Registry of Denizens
in the Hawaiian Kingdom
(circa 1840-1893)
Denization was a constitutional prerogative of the Office of the Monarch, whereby a foreigner had all the rights and privileges of a Hawaiian subject, but was not required to relinquish his allegiance to his native country as was required under naturalization. Denization was "dual citizenship," which was accompanied by an oath of allegiance to the Hawaiian Kingdom. It was reserved to those foreigners who may not have resided in the Kingdom for five years or more, but whose services were necessary in the affairs of government both local and abroad. The children of Hawaiian denizens born on Hawaiian territory were considered Hawaiian subjects. Examples of Hawaiian denizens were special envoys who negotiated international treaties and officers serving in the Hawaiian government.
If you are a direct descendent of a child of a Hawaiian denizen born in the territory of the Hawaiian Kingdom, then you possess Hawaiian nationality, unless shown it was legally extinguished.
Name |
Native of |
denization |
- A - |
Allan, George T. |
Great Britain |
1848, Nov. 14 |
Armstrong, George Nelson |
United States of America |
1890, Aug. 5 |
Ashford, Clarence W. |
Great Britain |
1883, July 10 |
Ashford, Volney V. |
Great Britain |
1885, Feb. 11 |
Austin, Wm. Russel |
United States of America |
1883, Oct. 8 |
Avery, Harry E. |
United States of America |
1884, Oct. 6 |
Ayer, Wellington E. |
United States of America |
1848, April |
- B - |
Brenham, Robert B. |
United States of America |
1892, Feb. 12 |
Brigham, William T. |
United States of America |
1889, Feb. 26 |
Brodie, James |
Great Britain |
1885, Jan. 29 |
Bruner, William Wooworth |
United States of America |
1890, July 25 |
Byrne, Erasmus Daniel |
United States of America |
1847, Sept. 25 |
- C - |
Calway, John |
United States of America |
1887, April 4 |
Chamberlain, Levi |
United States of America |
1849, Jan. 23 |
Chang, Hong Yen |
United States of America |
1889, July 30 |
Cooper, Henry E. |
United States of America |
1891, June 30 |
Cox, William John |
Great Britain |
1887, May 17 |
Crabb, Horatio N. |
United States of America |
1850, Dec. 3 |
Craddock, S.E. |
Great Britain |
1886, Jan. 13 |
Creighton, Charles |
United States of America |
1886, Feb. 26 |
Creighton, Robert J. |
Great Britain |
1886, June 29 |
- D - |
Dare, John T. |
United States of America |
1886, May 6 |
Dubin, Gary Victor |
United States of America |
1999, Sept. 13 |
Dudoit, Jules |
France |
1849, Jan. 23 |
- E - |
Emerson, John L. |
United States of America |
1848, Sept. 19 |
English, Francis M. |
Great Britain |
1892, Sept. 29 |
- F - |
Foster, William |
United States of America |
1883, Aug. 7 |
- G - |
Gallagher, Hugh James |
United States of America |
1890, July 21 |
Gear, A. Van Clief |
United States of America |
1890, July 21 |
Graenhalgh, William Hust |
United States of America |
1888, Nov. 19 |
Gregg, David L. |
United States of America |
1858, June 15 |
- H - |
Hackfield, Henry |
Bremen |
1859, May 20 |
Hamil, Paul |
United States of America |
1890, July 25 |
Harris, William Joseph |
United States of America |
1887, April 4 |
Hastings, Frank P. Hastings |
United States of America |
1891, Mar. 2 |
Heydtmann, A.W. |
Germany |
1886, Dec. 30 |
Hitchcock, Charles Edwin |
United States of America |
1847, Oct. 2 |
Hoffnung, A. |
Great Britain |
1885, Aug. 15 |
Hooker, James Clinton |
Great Britain |
1886, May 31 |
Hore, Edward |
Great Britain |
1886, Jan. 23 |
Huntsman, Dow Lee |
United States of America |
1890, July 25 |
- J - |
Jackson, Geo. E.G. |
Great Britain |
1886, Jan. 16 |
Jones, J. Josiah |
Jamaica |
1886, Jan. 25 |
Jones, John Walter |
United States of America |
1890, July 23 |
- K - |
Kenway, George S. |
Great Britain |
1847, May 29 |
Kenyon, George C. |
Great Britain |
1886, Jan. 23 |
Knapp, Joel B. |
United States of America |
1847, Dec. 24 |
Knehn, Rolando |
United States of America |
1885, Jan. 15 |
- L - |
Lee, William L. |
United States of America |
1846, Dec. 1 |
Lind, Charles |
United States of America |
1887, April 4 |
- M - |
Marble, Roger |
United States of America |
2001, May 12 |
Marshall, James F.B. |
United States of America |
1850, March 29 |
McDonald, David |
United States of America |
1887, Mar. 22 |
McStocker, Frank B. |
United States of America |
1887, Feb. 9 |
Myers, Zeno Kelly |
United States of America |
1886, May 13 |
- N - |
Neumann, Paul |
United States of America |
1883, Oct. 11 |
Newell, Fisher A. |
United States of America |
1846, Aug. 12 |
Nichols, Elijah |
United States of America |
1885, Feb. 11 |
Norrie, Edmond Wright |
Denmark |
1886, May 13 |
- P - |
Parker, George Williams |
Great Britain |
1884, May 13 |
Parsons, Alfred Willoughby |
United States of America |
1847, Dec. 8 |
Pelley, George |
Great Britain |
1847, April 19 |
Petrovita, Paul |
United States of America |
1885, Sept. 1 |
Pfluger, Jno. William |
Germany |
1884, Oct. 4 |
- R - |
Reist, Jay H. |
United States of America |
1885, Oct. 13 |
Reynolds, Charles B. |
Great Britain |
1885, Nov. 15 |
Rhodes, Henry |
Great Britain |
1846, Nov. 21 |
Ritson, John |
British |
1887, Sept. 19 |
Rogers, William F. |
United States of America |
1847, July 12 |
Rosenberg, Abraham |
Germany |
1887, Mar. 4 |
Ross, John |
United States of America |
1891, Oct. 28 |
Ross, Patrick H.W. |
Great Britain |
1885, Sept. 1 |
- S - |
Scrimgeour, Allan B. |
Great Britain |
1886, May 13 |
Seward, William Todd |
United States of America |
1890, Aug. 2 |
Shillaber, Theodore |
United States of America |
1849, Jan. 24 |
Simonson, J. Vanderbilt |
United States of America |
1885, April 7 |
Smith, Julius H. |
United States of America |
1884, April 7 |
Snow, Benjamin F. |
1858, Feb. 16 |
Spalding, Josiah Chapman |
United States of America |
1848, Jan. 27 |
Spencer, Charles N. |
United States of America |
1887, May 13 |
Staples, Melvin |
United States of America |
1887, Aug. 11 |
- T - |
Thiron, Henry Lardi |
United States of America |
1887, Feb. 24 |
Thompson, Michael |
United States of America |
1883, Nov. 23 |
Tibbey, W.H. |
Great Britain |
1847, March 29 |
- W - |
Webb, Joseph Sykes |
Great Britain |
1884, May 13 |
Webb, Edward C. |
United States of America |
1885, Nov. 18 |
Weeks, Harry |
Great Britain |
1887, Mar. 5 |
Wood, Frank William |
Great Britain |
1846, Aug. 21 |
Woolsey, Philip Sheridan |
United States of America |
1890, July 21 |