Testimonies to the U.S. Department of Interior Eerily Similar to Voices of the Past

The hearings held by the U.S. Department of Interior throughout the Hawaiian Islands are attracting both Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians to give testimony—the sleeping giant has awakened. What is astonishing is the level of legal sophistication and historical accuracies displayed by those giving their testimony. Combined with emotions, these testimonies are eerily similar to the voices of Hawaiians documented in an article in the September 30, 1897 publication of the San Francisco Call newspaper.

This is a re-posting of a blog entry on January 29, 2014.


Miriam_MichelsonThe article was published and authored by Miriam Michelson who was an American journalist and writer. It was written as Michelson was leaving Honolulu harbor on board the Steamship Australia heading to San Francisco. Michelson was sent to the Hawaiian Islands to do a story on annexation. Her story centers on a signature petition against annexation being gathered throughout the islands by the Hawaiian Patriotic League (Hui Aloha ‘Aina) and she bears witness to one of those meetings in the city of Hilo on the Island of Hawai‘i.

It is a powerful article that speaks to the issue of annexation from the Hawaiian perspective and the article’s title clearly speaks to the veracity of what the reader will read. Not known at the time, however, was whether or not the signature petitions would prevent the United States Senate from ratifying the so-called treaty of Senator_Hoarannexation. Before the Senate convened in December of 1897, officers of the Hawaiian Patriotic League and the Hawaiian Political Association traveled to Washington, D.C. and met with Senator George Hoar of Massachusetts. Senator Hoar agreed to submit the signature petition onto the record of the Senate when it convened, and by March of 1898, the signature petition successfully killed the treaty as the Senate was unable to garner enough votes for ratification.

Here follows a snippet of the article, which is quite lengthy, but you can read it in its entirety by going to this link and downloading the entire article in PDF format. “Strangling Hands Upon A Nations Throat


The strongest memory I have of the islands is connected with the hall of the Salvation Army at Hilo, on the Island of Hawaii. It’s a crude little place, which holds about 300 people, I should think. The rough, uncovered rafters show above, and the bare walls are relieved only by Scriptural admonitions in English and Hawaiian:

“Boast not thyself of to-morrow.” “Without Christ there is no salvation.”

As I entered, the bell on the foreign church, up on one of the beautiful Hilo hills, was striking ten. The place was packed with natives, and outside stood a patient crowd unable to enter. It was a women’s meeting, but there were many men present. The women were dressed in Mother Hubbards of calico or cloth and wore sailor hats—white or black. The men were in coats and trousers of American make.

Presently the crowd parted and two women walked in, both very tall, dressed in handsome free-flowing trained gowns of black crepe-braided in black. They wore black kid gloves and large hats of black straw with black feathers. The taller of the two—a very queen in dignity and repose—wore nodding red roses in her hat, and about her neck and falling to the waist a long, thick necklace of closely strung, deep-red, coral-like flowers, with delicate ferns interspersed.

This was Mrs. Kuaihelani Campbell, the president of the Women’s Hawaiian Patriotic League. Her companion was the secretary of the branch in Hilo.

It was almost pitiful to note the reception of these two leaders—the dumb, almost adoring fondness in the women’s eyes; the absorbed, close interest in the men’s dark heavy faces.

After the enthusiasm had subsided the minister of the Hawaiian church arose. He is tall, blonde, fair faced, three-quarters white, as they say here. Clasping his hands in front and looking down over the bowed dark heads before him he made the short opening prayer. He held himself well, his sentences were short and his manner was simple.

There is something wonderfully effective in earnest prayer delivered in an ancient language with which one is unfamiliar. One hears not words, but tones. His feelings, not his reason, are appealed to. Freed of the limiting effects of stereotyped phrases the imagination supplies the sense. Like the Hebrew and the Latin the Hawaiian tongue seems to touch the primitive sources of one’s nature, to strip away the complicated armor with which civilization and worldliness have clothed us and to leave the emotions bare for that wonderful instrument, a man’s deep voice, to play upon.

The minister closed and a deep murmuring “Amen” from the people followed.

I watched Mrs. Emma Nawahi curiously as she rose to address the people. I have never heard two women talk in public in quite the same way. Would this Hawaiian woman be embarrassed or timid, or self-conscious or assertive?

Not any of these. Her manner had the simple directness that made Charlotte Perkins Stetson, two years ago, the most interesting speaker of the Woman’s Congress. But Mrs. Stetson’s pose is the most artistic of poses—a pretense of simplicity. This Hawaiian woman’s thoughts were of her subject, not of herself. There was an interesting impersonality about her delivery that kept my eyes fastened upon her while the interpreter at my side whispered his translation in short, detached phrases, hesitating now and then for a word, sometimes completing the thought with a gesture.

Emma_Nawahi“We are weak people, we Hawaiians, and have no power unless we stand together,” read Mrs. Nawahi, frequently raising her eyes from her paper and at times altogether forgetting it.

“The United States is just—a land of liberty. The people there are the friends, the great friends of the weak. Let us tell them—let us show them that as they love their country and would suffer much before giving it up, so do we love our country, our Hawaii, and pray that they do not take it from us.”

“Our one hope is in standing firm—shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart. The voice of the people is the voice of God. Surely that great country across the ocean must hear our cry. By uniting our voices the sound will be carried on so they must hear us.”

“In this petition, which we offer for your signature to-day, you, women of Hawaii, have a chance to speak your mind. The men’s petition will be sent on by the men’s club as soon as the loyal men of Honolulu have signed it. There is nothing underhand, nothing deceitful in our way—our only way—of fighting. Everybody may see and may know of our petition. We have nothing to conceal. We have right on our side. This land is ours—our Hawaii. Say, shall we lose our nationality? Shall we be annexed to the United States? Aole loa. Aole loa.”

It didn’t require the interpreter’s word to make me understand the response. One could read negation, determination in every intent, dark face.

“Never!’ they say,” the man beside me muttered. “Never! they say. ‘No! No!’ they say-”

But the presiding officer, a woman, was introducing Mrs. Campbell to the people. Her large mouth parted in a pleased smile as the men and women stamped and shouted. She spoke only a few words, good-naturedly, hopefully. Once its seemed as though she were talking them all in her confidence, so sincere and soft was her voice as she leaned forward.

Kuaihelani_Campbell“Stand firm, my friends. Love of country means more to you and to me than anything else. Be brave; be strong. Have courage and patience. Our time will come. Sign this petition—those of you who love Hawaii. How many—how many will sign?”

She held up a gloved hand as she spoke, and in a moment the palms of hundreds of hands were turned toward her.

They were eloquent, those deep lined, broad, dark hands, with their short fingers and worn nails. They told of poverty, of work, of contact with the soil they claim. The woman who presided had said a few words to the people, when all at once I saw a thousand curious eyes turned upon me.

“What is it?” I asked the interpreter. “What did she say?”

He laughed. “‘A reporter is here,’ she says. She says to the people, ‘Tell how you feel. Then the Americans will know. Then they may listen.’”

A remarkable scene followed. One by one men and women rose and in a sentence or two in the rolling, broad voweled Hawaiian made a fervent profession of faith.


