Pascal’s Substack—The Kingdom of Hawaii: Year 132 under U.S. Occupation

On January 4, 2025, Pascal Lottaz, a Professor for Neutrality Studies at the Waseda Institute for Advanced Study, (Waseda University), in Tokyo, posted a review of Dr. Keanu Sai’s chapter on Hawai‘i’s Sovereignty and Survival in the Age of Empire in Professor H.E. Chehabi and Professor David Motadel’s book Unconquered States: Non-European Powers in the Imperial Age published by Oxford University Press.

21 thoughts on “Pascal’s Substack—The Kingdom of Hawaii: Year 132 under U.S. Occupation

  1. Ohhhh, more exposure…my precious….more, gimme more! As more and more become aware, less and less will be ignorant. Then the only question will be…who butters your bread?

    “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.”
    Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild.

    “The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.”
    – Lord Acton, 1st Baron Acton, 13th Marquess of Groppoli.

    “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
    -Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809)

    All this American national Trump populism got Americans lost in the sauce of controversy rather than focused as to their cause for class equality. Bring back FDRs new deal interest rates on the highest earners and the oligarchs will cry wolf. The American business man is a looter of their counties because there is no manufacturing and industrial base anymore. Usury must be checked because money could be issued interest free and without abstract commercial paper. BRICS is only doing now what Americans like Douglas tried to push for in the Chicago Plan. Americans need leaders and politicians of the Louis McFadden, Smedley Butler and Andrew Jackson kine.

    • Nice set of quotes Lopaka! Some of my favorites for sure. Should be taught in every school.

      How’s about this one –

      “I don’t believe we shall ever have a good money again before we take the thing out of the hands of government, that is, we can’t take them violently out of the hands of government, all we can do is by some sly roundabout way introduce something that they can’t stop.“ – Friedrich Hayek

      Good thing is this new “money” has already been created and is already being heavily adopted – worldwide and not controlled by any government.

      Also, I’ve been thinking about this one a lot lately-

      “You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
      To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – Buckminster Fuller

      It’s time we stop lamenting the past and build a vision for the future of the Kingdom. I noticed Dr. Sai has begun to touch on points that speak to this in his more recent interviews. Things like universal healthcare and affordable housing. A good picture of the possibilities under the Kingdom will give courage to the less bold among us. We must control our own fate. We can do better than the American system of subjugation.

      Honor the past. Be excited for the future. Our time of change begins today.

      • Government is not the problem. America is not the problem. Usury, greed and corruption is the problem which…YES, is baked into the American domination system (Johnson v McIntosh; 1823/City of Sherill v Oneida Indian Nation; 2005).
        America’s territorial claim is by way of Discovery. This is the same doctrine the Kingdom used to claim other islands northwest of the chain although adopting Christianity was the coin used to get into the family of nations for without which we would have been subject to the same doctrine. And we all know who developed that and other doctrines for Christendom. But as for money, indeed, the 4 American Presidents that were assassinated had one thing in common…government issued money.

  2. “Ohhhh, more exposure…my precious….more, gimme more! As more and more become aware, less and less will be ignorant…”
    INDEED Lopaka! In this case MORE IS BETTER! 🙂

    As for ‘who butters our bread’ FOREIGN private banksters, after the US Organic Act of 1871, turned ALL ‘Americans’ (& in other countries too) into debt slaves in exchange for ‘central banks’ monopoly paper money. Supposedly due to “war debt” owed to Rockefellers, Rothschilds et al. “Citizens” were told to turn in their REAL “Constitutional” money of gold & silver for their ‘paper’. Its been downhill ever since with off-the-chart fractionalized lending w/o consequences since they always get their bank bailouts. [BOOK: The creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve — revealing the money magicians’ secrets, their history & their smoke & mirrors]

    The US Congress also enacted “The Hawaiian Organic Act” April 30, 1900, I’m guessing to financially enslave locals in the same manner by unlawfully IMPOSING their debt/ways on locals.

    What’s also interesting about lenders in Hawaii is that for Hawaii being a “US state”, NO continental banks were allowed to set up shop here. I have only found one exception and it’s kept intentionally small. YET I’ve seen CHINESE BANKS HAVE been setting up shop here in downtown Honolulu! So it seems that there’s a TUG between nations to financially control the islands..? Just VERY interesting.

    Look forward to the Hawaiian Kingdom minting their own money & hosting financial institutions backed by REAL assets. It WILL happen! Woohoo!

      • We must make it happen. The lies and frauds have came to the surface and the bubbles are about to burst. With the labor numbers that came out today, it doesn’t look like the Feds interest rate will drop this year. Credit card debts are all time. Stocks showing less interest and the 10 year is up but who wants them when they can be seized and even given to your enemies. Santions have their blowback and Americans are living above their means to keep their heads above the water but there is a tsunami of economic troubles coming to America! Will Trump’s America get rid of the Federal Reserve? Is that what made America great? It was the period in history where America not only printed their own money interest free, I believe, but more importantly recognized Hawaiian independence for more than 50 years! From Tyler to McKinley, there was no American central bank and the monetary system was constitutionally good as gold and silver coin until the Crime of 1873 (removal of silver) where the bankers started to create panics so that by 1913 they fooled Wilson who honorably showed Colonel House, the bankers front man and Wilson’s counsel, the door.

