Book Launch Tomorrow at the University of Hawai‘i of Oxford University Press’ publication of “Unconquered States: Non-European Powers in the Imperial Age” with a Chapter on the American Occupation of Hawai‘i

Tomorrow will be the official book launch of Unconquered States: Non-European Powers in the Imperial Age published by England’s Oxford University Press in December of 2024. Dr. Keanu Sai is a contributor of a chapter in the book titled “Hawai‘i’s Sovereignty and Survival in the Age of Empire.” In his chapter Dr. Sai

In his chapter, Dr. Sai covers: the legal and political history of the Hawaiian Kingdom, the evolution of governance as a constitutional monarchy, the unlawful overthrow of the government by United States troops in 1893, the prolonged American occupation since 1893, the restoration of the government of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1997 by a Council of Regency, and the recognition of the continued existence of the Hawaiian Kingdom, as a State, and the Council of Regency, as its provisional government, by the Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague, Netherlands, in the 1999-2001 international arbitration case Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom. He concludes his chapter with:

Despite over a century of revisionist history, “the continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom as a sovereign State is grounded in the very same principles that the United States and every other State have relied on for their own legal existence.” The Hawaiian Kingdom is a magnificent story of perseverance and continuity.


10 thoughts on “Book Launch Tomorrow at the University of Hawai‘i of Oxford University Press’ publication of “Unconquered States: Non-European Powers in the Imperial Age” with a Chapter on the American Occupation of Hawai‘i

  1. Fascinating. I wonder what other countries were buried alive in that book. We should all unify with one another using the book as a catalyst.

  2. 2/26/25
    I WANT TO GO! HOWEVER my children are fearful that ‘EVICTION police’ will show up at our home. now. 🙁 So, I think it’s best to stay home.

    I FULLY agree that Hawaiian Kingdom subjects SHOULD BE “Protected People” since #NOtreaty #StateOfHawaii has NO STANDING w/o a #TreatyofCession which HAS BEEN PROVEN time & time again. The International community ALL agree that cabal US Inc even violates it’s OWN laws by it predatory ILLEGALLY OCCUPATION in violation of the US’s own constitution, the Commission of FELONIES (Title 18 Section 2441) which is 18 USC §2441 Crimes and Criminal Procedure WAR CRIMES. Plus most know by now that #StateOfHawaii & its various depts are ALL “corporations” per business register. Here are (3)- State of Hawaii D-U-N-S®077676997
    KAAHUMANU HALE D-U-N-S®006054537.

