6 thoughts on “Dr. Keanu Sai – The Untold Story of the Hawaiian Kingdom”
Aloha e Keanu, “YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED”. “Thank you”, for sharing about your grandmother story(with a deeper insight)….Tutu Loke was a blessing and an inspiration to her ohana and with a humble heart, she stood firm (like our Queen Lili`uokalani) with great determination, and she knew it was time for her to reveal to you! ONIPA`A,
Aunty Ceci and Uncle Francis
So Keanu, when can we reclaim our Country before all is lost. We have more and more people moving to the Big Island now then ever before. When we do make an effort to reclaim our Kingdom it is going to be difficult with all the people moving here, buying up all the cheap lands. Most of the Real Estate sellers are Haole, obviously because Kanaka would not want to sell the aina to transplants coming here from America. As soon as there are a house and land for sale that is affordable, it is scooped up right away. So are we able to try to attempt to do something now to reinstate the Kingdom or is it going to be years in the future. Someone told me that you work for the State so you will not be involved with the reinstatement. Is this true, if not you then who will lead us into reestablishment??
Aloha kāua e Ida!
Please forgive me that instead of Keanu I reply to your comment and what’s more ma ke koko ‘a’ole wau he kanaka maoli, ‘oi aku ka maika’i ma ka pu’uwai, although Keanu may give you an answer too.
You are absolutely right about the overwhelming real estate agents being haole, so are the buyers of Hawaiian ‘āina which totally contradicts the Hawaiian constitution of 1852 and the royal orders of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Hawaiian ‘āina cannot be sold and it is given to you for proper use to lead a decent life and to produce the food for your livelihood. When you die its use is automatically bequest to your immediate descendants. Since the haoles are led to believe by their traitor government that the Hawaiian Kingdom no longer exists its laws that should prevail even under the rules of belligerent occupation of Hawaii are totally ignored.
It is very easy to ask “When do we are reclaim our country?”, but the “we” has to be defined first. We cannot expect from Keanu or the Council of Regency to do reclaiming without nā kānaka maoli to do the same. A 3’x5’ sign with the wording “We are reclaiming Hawai’i for Hawaiians” plus a Hawaiian flag at your hale on the street side will inspire others to do the same. One or two signs won’t be enough, but if the haoles keep seeing thousands of these signs on every moku they will hesitate to come and some hurry up to move out. They will feel uncomfortable and insecure when they see a movement with thousands of participants.
This method and harsher ones of making the intruders and occupiers feel uncomfortable and insecure have been used for hundreds of years in occupied territories and with success at many places. There is no instant gratification, and the action needs to be maintained for a long time, maybe for years but the joint will to reclaim Kō Hawai‘i Pae ‘Āina must be unbroken.
So, I have determined the “we”. It is you, me and many more kānaka, but we can win only if we stick together and kū ‘ē ‘Amelika! I mua!
I just found your post while cleaning out junk mail. I don’t know how I missed it, but so glad that I found it.
I’d learned from one of your lectures on what motivated your quest to search your genealogy. That information led your further into the history of Hawai`i nei and the lāhui are better for it. God bless your tutu for her guiding inspiration to embrace the gift that is yours. She had inspired your curiosity of who you really were. Your path has taken and continues to move you in truth for the sake of pono. You made a promise 20+ years ago to come home to educate your people about Hawai`i and that you have and continue, diligently! God has blessed you with this gift and you are sharing it with the world. We have awoken from the shadow of façade.
I am not alone when I say, mahalo nunui to you Keanu for keeping your promise to your tutu to learn your identity. And the promise to educate the lāhui and the entire world. Your work is not finished until the hewa has been made pono. Until the day we only see one flag flying over Hawai`i nei – ka hae Hawai`i. We will celebrate a grand luau!
God bless and keep you and your `ohana in His care. Aloha piha mau a mau
Aloha e Keanu, “YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED”. “Thank you”, for sharing about your grandmother story(with a deeper insight)….Tutu Loke was a blessing and an inspiration to her ohana and with a humble heart, she stood firm (like our Queen Lili`uokalani) with great determination, and she knew it was time for her to reveal to you! ONIPA`A,
Aunty Ceci and Uncle Francis
So Keanu, when can we reclaim our Country before all is lost. We have more and more people moving to the Big Island now then ever before. When we do make an effort to reclaim our Kingdom it is going to be difficult with all the people moving here, buying up all the cheap lands. Most of the Real Estate sellers are Haole, obviously because Kanaka would not want to sell the aina to transplants coming here from America. As soon as there are a house and land for sale that is affordable, it is scooped up right away. So are we able to try to attempt to do something now to reinstate the Kingdom or is it going to be years in the future. Someone told me that you work for the State so you will not be involved with the reinstatement. Is this true, if not you then who will lead us into reestablishment??
Aloha kāua e Ida!
Please forgive me that instead of Keanu I reply to your comment and what’s more ma ke koko ‘a’ole wau he kanaka maoli, ‘oi aku ka maika’i ma ka pu’uwai, although Keanu may give you an answer too.
You are absolutely right about the overwhelming real estate agents being haole, so are the buyers of Hawaiian ‘āina which totally contradicts the Hawaiian constitution of 1852 and the royal orders of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Hawaiian ‘āina cannot be sold and it is given to you for proper use to lead a decent life and to produce the food for your livelihood. When you die its use is automatically bequest to your immediate descendants. Since the haoles are led to believe by their traitor government that the Hawaiian Kingdom no longer exists its laws that should prevail even under the rules of belligerent occupation of Hawaii are totally ignored.
It is very easy to ask “When do we are reclaim our country?”, but the “we” has to be defined first. We cannot expect from Keanu or the Council of Regency to do reclaiming without nā kānaka maoli to do the same. A 3’x5’ sign with the wording “We are reclaiming Hawai’i for Hawaiians” plus a Hawaiian flag at your hale on the street side will inspire others to do the same. One or two signs won’t be enough, but if the haoles keep seeing thousands of these signs on every moku they will hesitate to come and some hurry up to move out. They will feel uncomfortable and insecure when they see a movement with thousands of participants.
This method and harsher ones of making the intruders and occupiers feel uncomfortable and insecure have been used for hundreds of years in occupied territories and with success at many places. There is no instant gratification, and the action needs to be maintained for a long time, maybe for years but the joint will to reclaim Kō Hawai‘i Pae ‘Āina must be unbroken.
So, I have determined the “we”. It is you, me and many more kānaka, but we can win only if we stick together and kū ‘ē ‘Amelika! I mua!
I just found your post while cleaning out junk mail. I don’t know how I missed it, but so glad that I found it.
I’d learned from one of your lectures on what motivated your quest to search your genealogy. That information led your further into the history of Hawai`i nei and the lāhui are better for it. God bless your tutu for her guiding inspiration to embrace the gift that is yours. She had inspired your curiosity of who you really were. Your path has taken and continues to move you in truth for the sake of pono. You made a promise 20+ years ago to come home to educate your people about Hawai`i and that you have and continue, diligently! God has blessed you with this gift and you are sharing it with the world. We have awoken from the shadow of façade.
I am not alone when I say, mahalo nunui to you Keanu for keeping your promise to your tutu to learn your identity. And the promise to educate the lāhui and the entire world. Your work is not finished until the hewa has been made pono. Until the day we only see one flag flying over Hawai`i nei – ka hae Hawai`i. We will celebrate a grand luau!
God bless and keep you and your `ohana in His care. Aloha piha mau a mau
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