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Hawaiian Kingdom Civil Code



Title 1––Of Laws (PDF)

            Chapter I. Of the Promulgation of the Laws

            Chapter II. Of the Effects of Laws

            Chapter III. Of the Construction of Laws

            Chapter IV. Of the Repeal of Laws


Title 2––Of the Administration of the Government (PDF)

            Chapter V. The King––His Privy Council

            Chapter VI. Of the Executive Ministers and of the Governors

            Chapter VII. Department of the Interior

                        Article I––Of the Government Lands and Other Property

                        Article II––Of the Internal Trade and Commerce

                        Article III––Of the Shipping and Discharge of Seaman

                        Article IV––Of Internal Improvements

                        Article V––Of the Internal Police

                        Article VI––Of the Post Office

                        Article VII––Of the Government Press

                        Article VIII––Naturalization of Foreigners

            Chapter VIII. Department of Foreign Affairs

                        Article IX––The Minister of Foreign Affairs, His Powers and Duties in General

                        Article X––The Diplomatic and Consular Agents of Foreign Nations

            Chapter IX. Department of Finance

                        Article XI––The Minister of Finance, His Powers and Duties in General

                        Articles XII, XIII, IV––replaced by the following Acts

                                    An Act to Consolidate and Amend the Law Relating to Internal Taxes

                                    An Act to Amend the Law in Relation to the Tax on Animals, and to Repeal Sections 481 and 497 of the Civil Code

                                    An Act to Amend Section 498 of the Civil Code

                        Article XV––Of Imports Duties

                        Article XVI––Of Ports of Entry and Collection Districts

                        Article XVII––Of the Appointment of Collectors, Their General Duties and Compensation

                        Article XVIII––Of the Arrival and Entry of Vessels

                        Article XIX––Of the Departure of Vessels

                        Article XX––Of Harbor Masters, Their General Duties and Compensations

                        Article XXI––Of Pilots and Boarding Officers, Their Duties and Compensation

                        Article XXII––Port Regulations

                        Article XXIII––Of the Arrest and Detention of Deserters and Mutineers

                        Article XXIV––Of the Registry of Vessels

                        Article XXV––Of Passports

                        Article XXVI––Of Smuggling, and Other Frauds Against the Revenue Laws

                        Article XXVII––Tariff of Charges for the Department of Finance

            Chapter X. Department of Public Instruction

                        Articles XXVIII and XXIX––replaced by the following Acts

                                    An Act to Repeal Chapter 10 of the Civil Code, and to Regulate the Bureau of Public Instruction

                                    An Act to Amend Sections 3 and 4 of Chapter 79 of the Penal Code, relating to the Bureau of Public Instructions

                                    An Act to Provide for the Separation of the Sexes in the Government Schools



            Chapter XI. Legislative Assembly

                        Article XXX––Of the House of Nobles

                        Article XXXI––Of the House of Representatives

                        Article XXXII––Of the Election of Representatives



            Chapter XII. The Judiciary

            Chapter XIII. Of the Supreme Court

                        Article XXXIII––Of the Power and Duties of the Justices of the Supreme Court at Chambers

                        Article XXXIV––Of the Clerk of the Supreme Court

            Chapter XIV. Of the Circuit Courts

                        Article XXXV––Of the Clerks of the Circuit Courts

            Chapter XV. The District Courts

                        Article XXXVII––Of the District Courts

            Chapter XVI. Of Proceedings in Special Cases

                        Article XXXVIII––Of the Settlement of Disputes by Arbitration

                        Article XXXIX––Of the Trial of Causes in Case of the Disqualification of the Circuit Judges, Police and District Justices

                        Article XL––Of Summary Proceedings to Recover Possession of Land in Certain Cases

                        Article XLI––Of the Arrest of Debtors

                        Article XLII––replaced by An Act to Consolidate and Amend the Law Relating to the Garnishee Process to Facilitate the Collection of Debts

                        Article XLIII––Of Proceedings in Bankruptcy

                        Article XLIV––Of the Settlement of Controversies Respecting Rights of Way and Rights of Water

            Chapter XVII. Of Appeals

            Chapter XVIII. Of the Issuing of Executions and Proceedings Thereupon

            Chapter XIX. Of the Time of Commencing Personal Actions

            Chapter XX. Of the Prevention of Frauds and Perjuries in Contracts, and in Actions Founded Thereon

            Chapter XXI. Of Attorneys and Counsellors At Law

            Chapter XXII. Of Masters in Chancery

            Chapter XXIII––replaced by an Act Defining the Duties of the Attorney-General

            Chapter XXIV. Of Contempts

            Chapter XXV. Of the Practice of Courts of Record

                        Article XLVI––Of Civil Suits

                        Article XLVII––replaced by an Act To Regulate the Practice and Procedure in Criminal Cases

                        Article XLVIII––Of Juries and Trial by Jury

                        Article XIX––replaced by the following Acts

                                    An Act To Consolidate and Amend the Law of Evidence

                                    An Act to Amend the Law Relating to Interpleader

                                    An Act to Amend the Law in Relation to Abatement of Actions and Suits on the Death, Marriage or Bankruptcy of Parties Thereto

                                    An Act Concerning the Equity Jurisdiction of the Supreme and Circuit Courts

                        Article L––Of Equity, Admiralty, and Probate Matters

            Chapter XXVI. Of the Executive Extra-Judicial Officers

                        Article LI––Of the Registrar of Conveyances, His Duties, &c.

                        Article LII––Of Notaries Public

            Chapter XXVII. Of Costs in the Judiciary Department



            Chapter XXVIII. Of Husband and Wife

                        Article LIII––Marriage

                        Article LIV––Of Dower

                        Article LV––Of Divorce and Separation

            Chapter XXIX. Of Guardians and Wards

            Chapter XXX. Of Masters and Servants



            Chapter XXXI. Of Corporations

            Chapter XXXII. Of the Descent of Property, both Real and Personal

            Chapter XXXIII. Of Wills

            Chapter XXXIV. Of Certain Specific Rights of the People

            Chapter XXXV. Of the Interest of Money

            Chapter XXXVI. Of American Dimes and Half-dimes

            Chapter XXXVII. Of Legal Majority

            Chapter XXXVIII. Of Injuries from Dogs

            Chapter XXXIX. Of Certain Laws Expressly Re-enacted

            Chapter XL. Of Statutes for which the Civil Code is Substituted

            Chapter XLI. General Provisions






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