Major General Hara receives Royal Commission of Inquiry’s Draft of War Criminal Report No. 24-0001 for willful failure to establish a military government of Hawai‘i by July 31, 2024

On July 15, 2024, Dr. Keanu Sai, as Head of the Royal Commission of Inquiry, sent a draft of a war criminal report to Major General Kenneth Hara for his war crime by omission for willful failure to establish a military government. Dr. Sai stated to MG Hara that War Criminal Report no. 24-0001 will be published on the RCI’s website if he fails to delegate complete authority and title to Brigadier General Stephen Logan to establish a military government by 1200 hours on July 31, 2024. Dr. Sai also stated to MG Hara that the military government shall be established by 1200 hours on July 31st, and not that MG Hara delegate’s complete authority and title BG Logan by 1200 hours on July 31st. The delegation of complete authority and title must take place prior to 1200 hours on July 31st.

Dr. Sai also stated that the intent of providing MG Hara with a copy of the draft war criminal report was to express to him the severity of his criminal culpability he would incur should he willfully fail to establish a military government. Dr. Sai then reminded MG Hara that at their meeting on April 13, 2023, at the Grand Naniloa Hotel, he forewarned MG Hara that if he was willful in his dereliction of duty to establish a military government, he would incur criminal culpability for the war crime by omission. Here is a link to the draft of War Criminal Report no. 24-0001.

8 thoughts on “Major General Hara receives Royal Commission of Inquiry’s Draft of War Criminal Report No. 24-0001 for willful failure to establish a military government of Hawai‘i by July 31, 2024

  1. Aloha! As a Patriot of my beloved country, the United States of America, I want to extend my deepest apologies for the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom on Jan. 17, 1893; and the dethrowning of Queen Liliuokalani and taking of her Crown Lands. I know the USA was not the only country involved in the overthrow; the point on this is I am wondering if ALL the countries involved in the imprisonment of the Queen by a multilateral Kangaroo Court are being addressed and held accountable for their actions? The Queen of the Hawaiian Kingdom did everything she could to save her people. I read her story that she wrote on her first account witness of what happened. From all accounts, I believe that what USA Prime Minister Stevens did to use the Marines and the USS Boston+ to overthrow the Hawaiian Kingdom was actually what is now called a “JAGS Violation”; because Prime Minister Stevens did NOT have permission to land USA Military Forces. He did not have Orders nor a Directive from the Commander in Chief, The President of the United States. When I reported this, and met with JAGS, they saw this as a valid point. Later on, the JAGS Office called and asked if I might consider that it “wasn’t a JAGS Violation, but a ‘Mistake’ made by Prime Minister Stevens and the Marines.” I asked, “Well, can you give me an example of where the United States made such a ‘Mistake’? JAGS sited the landing of troops into California before they had permission to do so. Key word was “Permission”, and “California was enrolled to be a State; but the Navy went in early.” said JAGS. I said to JAGS, “Well, I can sorta see how it was a ‘Mistake’ in California, though I am not sure how the Native First Nation Peoples regarded Naval forces being incompetent and prematurelytaking over their lands to make a new state. But upon special consideration, I cannot accept that the Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom was a ‘Mistake’. No, it was Premeditated and well planned takeover. Prime Minister Stevens sent code phrases that the proved this, like how he sent the documented message “The Golden Pears are ready to pick/pluck.”
    and prior to the overthrow, Guns and arsenal was sent to a Women’s Corset Shop in Honolulu. No!! It was not a ‘Mistake’…it was what amounted to a JAGS Violation. I expect in a situation like this, my Country must realize this fact, and do what is Honorable and what is necessary to restore the Hawaiian Kingdom. Please recommend this to the President, that we will be guilty if we know this, but don’t take any Corrective Measures. Then we are at fault because we know a terrible wrong was committed, and the Hawaiian People are suffering.”
    I hope this helps. I also told the “Daughters of the American Revolution” about this JAGS Complaint and they agreed with me that, “If the United States of America stands for Freedom and Justice; then, if we don’t correct this historical problem; if we don’t do the Honorable act to set the Hawaiians Free, we are nothing more than Hypocrites.”
    ☆I stand by this, and look forward to that day, when the Hawaiian flags are unfurled on top of all the Flag poles across Hawai’i Nei. It is true, under laws of the Occupied, the occupier must follow the Laws of the Occupied. This means the Kanawai. It can be done without ceding any kingdom land to the USA Aloha, Shelley

  2. A deadline for publication. Then prosecution. Can the US protect Hara, as a US citizen, from ICC prosecution? Also, this will be an interesting turn of events once universal jurisdiction kicks in…so much for retirement traveling.