“My feeling,” declared a tall, broad-shouldered man, whose dark eyes were alight with enthusiasm. “This is my feeling: I love my country and I want to be independent—now and forever.”

“And my feeling is the same,” cried a stout, bold-faced woman, rising in the middle of the hall. “I love this land. I don’t want to be annexed.”

“This birthplace of mine I love as the American loves his. Would he wish to be annexed to another, greater land?”

“I am strongly opposed to annexation. How dare the people of the United States rob a people of their independence?”

“I want the American Government to do justice. America helped to dethrone Liliuokalani. She must be restored. Never shall we consent to annexation!”

“My father is American; my mother is pure Hawaiian. It is my mother’s land I love. The American nation has been unjust. How could we ever love America?”

“Let them see their injustice and restore the monarchy!” cried an old, old woman, whose dark face framed in its white hair was working pathetically.

“If the great nations would be fair they would not take away our country. Never will I consent to annexation!”

“Tell America I don’t want annexation. I want my Queen,” said the gentle voice of a woman.

“That speaker is such a good woman,” murmured the interpreter. “A good Christian, honest, kind and charitable.”

“I’m against annexation—myself and all my family.”

“I speak for those behind me,” shouted a voice from far in the rear. “They cannot come in—they cannot speak. They tell me to say, ‘No annexation. Never.’”

I am Kauhi of Kalaoa. We call it Middle Hilo. Our club has 300 members. They have sent me here. We are all opposed to annexation—all—all!”

He was a young man. His open coat showed his loose dark shirt; his muscular body swayed with excitement. He wore boots that came above his knees. There was a large white handkerchief knotted about his brown throat, and his fine head, with its intelligent eyes, rose from his shoulders with a grace that would have been deerlike were it not for its splendid strength.

“I love my country and oppose annexation,” said a heavy-set, gray-haired man with a good, clear profile. “We look to America as our friend. Let her not be our enemy!”

“Hekipi, a delegate from Molokai to the league, writes: ‘I honestly assert that the great majority of Hawaiians on Molokai are opposed to annexation. They fear that if they become annexed to the United States they will lose their lands. The foreigners will reap all the benefit and the Hawaiians will be placed in a worse position than they are to-day.”

“I am a mail carrier. Come with me to my district.” A man who was sitting in the first row rose and stretched out an appealing hand. “Come to my district. I will show you 2000 Hawaiians against annexation.”

“I stand—we all stand to testify to our love of our country. No flag but the Hawaiian flag. Never the American!”

There was cheering at this, and the heavy, sober, brown faces were all aglow with excited interest.

I sat and watched and listened.

At Honolulu I had asked a prominent white man to give me some idea of the native Hawaiian’s character.

“They won’t resent anything,” he said, contemptuously. “They haven’t a grain of ambition. They can’t feel even envy. They care for nothing but easy and extremely simple living. They have no perseverance, no backbone. They’re unfit.”

Yet surely here was no evidence of apathy, of stupid forbearance, of characterless cringing.

These men and women rose quickly one after another, one interrupting the other at times, and then standing expectantly waiting his turn—too simple, too sincere, it seemed to me, to feel self-conscious or to study for a moment about the manner of his speech, so vital was the matter delivered.

They stood as all other Hawaiians stand—with straight shoulders splendidly thrown back and head proudly poised. Some held their roughened, patient hands clasped, some bent and looked toward me, as though I were a sort of magical human telephone and phonograph combined.

I might misunderstand a word or two of the interpreted message, but there was no mistaking those earnest, brown faces and beseeched dark eyes, which seemed to try to bridge the distance my ignorance of their language and their slight acquaintance with mine created between us.

I verily believe that even the most virulent of annexationists would have thought these Hawaiians human; almost worthy of consideration.

The people rose now and sang the majestic Hawaiian National Hymn. It was sung fervently, a full, deep chorus of hundreds of voices. The music is beautifully characteristic, with its strong, deep bass chords to which the women’s plaintive, uncultivated voices answer. Then there was a benediction, and the people passed out into the muddy street.


70 thoughts on “Testimonies to the U.S. Department of Interior Eerily Similar to Voices of the Past

  1. Nice post! In my personal experience, on numerous occasions I have had to ask myself “is this how our kupuna felt?”. I have to answer “ae”.
    It is kinda like a chess match that you won and you watching the loser try to get out of it. After 120 years it gets old, but every time Hawaiians object they pull a gun.

  2. I seriously need to know whether what the interior is offering will preclude us from seeking full independence. There’s likely no answer to that question because theres no precedence for it… but we need to do something about our situation. We cannot let the State of Hawaii continue to pave over cultural sites, put telescopes on our mountains, appoint trustees to our trusts (like K.S., DHHL, etc…) while we wait for america to leave. We need to think about everything at stake, be smart and look out for our keiki.

    • Any kind of government under the DOI will be akin to Federal recognition because the DOI is bound by US Federal law. But there is a Hawaiian governance movement going on as we speak and it’s called Kana’ioluwalu otherwise known as the Native Hawaiian Roll. I signed up because I want full independence and this let’s me explore this option. We will soon go into an electing of delegates to meet in a Constitutional Convention in the fall. Just the convening of the delegates in this convention will have the power to operate as a government already, and if the delegates wanted to, they could declare Independence and seek recognition not from the DOI, but from the President him self and the UN, the Palestinians created their country in a similar fashion. It is a weird round about way of gaining our Independence back but it is a step forward to finally secure all of our “seized land” (1.8 million acres) and our Ali’i trust assets under one government and finally activate these assets for our betterment and our preservation, we gotta move now, it’s that important.

      • Dear Brother, You have been missed informed. Your country is here ready to go,it does not need a constitutional convention. A constitutional convention is only to decide what we want under the United States. It is not about restoration and control of our lands and trust. If it was, all they needed to do was implement Hawaiian Kingdom Law and begin the process of de-occupation. You have been lied to. They cannot have a constitutional convention over territory they do not own. They are trying to get Kanaka Maoli to do their dirty work by making big promises they have no intention of keeping. Dan Inouye said to a large room of Conference attendees which included numerous Kanaka, “America never kept a single treaty they have ever made and will never keep any they make now and in the future, remember that.” So I remind all who are committing treason, do not go on with this lie. Our Country is whole and financially fit. Do not be deceived. Stop Kanioluwalu!!!! It has nothing to offer us. If there was something for us why would we have to do Kanioluwalu, all they would have to do is give it to us. We have the governing entity. Think about it.

        • Aloha sister, I’m not sure if you’re saying I’m committing treason by participating in Kana’ioluwalu or what, but I assure you the only thing I am doing is activating my self-determination. Kana’ioluwalu is a personal decision made by each individual Kanaka and it by no means interferes with your own individual right to self-determination, so this is my own personal way of gaining independence. Kana’ioluwalu lets me take further steps in my path to self-determination and allows me to participate in the election of Kanaka delegates who will go to this con-con to build a better country than the one we are living in now. That quote that you gave about Dan Inoue is so true, so why would I want to continue living in that kind of country any longer than I have too. I want a better future for my children and all Kanakas and keeping in the status quo of the state and not taking these steps would be foolish. The decision that comes out of the con-con will be the decision of the Kanakas that signed up to participate in this process, once we make our decision it is then a Kanaka Maoli decision Independent from the US. We will force the US to recognize it as our reconciliation for the apology they gave in 1993. Again sis, this is a personal decision that each Kanaka must make. The US cannot ignore 125,000 Kanaka claiming their inherent sovereignty over their national lands.

