It has been a common misunderstanding by individuals who are not familiar with international law that the laws of occupation did not become a part of international law until the year 1899, which is when the Hague Conventions were signed. The 1907 Hague Conventions later superseded these Conventions. Because of the chronology, as the argument goes, the United States was not bound by the Hague Conventions because the occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom occurred one year before in 1898. And since laws do not have a retroactive effect—unless explicitly stated, the United States was not bound to follow a law that wasn’t in effect at the time the occupation occurred. This would be inaccurate.
First, there are two primary sources of international law—customary and treaties. Customary international law is defined by the International Court of Justice as “evidence of a general practice accepted as law.” Since there is no law making body at the international level, such as legislative bodies within countries, international law is created by the consent and actions of independent and sovereign States, since international law is literally law “between” nations (States). As a result, States themselves create international law through practice and if all States are doing the same “general practice” it is considered customary international law that all States are bound by. An example of customary international law is diplomatic immunity. Customary international law can also be codified into a treaty, which is the other primary source of international law.
When States met in the city The Hague in the Netherlands in 1899 to codify the laws of war and occupation, they did not create new law but merely codified what was already regarded as customary international law. According to Professor Graber, The Development of the Law of Belligerent Occupation: 1863-1914 (1949), “nothing distinguishes the writing of the period following the 1899 Hague code from the writing prior to that code (p. 143).” With regard to the occupation of a State’s territory during war, the laws of the occupied State must be administered by the occupant State since occupation does not transfer sovereignty to the occupier.
This requirement was codified under Article 43 of the 1899 Hague Convention, II, which states, “The authority of the legitimate power having actually passed into the hands of the occupant, the latter shall take all steps in his power to re-establish and insure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country.” Although the United States signed and ratified both Hague Regulations, which post-date the occupation of the Hawaiian Islands, the “text of Article 43,” according to Professor Benvenisti, The International Law of Occupation (1993), “was accepted by scholars as mere reiteration of the older law, and subsequently the article was generally recognized as expressing customary international law (p. 8).”
When the Spanish-American War broke out, President McKinley proclaimed that the Spanish-American war would “be conducted upon principles in harmony with the present views of nations and sanctioned by their recent practice,” and acknowledged the constraints and protection international laws provide to all sovereign states, whether belligerent or neutral.
As noted by Senator Henry Cabot Lodge during the Senate’s secret session, Hawai`i, as a sovereign and neutral state, was no exception when it was occupied by the United States during its war with Spain. Article 43 of the 1899 Hague Convention, II, which remained the same under the 1907 amended Hague Convention, IV, delimits the power of the occupant and serves as a fundamental bar on its free agency within an occupied State, whether belligerent or neutral.
On April 25, 1898, the U.S. Congress declared war against Spain and battles were fought in the Spanish colonies of the Philippines and Guam in the Pacific, and the Spanish colonies of Cuba and Puerto Rico in the Caribbean. Although fighting ceased in Puerto Rico and Cuba on July 25 under an armistice agreement signed in Washington, D.C., fighting continued in the Philippines until August 13 when a second armistice was signed. Both armistices suspended hostilities pending the negotiation of a treaty of peace that was eventually signed in Paris on December 10, 1898.
Before the first armistice was signed, President McKinley sent directives to the Secretary of War on July 13, 1898 regarding occupations by U.S. troops during the war. This prompted the Secretary of War to publish General Orders No. 101 and was provided to all commanders of U.S. troops, to include the commander of troops that occupied the Hawaiian Kingdom, which took place on August 12, 1898, one year before the armistice was signed suspending hostilities in the Philippines. General Orders No. 101 clearly reflects the United States recognition of customary international law regarding the law of occupation, which are the same provisions codified in the 1899 Hague Convention, II.
The commanders of U.S. troops occupying the Hawaiian Kingdom since August 12, 1898 disregarded General Orders No. 101. The failure of the commanders of U.S. troops in the Hawaiian Kingdom to comply with General Orders No. 101 and international humanitarian law, to include its current commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, Admiral Locklear, is why war crimes have and continue to be committed on a monumental scale.
In 2012, Admiral Locklear was notified by attorney Dexter Kaiama that war crimes are being committed in the courts of the State of Hawai‘i. Kaiama’s protest and demand stated:
“As the Commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, your office is the direct extension of the United States President in the Hawaiian Islands through the Secretary of Defense. As the Hawaiian Kingdom continues to remain an independent and sovereign State, the Lili‘uokalani assignment and Article 43 of the 1907 Hague Convention IV mandates your office to administer Hawaiian Kingdom law in accordance with international law and the laws of occupation. The violations of my client’s right to a fair and regular trial are directly attributable to the President’s failure, and by extension your office’s failure, to comply with the Lili‘uokalani assignment and Article 43 of the 1907 Hague Convention, IV, which makes this an international matter.”
Although Admiral Locklear disregarded the protest and demand, he cannot claim he wasn’t aware. In order for a person to have committed a war crime, the perpetrator must be aware of the alleged war crimes and possesses the criminal element of intent—mens rea (criminal intent), in the commission of the war crime—actus reus (the guilty act). Defenses to criminal liability include mistake of fact and mistake of law.
According to Article 30(1) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the defendant is “criminally responsible and liable for punishment…only if the material elements [of the war crime] are committed with intent and knowledge.” Therefore, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court will prosecute if there is a mental element that includes a volitional component (intent) as well as a cognitive component (knowledge). Article 30(2) further clarifies that “a person has intent where: (a) In relation to conduct, that person means to engage in the conduct; [and] (b) In relation to a consequence, that person means to cause that consequence or is aware that it will occur in the ordinary course of events.”
With regard to knowledge, Article 30(3) of the Rome Statute provides that “‘knowledge’ means awareness that a circumstance exists or a consequence will occur in the ordinary course of events.” “A mistake of fact,” according Article 32(1), “shall be a ground for excluding criminal responsibility only if it negates the mental element required by the crime,” and a “mistake of law,” according to Article 32(2), “shall not be a ground for excluding criminal responsibility [unless] …it negates the mental element required by such a crime, or as provided for in article 33.” Article 33 provides that a crime that “has been committed by a person pursuant to an order of a Government or of a superior, whether military or civilian, shall not relieve that person of criminal responsibility unless: (a) the person was under a legal obligation to obey orders of the Government or the superior in question; (b) the person did not know that the order was unlawful; and (c) the order was not manifestly unlawful.”
General Orders No. 101 is a lawful order that has not been complied with for over a century and the excuse that the Order is not relevant because the U.S. Congress annexed the Hawaiian Islands by a joint resolution of annexation on July 7, 1898 is also a violation of customary international law previously recognized by the United States. Not only are municipal laws incapable of annexing foreign territory because municipal laws are confined to the territory of the country that enacted them, U.S. Attorney General Thomas Bayard in 1887 famously stated, “If a government could set up its own municipal law as the final test of its international rights and obligations, then the rules of international law would be but the shadow of a name, and would afford not protection either to states or to individuals. It has been constantly maintained and also admitted by the Government of the United States that a Government can not appeal to its municipal regulations as an answer to demands for the fulfillment of international duties.”
Attorney General Bayard’s statement was the United States’ recognition of what was considered customary international law, at least in 1887. This customary international law was codified in the 1980 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Article 27 provides, “A party may not invoke the provisions of its internal law as justification for its failure to perform a treaty.” These treaties include the 1907 Hague Convention, IV, and the 1949 Geneva Convention, IV, which the United States ratified and recognized as customary international laws. Although the United States has not ratified the Vienna Convention, it does consider it to be customary international law. According to the U.S. State Department website, “The United States considers many of the provisions of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties to constitute customary international law on the law of treaties.”
General Orders No. 101 is still binding.
So does customary international law apply retroactively to all nations in history whoʻs lands where taken by force? How many nations of the Member nations are not guilty of occupation by the same standard? What nations of the member Nations are in their original territories by legal means? Or better yet, which nation of these member nations have not used war to acquire their territories?
There is no statute of limitations when it comes to criminal acts, particularly war crimes. Those convicted at Nuremberg know. Who is eventually brought to trial and convicted depends upon the number of people who demand it, which is unlikely when the masses are ignorant of the facts. Remember that ~97% of the population voted for Hitler.
Aloha Noa, International customary law is something that evolved over decades if not a century. It was not fully in place when some of these world powers legally obtained foreign territories by the doctrine of war and conquest. However, some of these world powers have used the modern international doctrines of self determination to allow the people of territories they conqured or colonized to become independent. Hope this helps.
I guess that’s when America passed in their congressional law of article 18 ss 2441 (…
Aloha, I think the most important information this article provides is the General Order (G.O.) 101 itself. Prior to this article I thought the HK needed the current President of the U.S. to issue an order exactly like G.O. 101 inorder for the USPACOM to implement their duties as required under the laws of occupation, GC, HR and international law. Now it is crystal clear that G.O. 101 was and still is a standing order that is already in place and the commander of the USPACOM and all military personnel are legally obligated to execute. This G.O. is the smoking gun that incriminates all past and present U.S. military and fake State of Hawaii personnel that have and will violate General Order 101. If someone violates this G.O. they are criminally responsible and liable for punishment since material elements of the war crimes are committed with intent and knowledge. The past few articles that have been posted leads me to believe war crime complaints will soon be investigated and prosecuted by some tribunal with universal jurisdiction. Just connecting the dots.
