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The U.S. Occupation

Office of the Governor of Oahu,

Honolulu, January 16, 1893.


Sir:  It is my duty to solemnly protest to your excellency against the landing this evening without permission from the proper authorities of an armed force from the United States ship Boston.


Your excellency well knows that when you have desired to land naval forces of the United States for the purpose of drill, permission by the local authorities has been readily accorded.


On the present occasion, however, the circumstances are entirely different, and ostensibly the present landing is for the discharge of functions which are distinctly responsible duties of the Hawaiian Government.


Such being the case, I am compelled to impress upon your excellency the international questions involved in this matter and the grave responsibilities thereby assumed.


While solemnly protesting to your excellency against the unwarrantable proceedings to which I have referred,


I have the honor to remain, sir, your excellencyÕs obedient and humber servant,


A.S. Cleghorn

Governor of Oahu


His Excellency, John L. Stevens,

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America

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