20 thoughts on “Dr. Keanu Sai to be a Panelist on the Demilitarization of Hawai‘i

  1. Please find a way to live stream thus so those on the other islands can also get the same access to information. Mahalo

  2. When are the “Metes and Bounds” of the Hawaiian Kingdom going to be made known in the Claim for the Boundaries of Ko Hawai’i Pae ‘Aina?

  3. Aloha, Deeply concerned about the future Protection of the Kingdom of Hawai’i, if we manage to extract all of the military. A lot of nations, especially China, would like to control Hawaii. Also I have written several times about this effort being color blind and be a restoration of the wishes of the Early Alii. Queen K. made this statement prior to her death, “The Life of the Land is perpetuated by the righteousness of Jesus Christ.” And the Early Political leaders supported the structure of a truly Christian Nation as per the words of Jesus but not the vain traditions of men. They were very wise, I hope we can follow their lead. Blessings, All, Ken<, ( Rt. Rev. Dr. +N.K. Smith, Th.D. DD http://www.Trinity-Aloha.org )

    • Once the Hawaiian Kingdom regains effective control over it’s territory, It will be in America’s best interest to keep the HK a neutral nation state. The US will not allow a country like China to control Hawaiian territory…being so close to California. The HK was and will always be colorblind and freedom of religion is our Constitutional right as Hawaiian subjects.

      • Absolutely! And the same goes the other way around to all the countries in the Orient and to our neighbors in the south; it will be in their best interest too to have the HK stay a neutral nation. And yes it is our Constitutional right for freedom of religion so as long as any religion does not interfere with the peace or safety of this Kingdom

      • Dr. Sai reiterated last night that HK was ALWAYS “Neutral”, and had 4 treaties documenting that. It will continue to hold that position. And in fact, ‘deep state’ (<– my words) US actually VIOLATED HK's neutrality by their 'invasion' & extensive mil outpost, that has led to Hawaii being a TARGET. Forget the doc that he cited (FEMA? or NATO?) that determined there were 4 targeted areas in Hawaii identified in 2009.
        [I didn't take notes so you can just watch the replay then correct me!]

        • That is true! We have been a neutral nation since 1853 and a’e ho’i (yes, indeed) the U.S. violated our neutrality, thus making us a target against those who hate the USA

  4. WOW! How fitting to have the panel discussion at Aliiolani Hale aka “House of Heavenly Kings” (one of King Kam V’s given names)– the site of Queen Liliuokalani’s overthrow & current location of the fraud Hawaii State Supreme Court.
    Read a Leon Siu post that said fake State of Hawaii also recognizes Lā Ho‘iho‘i Ea this year, celebrating the 181st anniversary of Hawaiian Kingdom’s “Sovereignty Restoration Day” next weekend. That’s a GOOD sign too!
    Certainly going to make an effort to figure out a way to attend Monday night yet also certain it will be recorded too with EVERYTHING seemingly climaxing at the end of July! It’s *really* happening folks! Mahalo for the decades of work behind the scenes by the acting Council of Regency et al! ♡

  5. Makua is a great case since the fraudulent lease expires in 2029 and the Crown and Kuleana lands can be restored and returned to the heirs, assigns and successors especially now that the ICJ has ruled on Israel’s illegal occupation, albeit non-binding. The legal precedent has been forged but the binding of any such decision must come from the Hawaiian people who must repent and turn away from Americanization as we are the sovereigns of the Hawaiian Islands.

    • Well summarized Lopaka!
      Since most locals are still sleepily unaware of what’s *really* going on (no thanks to our “local” MSM news), educating in mass seemingly lingers behind the fall of the global ‘deep state’ first… Thankfully their dominoes keep falling.

      When discussing with others, 2 key concerns always surface:
      1) If they’re not Kanaka Maoli, will they be included?
      2) Would a (currently) unarmed/untrained small Hawaiian Kingdom ever have enough might to ward off future invaders?

      Dr. Sai HAS addressed the first–ALL HK subjects are honored (as they always have) *if* their loyalty is to HK, and of course, Kanaka would also get free medical & land rights AS PROMISED by the Queen!

