Press Release: Dr. Keanu Sai Being a Subject of Ad Hominem Attack by KGMB Unconfirmed “Fake News” Report

On June 10th, Rick Daysog released a Hawai‘i News Now article titled “State alleges Hawaiian scholar with a troubled past bilked distressed homeowners.” The article claims that Dr. Keanu Sai is the subject of a current criminal investigation in which allegedly “Sai’s conduct constitutes a felony and Sai’s criminal wrongdoing has been referred to the proper criminal authorities for investigation,” according to Daysog’s source OCP attorney James Evers, who wrote the excerpt in a court pleading over a year ago. The most outstanding problem with Daysog’s article is that he should have written it 14 months ago, before the case against Dr. Sai was dismissed.

In all cases of consulting, Dr. Sai always had a contract with his clients who sought his assistance. In this case, the family entered into a contract with Dr. Sai in 2015 where it clearly stated “The client has had the opportunity to investigate and verify Dr. Sai’s credentials, and agrees that Dr. Sai is qualified to perform the services in this contract.”

The contract also states that the “tasks performed under this agreement, includes but not limited to analysis, calculations, conclusions, preparation of reports, letters of correspondence and pleadings, and necessary travel time.” The agreed upon service was to provide consulting regarding the court’s lack of jurisdiction, whether criminal or civil cases, within the rules of the court. Under these contracts, Dr. Sai was admitted by the judges in seven court cases, which included both civil and criminal cases, as an expert on the subject of the continued existence of the Hawaiian Kingdom, international law, and constitutional law.

The contract did not involve any foreclosure or mortgage issue. It included only testimony on the issue of jurisdiction. OCP attorney Evers made his false allegations against Dr. Sai in his role as a jurisdiction witness. Evers falsely represented to the Court that Dr. Sai and the family had no written contract. Dr. Sai provided Evers a copy at the beginning of the proceedings. Lawyers have a duty to correct false statements made in Court. Evers never corrected his false statement but, instead, continued to make false allegations of felonious conduct.

Dr. Sai details the case as follows, “My attorney filed a motion to dismiss, because Evers failed to even file a complaint as required by the rules. A complaint initiates a case. When this was pointed out Judge Crabtree dismissed the case. Case over!”

Back Story

The proceedings were dismissed a long time ago. Evers’s false allegations were made more than 14 months ago. It seems stale for the media to focus on it now. Hawai‘i News Now did not mention that the case was dismissed earlier this year.

State of Hawai‘i officials have spent much time manipulating the media because of his scholarly role in exposing the illegal U.S. military occupation of the Hawaiian Islands. Dr. Sai is only one of several scholars addressing this issue. In a February 25, 2018 memorandum from United Nations Independent Expert, Dr. Alfred deZayas, from Geneva, Switzerland, to members of the State of Hawai‘i judiciary, he wrote “the lawful political status of the Hawaiian Islands is that of a sovereign nation state in continuity, but a nation state that is under a strange form of occupation by the United States, resulting from an illegal military occupation and a fraudulent annexation.” Dr. Sai’s work in this matter was limited to this issue.

“the lawful political status of the Hawaiian Islands is that of a sovereign nation state in continuity, but a nation state that is under a strange form of occupation by the United States, resulting from an illegal military occupation and a fraudulent annexation”

The UN memorandum acknowledged Dr. Sai’s decades of work beginning in the 1990’s. Before Dr. Sai had a Ph.D on the isse, he had exposed the defects in land titles in Hawai‘i that were conveyed after the US invasion and illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom Government in 1893. The reason is, as Dr. Sai has simply pointed out, “there were no Hawaiian Kingdom notaries after 1893 and they are needed for the transaction.” The purpose of a notary is to validate the transfer of title. In reference to the US invasion and support of the 1893 insurgency, “if the notary was an insurgent, how do you know the person transferring the title doesn’t have a gun to his head.” 

When Dr. Sai exposed this US occupation in the mid-90’s, while with a title search company “Perfect Title”, the office was raided by the White Collar Crime Unit of the Honolulu Police Department and he was arrested for theft, racketeering, and tax evasion. Matters unassociated with title reports or their effect on mortgages and title insurance. The sound bite accusation, then as now, was that he was telling elderly people not to pay their mortgages. Kau’i Sai-Dudoit, who worked as the office manager for Perfect Title, explains with a little laughter, “we were just doing title research.”