    • If MG Hara does not do his duty, I think future history will have nothing good to say about him. And those who are trying to stop him from doing his duty, I think future history will have nothing good to say about them either.

      No one can ignore this Situation anymore. How can they do that? The evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable.

      • MG Hara has pledged himself as a US citizen & has social insurance, I mean security…so he, like all others, is part of the fraud being perpetuated. And we all know under the ancient methodology of pledging one grants their life to their lord and liege. So Hara understands this well, and every soldiers does too because that’s what we war for, our people. History will be written by the victors, and the victors are never asked if they told the truth. If we are to be the victors, then such a future history must consider the complexities of living denationalized under an occupied regime.

  3. Aloha Shelley, I deeply appreciate your efforts as Hawaii needs to be completely restored as an independent Kingdom. However, the early rulers were very concerned that the teachings of Jesus should replace the pagan past. Please consider the notes on my ministry homepage to help with this effort. http://www.OhanaChurch.Life Notice the banyan tree, the scriptures and the Queen’s concerns and the efforts of the then political authority for the Kingdom. For there to be a restoration it must be color blind and our Lord Jesus Christ restored as the King of Kings as per the seal with the crown having the cross of Christ at the top and 4 crosses for the 4 compass points. Yours, in HIS great Aloha, John 3:8, Kahu Ken Smith< Chaplain
    ( Rt. Rev. Dr. + N. (Ken) Smith Th.D. DD)

  4. Please consider that the restoration must be color blind for those who consider Hawaii their only home for 2 or more generations. And also be sure to include the Queens actual comments and the early Kingdom’s spiritual direction. We need our Creator’s heavenly blessings to make this come to pass. It can not just be secular, it must also be in the righteousness of Jesus Christ as per Queen K’s dying thoughts and the then Kingdom Govt. in Power at the time.

  5. We had a situation at the UH Hilo College in the International Model United Nations Class. The Professor said we all had “You will choose which Country you are going to be in the Model United Nations Class, by picking a ‘Legal Nation State Capable of Making its Own Treaties.’ Write it on your Placard for then, the Model UN General Assembly would be in Session.”
    So, being Ha’I, I choose Marquesas. The Kanaka Girl on the right of me was writing “Hawaiian Kingdom” on her Placard. She looked at me and smiled. She was most hopeful.
    When it came my turn, I stood up, held my Placard high for all to see and said, “The Delegate of Marquesas is Present & Voting!” Then I sat down.

    ☆ The Kanaka Girl next to me proudly stands up, holding her Placard high and says, “The Delegate of the Hawaiian Kingdom is Present and Voting!!” Some people looked confused. The Professor says, “Lock the Door!! Tear up that Placard!! And throw it in the trash can! No one in my Model UN Class can be the ‘Delegate of the Hawaiian Kingdom’ unless the United States recognizes the Kingdom at the Hague!”
    The Kanaka Girl stood stock still. Tears welled up in her eyes. A breeze came in raised up her Placard in the air and it fluttered to the floor near the trash can. No one moved. The Samoan cried first. Folks Fresh off the plane kind are asking me,
    “Hey, Shelley! what’s going on?!?”
    I whispered, “The Overthrow!!”
    They shout out, “What Overthrow??!”
    I’d tell them after class.

    I turn look at Kanaka Girl. She is frozen in place, her sorrow heaved in her chest. Her eyes looking into the past.

    Pretty soon, 3/4 of the class was sobbing. So, the International Law Teacher says, “If you will all stop all your blubbering, listen! It doesn’t have to be the United States to recognize the Hawaiian Kingdom at the Hague!!! Mark my words!!. The one whom gives Recognition to the Hawaiian Kingdom at the Hague; just has to be a Legal Nation State Capable of Making its Own Treaties!”

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