As far as punishment for Admiral Locklear, he may have
already contemplated the option to relocate or taking an
early retirement in order to avoid prosecution, remaining
within the confines of the United States as a safe haven
making him less vulnerable for international indictment.
Is Admiral Locklear really safe from international indictment
and prosecution while within the boundaries of the U.S. for
disregarding the protest and demand sent to him by attorney
Dexter Kaiama?
After all, General Order 101, was implemented by the same
U.S. President that Annexed the Hawaiian Islands by a Joint
Resolution, For the U.S. to prosecute Admiral Loclear in
accordance with G.O. 101, would ultimately lead to the
unlawful annexation of the Hawaiian Kingdom! They’re stuck!
“The past few articles that have been posted leads me to believe war crime complaints will soon be investigated and prosecuted by some tribunal with universal jurisdiction. ”
And what “tribunal” on Earth has Universal jurisdiction?
Only one…. Ke Akua.
Statutes of men will only be legitimate if they comply with God’s Law.
1. Be truthful.
2. Do no harm.
3. Honor your truthfully informed agreements.
Also known as Common/Natural Law, the basis of Hawaiian Kingdom Law and US Constitutional Law.
Ke Akua has already given us the remedy: Common/Natural Law.
-Every right when with-held must have a remedy, and every injury it’s proper redress
-If there’s no injury/damage/harm/loss, there is no crime.
Aloha liskir,
You are correct. Under Common Law…Ke Akua’s Law,
(Foundation of Hawaiian Kingdom and US Constitutional law)
No injury/loss/victim…NO CRIME!
Do you know about Unified Hawaii Common Law Grand Jury?
Let me know if interested.
I am very aware of the UHCLGJ. This is how we restore justice to all people, including the Hawaiians whose property had been stolen. When do we start?
Aloha Bronson, I believe the U.S. passed title 18 as the result of it’s committment to the Geneva Convention IV. They implemented a national law to be in conformity with the Geneva Convention IV regarding war crimes.
Aloha Kanekeawe, you have asked some good questions. It certainly looks like the U.S. would be a safe haven for those who have committed war crimes in Hawaii. These individuals can’t prevent an indictment but they can prevent prosecution by staying in the U.S. to avoid extradition. I don’t see the U.S. prosecuting themselves for war crimes anytime soon. But that’s ok, since one of the requirements for the ICC or another tribunal to intervene is the failure of the occupier to investigate and prosecute. Now if the U.S. or fake State of Hawaii prevent the extradition of war criminals from HK occupied territory, things will get very interesting at the international level.
In the Larsen case, focus was mainly between a subject of
the Kingdom and the acting government of the Kingdom for
violations committed by a third party (U.S.) occupier having
no lawful authority in Hawaiian jurisdiction. The U.S. was
invited rather than required to attend that action.
I don’t know if a counter suit to involve a third party was or is
even an option in those types of international actions, but
if a new action was filed by the acting government of the
Kingdom against the United States for jurisdictional violations
and for injuries against multiple subject citizens of the Kingdom
caused by the United States of America for its lack of lawful
authority in Hawaiian jurisdiction, would this now require the
U.S. to respond and attend?
Overwhelming evidence is stacked against the U.S. including
the willful disregard of the Protest and Demand sent to Locklear!
The U.S. has not taking steps to show any remorse despite the
protection provisions under the Geneva Convention IV.
The U.S. will never prosecute themselves since they ARE the criminals. Remember that the U.S. is NOT the same as America. The U.S. is a foreign, for profit corporation in respect to America. Like Hawaii, America has been illegally occupied by the U.S. since 1913 (possibly prior).
Title 28, Section 3002 in the UNITED STATES CODE, the definition of
(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
Volume 20: Corpus Juris Sec. § 1785, Also: NY re: Merriam 36 N.E. 505 1441 S. 0.1973, 14 L. Ed. 287
“The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a State”
Aloha Gene, there are many countries that have universal jurisdiction to deal with crimes here on earth just google it to find out. I don’t think this is the proper forum to debate Ke Akua’s jurisdiction but check out Romans 13: 1-7. This also applies to those who sit in the seats of gov’t that violate their own laws. That’s why we have countries with universal jurisdiction here on earth to punish the criminals and protect the people. Even if these people don’t believe in the same God you do.
When you say Universal jurisdiction…do you mean governments, corporations, institutions, and /or any other man made entity that says they have jurisdiction over people that did not willingly consent (contract) with such an entity.
By the way, what countries are claiming universal jurisdiction?
I’ll be sure to ask them where and when I gave them my truthfully informed consent to allow them to have jurisdiction over me.
PS…I don’t debate “my God” over other peoples conception of the same.
When I say Ke Akua, I mean the same Creative Life Force that allows you and me to actually wake up in the morning.
Without Ke Akua / God, by whatever name….EVERYTHING STOPS.
Aloha Gene, you are quick to speak of Hawaii’s occupation and war crimes which are violations of the GC, HR and international laws that come under the jurisdiction of governments, corporations and institutions. However, you reject these same entities using universal jurisdiction to prosecute for those same violations. Why do you contradict yourself? If you are using the law and it’s jurisdiction as a benefit for justice then you also accept it’s jurisdiction for liability. Psalm 119: 113 “I hate the doubled-minded, But I love Your law,” Maybe you better check yourself for adhesion contracts.
I do not reject any person or group that wants to help restore our beloved Hawaiian Kingdom. We were all born with unalienable rights. We are free. And our freedom is without limitation. They come with only three responsibilities.
1. Be truthful
2. Do no harm.
3. Honor your word, (truthfully informed consent)
If there are other entities, governments / groups that want to help Hawaiian Kingdom, that’s great, but before I contract anyone to build my house (or restore our nation),
I MUST DO MY DUE DILIGENCE, and research the EXACT terms and conditions of such an important contract.
We the People must always hold any person or group accountable, who would claim jurisdiction over Hawaiian Kingdom without our truthfully informed consent.
Time to get serious folks.
On October 10, 2014, the acting Council of Regency decreed by proclamation that they would be the acting Hawaiian Kingdom Government. It has been almost THREE MONTHS, with NO MEANINGFUL WORD about how we are supposed to begin the process of re-establishing our legitimate legislative body.
We have been kept in the dark about ongoing negotiations, with the Red Cross, and Switzerland, (and who else?) to be our “protecting” power.
Dear friends,
Google …
Bank of International Settlements, in Basel SWITZERLAND.
The BIS is the private unelected banking institution that sets policy for and gives marching orders to the US Federal Reserve, The Bank of China, The Bank of Japan, The Bank of Brazil, the Bank of India, The Bank of Russia, etc… (BRICS nations “new” global reserve currency not new at all.)
New boss…same as the old boss!
From the BIS website
Governance of the BIS-hosted committees
The All Governors’ Meeting 3 oversees the work of two groups whose membership is broader than that of the GEM (Global Economy Meeting):
the Central Bank Governance Forum; and
the Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics (IFC).
The Group of Governors and Heads of Supervision (GHOS), which consists of the central bank Governors and non-central bank heads of supervision of the 27 GHOS member jurisdictions, oversees the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), which is the PRIMARY INTERNATIONAL STANDARD-SETTING BODY FOR BANKING REGULATION AND SUPERVISION.
Several groups that are part of the BASEL PROCESS THAT SETS INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS, which have to be adopted nationally according to national legal arrangements and processes to become binding.
We must all do our homework.
I and others can see that the Hawaiian Kingdom will re-emerge back into the family of nations very soon. We must demand TRANSPARENCY in all negotiations done in our name. I don’t want to see us get out of the frying pan…and into the fire.
Don’t get me wrong, I know and fully appreciate the awesome work that Keanu Sai and others have done in educating our people and the world about Hawai’i’s true political status as an illegally occupied nation.
That issue is no longer a controversy.
Yes, we are lawful in our own country, but our acting government must come forward now, and DISCLOSE ALL INFORMATION RELATED TO INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATIONS DONE IN OUR NAME, and supposedly for our benefit.
The Hawaiian Kingdom lives!
We the People, sovereign souls with unalienable rights must make sure that we are fully informed and meaningfully participate at the table of our own choosing and destiny.
it’s time for the acting government to come forward and fully engage.
It’s been way too long since the “proclamation” nearly three months ago.
What are we waiting for?…and Why?
Respectfully submitted with two scoops ALOHA.
Easy there, Gene. Gotta be patient here. I’m sure the Acting Government will notify us of the international proceedings regarding our occupation. But you also have to keep in mind, Gene, that this is highly serious stuff here. Some stuff cannot be explained publically yet. For example, Dr. Sai mentioned one time that certain stuff regarding the international proceedings are classified as “state security matter” and I’m sure there are good reasons why. The time will come when everyone will know. We all just gotta be patient.
In the meantime, Gene, the best and wisest thing you can do is to continue to educate yourself of Hawaii’s legal history. Hawaii’s legal history comes from a political science standpoint and just like science itself, more new stuff (or information in this case) is coming out every day. One day people who are unaware of Hawaii’s legal history is gonna start asking people like me and you about all of this and we need to know this stuff. And by the way, the H.K. Government will be restored during the time of de-occupation, which is when a temporary military government is in power. In the meantime, continue to educate yourself about our country’s legal and political history.