When Dr. Sai exposed this US occupation in the mid-90’s, while with a title search company “Perfect Title”, the office was raided by the White Collar Crime Unit of the Honolulu Police Department and he was arrested for theft, racketeering, and tax evasion. Matters unassociated with title reports or their effect on mortgages and title insurance.

Almost all of the charges were eventually dropped. The charge of theft was pursued. The prosecutor argued that Dr. Sai had tried to steal a house which he had never been in. The judge eventually realized that it was a “political” trial. She effectively apologized to Dr. Sai for the State’s actions at his sentencing. The minimum possible sentence of 5 years probation was imposed. It was while “on probation” that Dr. Sai began his doctoral research.

This Perfect Title matter was a manufactured charge of attempting to steal real property. Real property is “immovable.” Personal property, on the other hand, is “moveable”. Real property is not the subject of theft, only personal property is.

After sentencing, in March 2000, Dr. Sai, traveled to the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, Netherlands, and led the legal team representing the Council of Regency of the Hawaiian Kingdom in Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom. The Permanent Court of Arbitration accepted the case for dispute resolution under international law. In doing so, Permanent Court of Arbitration confirmed the existence of the Hawaiian Kingdom as a nation State and the Council of Regency as its provisional government. Local news media in Hawai‘i has never reported on this landmark case or its international significance.

No witness, document, or legal argument has contested Dr. Sai opinions. This fact is that the Hawaiian Islands were never lawfully annexed or ceded to the United States under either US law or international law. They were simply taken.  There is no treaty of annexation, and no ratified legal agreement between the two countries.

In 2008, Dr. Sai received his Ph.D. in political science specializing in international relations and public law from the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa. His doctoral research and publications focused on the continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom under a prolonged and illegal occupation by the United States for over a century. Dr. Sai is a political scientist that teaches undergraduate courses in the Hawaiian Studies Department at Windward Community College. He also teaches a graduate course at the University of Hawai‘i College of Education titled “Introduction to the Hawaiian State.”

Hawai‘i’s situation, in terms of international and national law, is widely accepted and documented throughout academia. The National Education Association, the United States’ largest union of over 3 million members, published 3 articles on their website regarding the illegal occupation of Hawai‘i. Dr. Sai authored these articles.

The National Lawyers Guild, a large association of U.S. attorneys and legal workers, has acknowledged the occupation and created a Hawaiian Kingdom Subcommittee. The Subcommittee’s purpose is to provide “legal support to the movement demanding that the U.S., as the occupier, comply with international humanitarian and human rights law within Hawaiian Kingdom territory, the occupied.”

Many organizations have taken this issue very seriously and done their due diligence to come to the conclusion that the Hawaiian Kingdom is in fact an occupied nation State.

Dr. Sai continues his educational outreach. He is proving to be successful in enlightening individuals, both in Hawai‘i and around the world as to the occupation of Hawai‘i. Timing is important. It is only now, 14 months after a single unconfirmed allegation of a “referral” to an unnamed government office was made by a lawyer suing Dr. Sai, does Daysog preceded by Lind, but apparently working together, bring it up. So the public is presented with a reporter interviewing a blogger as if that is “real” news. This is the picture: One guy who doesn’t know anything is talking to another guy who doesn’t know anything but has read something.

So the public is presented with a reporter interviewing a blogger as if that is “real” news. This is the picture: One guy who doesn’t know anything is talking to another guy who doesn’t know anything but has read something.

On May 15th, the Maui County Council invited Dr. Sai to present on the status of Hawai‘i as an occupied nation State under international law. A few days prior, Ian Lind blogged regarding 1990’s Perfect Title case, as if it were “news”. Lind cited the same dismissed case that Rick Daysog recently ‘reported’ on.

Daysog’s article comes a few days after Dr. Sai presented to the Maui County Council for a second time on June 5th. Timing is important. The ‘articles’ come at a crucial time, when Dr. Sai is working with Maui County Council members. Both articles have printed unconfirmed assertions by a lawyer and have, in effect, misled their readership. The OCP initiated a legal proceeding against Dr. Sai in early 2018. It was dismissed as improperly filed in early 2019. No evidence was ever presented. It is now the middle of 2019 and Daysog and Lind are seemingly pursuing either their or another’s political agenda, as they only now raise the uncorroborated and unconfirmed “referral” to an unidentified “office”. The lack of confirmation or corroboration is astonishing. This is unserious “reporting”.