          • Kanaioluwalu has not desire to educate those enrolled of their legal and political rights. They are trying to capitalize on our peoples ignorance! And the number of 125,000 is fabricated to look like a lot of people support this. I believe the actual number was less than 10,000. The 115,000 were acquired because kanaioluwalu failed, so they had the legislature transfer the 115,000 names from other hawaiian rolls, without asking the individuals.

            Educate yourself before making a decision. There is no rush. It is the State of Hawaiia and the US that are rushing. What they fear is that you will actually educate yourself. You need to ask yourself. “Why would they fear that I become educated?”
            In the end you get to choose.
            Good luck.

          • I really respect Brandon’s challenge here that Act 195 is distinct from DOI’s efforts. Of course, I remain of the opinion they are part of the same. Acceptance of Kana’iolowalu (Act 195) wherein there is explicit reaffirmation of the statehood act loops us back into the all the obligations as a state under the fed.

            Understanding that, to sign on to Act 195 assuming one has identified a loophole wherein during the ‘con con’ later this year, we can assert a right to kick the State of Hawaii and thereby the US fed out of a process to create independence from the US doesn’t seem risky or scary or to me. Rather, it seems to be a clear contortion of the facts. And the Apology Resolution that both the DOI and Act 195 references in their initiatives promises only reconciliation within the US framework.

            Of course, it’s a personal decision but I think this Act 195 view is one that requires fair discussion of fact.

            Whether through DOI or Act 195, I do think they are agents of the same game; and if you believe differently, I would hope you do with the full understanding of the clear rules.

            BUT all of these discussions have sparked overwhelming public discourse of how we achieve the shared goal. For that, I remain truly grateful. Mahalo.

        • Aloha e Pualani, Many Hawaiians are “misinformed”. Many have already made up their minds and are trying to make up the minds for others. This is not true self determination. After 116 years I believe that Hawaiians have a Choice to make. Do the majority want to restore a kingdom? What if they do not and want something more Hawaiian. You must remember, the Kingdom is a european style of government that only lasted 60 short years and was bankrupt by 1893. During those sad years Hawaiians lost their lands, saw the introduction of Private Property, nearly lost their language and had their culture nearly destroyed. What was the Al’ii doing during those years??!! What was happening to the makaainana??!! They were dying off!! So maybe, just maybe there is a better way. The good thing is Hawaiians now have the Free Choice to create something better. More Hawaiian. How about island by island control but under one ageed upon constitution?? Thats just one idea that gives each island control over their own affairs. Now that the Roll is no longer under OHA or the “state” there is a opportunity for Hawaiians to unite and make informed choices on what is best for them and all Hawaii. And, dont forget about the 800’000 plus non Hawaiians that live here too. Do you have a Economic Plan?? How do we keep the power on?? Water, Food?? Maintenance of schools, hospitals??
          There is far too much to discuss, vision, debate, educate about to simply say the Kingdom is da one. Aloha.

        • a constitutional convention is absolutely necessary. What constitution or governing documents will we follow? Who will lead our nation? There are 8 different groups claiming to be the divine rulers… a lot has changed since our monarchs were in power, we need to be intuitive and look realistically at where our people are today.

        • Just reading your response is like a breath of fresh air. If there is any way to plant a seed in the right direction, I would follow.

      • So you’re saying any kind of government under the DOI is bound bu US federal law, but kanaiolowalu which was founded by a state of hawaii act, isn’t bound to US federal law? How you figure that? I thought the state of hawaii is under the DOI?

        • Aloha bra I agree with everybody on here that we are an occupied country and I want my independence too, but no other country in the world has ever gained their independence from another country in a such peaceful manner in which we’re trying to so it takes some creativity and some assistance, even from the state of Hawaii to do so. Kana’ioluwalu had started out as Act 195, which recognizes Hawaiians as the only indigenous, aboriginal, maoli population of Hawaii and thus, Hawaiians have the right to govern themselves. With that being identified, they intended to build a list or a “Roll” of Hawaiians that would sign up on the roll and start with the governing process of electing delegates and convening in a constitutional convention in which us Hawaiians will have the opportunity to build our own government. How ever this thing started is irrelevant to the fact that this is a private election that only Hawaiians can participate in, which means it’s not a State or US government election. Being that it’s a private election made up of Hawaiians who have never relinquished their “inherent sovereignty as a people or over their national lands to the United States,” P.L. 103-150, the US has an obligation to reconcile with us because of the signing of the Apology Bill in 1993 in which they apologized for their involvement in the overthrow. This forces the US to start the reconciliation process with the more than 125,000 Hawaiians on the roll. Why do you think the DOI is here? It’s a preemptive move to help settle this claim the easiest way they can, which is not something that has the best interest in mind for Hawaiians. It’s kind of like a class action lawsuit in which Hawaiians are the individual claimants and the U.S. government must settle with us a group. Those on the role are the members of the class action law suit and whatever resolution we come to with the U.S. would be the judgment, which would apply to all of us as a group. Although we have already incurred the loss of our country, we still must identify ourselves as Hawaiians and come claim our right to self-determination. This is my opinion, but I just wanted to clarify that Kana’ioluwalu and the upcoming convention are as powerful as we make them. I want independence not this Fed Rec stuff and I intend to fight for it this year in the convention.

          • Your commentary appears to demonstrate what is known as Stockholm Syndrome.

            No other nation-state in the world has ever retained its independence after being federally recognized by the United States as an Indian tribe. The principle of non-violent protest was used to free India from the British Empire, and South Africa from Apartheid. The Hawaiian Kingdom is different, however, because it has already achieved its independence. It just needs to be de-occupied.

            It is very clear from the unanimous majority of testimony provided in the DOI hearings so far, that the OHA nation-building process initiated by Kanaʻiolowalu is not the will of the majority of Hawaiian Kingdom descendants, and therefore does not have the consent of the governed. It has always been occupier-driven, never initiated by Hawaiian Kindgom descendants in the first place. This is relevant because you can’t achieve worthy ends from unworthy means.

            Since the OHA nation-building process has been soundly rejected by testimony at the DOI hearings, OHA should heed this call and put it to rest once and for all. Only 30,000 signed up for the Native Hawaiian Roll. The other 95,000 were taken from other lists without consent. So, it is also time to stop this lie about 125,000 people signing up for the roll. Even if you use this contrived figure and compare it to the most recent census of Kānaka Maoli living in the Hawaiian Islands, you come up with a figure that is less than 25%. Contrast this with the testimony provided at the DOI hearings, which is easily upward of 95% in favor of Hawaiian Kingdom de-occupation over U.S. federal recognition of a Kānaka Maoli tribal government.

