War crimes in the Hawaiian Islands are violations of international humanitarian law during military occupation. There are war crimes under customary international law, and there are war crimes listed in the Rome Statute that established the International Criminal Court. In a legal opinion for the Hawaiian Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI), Professor William Schabas, identified certain war crimes under customary international law being committed in the Hawaiian Kingdom:
Usurpation of sovereignty during occupation, which is the unlawful imposition of American laws and administrative measures
Compulsory enlistment, which is military draft
Denationalization, which is the destruction of the national identity and national consciousness of the population
Pillage, which is the unlawful seizure of certain property for private use
Confiscation or destruction of property of the State or individuals
Deprivation of fair and regular trial, which is a court that operates without lawful authority
Deporting civilians of the occupied territory
Transferring populations into an occupied territory
The domestic courts of countries have primary responsibility to prosecute war crimes committed on its territory. If the State is occupied, it is the military government established by the occupant under the law of occupation that has the responsibility to prosecute war criminals. In addition to the military government, the occupying State could also establish an international tribunal for the prosecution of war criminals in occupied territories like the United States did when it occupied Germany and Japan during the Second World War. The International Criminal Court is the last resort to prosecuting war crimes.
Stemming from its duty to investigate war crimes committed in the Hawaiian Islands, the Council of Regency established the RCI on April 17, 2019. The RCI collects necessary evidence from reliable sources that are independent, impartial, and objective.
Where the collection of evidence constitutes a particular war crime—the criminal act, the RCI will then determine whether there is evidence that constitutes the intent needed to commit the crime, which is the mental state of mind of the perpetrator. For example, Professor Schabas states that the elements of the war crime of usurpation of sovereignty during occupation are:
1. The perpetrator imposed or applied legislative or administrative measures of the occupying power going beyond those required by what is necessary for military purposes of the occupation.
2. The perpetrator was aware that the measures went beyond what was required for military purposes or the protection of fundamental human rights.
3. The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an occupation resulting from international armed conflict.
4. The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of the armed conflict and subsequent occupation.
The first element is the criminal act, and the last three elements go to the state of mind of the perpetrator. With respect to the last two elements of the war crime, Professor Schabas states:
1. There is no requirement for a legal evaluation by the perpetrator as to the existence of an armed conflict or its character as international or non-international;
2. In that context there is no requirement for awareness by the perpetrator of the facts that established the character of the conflict as international or non-international;
3. There is only a requirement for the awareness of the factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict that is implicit in the terms “took place in the context of and was associated with.”
If there is evidence that has met all of the elements of the war crime, the RCI will publish a war criminal report on its website. The next stage is to initiate the prosecution of the perpetrator by seeking a bill of indictment under Hawaiian Kingdom law. Unlike the United States, there is no grand jury that issues an indictment. Under Hawaiian law, the Prosecutor of the Crown must prepare a bill of indictment for the approval of a judge of the court that will prosecute the alleged perpetrator. After the bill of indictment is signed by the judge, an arrest warrant is issued to apprehend the perpetrator and to begin prosecution.
The current system of governance in Hawai‘i is a product of the war crime of usurpation of sovereignty because it is a product of American legislation by the U.S. Congress. The State of Hawai‘i was established by the Congress in 1959 under the Statehood Act. Until the State of Hawai‘i is transformed into an American military government to administer Hawaiian Kingdom laws under the law of occupation, prosecution of war criminals cannot take place. However, should any of the perpetrators identified in the RCI’s published war criminal reports travel to foreign countries they could be apprehended and tried by the courts of these countries under universal jurisdiction.
According to Human Rights Watch, “universal jurisdiction is the ability of the domestic judicial systems of a state to investigate and prosecute certain crimes, even if they were not committed on its territory, by one of its nationals, or against one of its nationals (i.e. crime beyond other bases of jurisdiction, such territoriality or active/passive personality.)” Under the war crime of usurpation of sovereignty during occupation, every foreign national that traveled to the Hawaiian Islands is a victim of war crimes having been subjected to American laws and administrative measures.
The current illegal situation in the Hawaiian Islands does not diminish the RCI’s published war criminal reports on its website because there are no statutory limitations for the prosecution of war crimes. In 2022, Germany convicted a 97-year-old woman for Nazi war crimes committed during the Second World War. War crimes being committed in the Hawaiian Islands should not be taken lightly.
The Associated Press reported, “A German court on Tuesday convicted a 97-year-old woman of being an accessory to more than 10,000 murders for her role as a secretary to the SS commander of the Nazi’s Stutthof concentration camp during World War II.”

Thank you for making this so easy to understand. Hope General Hara gets his act together… his future depends on it.
The State of Hawaii was not established but admitted into the union in 1959 under the statehood act of Congress. And only after the “State” maladministered the UN Charter plebiscite. The actual establishment and organization of the “Territory of Hawaii” occurred in 1900 and then they changed their name in 1949.
As for war crimes, the selective prosecution of “some” Germans over others and the lack of prosecuting Polish war crimes against Germany for causing WWII is not only a farce but a great engineering marvel of international jewry. That is to say nothing about the great stab in the back of Germany by German Jews in WWI which caused Germany to be blamed for the war nor the Weimar Republics devastating usury policies. Patton was right, but to pursue German individuals for war crimes when Russia was the occupier and the entire apparatus is fraudulent is just buffoonery. The nationalist blowback against internationalist and globalist will be a game changer.