It is now the middle of 2019 and Daysog and Lind are seemingly pursuing either their or another’s political agenda, as they only now raise the uncorroborated and unconfirmed “referral” to an unidentified “office”. The lack of confirmation or corroboration is astonishing. This is unserious “reporting”.

In his follow up presentation to the Maui Council on June 5th, Dr. Sai explained a pathway for the Council to take in fixing the problem of being an unlawful government and an extension of the United States government. The legal issue for State and County governing bodies in Hawai‘i is that under the laws of occupation the occupying country is required to enforce the laws of the occupied State. The February 2018 UN memorandum explains, “international laws (the Hague and Geneva conventions) require that governance and legal matters within the occupied territory of the Hawaiian Islands must be administered by the application of the laws of the occupied state (in this case, the Hawaiian Kingdom), not the domestic laws of the occupier (the United States).”

This has presented an operational problem for State of Hawai‘i legislators and County lawmakers in Hawai‘i. The question and challenge becomes, “How to legislate without violating international laws and incurring criminal liability?” Daysog and Lind show neither an ability to, nor interest in, understanding the situation.

This question was first taken up by then-Hawai‘i County Council member Jennifer Ruggles. Ruggles was first informed at one of Dr. Sai’s presentations. She followed up by doing her due diligence and hired an attorney. In August of 2018, she refused to vote as a council member, requesting that her county attorney assure her that she would not be violating international law and incurring criminal liability on herself. Ruggles’ story has been the subject of a feature documentary called “Speaking Truth to Power.”

Dr. Sai’s second presentation to the Maui County Council informed Council members of a process that they could pursue which would bring them into compliance with international law, Hawaiian Kingdom law, and U.S. law (as the prolonged occupation of Hawai‘i also violates the U.S. constitution). Dr. Sai has dedicated much of his adult life to fixing the problems caused by the illegal US invasion, occupation, and overthrow of the legal Hawaiian Kingdom government. He has always been ready to work with State and County officials to provide a pathway that would bring them into compliance with international law. Asking for legal compliance is hardly a radical idea. It is a conservative and pragmatic approach to a complex problem caused by the US.     

Dr. Sai has dedicated much of his adult life to fixing the problems caused by the illegal US invasion, occupation, and overthrow of the legal Hawaiian Kingdom government. He has always been ready to work with State and County officials to provide a pathway that would bring them into compliance with international law. Asking for legal compliance is hardly a radical idea. It is a conservative and pragmatic approach to a complex problem caused by the US.

Some media personnel such as Lind and Daysog, for example, misinform and distract the general public which needs to be informed about the legal status of the territory in which they live, and what their rights are under international law. This issue is not about Dr. Sai as a person; it is about the occupation as a fact. Information needs to be discussed in a comprehensive and responsible manner. These two individuals who wish the respect given to journalists continue to attack the messenger. Rather than understanding or focusing on the profound impact of the message itself, they do the general public a great disservice.

The issue will not go away by distraction. The crisis of Hawai‘i’s profound legal status as an occupied nation State is a truth that is now been imbedded in academia, public education, history books, doctoral dissertations, master’s theses, law journal articles, peer review articles, scholarly memorandums, international law institutions, etc. The legal status of Hawai’i will continue to become increasingly known to the general public with or without Dr. Sai.

Daysog and Lind are not the investigative reporters they claim to be. They have shown no evidence of comprehending these international law issues. If they had they would have presented these documented facts that we all have access to online and in the public records. This is what “fake news” looks like in Hawai’i. Hawai‘i News Now is either derelict in their duty to ensure accurate reporting or they are part of the misrepresentation and distraction campaign from the beginning. This doesn’t speak well for Hawai‘i News Now.   

This is what “fake news” looks like in Hawai’i. Hawai‘i News Now is either derelict in their duty to ensure accurate reporting or they are part of the misrepresentation and distraction campaign from the beginning. This doesn’t speak well for Hawai‘i News Now.

Former Swiss Consul and a Professor at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa [next year will be his 50th year at UH], Dr. Niklaus Schweizer has said, “Keanu Sai is the premiere expert here” regarding this issue. Repeatedly attacking the premier expert with frivolous charges only makes journalists, institutions, and government officials look desperate in their attempt to hold onto the vestiges of a dying lie, an absurd fraud, and a stolen nation.

