Big Island Video News: Case Against Kale Gumapac Dismissed

HILO, Hawaii – Illegal trespassing charges against Kale Gumapac were dropped by prosecutors last week.

In an interview conducted outside the Hilo Courthouse on Friday, Gumapac and his attorney Dexter Kaiama said they had planned to go to trial that same day before hearing word that the case was dismissed without prejudice.

Gumapac made headlines last year when his refusal to pay his mortgage on his Hawaiian Paradise Park home resulted in his forceful eviction. Gumapac said he was simply following the terms of his contract, and according to he and his lawyer Dexter Kaiama, there is an inherent defect in all land title in Hawaii thanks to the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Big Island Video News covered the case in a five part series called “Defected: Testing Hawaiian Sovereignty” (video below)

While producing the series, Big Island Video News contacted Deutsche Bank, the trustee of the mortgage, who informed us the servicer of the mortgage (the entity in charge of the foreclosure activity and the post-maintenance, sale and disposition of the property) was another company called Ocwen Loan Servicing. The very same day we gleaned that information, Big Island Video News also received – apparently by coincidence – a media release from the Office of Hawaii’s Attorney General detailing a $2.1 billion joint state-federal settlement with Ocwen for servicing misconduct.

Gumapac says he was able to submit a claim and received a cash payment under the settlement. Gumapac was prepared to present the payment as evidence in his trial.

Gumapac and Kaiama were also prepared to call Dr. Keanu Sai and Professor Williamson Chang as expert witnesses. The work of both men was recently cited in a highly publicized letter to Secretary of State John Kerry written by Office of Hawaiian Affairs CEO Kamana’opono Crabbe (later rescinded by the OHA Board of Trustees) asking for clarification – among other things – on the continued existence of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

15 thoughts on “Big Island Video News: Case Against Kale Gumapac Dismissed

  1. How can the Maoli and Aupuni use this outcome in their own court cases including those not involving real estate. Maika`i Kale, Dexter and the rest of the nation.

  2. Aloha

    Great news.
    Mahalo for taking that big step forward.
    Mahalo Kale and the Kanaka Express ohana for showing us the way.

    Mahalo Ke Akua

    Those red ribbons, has a nice touch

    • Doreene, You had earlier asked about my interviews here in Maine about my new book, “Liberate Hawai’i.” Since I don’t have your email, this will have to do,and pardon me if others object to my response this way. But here is one of four. recent pro-sovereignty interviews I did, this one for a cable TV program that goes out to a dozen or so Maine towns. It includes a world premier (you may laugh): me singing Hawai’i Aloha for the folks of Maine.

      • Mahalo Jon for your comment. Although I can’t remember when I inquired about your book, “Liberate Hawai`i”. Mahalo too for the vid, BTW you sang well. I hope you continue the education throughout the US and beyond. This blog brings ongoing updates and can should be shared with all.

        Good luck in your endeavors.


  3. I want to congratulate Kale Gumapac for getting his case dismissed by the court and thank the following gentlemen that influenced this decision. Dr. Keanu Sai, Attorney Dexter Kaiama, and Dr. Williamson Chang. What a powerful team of professional Hawaiian men that protected and won a victory for Kale in getting closer in stopping these unlawful court cases towards our Hawaiian People. These courts and their judges should be charged and removed from our islands.
    Mahalo A Nui Loa, Kaleolani

    • Aloha Kaleolani,seems to me that it is still a problem,because they didn’t go to trial,so the fraud and illegal acts continue,because if they had been able to submit new evidence and Mr. Kaiama ,Mr. Sai and Professor Chang had been allowed to testify and present more evidence then the so called state and Feds would have been caught with their pants down and more facts of the illegality that is happening here,and more to submit to the ICC and violations of The Hague conventions,and other international agreements,and violations of the Rome statues.

  4. Right on Kale keep on walking the walk. I suspect when the prosecutors saw that Professor Chang was going to be a witness and use their own laws against them it was time to get rid of this case. They took the easy way out. I would think if the judge ruled against Kale despite Dr. Chang’s testimony, it would go up on appeal and what a can of worms that would be. I don’t think the prosecutor or the judge wanted to get schooled by the Professor. LOL

    • Not to mention I’m sure the judge did not wanted to commit a War Crime–Willfully depriving a protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial. (Not to mention that’s a violation of ARTICLE 147 of the 1949 IV Geneva Convention)

  5. I’m interested in learning more about the 2billion dollar settlement that the company settled. I remember it being mentioned that the Deutsche Bank situation was something that could be “shopped” for some kind of crime in regards to a WW2 thing with Germany. It’s kind of interesting that there was suddenly this Ocwen company. Did this new company somehow absolve Deutsche Bank from wrongdoing, making that whole argument/angle mute?

  6. Wow! Amazing! Congratulations, Kale! Well done Attorney Dexter Kaiama, Dr. Sai, and Dr. Chang! These kind breakthroughs pertaining to Hawaii’s legal history is giving me real hope (something that doesn’t exist under this occupation) of Hawaii’s possible future of de-occupation and restoration of the H.K. Government!

    • This is wat you foreigners brang to the islands.. Obamas a devil Identifying Ukraine as a sovereign nation but jus frocking drop us kanakas n say we natives. In no ways we native. Infact native is a foreign tongue. If was like before we cut the tongue for not speaking maoli. He alahele Pono no na kanaka Hawaii apau. Great job dexter n kale

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