Interesting read if you read between the lines. Mahalo to the author for the heads up.
I see the US “military” flags with ‘gold fringe’ still being used in courtrooms… undoubtedly these are the “US Inc” corporate deep state’s? Dr. Sai, I noted your use of “American” mil gov (aka the RESTORED “Republic” US gov). So it appears the success of HK definitely depends on the success of DJT’s “restored Republic” efforts, first. Let’s hope we’re close to public confirmation of that! [Recent mil air traffic (helicopters) are looping more frequently on the south shore now!]
More interestingly, US Inc prez JB recently TRANSFERRED ‘his powers’ to his MILITARY secretaries per this July 9th White House Memorandum, made during the NATO 75th summit in (now defunct) DC.
I’ve been watching the growing list of HK RCI’s Reports, Memorandums, etc.. that have helped me SEE all HK’s efforts & notifications — although the ‘seriousness’ of charges still seem IGNORED. Since I’m still in court battles (post CV termination) w/o success, I think ALL HAWAII JUDGES’ NAMES NEED to be added to the RCI’s lists to REMIND them of their unlawful ‘pretend’ roles they play.
Lastly, my 💗 BREAKS for a single Ma that I’ve been helping who has NOT SEEN HER YOUNG SON FOR ~4 YEARS due to “Family” Court corruption! The ‘father’ gained 24/7 indoctrination rights of their young son post his TRO lie, followed by forced sessions by unqualified ‘counseling’ by Catholic Charities while he refused ALL reunification efforts with certified therapists! Such a horrible “MORAL injury” to both son & mother. :-(..
And yes, she was absolutely FRAMED by her ex/in-laws who initially INSISTED on an abortion, then changed their mind once the adorable boy was born. Since I’ve seen all the evidence, I can confirm via LAWFARE & $$$, the crooked (clearly cabal) family has manipulated the court, CPS, DHS, Catholic Charities– you know, all the ‘bad players’ while actual “evidence” was pushed away, administratively. I saw a text by the ‘grandpa’ to his son, who said (w/in the child’s 1st year) that he ‘had some ideas on HOW to get FULL custody…’ and they have never stopped trying! So, PLEASE RIGHT THOSE WRONGS FIRST since it involves a child! 💔
“A false allegation represents a psychiatric emergency. As such, it must be handled and dealt with in a direct and timely manner. A child’s mental health and well-being depend upon it.” https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/view/child-abuse-allegations-lies-versus-truths
Much RESPECT to HK’s persistent efforts towards TRUTH, JUSTICE & FREEDOM. F-o-r-e-v-e-r grateful!
I see the US “military” flags w/ gold fringe still being used in courtrooms undoubtedly these are the “US Inc” corporate deep state’s? Dr. Sai, I noted your use of “American” mil gov (aka the RESTORED “Republic” US gov). So it appears the success of HK definitely depends on the success of DJT’s “restored Republic” efforts, first. Let’s hope we’re close to public confirmation of that! [Recent mil air traffic (helicopters) are looping more frequently on the south shore now!]
More interestingly, US Inc prez JB recently TRANSFERRED ‘his powers’ to his MILITARY secretaries per this July 9th White House Memorandum, made during the NATO 75th summit in (now defunct) DC.
[Search on whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2024… ]
I’ve been watching the growing list of HK RCI’s Reports, Memorandums, etc.. that have helped me SEE all HK’s efforts & notifications — although the ‘seriousness’ of charges still seem IGNORED. Since I’m still in court battles (post CV termination) w/o success, I think ALL HAWAII JUDGES’ NAMES NEED to be added to the RCI’s lists to REMIND them of their unlawful ‘pretend’ roles they play.
Lastly, my 💗 BREAKS for a single Ma that I’ve been helping who has NOT SEEN HER YOUNG SON FOR ~4 YEARS due to “Family” Court corruption! The ‘father’ gained 24/7 indoctrination rights of their young son post his TRO lie, followed by forced sessions by unqualified ‘counseling’ by Catholic Charities while he refused ALL reunification efforts with certified therapists! Such a horrible “MORAL injury” to both son & mother. :-(..
And yes, she was absolutely FRAMED by her ex/in-laws who initially INSISTED on an abortion, then changed their mind once the adorable boy was born. Since I’ve seen all the evidence, I can confirm via LAWFARE & $$$, the crooked (clearly cabal) family has manipulated the court, CPS, DHS, Catholic Charities– you know, all the ‘bad players’ while actual “evidence” was pushed away, administratively. I saw a text by the ‘grandpa’ to his son, who said (w/in the child’s 1st year) that he ‘had some ideas on HOW to get FULL custody…’ and they have never stopped trying! So, PLEASE RIGHT THOSE WRONGS FIRST since it involves a child! 💔
“A false allegation represents a psychiatric emergency. As such, it must be handled and dealt with in a direct and timely manner. A child’s mental health and well-being depend upon it.”
[per a psychiatrictimes.com/view/child-abuse-allegations-lies-versus-truths]
Much RESPECT to HK’s persistent efforts towards TRUTH, JUSTICE & FREEDOM. F-o-r-e-v-e-r grateful!
^^^oops!- for my double post! Tried to remove one. Webpage acted like it rejected my 1st post & figured that was bec’ of active links. Hence I reposted w/o them.
P.s. Interesting WORLDWIDE IT Outage last night— let’s hele! <3