            The OHA nation-building process is invalid from the outset, because it excludes Hawaiian Kingdom descendants who are not Kānaka Maoli. Since the Hawaiian Kingdom was a multi-ethnic nation-state, any outcome from a process that only includes Kānaka Maoli is disqualified from being a plebiscite. The goal of the United States is to federally recognize a Kānaka Maoli tribal government, so that it can misconstrue it to the United Nations as acquiescence or acquisitive prescription (similar to adverse possession), or even as a plebiscite, for legal transfer of Hawaiian sovereignty to the United States. In other words, the United States will misconstrue to the world, “a reorganized Native Hawaiian governing entity” as an instrument of cession.

            A “reorganized Native Hawaiian governing entity” is doublespeak for relinquishment of the sovereignty of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Again, even though Hawaiian Kingdom descendants other than Kānaka Maoli would be excluded from this fraudulent process, the United States would still misconstrue it to the world as being a relinquishment of Hawaiian Kingdom sovereignty. This is what makes this DOI initiative so potentially dangerous. However, even if they go through with federal recognition in spite of the overwhelming testimony rejecting it, I’m sure the U.S. Republican party would be more than happy to challenge its constitutionality in the U.S. Supreme Court. All of the DOI testimony is available to them, documented on film and transcribed—as the Kūʻē Petitions of today—for use as evidence in court. So, either way, I don’t see how federal recognition will succeed. It has already failed and died in the U.S. Congress.

            Since U.S. Public Law 103-150 verifies that the United States does not have a bilateral treaty of cession, plebiscite, referendum, or acquisitive prescription (acquiescence), to lawfully annex Hawaiʻi to the United States, their last hope for an instrument of cession is to achieve federal recognition of “a reorganized Native Hawaiian governing entity,” so that they can misconstrue this to the world as being a plebiscite and/or acquiescence. If you ultimately support full independence—meaning de-occupation, since the Hawaiian Kingdom has never lost its independence—why would you want this obstacle which may make it impossible?

            U.S. tribal recognition of Kānaka Maoli is the last ditch effort by the United States to annex Hawaiʻi. The unanimous testimony at the DOI hearings is essentially a referendum for de-occupation, which has also unequivocally rejected the OHA nation-building process leading to U.S. tribal recognition. What we’re seeing today at these DOI hearings is a continuation of the Kūʻē Petitions in 1898. Hawaiian Kingdom descendants are saying the same thing their kūpuna did 116 years ago.

          • Act 195 contains the following statement, “It is also the State’s desire to support the continuing development of a reorganized Native Hawaiian governing entity and, ultimately, the federal recognition of Native Hawaiians.” However, there is no historical precedent for U.S. federal recognition of an indigenous government, as a stepping stone for de-occupation, or the achievement of full independence as a nation-state.

          • The only intention that the U.S. has for federal recognition of a Kānaka Maoli tribal government is to preempt de-occupation, which is the only lawful process for self-determination of the people of Hawaiʻi today.

          • Again, I am not in favor of the DOI meetings because of all the facts that you just stated, that’s why I testified at the DOI meetings that came to Waimanalo and I let them know that. I thought it was unfair to preempt our decision for us. With that being said after June 30th when the Roll closes and verifies all signatures it turns into a private election, to start a con-con for the Kanakas that signed up. The decision of the 125,000 Kanaka who signed up to participate in the con-con will be whatever the decision they want, the state and the feds cannot control it or decide for us because each Kanaka on the roll has their own vote. The two reasons that show that this is a private election is

            1) You cannot have an election that is race based in the US per the US constitution and Rice v Cayetano.

            2) You cannot have convicted felons participate in any US election. Kana’ioluwalu has signed up 2,000 Kanaka prisoners.

            This is a private Kanaka election, and has nothing to do with the DOI, and we don’t need to go along with anything the DOI proposes for us, if we don’t want their help then they need to respect that. This is why I will advocate for Independence as the only way I see us freeing ourselves of the occupation we are currently in, but we have to start somewhere and this is as good a starting point as any.

          • Act 195 is an occupier-driven initiative because it originated in the fake “State of Hawaiʻi” legislature, which belongs to the United States. Act 195 did not originate from Hawaiian Kingdom descendants. Act 195 explicitly seeks U.S. federal recognition, which means that the outcome of Act 195 will be bound by the constraints of U.S. federal recognition. U.S. history shows us where that will lead, without any precedent of resulting in an independent nation-state. It is naive to believe that it could be a stepping stone to de-occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

            Act 195 does not even deem Hawaiian Kingdom descendants worthy of having a government anymore, much less a nation-state. Otherwise, it would have used these words. Instead, the most it is willing to tolerate is “a reorganized Native Hawaiian governing entity,” which is euphemistic doublespeak for relinquishing the sovereignty of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Fortunately, the overwhelming consensus of testimony at the DOI hearings is for de-occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom, rather than support for Act 195 and its goal of U.S. federal (tribal) recognition.

            It has been pointed out numerous times how the fraudulent figure of 125,000 has been contrived, yet you continue to place your faith behind it as though identity theft was not primarily used to fabricate that number. Furthermore, it excludes Hawaiian Kingdom descendants who are not Kānaka Maoli. The Hawaiian Kingdom was a multi-ethnic nation-state, and has never been relinquished or extinguished, which is not the same thing as “a reorganized Native Hawaiian governing entity” that Act 195 seeks to invent.

          • I really enjoy all the debate going on in the blog, and look forward to this kind of passionate debate when we get into convention, because we are all looking for the best interest for all Kanaka so we will always look to make sure that we do is right.

            Just to clarify again I don’t support the DOI meetings and have testified publicly against it and also sent several testimony online. What I do support is a fair and undetermined outcome like the con-con that will come in the fall of this year. It is true that Act 195 was derived from the State legislature, but that is where the state last had their hands on the decision making process for us. Once they passed that legislation they clarified that we are the only Native aboriginal, maoli people that have the true rights to govern themselves and no one else, hence the ONLY Kanaka’s can sign up to the Roll rule. I’m not here to debate the means in which they gathered the signatures because I don’t work for Kana’ioluwalu. My interest is strictly because I signed up, not initially I might add but I needed to be convinced that the option for Independence would be on the table in a con-con made up of my own people. Once I understood we have no predetermined decision in the con-con but our own, I was all in. My opinions are gathered on my own and I am just stating it as I see it because I want to be involved. I’m not scared of their legislation and I relish the fact that we will use their legislation to eventually dissolve their state, seems like a lua move to me.

