The Importance of Education and Getting the Facts Straight

As the country is moving ever so close to compliance with the law of occupation by the State of Hawai‘i, misinformation and disinformation must be addressed. It is understandable for the population of an occupied State not to fully grasp the situation of the Hawaiian Kingdom that it not only still exists as a country under international law but that it has been under a prolonged occupation for 131 years.

The reason why this occupation has lasted so long is because of denationalization through Americanization that formally began as a policy in 1906. Within three generations, the national consciousness of the Hawaiian Kingdom in the minds of its national population was erased. Replacing Hawaiian national consciousness with American national consciousness, together with its political ideologies and beliefs.

The recovery of Hawaiian national consciousness relies on accurate information through education. Just as education in the public and private schools, in the early twentieth century, was weaponized to erase Hawaiian national consciousness in the minds of school children, education today must be utilized, not weaponized, to restore it. It is a process, and, sometimes, an unpleasant process. This process of restoring Hawaiian national consciousness reveals the untruths and deceptions that were used to conceal an international travesty.

Many Hawaiian subjects served in the American military, whether voluntarily or by conscription, and it is naturally difficult to come to terms with this information. This difficulty to come to terms also applies to the entire population of Hawai‘i who were taught in school and were led to believe that Hawai‘i is a part of the United States and that they are American citizens.

The clashing of two sets of beliefs is called cognitive dissonance, which “is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when a person holds two contradictory beliefs at the same time.” The two beliefs that collide is Hawai‘i the 50th State of the American Union and the Hawaiian Kingdom as an occupied State since 1893. Both beliefs are mutually exclusive, which means that both cannot exist at the same time. The continued existence of the Hawaiian Kingdom as an occupied State cancels the existence of the State of Hawai‘i and the federal government. As the Permanent Court of International Justice, in the S.S. Lotus case, stated in its 1927 judgment:

Now the first and foremost restriction imposed by international law upon a State is that—failing the existence of a permissive rule to the contrary—it may not exercise its power in any form in the territory of another State. In this sense jurisdiction is certainly territorial; it cannot be exercised by a State outside its territory except by virtue of a permissive rule derived from international custom or from a convention (treaty).

Since 1893, the United States has been exercising its authority over Hawaiian Kingdom territory without any ‘permissive rule derived from international custom or from a convention (treaty).’ If the United States, to include the State of Hawai‘i, has no lawful authority to exercise its power in Hawaiian territory, then everything that derives from its unlawful authority is invalid in the eyes of international law. This comes from the rule of international law ex injuria jus non oritur, which is Latin for “law (or right) does not arise from injustice.”

From this international rule—ex injuria jus non oritur, when applied to an occupied State, springs forth another rule of international law called postliminium, where all unlawful acts that an Occupying State may have been done in occupied territory are invalid and cannot be enforced when the occupation comes to an end. According to Professor Oppenheim, “If the occupant has performed acts which are not legitimate acts [allowable under the law of occupation], postliminium makes their invalidity apparent.”

Cognitive dissonance occurs when a person cannot let go of their former beliefs and tries to incorporate these beliefs into the new belief. This approach reveals contradictions, which is analogous to asserting baseball rules into a football game. It is either a football game or a baseball game. The football game is the American occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom. The baseball game is Hawai‘i being the 50th State of the American Union. International laws are the rules of the football game, and American laws are the rules of the baseball game.

Within the United States, there is a Sovereign citizen movement that believe “the Uniform Commercial Code, which provides an interstate standard for such things as property ownership or bank accounts (and documents that they believe apply only to their strawman, such as drivers’ licenses, is a codification of the illegitimate commercial law ruling the United States.” Many groups of the Hawaiian sovereignty movement subscribe to this belief that sees the State of Hawai‘i as a corporation with no authority over free and sovereign citizens. Whether you agree or disagree with the Sovereign citizen movement, it has no place in the Hawaiian Kingdom being an occupied State that has suffered the devastating effects of the war crime of denationalization. To claim to be a sovereign citizen in a country that is a constitutional monarchy is a contradiction. You cannot have a monarchical system of governance when some of its people claim to be sovereign themselves.