Aloha Iolani, No doubt the Acting Government of the
Hawaiian Kingdom is doing its very best taking on this
monumental task, upon which all of their courageous
efforts are very much appreciated by myself and I’m
sure by lots of other people.
I think what’s frustrating is that we are “Protected”
under the 4th Geneva Convention, but for the moment
without any tangible protection.
With all the information and evidence supporting the
continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom, the fact that the
Hawaiian Kingdom was allowed entrance into the
Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague in the
Netherlands and for the fact that we have patiently
waited for nearly 122, the question is why hasn’t
any country with the exception of Rwanda step forward
to acknowledge U.S. occupation of the Hawaiian
No one would expect an abused individual to remain
with its abuser, neither should we be an exception.
While in litigation a circuit judge asked me in 2010, after
I had properly asserted the continuity of the Hawaiian
Kingdom, if I fled my taxes? Luckily I hadn’t, but still
being taxed. The judge’s thinking, which he made clear,
was that if you file taxes and have a State of Hawaii
driver’s license you are a U.S. citizen and his authority
comes from the State of Hawaii under the U.S.
constitution. I insisted on a fair trial as a subject of the
Hawaiian Kingdom, his direct response to me was
what? What? Are you saying you are like a Japanese
national, my response back to him was no, I am a
kanaka. a Hawaiian Kingdom subject, he restated his
authority and included his authority under the constitution
of Hawaii, then he promptly denied my request for a fair
I guess if can’t show a million deaths and if everyone is
paying their taxes, nobody getting hurt with the U.S.
in Hawaii why fix what isn’t broken?
Dr. Francis Boyle was recently on Oahu, encouraging
people to get on the roll commission and once it
opens move for independence. I have my personal
reasons why this will not work, but this an option to
get protection that is not yet on the horizon for us!
With Respect and Aloha
The judge cannot deny your demand for a common law grand jury trial, where the people decide both the facts and the law.
As a people, we have the option of having a driver’s license (or whatever doc we wished) in case one day, we’d like to use our car for commerce. Today though, we are free to travel without any requirements of license, insurance, registration, or any of the requirements of COMMERCE.
Are you speaking from experience or from
theory? What’s your success rate in court?
Hope you never wasted your time and money
on solutions in commerce information?
The State of Hawaii evolved from a chronological list of unlawful events, what in
the world would lead you to believe that courts
here in the Islands would have any respect for common law? They have shown no respect for the U.S. supremacy clause or the agreements between states, the consequence of which in some cases could involve war crimes. I don’t think judges here will wast a second on
common law claims having no consequences.
Don’t know what you mean by free to travel
without any requirements? You don’t need
any requirements until you actually do.
Try getting pass a TSA check point, maybe
it’s possible, but the hassle, is it worth it?
Win808. I too do not agree with Boyle’s recommendation. First, why would I vote for my (our) independence when the Hawaiian Kingdom has already been recognized in 1843? To consider voting in an illegal process proposed by an illegal agency of the occupier’s government with pillaged funds forced upon us by the occupier would be participating and conforming to the same indoctrination process to erase our national history. Second, if countries are ruled by, “law of the land”, the Lili`uokalani Assignments has already trumped any plan to confirm our Hawaiian nationality. Just because we do not have our government in control does not legitimize a fake state.
There is a process to this occupation. It is unique to Hawai`i only. And in my opinion Dr. Boyle’s recommendation does not make sense to me and will not work.
We must continue the education and move towards de-occupation following a precise ground-breaking course.
Unusual concept huh? On one hand a clear
advocate on the sovereign existence
of the Hawaiian Kingdom and on the other
hand implementing colonization solutions.
I’m guessing, if your vehicle only has park
and neutral any gear will do! 🙂
Wow, only a few more days to 122 years
of U.S. oppression. U.S. freedom based
upon the enslavement of others!
It would be so nice to have a taste of
freedom one day! One day!!
Aloha Gene, I am begining to see your difficulty in understanding what’s going on with the AHKG. The AHKG did not come into existence on Oct. 10, 2014 with a proclamaiton as you stated. It was created in the late 1990’s. The proclamation had a different purpose. You should go back and read about it in this blog or home page. The AHKG was created pursuant to law and legal doctrines and has been verified at many international venues. In other words they did it right. It was created in an acting capacity to represent the HK state and it’s territory. They were not elected by, we the people as you put it and cannot directly represent you in the manner of which you speak. The reprsentation you are referring to will be the responsibility of an elected dejure gov’t. However, before “we the people” can elect that gov’t, the AHKG has to complete it’s mission to make it happen. If you had a full understanding of the process you would not be making such demands of the AHKG. Further more, no gov’t in this world provides full details of negotiations to it’s citizens while negotiations are ongoing. There is only 2 statements in your last post that I will agree with and they are it’s time to get serious and educated on the process.
Yes, Dr Keanu Sai’s diligent dedication, tenacity and hard work at the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague, Netherlands has been exemplary and credible. I have no doubt Dr Keanu Sai will go down in History as one of the greatest leaders of our time. H/K National Citizens harbor a 121+Years of being traumatized by the US Illegal Occupation. Holding on to Hope of our very survival has left many of us feeling forlorn as outcast and a vanquished people. But, no more. We all wait with bated breath for his communiques. He has not disappointed us and he has been consistently and appropriate in keeping us apprised of the deliberations on the International front. Our Kokua is imperative. LLHK
Has this ever happened to any other country?
I know for a fact that there are millions of educated people who comprehend the danger of the private banking corporation, mis-named the US Federal Reserve, that has NEVER been meaningfully audited since its unconstitutional founding in 1913.
Switzerland is the home of the Bank for International Settlements.
This is the foreign private central bank that CONTROLS all the other private central banks on Earth. These folks are at the top of the global monetary mafia system. It is ECONOMIC CORRUPTION and NON-TRANSPARENCY of the highest order.
I am concerned that we are dropping the ball.
It is our job to make sure that our beloved Hawaiian Kingdom will re-emerge into the family of nations with full ECONOMIC INDEPENDENCE, TRANSPARENCY and PONO SOVEREIGNTY.
Negotiating privately with Switzerland or anybody, especially at this crucial time is wrong.
We should be educating and empowering our people to organize and elect our legitimate Hawaiian Kingdom Legislature now…not later.
Checks and balances are NOT in place. That should be our first priority.
Somebody, please tell me how working alone and in secret with Switzerland for almost three months is supposed to instill a sense of comfort to me or anyone else?
Dr. Sai, I wish you would enter this conversation. Mahalo.
Aloha Gene, if I’m not mistaken I think the family of nations
came to an end and succeeded by the United Nations.
Question, how can the Hawaiian Kingdom become economically
independent if there is a global monetary mafia?
Aloha Win808,
It won’t be wise to extract ourselves from the matrix of economic addiction/slavery overnight. To be truly independent, we have to become self reliant. Food, Shelter, Security, Health Care, Education etc. Hawai’i is blessed with natural abundance. Let us harness the best and brightest to malama ‘aina and each other.
For now we can use the US Dollar, but we must immediately serve ourselves and the world notice that our Hawaiian Kingdom has no plans to forever go along with the global central bank ponzi scheme. We must nurture a culture of truth and transparency with overflowing ALOHA. It is in our DNA…really…Hawaiians of all races, we got the right stuff. Good and intelligent people all around the world will support our cause, because they too are facing the same New World Order fascism. We will help each other climb out of that unconstitutional hewa and endless debt (death) trap.
We must support each other in our pono quest for the truth. In our conversations and communications, let freedom ring! Fearless truth resonates in the hearts of sovereign people everywhere. We should not criminalize or stigmatize truth telling. We should celebrate and protect our emerging freedoms. Let us guard our beloved Hawai’i nei
with righteous passion and zeal.
If someone makes an inquiry, or shares information relevant to all, then we examine and verify the facts, and analyze the information with respect and integrity. If I or anyone else offers a “fact” and someone else can effectively prove the assertion to be false, no problem, kala mai, I’ll stand corrected, and we can all move on as fellow patriots, friends and colleagues. Too much at stake., for ourselves, our families, and our “new” nation.
Mahalo Gene, I had wondered if the money mafia
could’ve been a reason other countries have
not been more supportive and involved because
of Hawaii’s situation with the U.S,
Have a great New Year!
Aloha Win808,
You are exactly correct. Hawaiian Kingdom gets no “official” recognition from other governments because all so-called “official” governments on the planet are for all practical purposes run like corporations. Sixty of the world’s largest economies have “central banks” that are controlled and “regulated” by the Bank for International Settlements, Switzerland.
Yeah!!! There is life and hope in the world!!! Ha Ha!!
Just follow the money trail, and it will lead us all right to the top of the NWO pyramid.
Don’t get me wrong, we shouldn’t trash Switzerland completely. The good people who live there are as trapped by the global money mafia as the rest of the “occupied” world.
Transparency builds trust.
And with trust and mutual respect we can restore good will
and empower each other to FORGIVE.
I want to live in PEACE, LOVE, and DIGNITY.
This is the way of ALOHA.
It is our sacred gift from Ke Akua, to ourselves and each other.
And this is why I’m so proud and hopeful for our beloved Hawai’i nei… Just like all of you.
Mahalo Win808,
and ALL of you who participate in this VERY important conversation.
Are you listening kekoa?? 🙂
Happy New Year!