      For the second Q, there may not be proof yet however once the ‘global deep state’ falls, I heard PEACE reigns for a long while, else any invaders would lose certain global perks (financial+). To ENSURE future tranquility in the islands, I do feel that mandatory 2-year military training would be a very good idea, especially here where gun ownership has been intentionally VERY controlled, essentially denying rights to defend ourselves while the occupiers & crooks remain fully armed. :-[

      “Education” totally needs a makeover for sure! Such a need for weaving functional LIFE SKILLS back in, while cutting out all the BS propaganda. Did see the practical EDU material that was used previously by HK, including at the HK teacher college for basic skills (4Rs)- yep! Will have NO NEED for ’12 years’ of school anymore! Ultimately, from what I’ve seen as an educator (K-12 public, private & foreign), children WANT to feel that they CAN contribute & WANT hands-on experience to learn by DOING. Even the ‘bad’ ones totally flip when given an opportunity to shine. <3

  6. The agenda was packed tonight so only a few audience Qs could be asked. Here’s my Q (for Dr. Sai):

    We await MG Hara to transition the (fraud) State of Hawaii INTO a “military” government by 7/31. Yet as we sat in the Supreme Court chambers, the ‘military’ gold-fringed flag WAS there like in EVERY courtroom [“gold-fringe” is NOT detailed in 4 US Code Ch. 1 YET it was initially used by Army]. So it’s either ‘decoration’ 🤡 placed in ALL ‘courts of law’ OR it signifies who’s *really* in charge… (deep state) military?

    Plus since ~2016 the US has been under a Continuity of Government (COG) under Commander in Chief DJT (per his Executive Orders in coordination w/ DOD Law of War Manual– which is based on international law for armed conflicts) which again is a “military” governance…

    So since we are ALREADY functioning under military governance, does that change anything? My guess is that maybe the REAL issue is that the ‘good’ military needs to take out the ‘bad’ one, in which at this current time we don’t know WHAT SIDE MG Hara works for–right? And as Dr. Sai always mentions ‘one’s ALLEGIANCE is what really matters’.

  7. Just (another!) post-presentation IDEA on how more locals could LURED toward seeking HK TRUTH, during our ongoing globalist-owned media blackout …

    This idea was ignited after Dr. Sai’s mention again of the importance of “mens rea” Latin for “guilty mind,” meaning that AFTER someone got informed about the HK TRUTH, do they INTENTIONALLY continue with their ‘war crimes’? I wondered how to SHOW locals WHO got notified, WHEN, HOW etc.. to inch towards getting our PUBLIC (((aware))) of how many times, for example, circuit court judges, were officially notified (by UN Dr. deZayas, former councilperson Jen Ruggles, etc..) because that SHOULD matter! Others might take action to stay OFF ‘da list’!

    Since most locals like to ‘talk story’ & like to exploit their free time rather than anything deep & complex I wonder IF a ‘Hawaiian Kingdom WIKI’ might work. What would initially GRAB their attention? ‘Potential’ WAR CRIMINALS in Hawaii! 😎 Locals would WANT to know & likely venture to the site just to take a peek. Those more curious then can be provided links to the Hawaiian Kingdom Academia videos as well as the HawaiianKingdom.org/blog resource.

    SOME SUGGESTIONS (from a veteran researcher/librarian/teacher):
    1. PLATFORM MATTERS: While making a GoogleDoc website is free & easy, that (DARPA?) platform is clearly compromised & censors. So pick the host site wisely. [btw I highly recommend the free BRAVE browser!]
    2. MANY HANDS, LIGHT WORK: There should be multiple, vetted administrators to help update & maintain. College students would be perfect since they could be ‘motivated’ in various ways w/o $ to do exemplar work while seeding our next gen leaders– something Dr. Sai et al have been doing. via their ‘day jobs’. 🙂
    3. ENCOURAGE USER ENGAGEMENT: This will nurture ‘ownership’ Public should be encouraged to interact/contribute content (esp when folks start “notifying” gov agencies etc.. on their own (by a provided detailed letter they can send by certified mail?). BEST to have their info vetted first, via a “pending approval”?
    4. RECOGNIZE INFILTRATORS ARE EVERYWHERE: Do not automatically ‘trust’ an organization or it’s members. Let the PROVE themselves via thought, mind & deed. For example, I’ve found compromised e-resources from vendors that they refused to correct, doctors that lied by omission, HIDOE protecting pedos, UHM library school playing for the ‘bad guys’ etc!
    5. KISS-KEEP IT SIMPLE SILLY: Start the wiki with basic purpose, historical background details & a grid (that can be sortable), of who, what, when notified & comments. For example, the “organization” Maui County Council had (to my knowledge), 2 Dr. Sai Presentations. List them as 2 different entries (to reflect the members present each time) yet keep the WHO the same. So when the grid is resorted alphabetically by that column, the entries will end up next to each other.

    Think you all get the idea. What do y-o-u think?

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