom? Mahalo in advance!!!

  3. Love this interview by our ‘next gen’ interviewer! ‘Professor’ Keanu Sai has a casual conversation with Keep It Aloha vlogger, while educating the young man along the way.
    For what it’s worth, this is my short post for X/Twitter, including a reference to his cuz Keanu, since it MIGHT entice NEW listeners. Feel free to cut/paste elsewhere to SPREAD THE WORD! <3

    Dr. Keanu Sai's AMAZING journey triggered by his Tutu's authentic Hawaii stories, growing up in Kuliouou's huge Reeve Ohana (Keanu Reeves is his cuz) to now #HawaiianKingdom's foremost advocate, armed w/ Law & Order! He et al ARE RESTORING HK!

  4. What a great interview, I’ve watched all his videos on the overthrow 1893. To listen to his background from his upbringing to getting his masters in political science, truly awesome interview

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