The UN is not what we believe it to be. It is highly controlled by the “money mafia”.
Gene, what in the world are you talking about? You are on some kind of conspiracy theory rant. You are making mindless assumptions based on ingnorance. The only thing being negotiated is if Switzerland would consider being a protecting power to facilitate our deoccupation. The AHKG would not jepordize it’s legitimacy by negotiating anything outside it’s scope of authority like you are suggesting. Because you are not educating yourself on the legal aspects of occupation you are promoting the wrong process of elections as other sovereignty groups have in the past. This kind of nonsense brings smiles to the occupier. They are delited when people like you help them lead people down the wrong path. Before you start promoting a process, first provide a detailed account of all laws and recognized legal doctrines that are applicable to our occupation. Remember, you have already posted you are aware of the factual basis of our occupation and cannot claim ignorance. Be very careful because you now carry criminal and civil liability.
Criminal liability…For what?
And by whose authority?
“The only thing being negotiated is if Switzerland would consider being a protecting power to facilitate our deoccupation.”
So how do you know what is truly being negotiated?
The rest of Hawaiian Kingdom wants to know!
“Before you start promoting a process, first provide a detailed account of all laws and recognized legal doctrines that are applicable to our occupation.”
I am not promoting a process. I am advocating for TRANSPARENCY.
Also, “the detailed account of all laws and recognized legal doctrines…”
That my friend, has thankfully already been done by good folks like Dr. Sai.
And then you go on to insult me…”You are on some kind of conspiracy theory rant.
You are making mindless assumptions based on ingnorance.” (ignorance)
OK…It is a FACT that the US Federal Reserve has never been audited.
This private banking corporation, pretending to be a lawful branch of government,
is the root cause of America’s ECONOMIC and FINANCIAL CORRUPTION.
How can I, or anyone who knows the facts, and is UNAFRAID to ask the tough questions, feel confident and comfortable that the AHKG is negotiating secretly with the country (Switzerland / Bank for International Settlements) at the top of the global central banking ponzi scheme.
No room for conspiracy theories here…
You want to pursue the truth?
I do.
It is our unalienable right, and our responsibility.
Na Akua, Na Aumakua a me Na Kupuna are with us. The “TRUTH” is surfacing and the world now being educated of the desecration of Aloha Aina and the Hawaiian Kanaka. Since May 4, 2014 Dr. Kamana’opono Crabbe letter to Secretary of State Kerry we have gained more knowledge of the “TRUTH”, Nations with “TREATIES” with the Kingdom of Hawai’i have been notified and the United States of America knows they illegally occupy the Kingdom. Again the Ku’e Petition is presenting the “TRUTH”. It’s been only eight (8) months since Dr. Crabbe letter, less then a year, and the results are positive. OHA have major concerns as an agent of the fake state. Chairwomen steps down and replaced with a new chairman who will listen to the Hawaiian Kanaka with intelligence and with humbleness. The uhane of are ancestors are communicating as Pele flows on Aloha Aina, Kanaloa guides Hokule’a through na moana with aloha to let the world know the importance of Malama Honua, Lono time of makahiki is providing us time to enjoy feast, Kane helping us to rebuild our fishponds, our lo’e and the results are returning in great numbers with our keiki o ka aina a me olelo kanaka, and Ku provides us with logic, strength of battle to challenge the illegal occupier with the knowledge in the na’au of our leaders. We will succeed in lokahi a me pilialoha. E Ho’okanaka!
There’s a vast difference between the UNITED STATES, a foreign corporation within 10 miles squared in Washington D.C. and America. Like the Kingdom of Hawaii, America has also been occupied illegally. Unlike Hawaii, America had been occupied by deceit rather than by force.
Gene, “I am not promoting a process. I am advocating for TRANSPARENCY” Really Gene? “We should be educating and empowering our people to organize and elect our legitimate Hawaiian Kingdom Legislature now…not later. ”
Criminal liability…For what?
And by whose authority? If you take time to educate yourself you will find the answers to your own questions. If not, then it will be a surprise. Good luck.
Yes…I will always advocate for transparency in government.
And yes, the first priority for AHKG should be to gather our people together and elect our legitimate Hawaiian Kingdom representatives.
We should be starting that process NOW.
Also, seems like nobody wants to touch the subject of the unlawful Federal Reserve, and her ties to Switzerland / Bank for International Settlements. Too bad…That’s the same kind of hush hush (fear/greed) lack of responsibility/integrity that allowed the former constitutional republic of America to become USA INC. (See: Act of 1871)
For now, I won’t waste my time….Happy New Year folks!!
In Ke Akua / God’s time, we’ll cross paths again.
Blessings and Balance,
Aloha Win808, I saw a video of Dr. Boyle on Olelo Tv encouraging people to utilize act 195 to get on the roll and use the covention as an oppurtunity to move for independence. I wished the panel had asked the right questions in order to get him to discredit his rationale on act 195 and using the convention as a means to restore the HK. One member on the panel, Dr. Vogler, I believe was his name got close but didn’t follow through with asking the right questions. He got Dr. Boyle to admitt that the HK is occupied and under the rules of War, it’s continuity continues to exist in it’s displaced sovereign and it’s people. If that is the case then the followup response should have been, under the rules of war, the occupier cannot pass it’s own laws in an occupied territory which then nullifies act 195 since it would be a violation under the GC, HR, and rules of war. In MHO it is not an option for protection but another trap of deception by the occupier. MHO
Aloha Kekoa, I expressed pretty much the same concern
on Scott Crawford’s blog-site. Brandon explained their
reasoning behind that strategy.
To me, if act 195 was a good faith effort on the part of the
U.S. to assist in the formation of a governing body for the
subjects of the Hawaiian Kingdom then why does the U.S.
continue to avoid issues concerning the sovereign existence
of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Former U.S. Attorney Eric Holder Jr.
takes an early retirement after a letter sent to him by Professor
Chang reports of crimes taking place in Hawaii, was that just an
ironic coincidence or a deliberate move to avoid prosecution?
Perhaps each individual as well as in their capacity as a public
servant should be served a similar letter like the one Professor
Chang sent to Eric Holder Jr., on the opening day of the 2015
State of Hawaii legislative session. If everyone takes an early
retirement it may be that the letter contains a silent bite.
And if anything we can help create new jobs to stimulate the
economy! Haaha!
In reality, I don’t think it’s okay to serve a powerful document
like that to everybody and their brother. Pretty soon the ICC
will have a back log of individuals to investigate and after the
first is prosecuted the rest will follow like domino’s.
Perhaps the open process of prosecution by the ICC of just
one individual will be enough to validate our claim and perhaps
it will provide a pinch of tangible protection. Hoping anyway! 🙂
Wish everyone the best for 2015, be safe!!
Mahalo nui loa to the Founders of this site for creating this cyberspace platform in which to converse and share constructive thoughts on our H/K’s Restoration. Happy New Year in 2015 and the great esteem of all your hard work.
Gene, I’m always listening and researching. You paint a pretty picture but never provide the specifics for how to reach the goals you say you want for the HK. I ask for specifics and you provide none. Now that my friend is NON-TRANSPARENCY. So, once again please provide a detailed legal process for de-occupation and restoration. If you’re gonna promote elections now as you stated in your post, then show us the legal doctrines that would make those elections legally recognized without first having a HK gov’t running those elections or an acting gov’t securing a proper monitor. For as you stated …If someone makes an inquiry, or shares information relevant to all, then we examine and verify the facts, and analyze the information with respect and integrity. Ok Gene, I’M ALL EARS.
Mahalo Kekoa!
I’m happy and excited that we are on a constructive and positive tone.
Glory be to the Ke Akua / God Almighty.
Yes, we currently don’t have a fully restored Hawaiian Kingdom government…just yet. I’m in FULL SUPPORT of the stated intention of the Acting Hawaiian Kingdom Government to effectively help us move forward toward FULL INDEPENDENCE.
You asked me about specific “legal” doctrines and protocol…
Before we go there, I want to make sure that we are in agreement about basic principles.
1. We all possess unalienable rights bestowed upon us by our Creator.
2. Unalienable rights cannot be sold or transferred without our truthfully informed consent.
3. Therefore, WE ARE FREE.
4. Our freedom is without limitation, but in order to exercise those freedoms lawfully,
we have three sacred responsibilities.
They are: BE TRUTHFUL.
5. Government is and will always be, a man made institution.
6. Government offers and may provide, through free will consent/contract,
important services to the People.
7. Lawful and good government has one primary purpose:
7. Natural / Universal / Common Law are one in the same. This is Ke Akua / God’s Law.
8. Natural Law, the Law of God is the foundation of Hawaiian Kingdom Law
and the US Constitution.
That is enough for now.
Looking forward to next steps in this conversation.
Please advise. Mahalo!
Aloha Gene, I have read and understand the formation of the HK and it’s de jure gov’t. It clearly states the rights that are afforded to us through the declaration of rights and the constitution. That being said I want to put us back on point of the original post. You disagreed with a statement I posted … “The past few articles that have been posted leads me to believe war crime complaints will soon be investigated and prosecuted by some tribunal with universal jurisdiction. ”
Then you objected to universal jurisdiction…
“And what “tribunal” on Earth has Universal jurisdiction?” Then it morphed into the AHKG and it’s dealings with Switzerland and now discussing inalienable rights…etc.