    Interestingly, my situation (& others!) mirrors the same tragedy. The #NOtreaty GOV “gatekeepers” are CORRUPT so “JUSTICE” CANNOT BE SERVED (yet). I will elaborate a bit more since it MIGHT prove helpful, somehow… My predicament has ONE consistent theme– CORRUPT GOVERNMENT’s actions & inactions!
    1. NEEDED LOAN TO FIX SEVERE EROSION CAUSED BY GOV–a GOV water restriction device floods our yard during storm surges resulting in our HOME moving. The CAUSE of damage is well documented by a USGS water monitoring station & USACE video made to justify the Ala Wai watershed retention basin. City ignores their ROH ordinances to ‘PROTECT residents from flooding’, DPP wont issue a REPAIR permit & wants to fine me. State & Fed reps NO help either. Only one caring DPP former inspector told me in writing “for the SAFETY of your family” MAKE the repairs… WITHOUT a permit’
    2. HIDOE TERMINATED DUE TO FORCED GOV CV19 MEDICAL PROCEDURE- Had a hypoxia STROKE from FT masking. Yet NEITHER KP doc nor HIDOE would mask accommodate– Choice? Work masked again OR get fired!
    Per my Credit Reports, the lender “charged off” my debt just at 60 days (& NOT “under collections”) with a notation “affected by natural or declared disaster”. So DID they get Mortgage Insurance PAY them? Or (secretly) sell the debt to the aggressive lawyers hounding us, who advertise on their website they ‘represent a SYNDICATE of international investors’?
    4. HELOC LENDERS EVIDENCE IS UNSWORN, TAMPERED & REFUSES TO PRODUCE ORIGINAL WET INK NOTE FOR INSPECTION. Lender IS supposed to PROVE they still are the HOLDER of the ORIGINAL NOTE– did they sell it? Lender’s “evidence” is ALL UNSWORN [MUST be sworn per 28 US Code §1746 else it’s all hearsay so NO “Competent Witness”= NO facts = NO jurisdiction = NO case]. Lender also submitted TAMPERED docs– trying to make their paperwork complete– yet I’m LEFT handed & don’t make handwritten “right handed’ check marks! Plus, on statement they got the LENDER’S ADDRESS wrong– they had moved 7 months prior (did lawyers make using cut-n-paste). Judge ACCEPTS lawyers ‘testifying’ FACTS–yet they can NOT be a “witness”!
    5. JUDGE SECRETLY SANCTIONED ME OFF JEFS COURT. NOTIFICATION SYSTEM, NOW DEPENDENT ON SNAIL MAIL WHILE LAWYERS USE PERSONAL PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE SYSTEM TO FORGE “NOTIFICATIONS”. Am thankful for the honest court clerk that told me JUDGES are the only ones that can BLOCK someone’s access to their JEFS filing & notification system. Thankful also for USPS Informed Delivery Notifications that PROVE their mail manipulation.
    6. JUDGE DENIES ME MY 7TH AMENDMENT CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT FOR TRIAL BY JURY. Lenders lawyers tell the judge ‘it would be a waste of time’ while I see it as an opportunity to use the DISCOVERY process to GET the ACCESS to docs I’ve been requesting, etc. If you’re wondering, I have ALSO tried the Hawaiian Kingdom route including asking the lender to file a TITLE DEFECT CLAIM on my behalf– IGNORED.
    HOWEVER NONE OF IT MATTERS WHEN THE JUDGE IS CORRUPT! S/he signs an “Order” and poof! Your rights & hale are GONE. I’m HOPING that with America’s “New sheriff et al in town” that #NOtreaty #StateOfHawaii CRIMES CAN finally be SHUT DOWN as United Nation’s Dr. deZayas recommended in 2018 with his certified letters to Hawaii Judiciary+.
    Forgive my ‘informative’ rant… Just frustrated and ultimately, JUST want to protect my children. May we ALL have the blessings of Ke Akua on our side.

    • fyi WEBMASTER you do have my permission to remove my prior lengthy remark, since it may detract from the focus of your post?
      Granted, it DOES SHOW how our FRAUD “government” HAS 1. CAUSED our household’s major flooding/erosion & its refusal to STOP it 2. Ended my career bec’ of their FORCED medical procedure & 3. Now PROFITS from their CORRUPT judicial ruling from a ‘repair loan’ I was FORCED to obtain to stop our home’s slide, caused by a Gov structure… Ugh.

      I also want to suggest that HK create some form of ‘testimonials’ website, where locals could identify #StateOfHawaii ‘oppressions’ with some suggested ‘injustice’ areas to check off– to make tabulation easier. IT could be done using a simple Google Form that collects the data, that can be later presented in many different ways (tables, graphs, etc). Think it would be a VERY POWERFUL assessment tool.

      Anyway, I’m still (((searching))) for our defense options– something our fearless leaders HAVE done that (((for decades))). RESPECT. IMUA!

  3. Lest I forget, ONGOING HEARTFELT THANKS to our brave, knowledgeable & persistent Dr. Keanu Sai & to the many others TRUTHERS that have weathered the STORM of #NOtreaty #StateofHawaii deception & weaponized tyranny for so long! 😵‍💫 It’s no surprise that Oxford U. Press’ also ENDORSES the scholarly research & undisputable FACTS. Bravo!
    LOOKING FORWARD to seeing the recorded presentation (since not on FB).
    Aloha always

  4. Excellent author and brilliant publication…kaulana na pua! The legal mobilization of the Hawaiian Kingdom via the Council of Regency over the past generation is a masterclass is legal and political strategy, patience and engineering. O Keanu no ka oi!

  5. Regent Sai,
    Have you considered having a meeting with the prime ministers of Greenland, Denmark and Canada regarding US President Trumps threats to overthrow or buy their countries against their will? I think a meeting with them would be a good opportunity to both spread awareness of the Hawaiian Kingdoms illegal occupation as well as give those countries arguments and speaking points as to the US’s illegal reach in its expansionist ideology. Perhaps if questioned about it, they could bring up the illegality of the US’s occupation of our Kingdom to publicly display that his doing so to them would likewise be illegal. It could also prove to forge a friendship between our sovereign nations wherein one or all of those countries may consider holding those named in war crime reports and holding hearings against them for international law violations?

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