The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) was first published in 1952 as a joint project of the Uniform Law Commission, which is also called the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, and the American Law Institute. Its goal was to harmonize State law because commercial transactions extend beyond one State’s jurisdiction within the United States. Another goal of the UCC was to modernize contract law.

Having come from two private organizations, the UCC is not American law until the States and Territories of the United States adopt it. Forty-nine States, which includes the State Hawai‘i, as well as the District of Columbia, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands have adopted the UCC as their law with minimal changes. According to the website of the Uniform Law Commission, the “Uniform Commercial Code…is a comprehensive set of laws governing all commercial transactions in the United States. It is not a federal law, but a uniformly adopted state law.” As such, the UCC is an American law limited within the territorial jurisdictions of the forty-eight States of the American Union and three of its territories that adopted it.

The political economy of the United States and its UCC is not the political economy of the Hawaiian Kingdom prior to the American invasion in 1893. Political economy is the economic system and its governance by the political system of a State. The Hawaiian Kingdom was a progressive country when compared to the European States and their successor States on the American continent in the nineteenth century. Its political economy was not based on Adam Smith’s capitalism—Wealth of Nations, but rather Francis Wayland’s approach of a cooperative capitalism. According to Professor Mykkanen, Wayland was interested in “defining the limits of government by developing a theory of contractual enactment of political society, which would be morally and logically binding and acceptable to all its members.”

Wayland’s book, Elements of Political Economy, was the fundamental basis when written in the Hawaiian language and adjusted to apply to Hawaiian society accordingly by William Richards. The book was titled No Ke Kālai‘āina (English translation), which theorized governance from a foundation of Natural Rights within a Hawaiian agrarian society based upon capitalism that was not only cooperative in nature, but also morally grounded in Christian values. Contemporary historians and academics mistakenly assumed that American capitalism was the political economy of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Along with the unlawful imposition of American municipal laws after 1898, was the unlawful imposition of the American version of capitalism. Karl Marx, the renowned critical theorist, would have found the Hawaiian Kingdom’s political economy very appealing.

The Hawaiian Kingdom was the only country to adopt Wayland’s theory of economics. The United States and the United Kingdom based their economies on Smith’s theory of capitalism. Wayland’s form of capitalism was taught in the schools throughout the islands and framed political and economic discourse in the country. It also set in motion Hawai‘i’s mixed economy and the seed was planted for the Hawaiian Kingdom to become the first welfare State that would predate the Nordic countries by a century.

The welfare State is a “concept of government in which the state or a well-established network of social institutions plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of [its] citizens.” German Chancellor Otto von Bismark is credited with establishing the idea of a welfare State, and the Hawaiian Legislative Assembly would cite him regarding economic legislation and reform for the Kingdom. He was referred to as “Bisimaka,” which is Hawaiian for “Bismark.”

During military occupations of occupied States, the occupying State is only allowed limited authority to exercise its power by virtue the permissive rule under Article 43 of the 1907 Hague Regulations. Article 43 provides that once the occupying State has effective control of the territory of an occupied State, it is obligated to establish a military government in order to administer the laws of the occupied State. In other words, the United States should have established a military government on January 17, 1893, to administer temporarily administer Hawaiian Kingdom law after Queen Lili‘uokalani conditionally surrendered, and up until there is a treaty of peace between the United States and the Hawaiian Kingdom.

According to Professor Benvenisti, the “public order and civil life are maintained through laws, regulations, court decisions, administrative guidelines, and even customs, all of which form an intricate and balanced system.” This description reflects the legal order of a State, where sovereignty is the authority exercised by the government of the State in maintaining the ‘public order and civil live.’