Let’s get back on point shall we. If someone’s rights have been violated and they were injured then that someone has a right to seek criminal or civil redress. It is up to that individual as to what venue they will use to get their redress. If that individual chooses a venue that has universal jurisdiction then that is his/her personal choice. It has nothing to do to you and will not affect you or your rights in anyway. It is not up to the AHKG if that person wants to use universal jurisdiction but they can assist that person in obtaining the venue in order to as you put it…
“TO HELP PROTECT OUR UNALIENABLE RIGHTS.” I’m not sure if you understood my original post? Hope this helps.
Mahalo Kekoa,
Ok…you said:
“If someone’s rights have been violated and they were injured then that someone has a right to seek criminal or civil redress. It is up to that individual as to what venue they will use to get their redress.”
Yes, our rights have been and are being constantly violated. Duh! 🙂
And yes, it is up to that individual or “We the People” as to what venue (or venues) we will use to get redress.
Many people, including myself, are supportive of the AHKG seeking redress through every possible and pono means. International government courts and tribunals are not recommended, because of one BIG PROBLEM…
The problem is, ALL of the international (and US Inc.) courts are fatally compromised because of their hand in glove relationship with the GLOBAL MONEY MAFIA.
(As stated in an earlier post, this “gang”includes the unlawful US Federal Reserve, Bank of Brazil, Bank of Russia, Bank of China, etc…all member states under the control of the Bank for International Settlements “BIS” in SWITZERLAND.)
Here is where the newly formed Unified Hawai’i Common Law Grand Jury can be very helpful. These are very akamai people who fully comprehend the nature of the unlawful corporate beast disguised as the US Government.
I am confident that a pono collaboration between UHCLGJ and AHKG is worth exploring. It could take us all to the next positive and effective level.
FYI…the UHCLGJ is connected with over 3000 other common law grand juries throughout America. The network is known as the National Liberty Alliance. And yes, the NLA has been made fully aware of Hawai’i’s true political status!
Please advise…Mahalo!
Aloha liskir, let’s say that you are on one of the islands in the HK. You go infront of a Judge and he/she grants your request for a common law grand jury trial. Do you think that court can provide you a fair trial? The courts in the HK are not properly constitued and therefore all judgements or decisions are void. Why would you want to continue to perpetrate the war crimes by suggesting these courts are legal even under common law?
You confuse the common law (natural law) vs. statutory law (created for public servants, only people have been duped to believe it applies to us). Of course the statutory courts can and will never provide a fair trial because they personally profit from mass fines/fees/incarceration. They will allow a win here and there to keep up the facade (like Vegas, if no one ever wins, nobody will go to Vegas. But if there’s a chance of winning, people willingly flock there).
This is why Common Law is the only way to restore justice. Only common law juries, knowledgeable in jury nullification can judge the facts AND the law. The judge is purely administrative.
The statutory court is in essence, a monarchy. One guy/gal decides the outcome…usually to their personal benefit, or that of their handlers. Their juries are still led by the judge and prosecutor.
Common Law court is where the people of your own peers decide independently of the judge and prosecutor.
Which would you rather have?
Aloha liskir, I will have to disagree with your view that America is occupied. You may have an arguement about America the republic vs. U.S.A. Inc. but that’s a internal domestic problem of America not an occupation as defined under GC, HR and international law. MHO
Unfortunately, most people are misinformed and our ignorance is what keeps us consenting to jurisdictions that don’t apply to us. America the Republic is very different than the foreign corporation called the U.S. We have been duped to believe they are one of the same. Perhaps this website will help you understand the history, Kekoa. Let me know what you think.
HK has been been illegally occupied by gun point.
America has been illegally occupied by deception.
Different routes, similar outcome.
Aloha Gene, please provide the specific section in the Hawaiian Kingdom constitution, legislative session laws or civil code in which this Grand Jury derives it’s authority. I don’t want to hear you preaching rhetoric I want facts.
Questions for anyone: Wasn’t the HK a monarchy? Are there any surviving, thriving monarchies in existence now? Don’t all monarchies eventually collapse? Would the HK continue to exist as a monarchy in these modern times if it hadn’t been occupied illegally? If not, how would judicial issues be resolved? Mahalo.
1) Yes, at one time, but changed to a constitutional monarchy.
(There is a big difference between an absolute monarchy
and a constitutional monarchy system of government)
2) Yes, there are many surviving descendents of the Ruling
Chiefs from the Hawaiian Islands, and in general the Pope
from the Vatican City, Rome for example.
3) No, not necessarily. Do an online search.
4) The key word is occupied! Because of Hawaii’s joint
proclamation of independence on November 28, 1843, the are
indeed occupied by the U.S. and not colonized. There is no
evidence that the sovereign continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom
was ever extinguished and it remains irrefutable to date. I think
the actions taken by the acting government of the Hawaiian
Kingdom speaks volume for its existence today!
5) The Hawaiian Kingdom operated as an independent state
for nearly 50 years before unlawful U.S. interruption, it had its
own laws and judicial system. See the law books in the Law
Libraries “Hawaii Reports” located at every Circuit Court or at
the Supreme Court in Hawaii.
We were not colonized, we are occupied. The U.S. is using or
our structural system!
Mahalo. Isn’t monarchy (ruled by 1) the opposite of ‘constitutional’ though? Who creates the constitution? if created by 1, it’s still a monarchy. If by many, then it’s not.
I would beg to differ that the Pope/Vatican is a successful monarchy, engaging in child pornography and trafficking. Sorry to break this news to some, but truth is out there, just search for it.
Since the HK is illegally occupied, then HK still exists. Who is stopping it from conducting its affairs independently? Why is it not holding its own court? I suggest that it does!
The HK as a constitutional government operates under
three branches of government, Legislative, Executive and
Judicial branches. Lili’uokalani’s authority was limited to
the executive branch, she didn’t have absolute authority.
King Kauikeaouli Kamehameha III, was the last absolute
monarch. King Lot Kamehameha was the last monarch
to exercise the last remaining trace of absolute authority
when he implemented the 1864 HK constitution
simultaneously extinguishing the same authority that
allowed him to invoke that 1864 HK constitution.
The Pope/Vatican is only one example, but its external
sovereignty is recognized globally, its internal sovereign
affairs including morality concerns and human rights
irrespective of external foreign pressure remains theirs.
But it is fully functioning and successful, lots of tourist
visit there everyday generating huge profits!
I’m unaware of any evidence to show that the Pope
mandated any laws promoting child pornography or
human trafficking. It may be activities carried out by a
few which may not be acceptable to the whole.
The AHK government is in the process of bringing global
awareness of U.S. occupation within Hawaiian jurisdiction.
Before we can function as a fully operating government
we need to educate the global community on how they’ve
been duped into thinking Hawaii is a State of the U.S.
Texas and the Conch Republic gets far more attention
when it comes to separating from the U.S. then Hawaii
does, yet Hawaii has a legitimate and irrefutable claim
of sovereign continuity. Just a matter of time before the
learning curve spikes upward!
Correct me if I’m wrong, but the HK constitutional govt. and its branches sounds a lot like the U.S. INC paradigm. Is there a 4th branch that allows for protection of the people from govt transgressions?
Awareness is a great thing, and perhaps awareness could also brought to the fact that U.S. INC. is responsible for the illegal occupation of many nations, including HK, America, and countless more.
Global awareness could also be shown upon the Vatican and its immense child porn and trafficking rings throughout the world. Why was the last pope forced into “retirement”?
Not exactly a fourth branch of government,
but perhaps the separation of powers could
be considered a form of protection assuring
each branch operates independently from
each other. Pretty much the same as the U.S.
If what you are looking for is a perfect
government that is without sin, good luck!
The system was designed for good, but some
people have figured out how to beat the
system making it seem as though it’s hewa!
A hunting knife can be used for good or it can
used for evil, it can be productive or destructive the unknown factor is the intention behind the use of it. The knife could be made of the best steel on earth, but it would be worthless if it
brought harm to a loved one.
If you know the story about the 1897, Ku’e
anti-annexation petitions you know that the
efforts of our kupuna were not in vain, their
signatures prevented the ratification of the
unlawful annexation of Hawaii document
before the U.S. congress.
No disrespect to the last Pope, but didn’t
he earn the right to retire?
I’m not a catholic and don’t know if that
organization did something to you, but
if they did, seek help and bring those
responsible to justice! The Pope may
need a solution on how to fix the problem
you may be aware of, help him.
Common law is unforgiving! Ask Winston
Shrout about that, he’ll tell you!
Good luck!!
Reference to the Pope at about 7 min. Search for yourself. There’s tons of info. and see who else are implicated in this sickness. Scandal Going on Right Under Our Noses
Aloha liskir, as I stated previously, America the Republic and U.S.A. INC. is an internal domestic issue and does not meet the legal criteria to be called an occupation. It is not an occupation no matter what kind of spin you try to put on it. Your suggestions for Hawaii is not applicable. Use the process you are promoting to end your so-called American occupation, restore the republic and then come and talk to us. Until then it is just unproven sovereignty theory.
U.S. Inc. is a foreign corporation with respect to America, just as it is to HK. Just as the HK always has been; thus is the American Republic. Is justice for all not applicable to Hawaii? What’s your solution, Kekoa? Mahalo.
