By virtue of My inherent and recognized rights as
King of the Samoan Islands by My own people and by Treaty with the three
Great Powers of America, England and Germany, and by and with the advice
of My Government and the consent of Taimua and Faipule, representing the
Legislative powers of My Kingdom, I do hereby freely and voluntarily offer
and agree and bind Myself to enter into a Political Confederation with
His Majesty Kalakaua, King of the Hawaiian Islands, and I hereby give tins
solemn pledge that I will conform to whatever measures may hereafter be
adopted by His Majesty Kalakaua and be mutually agreed upon to promote
and carry into effect this Political Confederation, and to maintain it
now and forever.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set My hand and
seal this 17th day of February, A. D. 1887.
(M. R.)
King of Samoa.
By the King:
(Signed) WM. COE.
We, Taimua and Faipule of the Government of Samoa,
appointed by the House of Taimua and Faipnle, hereby approve of and support
the above agreement.
Taimua — Utumapu, of the District of Itu o tane;
Pau, of the District of Faasaleleaga;
Tuisam, of the District of Lufi Lufi;
Tuao, of the District of Lulumoega;
Leiataua, of the District of Manono;
Teo, of the District of Tuamasaga;
Su, of the District of Faleao Palauli;
Molioo, of the District of Atua.
Faipule — Tafi, of the District of Los Atua;
Vaafai, of the District of Launuia;
Uuga, of the District of Itu tane;
Alipia, of the District of Leulumoega;
Taotua, of the District of Faasaleleaga;
Faanaua, of the District of Itu teme;
Sao, of the District of Itu tome;
Vailun, of the District of Aana.
Assistant Secretary of State.
Minister of Interior.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full and true
translation of the original document in the Samoan language.
H. S. M. ’s Interpreter.
KALAKAUA, by the Grace of God of the Hawaiian Islands,
King: To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting:
Whereas on the seventeenth day of February last past His Majesty Malietoa,
King of the Samoan Islands, entered into an Agreement and Treaty binding
himself to enter into a Political Confederation with Us, and whereas the
said Agreement and Treaty was at the same time approved by the Taimua and
Faipule of Samoa and accepted in Our name by Our Minister Plenipotentiary,
Honorable John E. Bush, now, therefore, having read and considered the
said Agreement and Treaty, We do by these Presents approve, accept, confirm
and ratify it for Ourselves, Our Heirs and Successors, subject to the obligations
which His Majesty Malietoa may be under to those Foreign Powers with which
He and the People of Samoa and the Government thereof have at this time
any treaty relations, engaging and promising upon Our Royal Word to enter
into Political Confederation with His Majesty King Malietoa, and to conform
to such measures as may be hereafter agreed upon between Us for the carrying
into effect of such Confederation, For the greater testimony and validity
of all which We have caused the Great Seal of Our Kingdom to be affixed
to these Presents, which We have signed with Our Royal hand.
Given at Our Palace of Iolani this Twentieth Day of
March, in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-seven,
and in the Fourteenth Year of Our Reign.
By the King:
(Signed) WALTER
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Premier.
Now be it known that the above Treaty having been
duly accepted and ratified by His Majesty the King:
Therefore the said Treaty has become a part of the
laws of this Kingdom and is to be observed accordingly.
Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Foreign Office, Honolulu, March 21, 1887.
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