  3. Hey! Just got notified of an upcoming class taught by Dr. Sai
    “For anyone interested in learning more about the “Hawaiian State” by attending a course taught by Dr. Keanu Sai” Starts on 1/13- May, “Online Synchronous” [online together at the same time].

    Trying to read between the lines…  In international law “State” = Country, so does this imply that the Hawaiian Kingdom WILL join a block of other Nation States as “Hawaiian State” in an economic bloc as an independent, sovereign nation?

    There’s rumors that US + Canada + Mexico + Australia + maybe New Zealand AND SOME PACIFIC ISLAND NATIONS will ‘unify’. That could be a powerful strategic move IF all Nations TRUST each other! 

    Tick Tock!

  4. I hope everyone has their game plan this year. Inflation is the game. Money will be more expensive this year and supply isn’t catching up due to the trade and currency wars.
    During the pandemic, I bonds were up at 9% but currently the 10 year is pushing 5%. The Federal Reserve could buy trillions of bonds so careful shorting this year. Investing in US equities alone could be disastrous.
    Gold is the go to with a 10% annual return and unrealized appreciations considering central banks repositioning. VT World Index is a good backstop should the King of Tariffs policies backfire. Money market funds and short term treasury bonds via Treasury Direct is also a good hedge. Lastly, county tax deeds are also a good investment with a 12% annual return or possibly a house or land and Hawaii County tax auction is on Wednesday so I’m headed to Hilo because where else can Hawaiians scoop up properties at such huge discounts.
    I don’t know where other Hawaiians will park there currency in 2025 but I know where mine will go.
    Will Trump go pedal to the metal with his tariffs? How will it affect the flow of dollars?

    • Probably speaking to the choir here but I would remind everyone that “inflation” is not really the cost of everything going up, it is the value of your US dollar going down. You know, the stuff they give you when they bless you with the slavery, I mean jobs, you get at the 2024 version of the TMT. Ha ha

      This devaluation of your currency and savings will continue as long as America claims dominion here. Thanks Uncle Sam!

    • While I AM happy that you have options Lopaka, I’d *just* be happy to save our humble hale from their fraud BAR & court jesters!😵‍💫

      • Securities, promissory notes, used to be personal property but since they changed the UCC at the State level, led by the US State Department about 50 years ago they shifted certainty of control of the property from the investor to the secured creditors elsewhere in the financial system so that in a systemic failure it is the secured creditors that take the property. Claims only run to the 1st level custodian/broker/financial intermediary while the property/promissory note is held at a higher level as collateral underpinning the global derivatives market through the scheme of secured transactions. The banking lobby and Uniform Law Commission is bringing out the big guns, and showing strong arms in Tennessee who standing against the banking lobby. It is necessary thus for us, the people, to know the principles of the UCC in order to change the system. Read former hedge fund managers at Verus David Rogers Webb book ‘The Great Taking.’

  5. Should mention that AI is also up on HK’s efforts too -when I inquired.
    It’s response:
    The Hawaiian Kingdom Council of Regency has been working towards ending the prolonged American occupation of the Hawaiian Islands. As of 2025, their plan involves transitioning the State of Hawai‘i into a Military Government, with Major General Hara serving as the Military Governor. This transition is part of the Council of Regency’s three-phase strategic plan, which aims to restore the Hawaiian Kingdom as an independent State and a subject of international law.
    Phase I: Verification of the Hawaiian Kingdom as an independent State and a subject of international law, which was achieved when the Permanent Court of Arbitration recognized the continued existence of the Hawaiian State and the Council of Regency as its government.
    Phase II: Exposure of Hawaiian Statehood within the framework of international law and the laws of occupation, which involves transforming the State of Hawai‘i into a Military Government and ensuring the protection of the vested rights of Hawaiian subjects.
    Phase III: Restoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom as an independent State and a subject of international law, which will occur when the American occupation comes to an end by a treaty of peace.

    The Council of Regency’s Operational Plan for transitioning the State of Hawai‘i into a Military Government explains the process in full, including the ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES FROM THE 2024-2025 State of Hawai‘i $19.2 billion budget to support the transition. The plan also involves the establishment of a military government pending transfer of this responsibility to the Hawaiian Kingdom Government when the occupation comes to an end.

    It is worth noting that the Council of Regency has set an initial timeline of 3 years for the occupation to come to an end, but this timeline may be adjusted due to unforeseen circumstances. The transition process is expected to be complex and may involve challenges, but the Council of Regency is committed to ensuring a lawful and peaceful transition for the benefit of all Hawaiian subjects.

  6. HEY! You folks catch SENATE minority leader Brenton Awa’s ON FIRE SPEECH on TRUTH about our gov CORRUPTION in Hawaii– at ALL levels? As a former newscaster he cites FACTS! … Land sold 2 foreigners, locals priced out, bad ED system, city council giving themselves raises w/o our approval, mayor controlling the media & MUCH MORE! WORTH A LISTEN AND A SHARE!
    Here’s the link on X:

    • Nui aloha for sharing this! Brilliant speech by the leader of the minority, and resistance. Let’s re-engineer and take back control over our Hawaiian state economy!

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