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Hawaiian Kingdom Civil Code



§771.  The King appoints the members of the House of Nobles, who hold their seats during life, unless in case of resignation, subject, however, to punishment for disorderly behavior.  The number of members of the House of Nobles shall not exceed thirty.


§772.  No person shall be eligible to a seat in the House of Nobles, who shall not have attained the age of twenty-one years, and resided in the Kingdom five years.


§773.  The sessions of the House of Nobles shall be open to the public: provided, always, that any person creating a noise or disturbance shall be considered guilty of a high contempt, and shall be immediately committed to prison, there to remain during the pleasure of the House; and further provided, that the presiding officer may, at any time, order all persons not members, to withdraw from the House, when he or the House shall deem it proper or necessary.



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