24 thoughts on “Press Release: Dr. Keanu Sai Being a Subject of Ad Hominem Attack by KGMB Unconfirmed “Fake News” Report

  1. There appears to be a degree of discomfort arising in some quarters; attacking to discredit without reviewing all the pertinent facts (that’s true facts) only exposes the attack as groundless and motivated by undisclosed factors.

  2. “If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do read it, you’re misinformed.”

    “So what do you do?” asked the reporter.

    Washington said, “That’s a great question. What is the long-term effect of too much information? One of the effects is the need to be first, not even to be true anymore.”

    “So what responsibility do you all have?” he said. “To tell the truth. Not just to be first. But to tell the truth.”

    “We live in a society now where it’s just first, who cares, get it out there,” said Washington. “We don’t care who it hurts. We don’t care who we destroy. We don’t care if it’s true. Just say it, sell it.”

    “Anything you practice you’ll get good at — including BS,” said Washington. “But you heard me. Does that make sense?”

    Said by Denzel Washington

    Video interview below

  3. By now everyone knows and knows that they know the truth of our situation and yet react against the aupuni because the reaction is against the u.s.. My kupuna knew the truth and handed it down to me before Hawaii was a questionable territory of the u.s. Hawaii is not a state and not even an acceptable territory and with each day that passes is more the criminal enemy they make themselves out to be not only with Hawaii and with others. Their individual fear levels must rise in the same manner as their lack of empathy and honesty. The bombs they drop on Kahoolawe should drop within washington and new york while missing the first nations peoples they have been treating as they have been the aupuni and maoli.

  4. Truth and Integrity is about to blow the judiciaropoliticomilitaro USA outa here including all “stolen mailbox” frauds corruption collusion and dont foget Zuckerberg and Andrade! cannot buy or sell aina!

  5. Truth and Integrity…how powerfully these two principles fit together and how they both motivate me to practice them and our other cultural principles in spite of how the american government comes against us.

    I was amazed in my last arrest where two Hilo police officers took me out of my vehicle, announced that they had and “open” warrant for my arrest yet could not and would not tell me what the basis of the warrant was. An open warrant suggest that I can be jailed and held in jail until someone comes up with some charges; any charges, even in the future.

    Of course Barbara Takase got excited coming into court and telling the prosecutors. “Let him go…don’t touch him” and then she also retired her position as judge.

    In the past the police have broken their own laws in order to illegally bring the kanaka Maoli and Aupuni up to trial and abscond with our freedom and money.

    It is maddening and sad that quite often the officers and wards of the courts are also Maoli and Aupuni. Truth and Integrity violated without second thought or empathy and compassion. All about money in many cases.

    Yes there is the physical harm done along with the spiritual damage of kanaka against kanaka.

    The county government has met with the Lawful Hawaiian Government in the past to have the county government make corrections, return stolen (by them) property and leave that meeting keeping promise that we would continue to be harassed and stopped and arrested for their “cause”.

    I despise the presence of fear and hatred which are reasons I fight against it. As a former kumu with ke ala lokahi I will continue to practice lokahi daily with truth and integrity as I was born and raised to do within our culture.

    Consider this; the fake state and county of Hawaii is also making use of entities outside of our borders to bring pressure and pain to bear upon us to collect fines and fees. They have an agreement with a collection agency in Austin Texas to collect without the Hawaiian having any part of the agreement except those kanaka who feed off of the system.

    My response to this isn’t A`ole…I shout Uoki !!. There is no integrity in causing harm to family.

          • The local government has sold the right to collect fines and fees to off shore Conus entities and subject the kanaka to pressure and harassment by these entities. I did not agree to do business with off shore conus people and the fake state has connected them to me…of course I do not pay.

  6. It’s a challenge and courage for all the people in the HAWAIIAN KINGDOM to be vigilent of what happen to their country…for a nation like the u.s.a. to twist people minds for 126 years.
    Their politics and lies are ENOUGH! MAHALO NUI!

  7. “Love of Homeland” is what Dr.Keanu defines for us here, in our Aina Universe. His selfless diligence clarifies for us, the imposition of the U.S. that is foisted upon our na Poe Kanaka and citizenry each day. The truth is, the unlawful Occupation implemented by the U.S. and it’s minions and collaborators will end. We are grateful to him, and that Lono continue to guide the Kaimimoku of which he is our Kapena. E Lono e hu ‘ia mai ka lani me ka honua.