Aloha liskir, did you take time to read the the GC, HR and the laws of war to find the definition of occupaiton. If you did, you would realize real quick it does not fit America’s situation. So, here is my solution liskir. If you insist that America is occupied, then you and the NATIONAL LIBERTY ALLICANCE will end your so called American occupation with your common law process right. Then your newly elected American gov’t will just simply end Americas occupation of the HK. Sounds like you got this, keep us posted.
Mahalo. Reading someone’s ‘laws of war’ does nothing to improve my intuition about what’s pono and just.
Demanding justice and transparency for ALL people (not just Hawaiians) is not my sole responsibility; not solely NLA’s responsibility. I suggest it’s also your responsibility, Kekoa. It’s the kuleana of all of us, together. Sometimes we unintentionally burn down the forest, while trying to save one tree. Remember the forest. Aloha.
I love what you said:
“Demanding justice and transparency for ALL people (not just Hawaiians) is not my sole responsibility; not solely NLA’s responsibility….It’s the kuleana of all of us, together. Sometimes we unintentionally burn down the forest, while trying to save one tree. Remember the forest. Aloha.”
A fully restored and pono Hawaiian Kingdom will go a very long way in awakening people everywhere to our Unalienable Natural Rights and Sacred Responsibilities
God bless you, “lisker.”
God bless you ALL…
If we are all created equal. Why do we allow some to have more power over others? Why do we consent to some having power over us?
Are we going to wait for a “fully restored and pono HK” in order to understand who we are, what our unalienable rights and ethical responsibilities are?
Aloha liskir, I always malama the aina. I am fully aware of what contracts I have and my responsibilites under the terms and conditions of those contracts. So, before YOU can suggest I may be responsible for something I would require proof of claim. That being said, it was you and Gene that provided the offer regarding the UHCLGJ & NLA and I just counter offered. If your common law remedy is your plan then go execute it in America since you claim it is occupied. When you succeed then set the HK free by ending it’s occupation by America. In other words don’t tell me your common law process works just show me your common law process works. Do you really understand what you are offering and what you need to make it work in the HK. A Grand Jury functions within the Judicial branch of government. So, it all comes back full circle to having a de jure HK gov’t in place. Unless, you are just going to violate HK law by creating this UHCLGJ and operate it in the HK.
I was talking moral, ethical, spiritual responsibility, Kekoa. Not contractual since it’s not something anyone can be coerced into. Justice has to be applied across the board for all people, everywhere, or it’s not true justice.
Please don’t misunderstand, I’m in no way trying to alter your process. I’ve always been under the impression that tackling an issue from many differing directions is better than only one option. The looming question is appealing to and expecting the thief to do the right thing, utilizing their “legal” system, rather than actual law. Even if it does prevail, it may take time. Currently, I believe common/natural law is something we can exercise right now, locally, to obtain justice.for ourselves and for others, Hawaiian or not. It’s not speculative as the laws are already in place. What do we have to lose?
I am but one, Kekoa. You make two.–AttorneyClient.htm
Aloha liskir, you have not provided the required documentation under HK law that would legally allow your common law grand jury to operate in the HK. That should be the first and most important question you need to answer since you would not want to violate HK law. If you can’t, then don’t need to discuss it any further.
Aloha Kekoa, Where’s the HK law referring to required documentation? Mahalo.
Aloha liskir, Section 6 of the civil code said …all laws of this kingdom are obligatory…. you gotta follow the law. If there is such a thing as a common law grand jury in the HK there would need to be a provision for it in the HK constitution or civil code. Your the one making the claim that it can be used in the HK, so it’s you and not me that has to show proof of claim that is in HK law. Good luck.
“all laws of this kingdom are obligatory” How are they enforced?
Kekoa, have you made this clear to the statutory courts all over Hawaii that are extorting and oppressing people on made up statutes/codes/acts (not applicable to people unless we consent)? Apparently they haven’t gotten the memo yet. What’s the HK remedy for countless number of people who are currently in cages for victimless “crimes”? Mahalo.
Please cite where in the HK Law allows for grievances of the people against govt. transgressions to be heard?
History has shown that absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Aloha liskir, I believe I asked first and you are trying very hard not to provide the provision that allows for a common law grand jury in the HK. Is it because there is none? It’s very simple, just show it.
Forgive me, where did I state that Natural/Common Law was in the HK law? I suggest that it’s an avenue all people could utilize locally, immediately, to seek justice. If I’m wrong, then we’d all like to hear a viable option, if any. Short of that, we’re all just slaves, to be blunt.
Again, please cite where in the HK Law allows for grievances of the people against govt. transgressions to be heard?
Aloha liskir, …have you made this clear to the statutory courts all over Hawaii that are extorting and oppressing people on made up statutes/codes/acts (not applicable to people unless we consent)? Apparently they haven’t gotten the memo yet. What’s the HK remedy for countless number of people who are currently in cages for victimless “crimes”? Mahalo.
liskir, it’s called war crimes. There is a legal process to address those crimes. Just because it’s not operating on your time line doesn’t mean you try to find a short cut that is not allowable under HK law. If you create a common law grand jury that is not provided for in the HK law, the HK constitution or civil code then you are operating in the same manner as the courts you mentioned above. Self proclaimed and illegal. Don’t take it personal it is what it is.
No one is debating that U.S. Inc. has engaged in war crimes all over the world. Legal is very different from Lawful. Statutes/codes/acts are NOT law and doesn’t apply to people, unless we consent.
I’m not imposing a time line on your process. It’s your process after all and I’m in support. It’s not my place to impose my beliefs on anyone’s process. I’m merely bringing up points to consider and suggesting other options people could utilize NOW. There’s more than 1 way to skin a pig.
My question is, where in HK law does it state that natural/common law grand jury is not allowable and if not, then what is provided in HK law to address grievances against corrupt govts?
“If everyone were informed, Jury Nullification would be the end of oppressive and corrupt government.”
Aloha liskir, I guess you have come to realize that under HK law there is no provision for your natural/common law grand jury. If there is no provision for it then you cannot create one out of thin air. If you want one then have a Dejure HK gov’t create it through legislation. If you have a grievance against a corrupt and oppresive HK gov’t then read the civil code or HK case law on how to deal with that issue. I am more interested on how you can claim that the HK gov’t was corrupt and oppresive and that it injured you. Please explain.
Please tell me where I’ve made claim that I was injured by the HK nor that the “HK gov’t was corrupt and oppressive”?? I posed the question of how the HK would address grievances? Where in the law?
I suggest that Natural/Common Law applies to all those who are born equal and free. Live however one chooses as long as one doesn’t cause harm/injury/loss. When another (including govt) impinges upon one’s inherent rights, what’s the remedy?
Aloha liskir, the remedy for grievances in the HK would be found in HK law, HK civil code and within HK institutions lawfully established. You may apply common law but within the established structure that the HK created. I believe you and others promoting this common law grand jury are afflicted with something called conflation. You are conflating two different kinds of sovereignty. You said …” Statutes/codes/acts are NOT law and doesn’t apply to people, unless we consent.” I presume you believe this because you are a sovereign person under the republic of America. Well, that may be true in America but you are not in America you are in the HK. Americans were formerly British subjects that revolted and won the war against their former sovereign King to become Americans. So, now each man/woman held their sovereignty in themselves. Each one chose to give up part of their sovereignty inorder to create a body politic to administer the gov’t for the benefit of the American people. I presume that is why you believe statutes/codes/acts does not apply to you unless you consent, since all authority derived from you or “we the people”. Subjects of the HK were never a part of a republic. They never held sovereignty individually within themselves. Kamehameha III was an absolute monarch that held all the sovereignty and he voluntarily divested his absolute sovereignty into a body politic (gov’t) under the terms and conditions of the declaration of rights and constitution. The HK was then transformed from an absolute monarchy into a constitutional monarchy. To make it simple, the formation of the HK and it’s gov’t was derived from the sovereign himself and not the people. The HK subjects cannot claim to be the source of authority or sovereignty. That is why I pointed out Section 6 of the HK civil code …. where the law is obligatory upon everyone, subjects of the HK or citizens/ subjects of other states, as long as you are within the territoy of the HK you are protected under the HK’s sovereignty. Unless you act in contrary to the HK law then you loose the protection. WOW, after all that I hope you guys finally GET IT!!!
Forgive me, Kekoa, you’ve just confused me more than ever! “two different kinds of sovereignty”??? Really? Sovereignty is “rightful status, independence, or prerogative.” By definition, a sovereign is not under anything/anyone. Perhaps that’s why there are HK ‘subjects’ who are not sovereign? If ke akua created everyone equal, why does some have dominion over others? Dictated by whom? Who can claim ultimate authority?
This is why I asked the question before: would an absolute Hawaiian monarchy still exist today if it were not illegally occupied? If not, who would be in charge of dictating this “body politic (gov’t) under the terms and conditions of the declaration of rights and constitution”? Isn’t this the problem with U.S. Inc? The laws have been subverted and “interpreted” by the will of its govt. without any oversight by its people.
Aloha liskir and everyone,
The Hawaiian Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. It is based on common/natural law.
The monarch “moi” does not have absolute dominion over others. A lawful legislature and judicial system, of the People is designed to operate as a common law government.
We don’t have to re-invent the wheel. Kauikeaouli, Kamehameha III, did a fine job of merging native Hawaiian culture/tradition, with Common/Natural law truth and justice.