            Once the Roll verification closes on June 30th we will have the opportunity to vote in a private election for Kanaka delegates to participate in an all Kanaka Constitutional Convention that will look to form a government in which the State and Federal governments will have to recognize as being the will of the Kanaka in the convention. They cannot by any means jump in to our process and change it because it is already in action, they must be Kanaka to participate and that’s our rules that they must follow. They signed off on the bill that created ACT 195 and it is very clear that we can have a Roll of only Kanaka participants and that we will have a con-con to decide how we want to govern ourselves. What ever the opinion is of the State or Fed guys is irrelevant because you must be Kanaka to participate, and even if they wanted to participate they can’t involve themselves because it is a private election that is illegal in their own system, the government actually starts when we convene. If some Kanakas would want the federal recognition thus allowing us back under their jurisdiction then they would only have their one vote to say so. I will vote no for any form of Fed Rec because I believe Independence is much more lucrative for our future and there for is in the best interest for my family. No where in ACT 195 it states the outcome of the con-con to be ONLY Federal Recognition, it states that, that’s the only kind of recognition they want to see for us, but they don’t get a say in our con-con, only Kanaka do.

            If we choose Independence in the con-con, then we choose Independence, that is all. Who will stop a peaceful con-con, conducted by a peaceful Nation seeking independence. The state and the feds have no say in the decision of what path the con-con votes, it’s the will of the Kanaka participating in the convention that control that, and only them.

            I admit the path for independence down this path is scary and no one knows what will happen. But I am excited for the challenge and am encouraged that so many do not want Fed Rec so it will be easier to garner support in OUR con-con for Independence.

            I struggle to live in a state that used to be our country and I can no longer live in the status quo as we know it. I find this path toward Independence difficult but not impossible, but I’m willing to check it out and go down this path. It seems like this would be quicker than seeking International help and aid from countries that have stood on the side for 121 years and have watched us be under occupation, I don’t see their help now, and I don’t believe we will see their help anytime before the fall, so this seems like a faster way. I also don’t believe it’s good to rush into things so hastily but haven’t we all waited long enough, isn’t 121 years of belligerent occupation long enough? I think our keiki deserve a better future, and I believe waiting for International aid has not helped us in the past so why would it start now. If the US refuses to recognize our Independence we simply petition the UN for entry as an Independent nation with an identified border and aboriginal people and force all the countries bound to the UN doctrine including the US to recognize that. It would be geo-political suicide by the US to put up a fight against Kanaka, since we are exercising the very rights that they say we have peacefully. The easiest decision for them would simply be to accept the result of the con-con that they themselves started for us and carry on. I hope this helps clear up some of my points, again we all want the best for our people and I am encouraged that so much of us want Independence. Mahalo for all the mana’o shared between us, and good luck to every Kanaka seeking Independence.

          • Again, I think your rationale is naive. It also looks like you’ve made up your mind no matter what. This discussion forum is the last place to look for people to sign off on your decision. I’ll leave you with my final comments. Act 195 explicitly states that its ultimate goal is federal recognition. I have already quoted that in my previous comment, but you have chosen to overlook it. Completion of the OHA nation-building process, Act 195, is not a foregone conclusion, given all of the testimony provided at the DOI hearings so far. The ultimate outcome of the Act 195 process will be a fiasco at best. It certainly does not represent a majority of Hawaiian Kingdom descendants, and never will. Why is it that you have no problem with excluding Hawaiian Kingdom descendants who are not Kānaka Maoli, when the Hawaiian Kingdom was a multi-ethnic nation-state?

          • “Hawaiian”, ever heard of Mahatma Gandhi and India? Non-violent protest, they got Independence and sovereignty from the British Empire. I don’t understand how can you admit that you know we’re a sovereign country under occupation, yet you think going through kanaiolowalu is lawful? All we need to do is get the whole world aware of our occupation, and THEN we can organize ourselves or do whatever we want to do. You “Hawaiians” are skipping steps. Auwe.

  3. These are exciting times for Hawai’i. A lot of Kanaka and Hawaiians are becoming aware we’re occipied and our occupiers are becoming aware that we’re aware. To me the U.S. are shitting themselves.

  4. Aloha Kaala, the answer to your question is a definite Yes, it will preclude Independence. If you listen carefully when they speak, they say they can only operate within the scope of authority afforded to them by U.S. law. The DOI under U.S. law can never offer a recognized U.S. tribe independence, that’s why it is called nation within a nation. A little tribal nation stuck within the confines of the larger or stronger nation that owns you. If you had a violation of a treaty by the stronger nation you are limited to their courts. Unlike us, we can seek international courts or venues to address the violations of the U.S., we are not confined only to U.S. courts and that’s what scares them amongst other things at the international level.

    • Thank you Kekoa!! Lets all keep sharing and learning so we can help each other make the right choice based on the information that we receive. Please remember that we are already a Nation we have laws and a defined boundary. We don’t need their assistance. We need them to do what they were mandated to do 121 years ago.

  5. Aloha Brandon, it is a trap. Please do one thing before you continue down this path. Find the Federal or State law that specifically will allow for a recognized tribe under the U.S. to secede from the U.S. and become independant. I’ll save you the trouble, there is no law. If there is no law then they are not obligated to grant indepedence. You misunderstood when they talked about reconciliation. The offer of FED REC IS the reconciliation, nothing more. The indians have been under FED REC forever, how come they have not been made independant?????? The International venues will not assist a U.S. tribe with independence since that would be a violation of state sovereignty of the U.S., you see the trap? I hope this helps.

    • Aloha Kekoa, I know it’s difficult to understand, and it took me a while to really look into how Act 195 was written but it has loop holes in it that give us the right to declare independence in the convention. I understand that there is no Fed or State law that will allow us to secede from the US, but we are not seceding because we never officially became a part of the US by treaty of annexation so that is why we still have a dormant Hawaiian govt. The US has been illegally occupying our country and enforcing their jurisdiction over all of us and disregarding the kingdom law which rightfully still exist under international law. But in order to break free from the US ‘s hold on us we must enact our sovereignty, by this I mean enact the 125,000 independent Kanaka Maoli in the convention and declare Independence, this again would be along the lines of what the PLO did to gain their independence from the Isreali State. If we as a people unite under one government, the International arena would have no choice but to recognize the obvious truth that we have been illegally occupied for over 121 years. They all know this already and are just waiting for us to do the work of uniting so they can recognize us, the only difference between us and Palestine and any other country that has been illegally occupied by a more powerful country is that they all had to do it by guns and bloodshed, we don’t, it’s not what our Queen wanted and it’s not what we’re going to do. At the end of June, The Native Hawaiian Roll Commission will complete it’s job by verifying and giving a final count on how much Kanaka they have on the roll, which would probably be closer to 130,000 and dissolve, this would be the end of any State connection to this Roll and now become an Independent political process with no over sight by the state or federal guys, they would still be operating in the state just like all of us live in the state now, but would not have to check with the state or fed guys to see if the decision we make in the convention is alright by them, no need. The decision that comes out of the con-con in the fall would be a totally Kanaka decision because it would only be us on the Roll making it, no state or federal govt.’s decision but our own decision as Kanaka on what form of government we will have. If we choose Fed Rec then the DOI is saying that they are here waiting to help facilitate, hence the reason why they are here. But if we choose Independence, then all bets are off and we’ll see what the fed govt does. I really don’t know the answer to the last one because I don’t think they took into account that we have the power to flip this whole thing on them, but international history tell’s us otherwise. It’s gonna be a tough battle ahead, but nothing worth fighting for is ever easy, especially if we become the only occupied country in the history of the world to gain their Independence without bloodshed, to me that is incredible and speaks to the amount of aloha and mana our people have always had. Aloha Kekoa we all fighting for us, in different ways, but we all fighting the same fight.