  8. So sorry Keanu that you had to go through this again. I suppose personality assassination doesn’t faze these two “reporters”. It’s shotty reporting to the core.

  9. The lawyer, Evers, whose case was dismissed for his failure to follow court rules, defamed the winner, Sai, in a document filed in court 14 months ago. Fourteen months later a blogger, Lind, who doesn’t actually ‘know’ anything and doesn’t know the difference between ‘bankruptcy’ and ‘foreclosure’ is ‘interviewed’ by a ‘reporter’, Daysog. So a reporter, who doesn’t know anything, talks to a blogger, who also doesn’t know anything, and what he thinks he knows is incorrect, who in turn quotes a lawyer whose errors lost the case.

    Something other than ‘airtight’ ‘objective’ reporting.

    I’d call it “I’m witless news.”

  10. Those “idiots” should be ashame of themselves! They should “fill up their gourd with clean water”…..get “EDUCATED” with the truth of Hawaii’s history. Mahalo Keanu!!!

  11. One night I was scrolling through Hawaii News Now and by surprise, I saw that article and after reading it, the first thought I had was this: RUBBISH!

    It is quite amazing how this article would appear right after the June 2019 Maui County Council meeting. The puppet regime (State of Hawaii government) is obviously scared–which is based on their own ignorance!

    There is a cure for that ignorance: Asking the right questions and exploring knowledge, which the Maui County Council and Jennifer Ruggles has done.

  12. 5G Wireless Radiation-Potential War-Crimes. Has anyone tried to e-mail the Hawaiian Kingdom Regency Council? I’ve recently sent Keanu and the Regency Council a very important request for assistance regarding potential war-crimes and so far have not received a reply. Mahalo, Frank

    • please make this a priority as this will use the children and this is the most devistaing affect on both humanity and the land and all who stay in areas that will use this will have radiation more then you realize to deal with. There is documentation for this if you seek this.

  13. So Hawaii reverts to a monarchy. All people here have to choose between American citizenship or Hawaiian citizenship. If you want to stay American , do you leave? What happens to your property. Your jobs? If America decides to let Hawaii statehood be tossed aside then I believe California will try to leave the union. What will happen , is civil war.

    • Hello Gail,

      The point to remember is the Hawaiian Kingdom never was abolished, it still remains. The only thing that occurred was insurgency and regime change, and illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian government. The independence and sovereignty still remains to this day, and the US is technically illegally occupying the Hawaiian Kingdom. That said, when the Hawaiian government is restored in its rightful capacity, your status and that of others would remain the same as it is now. If you were born in Hawaii, you are automatically a Hawaiian subject. If you moved to Hawaii and live here, you are a resident alien. If you choose to remain in Hawaii, you could choose to maintain your resident alien status, dual citizenship, or choose to become a Hawaiian national and or subject. The Hawaiian constitution allows for foreign nationals to own property and land, and the Hawaiian Kingdom still will require commerce and an economy, in that your job would highly likely remain. Remember this, illegal occupation and regime change still occurs today throughout the world. For example, when Britain ended their occupancy of Hong Kong after a century of occupation. It was peaceful, mutual, restored the Hong Kong original government, and allowed Britain to exit with their heads held high, and still maintaining a close relationship with Hong Kong. British subjects in Hong Kong kept their citizenship, homes, jobs, and property. If it can be done for Hong Kong, Ireland, and other full size nations, it can be done for the Hawaiian Kingdom. The Hawaiian Kingdom and Her Majesty loved the western world, and respected foreign relations. Her Majesty married Gov. Dominus of Illinois, and had high ranking government officials and friends who were U.S., British, French, Dutch, and Spanish nationals. I don’t believe that would change, and it can be a peaceful and win win de-occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom. It can be done. We just have to keep Aloha kakou and Onipaa at the forefronts of our minds the entire time. Mahalo nui loa!

      • Aloha Keoni, you might want to fact check your statement “… If you were born in Hawaii, you are automatically a Hawaiian subject. ..” During occupation the principle of acquiring citizenship by being born on the soil of a state, ” jus soli” is suspended.

  14. Dear Dr Sai, I truly believe that you were used as such a time as this, and God used you to fulfilled his purpose. Thank you very much, may God continue to use you in all that you do for the Kingdom.

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