And yes, there are lawful provisions for changes to the constitution, because we are now living in 2015. Thank Ke Akua / God, that the common/natural law principles remain.
We must remain vigilant and pursue the truth together…always with aloha!
“God hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on the earth,” in unity and blessedness. God has also bestowed certain rights alike on all men and all chiefs, and all people of all lands. These are some of the rights which He has given alike to every man and every chief of correct deportment; life, limb, liberty, freedom from oppression; the earnings of his hands and the productions of his mind, not however to those who act in violation of the laws. God has also established government, and rule, for the purpose of peace; but in making laws for the nation it is by no means proper to enact laws for the protection of the rulers only, without also providing protection for their subjects; neither is it proper to enact laws to enrich the chiefs only, without regard to enriching their subjects also, and hereafter there shall by no means be any laws enacted which are at variance with what is above expressed, neither shall any tax be assessed, nor any service or labor required of any man, in a manner which is at variance with the above sentiments.
The above sentiments are hereby published for the purpose of protecting alike, both the people and the chiefs of all these islands, while they maintain a correct deportment; that no chief may be able to oppress any subject, but that chiefs and people may enjoy the same protection, under one and the same law. Protection is hereby secured to the persons of all the people, together with their lands, their building lots, and all their property, while they conform to the laws of the kingdom, and nothing whatever shall be taken from any individual except by express provision of the laws. What ever chief shall act perseveringly in violation of this constitution, shall no longer remain a chief of the Hawaiian Islands, and the same shall be true of the Governors officers, and all land agents. But if any one who is deposed should change his course and regulate his conduct by law, it shall then be in the power of the chiefs to reinstate him in the place he occupied previous to his being deposed.
It is our design to regulate our kingdom according to the above principles and thus seek the greatest prosperity both of all the chiefs and all the people of these Hawaiian Islands. But we are aware that we cannot ourselves alone accomplish such an object – God must be our aid, for it is His province alone to give perfect protection and prosperity. –Wherefore we first present our supplication to Him, that he will guide us to right measures and sustain us in our work. It is therefore our fixed decree,
I. That no law shall be enacted which is at variance with the word of the Lord Jehovah, or at variance with the general spirit of His word. All laws of the Islands shall be in consistency with the general spirit of God’s law.
II. All men of every religion shall be protected in worshipping Jehovah, and serving Him, according to their own understanding, but no man shall ever be punished for neglect of God unless he injures his neighbor, or bring evil on the kingdom.
III. The law shall give redress to every man who is injured by another without a fault of his own, and shall protect all men while they conduct properly, and shall punish all men who commit crime against the kingdom or against Individuals, and no unequal law shall be passed for the benefit of one to the injury of another.
IV. No man shall be punished unless his crime be first made manifest, neither shall he be punished unless he be first brought to trial in the presence of his accusers, and they have met face to face, and the trial having been conducted according to law, and the crime made manifest in their presence, then punishment may be inflicted.
No man or chief shall be permitted to sit as judge or act on a jury to try his particular friend (or enemy), or one who is especially connected with him. Wherefore if any man be condemned or acquitted. and it shall afterwards be made to appear, that some one who tried him acted with partiality for the purpose of favoring his friend (or injuring his enemy), or for the purpose of enriching himself, then there shall be a new trial allowed before those who are impartial.
This constitution shall not be considered as finally established, until the people have generally heard it and have appointed persons according to the provisions herein made, and they have given their assent, then this constitution shall be considered as permanently established. But hereafter, if it should be thought desirable to change it, notice shall be previously given, that all the people may understand the nature of the proposed change, and the succeeding year, at the meeting of the Nobles and the representative body, if they shall agree as to the addition proposed or as to the alteration, then they may make it. The above constitution has been agreed to by the Nobles, and we have hereunto subscribed our names, this eighth day of October, in the year of our Lord, 1840, at Honolulu, Oahu.
▪ (Signed) Kamehameha III
” God has also established government” Really? Wasn’t it people who created govt?
I tried looking up Jehovah and it seems to be associated with Jewish, christianity? What does the creator have to do with race or religion?
III. The law shall give redress to every man who is injured by another without a fault of his own, and shall protect all men while they conduct properly, and shall punish all men who commit crime against the kingdom or against Individuals, and no unequal law shall be passed for the benefit of one to the injury of another.
IV. No man shall be punished unless his crime be first made manifest, neither shall he be punished unless he be first brought to trial in the presence of his accusers, and they have met face to face, and the trial having been conducted according to law, and the crime made manifest in their presence, then punishment may be inflicted.
Why do we sit idle and allow the incarceration of people who have done no damage/injury/harm? What are we waiting for? A dejure govt to appear? Isn’t it already in place: We the People?
Liskir, I think you are still confused. You asked…..would an absolute Hawaiian monarchy still exist today if it were not illegally occupied? The answer to that is there was no absolute monarchy before the occupation. It was a constitutional monarchy. You asked … If not, who would be in charge of dictating this “body politic (gov’t) under the terms and conditions of the declaration of rights and constitution”? It’s simple, there would be no one dictating, it’s not a dictatorship it’s a constitutional monarchy with the separation of powers doctrine firmly in place. We just need to end the occuation and put a lawfully elected dejure gov’t back in control. You asked and stated ….. Isn’t this the problem with U.S. Inc? The laws have been subverted and “interpreted” by the will of its govt. without any oversight by its people. That might be true for the U.S. but not the HK, we are occupied. The ability to have a HK gov’t administering our laws have been usurpted by the U.S. which occupies us. A HK gov’t never subverted the laws without oversight by it’s people like you are suggesting. Why do you keep trying to make your internal U.S. problem our problem, it’s two different things. Must be the side affects of conflation.
I beg to differ, Kekoa. It’s not a U.S. problem. It’s a world wide problem of the few placing themselves in power, then “interpreting”; thus, subverting the laws to oppress the masses. How does this happen? Because we, the ignorant, have allowed it. We don’t need any govt. (dejure or otherwise) to free us. We were born free and created govt. That which is created can never be greater than its creator. Our chains are mostly self-imposed through consent: By The ‘Consent of the Governed’
Hey guys its funny i was just watching this video this mornning.
Dr Sai explains the govt of today is the same HK govt.
Hope this helps…
Mahalo for sharing… Never to late to up date and educate…
See you at the Palace 1-17-15
14th Amendment: : All persons born or naturalized in the United States and SUBJECT to the jurisdiction thereof…”
Those who live within the HK are Hawaiian SUBJECTS
Subject to whom/what? Aren’t we are all born equal?
E Kala mai…
This is the video
The vimeo is called Righting the Wrongs.
Towards the end he talks about HK govt.
Aloha, I always look forward to each of HKG’s blogs! Always hoping that the next announcement will be ‘the’ life changing major event! For example: Kicking the IRS’s okole out for good! Or, the US military ‘gets to steppin’ by cleaning up all of their me’eau kaki’o kukae opala before they pack their bags to leave! Now, that would be life changing! 🙂
For life-changing events, look to no one other than the face in the mirror. Change begins with us. Keanu Sai does what he does. We’ve got to do our parts. The problem are those who sit idle waiting for someone else to pick up the ball for them. Let’s all pick up our balls together! That’s when change will take place. Mahalo.
Something to think about in the mean time:
Pretty soon everyone will be able to attend college.
Court orders teen to under go chemo: Teen and parent has no defense?
Former U.S. Attorney, still the U-S Attorney?
Mahalo for the interesting sites, Win. Isn’t this what Common Core is all about? Forced mind control of children? Isn’t this why home schooling parents are targeted and abused? Programming must start early. MSNBC Host: Your Kids Belong to the Collective
What shall we do, now knowing what we know?
If it was me or my family who are kidnapped and kept in a cage for victimless crimes, I sure wouldn’t be waiting for the HK to reestablish control, particularly when remedy is already available through Common/Natural Law.
Liskir, you posted ..14th Amendment: : All persons born or naturalized in the United States and SUBJECT to the jurisdiction thereof…”
If you can’t figure out the solution to your U.S. problem as to why you are subject to their jurisdiction then there is no way I’m going to agree with you in your so-called solution regarding the HK.
Here’s a hint, It’s all about your consent. That’s why I told you early on in the post to check yourself for any adhesion contracts you have and look for those third party contracts stemming from your first contract. Like you said..” Because we, the ignorant, have allowed it.”
You posted…Those who live within the HK are Hawaiian SUBJECTS. Subject to whom/what? Aren’t we are all born equal?…
Gene posted the HK Declaration of Rights and Constution. Read all of it, even the 1864.
…“God hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on the earth,”
Just because men are of one blood does not make them equal in regards to sovereignty , especially when it comes to jurisdiction and the contracts they have no matter what country they are from or are in.
Here’s two questions for you and Gene since you guys are always mentioning God. Is God totally Sovereign? When does God’s total sovereignty turn into a limited sovereignty?
If you can answer this correctly then it’s the answer to your U.S. problem.
You are mistaken, Kekoa. US Inc. not only MY problem. It’s also YOUR problem. It’s a problem for all of us who want to enforce our inherent rights. I don’t know why you would continually create division when we have the same purpose.
You are mistaken again. I only mention god in terms of a creator. God means different things to different people, not my business.
Who said anything a limited sovereignty? I believe in absolute sovereignty…subject to no man.
