Oxford University Press will make it Official—Hawai‘i is the Longest Occupation in Modern History

With Oxford University Press (OUP) upcoming release, on December 30, 2024, of Unconquered States: Non-European Powers in the Imperial Age with a chapter by Dr. Keanu Sai on the Hawaiian Kingdom and its continued existence as a State despite having been under a prolonged American occupation since 1893, it will make it official that Hawai‘i is the longest occupation in modern history. Previously, it was thought that the longest occupation was Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem that began in 1967.

The reach of OUP is worldwide. In all its publications it states “Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford, Auckland, Cape Town, Dar es Salaam, Hong Kong, Karachi, Kuala Lumpur, Madrid, Melbourne, Mexico City, Nairobi, New Delhi, Shanghai, Taipei, and Toronto. With offices in Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Chile, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, and Vietnam.”

Dr. Sai’s chapter has effectively pierced the false narrative that has plagued Hawai‘i’s population and the world that Hawai‘i is an American state, rather than an occupied State. The Hawaiian Kingdom’s continued existence as an occupied State is not a legal argument but rather a legal fact with consequences under international law. Dr. Sai concludes his chapter with:

Despite over a century of revisionist history, “the continuity of the Hawaiian Kingdom as a sovereign State is grounded in the very same principles that the United States and every other State have relied on for their own legal existence.”  The Hawaiian Kingdom is a magnificent story of perseverance and continuity.

With the world knowing about the American occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom it will assist in facilitating compliance by the Hawai‘i Army National Guard with the law of occupation so that the American occupation will eventually come to an end by a treaty of peace.

16 thoughts on “Oxford University Press will make it Official—Hawai‘i is the Longest Occupation in Modern History

  1. what is your plan for all the people that live in Hawaii that are not Hawaiians. you need to clarify that so you get support. if your plan is to kick everyone out, it will never happen.

    • International humanitarian law is the plan because it prescribes the measures necessary in accordance with universal principles that all nations benefit from. Jus soli, jus sanguinis and naturalization. Occupation precludes 2 of the 3. Thus, those who cannot trace their ancestry to the population before 1898 will have to choose their allegiance because all was Nazified, American style. Beach houses for sale in Palestine right now on sale, consider the ramifications! American has been at this for over 130 years, and it’s about time the world wakes up to the law of nations.

    • E kalamai oi, E kalamai i’au
      The change of the Country & its government laws is first thing, to kick people is an American mentality, that is happening today to those who are Desendents of Hawaiian Nationals are not Kicked Out but Forced out to sustain a life in place where they Don’t want to be. So who is kicking out who by who’s perspective? Hawaii our Country has been hospitable to those who come & one needs to remember you are only visiting, because there are those who want to come home & make Hawaii the way it should be. If it’s money you chase it’s not in Hawaii & if you think you have been here long enough to know Hawai’i, you wouldn’t have said what & how you did to be here. Hawaii is not about you or others, so stand back just Watch this is not a time for you to say Anything.

    • The audacity to think your “support” has any value to us, when your “support” is reliant upon us agreeing to allow you and other illegal immigrants (ie non-Hawaiians) to continue to violate international law and our rights as a sovereign Kingdom.

      If you had done your research, you would know that international law dictates that it is the legal obligation and responsibility of the occupying power (in this case the US) to restore the occupied state (in this case the Hawaiian Kingdom), back to how it was prior to the illegal overthrow and occupation, to the best of their ability anyways. So it has nothing to do with “our plan”… “our plan” is in regards to ensuring the rights of OUR people are restored, the US has to deal with ITS own people, as well as the rest of the mess they made that they are obligated to fix.

    • The Plan is to live by the rule of law, which is a foreign concept to America. This is not about mob-rule. This is about doing what is right. If there is no treaty, America has no right to be occupying Hawaii. Simple.

      If you were living happily in your house and me and five friends decided to move in without your approval, would it be right to tell you that you need our support to have us leave? Of course not. So me and my friends stay and have a party and charge admission and wreck the place and think everything’s peachy. I think it’s fair to assume you’d want a little justice.

      The fear of being “kicked out” in this situation is natural for anyone who has established a life in these islands and has come to love it here. Fear should never drive important decisions. Truth and facts should. Fear should never run your life.

      Is it foolish to think America will do the right thing? Quite possibly. That doesn’t stop me from doing the right thing. That doesn’t stop me from encouraging others to do the right thing. Just because somebody else is robbing a bank doesn’t mean I’m going along with it.

      I’d be careful saying something will “never” happen. I’ve seen many things happen that I was told could never happen, like the return of Kahoʻolawe and a certain Presidential pardon ; )

  2. Something else entirely, have you seen OHA’s article in the December issue of Ka Wai Ola? It sounds a lot like propaganda than anything else. Unbelievable! Of course they’re not going to ask for our opinion on the matter. Just like the rail.

    • I stopped reading Ka Wai Ola awhile back because of the ridiculous levels of propaganda. Same goes for the Kamehameha Schools newsletters. Rubbish

  3. To Scott who a saying this will never happen! I’m not sure if you have been listening to Kumu Sai, maybe you need to go back some years and reducated because we all have been brain washed and miss educated by America which is a war crime! So the plan is pretty simple and straightforward comply with the law of occupation America like how we have to comply to the law’s of the fake state of Hawaii and it’s counties! Comply America and Americans just compliance with the international humanitarian law’s that’s the plan my man! Also get educated on this illegal belligerent prolong occupation Scott and you will see it’s more than a plan ! It’s the law!

    • To Scott and your question. If that’s the first thing that comes to your mind, then hele aku. You’re exactly the kind of people that will be weeded out. We don’t need your support, we’re not trying to convince anyone, we’re simple stating the facts and the laws.

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