For the Hawaiian Kingdom, the legal order is framed by the 1864 Constitution, as amended, which provides for the ‘laws, regulations, court decisions, administrative guidelines, and even customs’ to exist. The legal order of the occupied State includes the Hawaiian Kingdom’s political economy. The Hawaiian Kingdom’s legal order is explained in Chapter 1—Hawaiian Constitutional Governance (p. 59-94) in the ebook Royal Commission of Inquiry: Investigating War Crimes and Human Rights Violations Committed in the Hawaiian Kingdom. U.S. Army Field Manual 27-10. Section 358 titled Occupation Does Not Transfer Sovereignty states:

Being an incident of war, military occupation confers upon the invading force the means of exercising control for the period of occupation. It does not transfer the sovereignty to the occupant, but simply the authority or power to exercise some of the rights of sovereignty. The exercise of these rights from the established power of the occupant and from the necessity of maintaining law and order, indispensable both to the inhabitants and to the occupying force. It is therefore unlawful for a belligerent to annex occupied territory or to create a new State therein while [the occupation is] still in progress.

Since January 17, 1893, the United States was unlawfully exercising its power over the Hawaiian Islands and the population by maintaining its puppet governments calling themselves the provisional government and then the so-called Republic of Hawai‘i, and its unlawful imposition of American laws when it unlawfully annexed the Hawaiian Islands in 1898, and then unlawfully created the American State of Hawai‘i in 1959. The very existence of the Hawaiian Kingdom as an occupied State cancels any and all American authority in the territory of the Hawaiian Kingdom unless that authority is in line with the 1907 Hague Regulations and 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention, which it is currently not.

Considering the severity of the situation, the Council of Regency’s approach toward compliance by the State of Hawai‘i is laser focused on the duties and responsibilities of State of Hawai‘i Major General Kenneth Hara to transform the State of Hawai‘i into a Military Government. The Council of Regency did not choose MG Hara to perform this duty, but rather the rules of international law did because he is the highest ranking general officer in the State of Hawai‘i Department of Defense.

The Hawaiian Kingdom is at the cusp of a radical change in governance that is in line with international law. A change that must bring 131 years of violating international law in line with Hawaiian Kingdom law. As education was once weaponized for illicit purposes, it is crucial at this time to facilitate compliance with the law through accurate information and responsible education.

17 thoughts on “The Importance of Education and Getting the Facts Straight

  1. I love clarification for better understanding. As taking the time to understand is an expression of love.

    Capitalism as I have come to see is the practice of private contracts between two people who both have body autonomy. Because two equal parties with great understanding of what they have and who they are can negotiate terms of their most valued capital, what they have and what they can contribute.

    Governance has an obligation and duty to care for its members (some would say welfare state, others socialism, and me, main role of service and responsibilities). This duty cannot over ride agreements unless the agreements were made unlawfully.

    Economics is just the means, a currency, to allow for individuals to express interest in what they value like buying food, investing in self care, or investing in transportation, etc. Political economics is a nation expressing their interest in what they value like investing in healthcare, communication infrastructure, means of transportation. Laws and programs prioritizes those interests. And how a nation decides to use its currency is “not words but deeds” expressing those laws and success (or failure) of the programs.

    Programs like universal healthcare, universal basic income, can be extensions of laws as it can increase the value of its own people within a nation who in return increases the potential of a nation. What is a nation, designated land and its people. Caring for the people in return cares for the land. Caring for the land in return cares for the people. This is governance that benefits the nation. And it only works if it works for everyone in the nation.

    Making a robust economy in a nation starts with insuring the people are able to participate in it.

  2. Wow, that was responsive! Two separate legal orders, two different games and sets of rules so our people should know both sets because we are in between games. It’s a reality the State of Hawaii is in effective control. It’s a reality that the kingdom is not and compliance is what we must be concerned with for it is the baseball umpires that are in effective control. It’s also a reality that Hawaiians are operating as US citizens and that the US has a duty to protect their citizens. What is not being promoted here is Hawaiians needing to learn both baseball and football game rules. In the mean time, learn both sets of rules so you can operate in their effective control without going under. The economic conquest of our people ends when we can manage our own commercial affairs.

