Persistence, perseverance and preponderance spells ‘Onipa’a and Reestablishment of continuity, and our Hawaiian Kingdom. We begin each day with this in our heartfelt intent, we’re getting there. Fits and starts with a bit more consistency each day we will attain our Sovereign Nation. LLHK
Let’s make that worldwide…we’ll be sending out pule aloha from New Hampshire.
Heart beat of Kapu Aloha around the world… Wow…
1hour… 1beat… 1world..
Persistence, perseverance and preponderance spells ‘Onipa’a and Reestablishment of continuity, and our Hawaiian Kingdom. We begin each day with this in our heartfelt intent, we’re getting there. Fits and starts with a bit more consistency each day we will attain our Sovereign Nation. LLHK