New Research in Hawaiian History: Hawaiian Land

A conversation with Donovan Preza on the genealogy of Hawaiian territoriality. The interweaving between contemporary issues of Hawaiian Sovereignty and Real property. Preza is a Ph.D. student in Geography at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa.

3 thoughts on “New Research in Hawaiian History: Hawaiian Land

  1. Dr. Sai, thank you for sharing so much. A great forum for us who want to learn as much as we can – and are not academics.

    Listening to this new generation in the movement is reassuring. They act with intellectual humility understanding their work is in concert with, and respects, those whose kuleana is to carry on ancient traditions and practices for they were our kumu long before the formal universities.

    I know my task – to educate myself and my children of our true history, lend my voice and hands in support of what is pono and unifies us, and to kokua all as we carry on. Mahalo again and keep the information flowing!

  2. I believe this will be the most contested issue, land use. I believe the Hawaiian and western concepts are completely opposite. I come to this conclusion when analysing the two forms of governance, which is an integral part of land use.

    Can we find a middle ground? Should we even consider a middle ground, in our own country?

  3. Aloha kakou,

    In the 1864 Legislative opening speech by Kamehameha V, he begins by
    stating in part: “God’s hand has been heavy upon Our country since the
    meeting of the Legislature of 1862. My beloved brother has been taken
    from the Throne I now occupy, . . .”

    Kamehameha IV, died on November 30, 1863, upon which Kamehameha V,
    succeeded the Throne. Kamehameha IV, died approximately 1 year, 3 months
    and 7 days since the 1862 Legislature closed on August 23, 1862.

    The 1864 constitution was granted (implemented) by Kamehameha V, on
    August 20, 1864. The Legislative session upon which Kamehameha V,
    gave his opening speech opened on October 15, 1864 and ended on
    January 10, 1865.

    So, by obvious chronological conclusion the 1864 constitution was
    implemented approximately 56 days before the opening of the 1864,
    Legislative session of October 15,1864.

    In that same opening speech, Kamehameha V, addresses the 1852
    constitution by stating in part: “The Constitution of 1852, by its ninety-
    fourth article, left the heir to the Throne free to take an oath to support
    that Constitution or to decline to do so; and its forty-fifth article reserved
    to the Sovereign the right to conduct personally, in cooperation with the
    Kuhina Nui, but without the intervention of a Ministry or the approval of
    the Legislature, such portions of the public business as he might choose
    to undertake. These anomalous provisions appeared to me to need alteration-
    for such, as I have stated it, was the construction always given during the
    late reign to those two articles; . . .”

    This statement explains how he was able to implement the 1864
    Constitution while at the same time terminating the privilege that
    allowed him to implement that same constitution.

    To me, termination of articles 94 and 45 incorporated into the 1852
    Constitution reduced the power of a Sovereign heir as opposed to giving
    the Sovereign the power to act personally on matters of public business.

    Lot Kamehameha’s authority prior to his August 20,1864, can no longer
    be duplicated because of that August 20, 1864 Constitution.

    So the Constitution of 1887, is inconsistent with the 1864 Constitution.

    See the link below and analyze that information:


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