Liskir, you posted …”We don’t need any govt. (dejure or otherwise) to free us. We were born free and created govt. That which is created can never be greater than its creator.”
Didn’t you read my previous post where I showed you the source of who created the HK gov’t.? It was not by “we the people”. So how can you say you or anyone else is greater than the one who created it? You are contradicting yourself as stated in your above post.
Read the HK Declaration of rights, it was Kamehameha that declared it, he did not have to, he was the embodiment of total sovereignty and all was under him. In an instant his word could create law, judge law and execute law. By his words came the declaration of rights (contract) which allowed the rights to be implemented and now binding and limiting his ablsolute sovereignty. He subjected himself to limitations.
If you read the declaration and the constitution it always limits every ones rights with the caveat, subject to the law. So, tell me how can you or anyone else be greater than the creator and say you are not subject to the law? The law is not subject to your consent when you are in the HK?
One man can not create something to subject another man, unless with his consent (not under threats of violence). Didn’t Kamehameha rule by force? Absolute monarchy is not very popular. Would any free-thinking man want to be subject to another?
When you say the declaration and the constitution always limits everyone’s rights, subject to the law…who’s law? Who gets to determine what the laws are? If it’s me, I’d be OK with that. 🙂
The beauty of Common/Natural Law, is that it’s common sense and applies to all: NO injury/damage/loss, then NO crime. A jury of the people of our own peers get to decide, not the guy in the black robe. Can it get any simpler than that?
Aloha Everyone,
Kekoa said:
“Read the HK Declaration of rights, it was Kamehameha that declared it, he did not have to…” that is correct. ”…he was the embodiment of total sovereignty…(yes, this was true in Hawai’i, in regards to accepted relations between men. He was the moi of Hawai’i)
Then, Kekoa, you said, “and ALL was under him.”
No, all was NOT under him.
In Kamehameha III’s own words, “GOD hath made of One Blood all nations of men to dwell on Earth in unity and blessedness.” Kauikeaouli (Kamehameha III) acknowledges GOD, as the supreme Creator and author of the LAW. He is speaking of GOD’s law, Natural Law / Common Law.
It is our design to regulate our kingdom according to the above principles (Declaration of Rights 1839) and thus seek the greatest prosperity both of all the chiefs and all the people of these Hawaiian Islands. But we are aware that we cannot ourselves alone accomplish such an object – God must be our aid, for it is His province alone to give perfect protection and prosperity. –Wherefore we first present our supplication to Him, that he will guide us to right measures and sustain us in our work. It is therefore our fixed decree,
I. That no law shall be enacted which is at variance with the word of the Lord Jehovah, or at variance with the general spirit of His word. All laws of the Islands shall be in consistency with the general spirit of God’s law.
Dear friends….We do not have to “re-invent the wheel.”
God’s Law / Natural Law / Common Law are the same.
it is the basis of Hawai’i’s constitutional monarchy.
We are home. We are free. We are home free!
So let’s get busy, gather the people and build our legitimate government. NOW!
Peace and Love to All,
PS…Tomorrow January 21, 11:30am at the State Capitol,
Hawaiians of all races are having a Hawaii Independence education / unity rally.
Event is called the People’s Hale.
I don’t see Keanu Sai on the list of keynote speakers…that is very disappointing.
He should be there. AHKG should be there.
Gene, ….. Protection is hereby secured to the persons of all the people, together with their lands, their building lots, and all their property, while they conform to the laws of the kingdom…. What about HK statutes, laws of equity, corporate law and admiralty law. These are not natural/common law from God but were HK laws. Are you saying you do not have to obey them? They were past by HK legislation (gov’t) that according to the King’s Declaration God had established.
…”So let’s get busy, gather the people and build our legitimate government. NOW!”
Gene, you are promoting nation building that is not in accordance to HK law and the treaties that the HK has entered into. You are promoting acts that are not in conformity to the law and violates the law.
Be sure you know what you are doing before you get others involved.
Remember when you got people involved in making a garden at bayfront? What happened to it and them?
I am promoting nation building according to Hawaiian Kingdom Law, the foundation being God’s Law / Natural Law / Common Law.
If we are truthful.
If we do no harm.
If we honor our agreements…
Then we are pono.
It is the kuleana of the AHKG to make sure that we do nation building lawfully.
I support that….100%
Kekoa, what is the hold up? (over three months since “proclamation”)
Let me know how I and others can help!
PS…The Kanaka Garden was pono.
We served respectful notice to all government agencies about who we were and what the basis of our actions were. We obtained permission and blessings from the heirs of Kamehameha III to plant the garden. They are the lawful title holders of so called “ceded” lands. Hawaiian nationals of every race came down to help us. We are all still in contact with each other.
My only regret is that people who said they loved our Hawaiian Kingdom, and knew the true political status of Hawai’i did not come to the Kanaka Garden and support our cause.
Even a letter of support from LHG, Keanu Sai, OHA, Royal Order of Kamehameha, etc…
That would have been nice 🙂
Maybe the timing would be better now….
It is our design to regulate our kingdom according to the above principles (Declaration of Rights 1839) and thus seek the greatest prosperity both of all the chiefs and all the people of these Hawaiian Islands. But we are aware that we cannot ourselves alone accomplish such an object – God must be our aid, for it is His province alone to give perfect protection and prosperity. –Wherefore we first present our supplication to Him, that he will guide us to right measures and sustain us in our work. It is therefore our fixed decree,
I. That no law shall be enacted which is at variance with the word of the Lord Jehovah, or at variance with the general spirit of His word. All laws of the Islands shall be in consistency with the general spirit of God’s law.
Gene, You have not answered the question as to why you are subject to HK law that is not common law such as admiralty law, coporate law and equity law in the HK? You are not promoting nation building according to HK law. You are foolish to think you can end this occpuation in a few months against the most powerful nation on the planet. You act as though 3 months is a long time. The AHKG started it’s mission in the late 1990’s with only a handful of people knowing the remedy needed to end the occupation. You claim you support the AHKG 100% but you undermine what they are doing by promoting elections NOW! I can tell by your suggestions you are clueless of the remedy and the process. Your suggestion of a common law grand jury is an attempt to undermine the AHKG and is not lawful under HK law. Your actions regarding the garden was ill advised. You claim to have gotten permission from the heirs/lawfull title holders of the so-called ceded lands but you are mistaken. These individuals may have a claim to be an heir but their claim is just a claim. A claim does not put you on title. Only a HK court can adjudicate such a claim and award them title. I and many others could make the same claim but it does not give us title. This is probably why you did not receive any letters of support. How could anyone that understands HK law support your actions based on such a claim.
So you are telling me that individuals/families who can prove that they are heirs to Kauikeaouli (Kamehameha III) and the Crown Lands must get AHKG permission to live/work/malama on their own lawful property? Is AHKG willing to meet with these families? I truly hope and believe we can work together to make pono what is hewa.
Next steps?
Who consists of the “HK Court”? Under what authority? If a group of people come together and declare themselves the “HK court” and enforce their ‘laws’, how’s this different from the operations of the de facto US INC?
Gene, I did not say the AHKG has to give permission. Where did you read that? I said that only a Hawaiian Kingdom Court can adjudicate claims made by any so-called heirs. At this point they only have a claim and not title to the property. Here, real simple. You can claim to be the next MMA champion of the World but you need to actually win the fight first to have the belt and title. There is a light at the end of this occupation but it takes time because it has to be done right. We need to honor our kupuna, ourselves and future generations. We need to do it with perfection and not haste.
Saw this on Ehu’s site:
Story on Hawaiian sovereign issue tonight on Kgmb 9.
Didn’t see anything at their site.
This will be interesting:
“Court Observers Request for 2/17, 8:30am, Hilo, Big Is.
Hilo Court Feb 17, 2015 8:30 a.m. where Moses Crabbe will be speaking ONLY in Hawaiian (making a point of Hawai’i being it’s own Nation) when addressing court system; that is why his case was postpone until they hired a Hawaiian interpreter…
Got court coming up and challenging jurisdiction? One cannot retain a lawyer if jurisdiction is challenged…i.e. you must be sui juris. Remember that when one retains an attorney, one becomes the ward of the court (infant or person who is incompetent). Request for court observers for Hawaii can be made here. Please do your civic duty and assist your community by showing up as court observers. Bring your recorders if you can and take notes. Mahalo.“
Aloha liskr, You posted,
Who consists of the “HK Court”? Under what authority? If a group of people come together and declare themselves the “HK court” and enforce their ‘laws’, how’s this different from the operations of the de facto US.
Answer; If a group of people declare themselves to be the “HK court” then they are self declared and are traitors just like the self declared provisional gov’t and the self declared Republic of Hawaii gov’t. President Cleveland called those purported govt’s self declared and were neither de facto nor de jure.
liskr, are you promoting treason in the HK????
A de jure HK court would need to be created through the legal process as stipulated in HK law.
These courts operating in Hawaii are improperly constituted period and cannot claim to have subject matter jurisdiction even if you appear sui juris.
Why can’t you understand this simple basic concept?
Because of the occupation of the HK the only way a judge can retain subject matter jurisdiction and provide a fair trial would be to utilized the doctrine of necessity. He/she could reconstitute the court into an article 2 court and apply HK law. Because of the occupation the courts are limited as to what types of cases it can hear. Hope this helps.