      • Wow, you are sort of persuasive. Missing the point, but persuasive. You are trying to exist under their rules. You obviously don’t understand this, but “you will not win” if you play by their rules. Why, you ask? They don’t play by their rules. Check your history. Nice try. ACT 195 is illegal and has no force and affect within our territory. The only reason it has any force is ignorance. The word is acquiesce.

        • Well I’ll keep trying to go along with this path because I don’t want to continue living in a State when I can live in a Hawaiian government, that will look to protect me and my keiki from further transgressions against my people. Like I said, it’s a personal decision and this is mine, It’s not a matter of who’s right or wrong, every Kanaka has a right to seek his or her own form of self-determination, and this is mine. Mahalo for your comment on my opinion.

          • Mahahlo Brandon. I appreciate your thoughtful consideration of the issue and the shared interest of self-determination.

            Sounds like you’ve read Act 195 and I would encourage you to also read the report the DOI issued announcing this current reconciliation hearing process, “Mauka to Makai” (by DOI & Office of Tribal Justice, DOJ): http://www.doi.gov/ohr/library/upload/Mauka-to-Makai-Report-2.pdf

            “This reconciliation process should ultimately result in congressional confirmation of a political government-to-government relationship between Native Hawaiians and the Federal Government pursuant to Congress’ plenary authority over Indian Affairs. The nature of that relationship and the particular entity dealt with by the United States should be determined by Congress in consultation with Native Hawaiians.”

            I want self-determination as well, but this is not how I define self-determination. This suggests we only get to advise on the nature of the cage and what we want to name our cage, and ultimately US decides. So maybe – and this remains a maybe – we get a nicer cage… but I’d prefer to be out of the cage.

            I’m glad we’re all getting better educated. I respectfully agree to disagree, and I mahalo you for the exchange.

        • “you will not win”. Do you think you will “win” without the Will of the People?? Do you think the most powerful nation in the history of Man will give you back Hawaii because of kingdom law or even international law, without the majority of the People demanding the restoration of Hawaiian Independence?? Come on. Just whose “rules” you going to “play” under? Only a united people committed to independence can defeat military power. If the kingdom is to be the model then, convince the people. A Con Con is the only recognized way to do this other than armed conflict. Aloha to us all.

  6. Aloha Brandon, sorry I have to be so blunt but this is how it works. In an occupation there are laws, rules and procedures, it is not a democracy and not dependant on ones opinion or choice. We don’t have inheirent sovereignty, that is a myth. Inheirent sovereignty was excercised by those before us, that is what created the Hawaiian Kingdom and got it recognised as a nation state internationally. Occupation does not extinguish it, it is still there and that is what we are to excercise today. It is not anyones personal decision. Like you said Hawaii is occupied and the U.S. knows it. They are trying to see if we know it and how far are we going with it. The DOI coming here and doing what they are doing is called DAMAGE CONTROL, they are trying desperately to contain the damage to within the U.S. and not let it go International. Because in that arena their control is very limited. That is the arena where all of our rights and assets will not only be protected but we are entiled to punitive damages. You mentioned Palastine, the U.S. and Israel have been playing with them for over forty years claiming they are brokering for state recognition. Palastine after all this time saw it was a delay tactic and began there strategy for their own remedy at the UN general assembly which they got. Now they are negotiating with Israel on drafting the borders for their state and are running into more roadblocks. In our occupation our state is already recognized and it’s borders already established. We are in an advantage if we go the international route instead of the long route with numerous roadblocks you suggest. One other advantage we have is that it is the U.S. that is the bad guy. They would have to adhere to the International rules or risk being labled the biggest hypocrit as a member of the United Nations. All nations that are being condemned, criticized and sanctioned will surley use this against the U.S. and rightfully so. Occupation is Occupation is Occupation. There is now way around it. No matter what the U.S. DOI does, it won’t be legal because it’s an occupation. It will only cause confusion within our community and prolong the inevitable which is the de-occupation of Hawaii. So, you can help with adding to the confusion and prolonging our problem or be part of the better solution. You are right about one thing, that choice is yours. Good luck.

    • Mahalo Kekoa for your mana’o, i agree with a lot of what you said and we’ll see how this all turns out by the fall, good luck with your process as well. See you on the other side, exciting times to be a Kanaka Maoli right now. Aloha

      • Aloha Bra your quest for that touchie feel good moment is all gone. Were just left with the sobering facts ,so help me akua . Your choice and only your’s.Your keki’s look up to you to secure there future, based on your understanding of International Law of Occupation it’s still under the mentality of Americanization. Good luck Aloha……..

    • Aloha e Kekoa, The U$A does not have to, nor has it, listened to International Laws and Conventions unless it is in their capitalist interests. That is their record. To simply rely on Kingdom law, international law, US law, State law, is naive. The only way to beat them is with numbers. Popular support for Independence. When we have that kind of support ,then, we can go to the UN, ICJ, PCA etc etc. I hope people dont really believe the most powerful nation ever is going to turn over Hawaii because Keanu said or any other small group. We need the majority of People to want it! What about the 800,000 non Hawaiians?? If they say no to Independence then what? If we try to force them the US will do the same as in 1893. Kana’ioluwalu is a RACED BASED convention. The state or OHA cannot control it anymore. That would go against their own laws. So, the upcoming con con is a opportunity to gather Hawaiians, educate them to all options available to them. Discuss, vision, debate, educate then make a Free Choice. If you are for the restoration of the Kingdom then, go to the con con and convince your People. If you cannot do that or wont, I guess you plan to force them?? If you have other ideas on how to provide Hawaiians a Free Fair and Open Choice, I would be interested.

      • Most powerful nation ever? China and Russia is arguably in a tie for that title. The U.S. is crumbling from within, their spending too much money on military and public assistance programs, the same thing the Roman Empire did. Besides, Putin is making Obama look like a little b*tch in front of the world, the U.S. is strong only when it picks on weaker countries, but when it messes with the big dogs suddenly the’re all about “diplomacy” and they suddenly don’t want war.

        • Kanaka, No rational country “wants war” eh. The US spends more on its military than both China and Russia combined. Its war technology is FAR ahead of either country. It is still thee most powerful nation in history. however, that is neither here or there. We face the U$A not china or Russia. P.S. the U$ should and could,
          spend much much more on its “public assistance programs” in my opinion.

  7. I say… All these countries who don’t want to back us, who have agreements w/ us and some responsibility to force the occupier to deoccupy; if they are unwilling to stand and do what’s right, then let every country (all 220, or whatever the number is now) be responsible as well. Hawaii has done everything as per the peaceful and diplomatic route, and if anything it has demonstrated how it doesn’t necessarily work. Worse it has shown how the world nations had rather turn their back on diplomacy AND law. Make us wards of the world if these countries won’t do us justice. Let us be free to be world citizens, with rights here and in every country that should be standing beside us. Either make the US leave or make us citizens of each of your countries, world.