  3. KeAkua please bless and sustain the present leaders of the Hawaiian Kingdom. They are our salvation. Reading this is like a college course and I m still in high school. George Helm here on Molokai used to end his concert Hawaiian Do Your Homework! He is Still with Us…

  4. I comprehend with the mis and disinformation, I called the library of congress and asked if there’s any information or documentation of the actual Treaty of Annexation for Hawaii in their library archives, and the librarian says, we can’t find any treaty, it doesn’t exist. So, we asked them if we could have it in writing and their response: If we put it in writing, we can lose our jobs. Then a friend of mine called State of Hawaii Supreme Court Library and ask for the Treaty of Annexation and the same thing happened there. They too, refused to put it in writing because there is no Treaty of Annexation that exist.

    Question: If there is no Treaty of Annexation or contract between the two heads of states (small s), how is the U.S. conducting their business on foreign soil? Isn’t unlawful, to have businesses on foreign soil without a contract, with the Queen or King of that nation and the president of another?

    Maybe the problem with the whole thing is “not hitting them on the levels based off of a contract”. We should be suing the U.S. Govt. for breach of contract, violating the treaties we already have with them because of their wrongful doing in the Nation of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Just saying… Thank you, Keanu Sai, for your teachings, if wasn’t for you, we would still be ignorant to the fact that we were taken over and brainwashed into this false system that fooled the world.

    • You wrote: ” During military occupations of occupied States, the occupying State is only allowed limited authority to exercise its power by virtue the permissive rule under Article 43 of the 1907 Hague Regulations. Article 43 provides that once the occupying State has effective control of the territory of an occupied State, it is obligated to establish a military government in order to administer the laws of the occupied State. In other words, the United States should have established a military government on January 17, 1893, to administer temporarily administer Hawaiian Kingdom law after Queen Lili‘uokalani conditionally surrendered, and up until there is a treaty of peace between the United States and the Hawaiian Kingdom.”

      Isn’t this applying Article 43 of the 1907 Hague Regulations retroactively to our case? The illegal invasion/overthrow/annexation occurred prior to the 1907 Hague Regulations. I understand that article 43 of the 1907 Hague regulations are simply codified customary international laws, but wouldn’t it make more sense to list the customary international law that was violated, rather than laws that cannot be applied retroactively to the illegal acts the US committed??

      • Aloha P., Customary International Law is based on the fact that ALL countries practice it and have already agreed it is in fact a binding Law. This means that if it has not been codified then all countries refer to it in its own National law. Be it Treaties, Legislation, General Orders, etc. etc. This makes it difficult because if there are 120 countries then one would need to go through the Treaties, National Laws, General Orders, etc. of 120 countries. Codification simply means it takes EVERY country’s national law and or reference to its already accepted and practiced customary laws and places it in the new codification such as the Hague or Brussels Conventions. It is a work in progress as they eventually ended up with the Fourth Geneva Convention. This is why it is not necessary to cite the original customary law of each country. They ALL are in agreement they know it’s a Law and are bound by it. You just cite the most modern codification. This is why we can cite the Geneva Convention when dealing with the U.S. and Hawaii regardless of the Fourth Geneva Convention codification coming after the overthrow. This is my simple explanation. For a more detailed explanation refer to this blogs December 26, 2014, post, entitled U.S. Pacific Command in Violation of General Orders No. 101.

    • Crazy that so many FEAR (or just refuse) to tell the TRUTH. Heck. I tried getting an audit done on the HIDOH (dept of health) during the CV fraud & the State auditor said that needed legislative approval— everything’s rigged for their CONTROL. My Freedom of Information Request on the CV virus “isolation” resulted in some fluff too.
      We clearly have not found what WILL pierce their veil of lies & control… A grand UPRISING by locals would be great– yet highly unlikely since a call of “have aloha” by the controllers to STOP probably would work. Drats.

        • Lopaka, the Americans are all asleep and won’t wake up. They all dreaming of low interest rates, welfare and Gov’t bail outs. They only going wake up when they get slapped upside their heads because the U.S. will default on their 40 something Trillion-dollar debt. By then it’s too late. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. This next financial meltdown going be the worst ever seen and the longest. Their problem not mines.

