Royal Commission of Inquiry Stating Its Position Should Brigadier General Logan Request a Legal Opinion from State of Hawai‘i Attorney General prior to 12 noon on August 12, 2024

Today, August 10, 2024, Dr. Keanu Sai, as Head of the Royal Commission of Inquiry, sent a letter to Deputy Adjutant General, Brigadier General Stephen Logan, stating the position of the Royal Commission of Inquiry on whether BG Logan has requested a legal opinion from State of Hawai‘i Attorney General Anne Lopez. Here is a link to the letter.

As August 12, 2024 is fast approaching, the Royal Commission of Inquiry (“RCI”) would like to separate the two actions you are faced with regarding your duty to establish a military government. The first action is the request by you of the Attorney General, Anne E. Lopez, to provide you with a legal opinion that concludes, with irrefutable facts and the law, that the Hawaiian Kingdom does not continue to exist as a State under international law. The second action is the performance of the duty to establish a military government if the Attorney General has not provided you with a legal opinion.

If you did notify the Attorney General to provide you with a legal opinion before 12 noon on August 12th and she has not gotten back to you by 12 noon on August 12th, then the RCI will not demand that you perform your duty to establish a military government until the Attorney General has completed that legal opinion for you. If this is the course that you have taken, the Attorney General will have to rebuke the following legal opinions regarding the continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom as a State, and the legal standing of the Council of Regency:

  • Professor Matthew Craven, University of London, SOAS, Department of Law, attached as enclosure 1.
  • Professor Federico Lenzerini, University of Siena, Italy, Department of Political and International Sciences, attached as enclosure 2.

If you do not notify the RCI, by email or by letter via email prior to 12 noon on August 12, 2024, that you have requested a legal opinion from the Attorney General, and she has not completed the same, then the RCI will assume that you did not make the request. If this is the case, and you have not established a military government by 12 noon on August 12, 2024, then you will be the subject of a war criminal report for the war crime by omission.

5 thoughts on “Royal Commission of Inquiry Stating Its Position Should Brigadier General Logan Request a Legal Opinion from State of Hawai‘i Attorney General prior to 12 noon on August 12, 2024

  1. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t this give them an easy way out?
    If they want to avoid transitioning to a military government, all that has to happen is the AG can never answer their request for proof that the Hawaiian Kingdom continues to exist, right?!


    • Where is all the “Ku Kia’i Mauna” people. We need to sound the kahea to all the world of this ongoing situation and expose these MFs… pressure from world wide exposure…LETS GO!!

    • The only reason why we cannot stand together is because we cannot agree who to follow. We have imho only one true leader. We have only one monarch to honor for reserving our rights today. It is from her that all waters of justice flow and that the birth of our nation will come. If she was here today, she would why we do not support her and follow her footsteps to lobby Congress for our peace treaty. Why are we making this so complicated?! I do not get it. We have the laws of the land and the laws have us. We do not need another’s set of laws. We always pointing the finger at the US with four pointing right back at us like “look at us Hawaiian US citizens.”
      If Hawaiians don’t have the internal and individual self determination to lobby Congress to execute our Queens peace treaty nor renounce US citizenship, then we are not only derelict in our duty to our Queen but have accepted slavery as our freedom and liberty is dependent on others doing the right thing. We have always been our own biggest problem. We have a peace treaty, let’s start acting like it.

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