  8. Aloha e Kekoa. Mahalo for your kokua in replying to ke kanaka paʻakikī. I think we’ve shared enough manaʻo with him. He’s made up his mind to jump from the frying pan into the fire. Rather than change his mind, I think he was hoping for us to sign off on his decision. I told him that this was the last place to look for that kind of support. He has this idea that the Act 195 process can somehow be used as a Trojan horse for full independence. However, this is naive given the entire history of how the U.S. has treated Native Americans, and concealed its occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom. De-occupation is the only lawful process for Hawaiian self-determination, for which U.S. federal recognition is not a prerequisite. Act 195 does not speak to de-occupation. It’s intent is to preempt de-occupation, not to facilitate it. None of the language in Act 195 suggests otherwise.

  9. Brandon, it is unfair to claim that the international community stood by for the last 121 years and did nothing about our occupation. They were lied to by the U.S. of Hawaii’s status and the rest was americanization for 121 years. We did not even know this ourselves until recently. The lie went unchecked for 121 years, so to get to the international venues took alot of education and de-programing of americanization. To claim the international route will take too long is false. Within the last 15 years, which is a short time, huge break throughs at the international level have occured. This is even faster than attempts at FED REC by the congress or state. We are entering into the 3/4 way mark at ending the occupation by using the international venues and that is amazing, considering the lack of resources available. Unlike OHA that had millions at their disposal and political power of both state and Fed gov’t, they still couldn’t acheive what the AHKG had in such a short time. It seems that you have made up your mind and will be risking it all based on Act 195. This will only lead to heartache since Act 195 is State legislation that purports to leave the door open for independence without a Federal statue in place to allow for such a thing to happen. What will happen when you try to implement that provision is that the FEDS will shut it down for said reason. They will suggest that you petition congress for new legislation but it never will since they already shut down the AKAKA BILL. What a waste of time.

  10. Aloha KKM, I always have hope and try to reach out to my fellow country men and women. That is all we can do for now. I have sent him my final post and now I’m pau. Mahalo for your informative post and perspectives.

  11. Mahalo e Kekoa. I’m happy to participate in the discussion. You know how the saying goes: “You can lead a horse to water…”

    The letter by Dr. Crabbe, to Secretary Kerry, followed by the press conference that he held, are undoubtedly what triggered the DOI to hastily schedule these hearings. The confirmation last week of Esther Kiaʻaina as assistant secretary of the DOI is also no coincidence. Look at how much support Dr. Crabbe had at his press conference and contrast that with the boos received by OHA Chair, Colette Machado, when she spoke at the first DOI hearing. This is clear evidence that the majority is in favor of de-occupation and against Act 195.

    The DOI needs to take all of the testimony provided at these hearings and deliver it to the U.S. Department of State (DOS). The testimony should demand that the DOI turn the process over to the DOS. On behalf of those providing testimony, the DOI should demand that the DOS get involved. We cannot let that DOI panel off the hook—especially Esther Esther Kiaʻaina, now that she is the assistant secretary— by suggesting that we contact the DOS ourselves. That is the job of the DOI as a result of these hearings. That is the message that they are supposed to take back to Washington D.C., and to the DOS specifically. It is the DOS that is supposed to be holding these hearings in the first place. It is both tragic and insulting that they purposely didn’t. Therefore, it is no wonder that the testimony is so full of outrage. Either way, we will take our message to the DOS, even if we must conduct a mass communication campaign to the DOS.

  12. Regarding the current DOI hearings:

    In the U.S. the Smith Act of 1940 does not allow this kind of seditious activity. It is a criminal offense for any foreign agency to conduct subversive activity or plot the overthrow of America. Likewise, we the people of the Hawaiian Kingdom will not condone the overthrow of our country by any foreign agent. The U.S. Department of Interior must surcease from these ill intended hearings and respect the rule of law. Mutual Respect is all we ask and that you honor the International Treaty of July 6, 1846 and signed for by Secretary of State John C. Calhoun whereby the United States gave it’s formal recognition of our Hawaiian Kingdom Independence.

    Persistence of over a 120years of chicanery and U.S Occupation compels us to seek redress which is about to commence with the arrival of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) providing mediation procedures. We can then move forward in a peaceful manner with our Hawaiian Kingdom Restoration and U.S. De-Occupation.

  13. Steve, you can convince all of the people at the con con to choose independence but it will never happen. There is no federal law that allows for it. Act 195 cannot force the feds to give it to us because it runs contrary to fed rec for an indigeous tribe. To believe in Act 195 and the con con is foolish, the Feds would not support it if it would mean independence in any shape or form. What you are suggesting is foolish. The U.S. has never been put in such a position as it is in with regards to Hawaii’s illegal occupation. Numbers do not matter as much as quality and strategy. All the nay sayers were silenced as the AHKG gained access to the world court, UN security council, UN general assembly, ICC, ICJ, ICRC and negotiations with a protecting power. Why do you think the DOI jumped off their high horse to come here for these meetings. Because they want to help hawaiians? Get Real! They are here because they will loose in the International arena. Other countries have been able to gain independence through de-occupation without armed conflict, it is definitely possible. To believe in the DOI, state of hawaii, OHA or the con con to get independence is just plain non-sense. Since you are so convinced that we will never get the US to de-occupy Hawaii through the international arena, then you need not worry or even comment about it anymore, right. You got this all figured out, so why even bother posting on this blog unless you have a different agenda for posting.

  14. Kekoa, A con con is the only internationally recognized way to begin a process of Independence other than armed struggle. You don’t seem to think very highly of your own People. Its their Choice not a choice of a small group of people no matter what their strategy or the quality of it is. Again, I say
    what if the Hawaiian people do not want to restore a Kingdom”?? Are you and those like you going to force them? How? Do they get a full measure of Self Determination or what? What is your alternative to a Con Con?? Please don’t say over and over again that the Kingdom already exists. If it does where is it? What does it do for its people? What other countries got their Independence through decolonization?? PS Im a Free man so I can post anything I want. It took me more than 40 years in the Movement to “figure it out” so I am confident that my mana’o has some merit. If you don’t like it don’t read it or reply to it.

    • If you live in Hawai’i you live in the Hawaiian Kingdom, brah. It can’t do anything for us (yet) because the U.S. refuses to admit that it has no jurisdiction here and they still want everyone to believe the lie that this is the 50th state (from reading your comments its obvious they’re lies are working on the broader public).

    • As a Hawaiian Subject, I don’t have to worry about being a strawman or corporate slave. Try to wrap your mind around that. That freedom is ono!

      • It’s funny… 1897 90% HK subjects didn’t want to be annex… they stopped it… 1898 US passed a US law to annex HI… which is illegal… there is no treaty… today as I watch these DoI meetings… I still see 90% for the HK… (N)native hawaiian is american belonging to the 50th state… kanaka, makaainana and kuaaina HK born… still learnnin

  15. Aloha Kanaka, I don’t think it’s the lies that are working I think it’s an OHA collaborator at work. Wonder how much he getting paid?