        • Lopaka, so what if they are here. That never stopped me in being successful in commerce. Like the good book says, “…Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to councils and scourge you in their synagogues..” Pray for wisdom and operate wisely remaining in honor so you will be held harmless like a dove. Once you fall into dishonor you have just caused harm (injury) and they will deliver you up to councils of ravenous wolves (administrative process or Attorneys) that will scourge you in their (courts) synagogues.

          • Jesus was speaking to his disciples to be wise as serpents because their mission was to preach the gospel to the lost sheep of Israel and that they would face a lot of opposition.

            Successful in commerce? Remain in honor? What are you a plantation owner? Lol I’m just kidding but what work do you do? What do you sell? Jesus was honorable and he was crucified. His disciples martyred.

  5. There IS ongoing confusion as to HOW to navigate lawfully in our current turbulent (law of the sea) waters. We here know what IS (internationally) right yet occupiers still appear FULLY in control, imposing their judgments w/o restraint. So I get how some TRY a workaround using their UCC superimposed system. Yet it seems few succeed, since it IS a rigged game to deplete land/resources from locals for the benefit of globalists & their pals. 😒

    “Cognitive dissonance” most certainly is an issue for our sleepers & newly awakened. Yet FEAR appears to be a greater concern for those contemplating the continued existence of the Hawaiian Kingdom. When discussing with others, they do NOT believe HK would be capable of defending ourselves vs. OTHER invaders — as an excuse to allow US’s continued occupation. Ex-military were quick to remind me that our population has been INTENTIONALLY kept unarmed for quite some time now… So a plan of good governance & a VERY capable Royal Guard would help! Maybe an automatic few years of service by our graduates (and/or a mandatory ‘class’ like ROTC in high school?) could help grow a militia. Martial art skills would be good to teach throughout too?

    EDUCATION: Besides the peeling back of mis/dis-information, our youth & families have lost a strong connection w/ the land, and also between the generations. “Hands-on” AG+ learning, while weaving in volunteer opportunities for our VERY capable & knowledgeable Kupuna WITH our youth, is needed to strengthen our ‘tapa’. Trade (((skills))) SHOULD be taught– like many of us ‘elders’ once had, so they know HOW to make/fix things, do finances etc…
    Many youth are w/o “purpose” which they NEED to feel valued as ‘community contributors’- which they can gain when filling service positions. [As a (terminated) educator who had both learning challenges in my youth & formulated secondary-level “service learning” classes I feel I CAN comment on what works! btw I always considered it an HONOR to work with ‘our future’.]

    Lastly, this month a cohort of 45 UHM ED students graduate, whom I KNOW heard Dr. Sai’s presentation at least once. I saw their “cognitive dissonance” (per their feedback) because the info WAS in conflict to what they’ve been TOLD for decades via denationalization. I HOPE any keynote offers them some PONO-parting words, that are not curriculum-specific but rather are progressive ‘islander POSSIBILITIES’ to positively influence our next gen of learners! Because indeed, A *thought-full education* IS the way to chart our NEW trajectory!

    Mahalo to our acting Council of Regency & commenters here. It helps to FEEL the progress. 💗

  6. Hopefully our fears dissipate as our knowledge and self education of the truth is realized…but navigating the high seas legally is truly a head butt…sometimes a head butt is what we need…people butt heads…an example is when Bumpy challenged the State out at Makapu Beach…another example is Maunakea…another opportunity is headed our way on October 26 2024, 05:47 hours, according to the terms of the Pearl Harbor Convention, the treaty will be terminated as the Council of Regency initiated the process to terminate the 1884 Supplemental Convention. Perhaps some of our nationals would like to visit our local fishing grounds or available real estate. Another head butt, who can say!

    • With Niger revoking their accord due to US support of Israel, it remains to be seen if Pacific nations will do the same considering US support of Taiwan. Better yet, if they will follow the Councils lead. It seems that the old testament promise lands/manifest destiny ideology which the west has been founded on is being exposed. The idea that one people’s promise land is literally God ordained genocide for another is finally coming full circle in plain view for all of Christendom.

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