  16. Steve, you are a walking contradiction. You say Hawaii is occupied and then throw away de-occupation. Occupation is not a democracy. They are established laws and procedures set in place for the occupied nationals and the occupier. That’s just how it is so deal with it. They are set in place for guys like you that don’t understand how it works but want to lead everyone to some never never land created by the occupier. I hold my people in the highest regard and will honor what they said in the Ku’e petitions. I will not dishonor them and settle for becoming a tribe of the U.S.. You go and become part of an american tribe and see how that works out. Try talking to some american indians and hear what they have to say about their tribal leaders selling them out for personal gain while the rest of the tribe get very little.

    • so dinner with the devil is what you pro con-con members want.
      just like how america illegally overtrew us and the oppions of Hawaiian Subjects didnt matter to america.
      in the same fashion the oppions of any american entity or people in this said entity wouldnt matter.
      you cant see nothing happening because your not in the hauge, your not at new york university, stanford, oxford listening to the presentation by keanu.
      but ill tell you who is, political scientist teachers. all coming to the same conclusion. they CANNOT deny keanus hypothesis.
      with that said why wouldnt you sit at the table your ancestors sat at rather then
      the table your oppressor sits at. its sad.

      If you dont feel some type of way when you hear the word DE-OCCUPATION then you aint kanaka at heart.

      God is love.
      jah bless

    • Kekoa, Where did I ever say I was against Deoccupation?? For Hawaiians becoming a tribe? Dont spin what In mean. Im for a Hawaiian majority led PROCESS, called a Con Con, where by ONLY HAWAIIANS can participate. Its a democratic process where people get to VOTE, ie. choose what they want. If you cannot do it this way then, suggest something else that is Fair and democratic. Or do you really care??!! And stop with the childish slurs to reinforce your opinion as it hasn’t convinced me to go your way nor does it convince the majority of Hawaiians, yet.

      • A majority of Kanaka believe something that is not true, due to Americanization. Can you tell me what your rights are as a kanaka, as a “protected person”. If you cannot, then you have not educated yourself enough or you are reading the wrong material.
        If you think that a group of people who are delusional ( by definition), ignorant (by definition) or Americans posing as Hawaiians are going to decide the future of the Hawaii Kingdom, you are underestimating kanaka.
        We Hawaiians(nationality) are just regaining our footing, the reason the US is in such a rush to have our people make a decision. As a Hawaiian I don’t play by their rules.
        Good luck.

  17. Steve, take time out and read what you are saying. You are contradicting yourself again. Have you took time out to watch the DOI meetings. The majority overwhelmingly said they don’t want FED REC or STATE REC.

  18. The basis that seems to be dividing us is that I believe ACT 195 is an actual avenue to true self-determination which for me can only be Independence, and the other Kanaka’s who believe that you cannot gain Independence through ACT 195 because it only allows for STATE and FEDERAL REC.

    ACT 195 article 3 section 1: “The purpose of this Act is to recognize Native Hawaiians as the only indigenous, aboriginal, maoli population of Hawaii. It is also the STATE’S DESIRE to support the continuing development of a reorganized Native Hawaiian governing entity and, ultimately, the federal recognition of Native Hawaiians”

    This is the STATE’S DESIRE that we gain Federal Recognition, not our desire as Kanak Maoli. We are not obligated to seek Fed Rec if that is not our choice, we will choose a government on our own as the only participants to our convention, it does not state anywhere that we can’t choose Independence.

    ACT 195 article 3 section 1: “The legislature urges the office of Hawaiian affairs to continue to support the self-determination process by Native Hawaiians in the formation of their chosen governmental entity”

    OUR CHOICE of what Government we will have.

    ACT 195 article 3 section 2: “Native Hawaiian Convention: The publication of the roll of qualified Native Hawaiians, as provided in section -4, is intended to facilitate the process under which qualified Native Hawaiians may INDEPENDENTLY commence the organization of a CONVENTION of qualified Native Hawaiians, established for the purpose of organizing themselves”

    The analogy should be looked at like this, the state gave us a car (convention) to go to a party , they gave us directions(desire of FED REC) to this party. But ultimately the driver (KANAKA MAOLI) of this car found a short cut (INDEPENDENCE) to the party so we took that route. The guy that gave us the car has no way to control the driver once we leave. We are in motion, on the way to the party, once the convention starts WE GOIN PARTY!!!

    Aloha all, I hope this helps explain more. Good Luck to all KANAKA seeking Independence, although we have differences on how we will seek Independence, we can all rest assured that all of our collective ideas are not all in one basket. We need to battle on all fronts, and I hope all Kanaka understand this part especially because we all need to seek the best answers for our people, no matter if we gotta get involved in things that seem like it’s one thing, but we cannot be afraid to turn over every stone. Sometimes the brightest lights come out of the darkest places. Aloha

    • Aloha, Brandon

      Are you aware that Hawaii is occupied? (The definition of occupation is defined under Article 42 of the 1907 IV Hague Regulation)

      ARTICLE 42: “Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.
      The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.”

    • Mahalo, Brandon.

      Just to be clear, Act 195 also expressly states:

      Reaffirmation of delegation of federal authority; governmental authority and power; negotiations.
      (a) The delegation by the United States of authority to the State of Hawai‘i to address the conditions of the indigenous, native people of Hawai‘i contained in the Act entitled “An Act to Provide for the Admission of the State of Hawai‘i into the Union”, approved March 18, 1959 (Public Law 86-3), is reaffirmed. (b) Consistent with the policies of the State of Hawai‘i, the members of the qualified Native Hawaiian roll, and their descendants, shall be acknowledged by the State of Hawai‘i as the indigenous, aboriginal, maoli population of Hawai‘i.

      This then suggests our acceptance of this path – with “hope” of possibly asserting independence – requires an affirmation that has never been explicitly expressed by Kanaka though they reference it as a “reaffirmation.” Our acceptance can be reasonably viewed as acquiescence to the US and extinguishing the sovereignty we refused to relinquish at any point in our history to-date.

      Unlike you, I do not put as great a weight on the state’s expressed desire and our assumed right to choose otherwise. Instead, I am more concerned with the conditions of power we agree to in signing on to this path.

      I respect your right to act your heart and soul, understanding we agree to disagree on the path.

      • Hindsight is 20/20. After testifying, I thought ” why did I not challenge the audience to come to this blog and prove the information wrong.”
        My testimony focused on the fact that we have been lied to and before we go forward we should be given the truth, so we can make an educated decision.
        If they are not going to do it maybe we can start some of our people down the path of enlightenment. Come Hawaii! Send ’em to hawaiiankingdom.org/blog. Let them find out for themselves.

  19. Pardon my ignorance, but can someone tell me if the DOI is really hearing us or are these hearings a condescending ploy, a pat on the head, so to speak, to lull us into a false sense of security. If the “sellouts” have had and are having secret meetings in DC and Hawai’i, is this not a done-deal and the hearings just a formality to make us think they are acting in good faith?

    • Aloha Lani,

      I wonder if anyone knows with absolute certainty any underlying agenda though completely agree our history gives us reason to be cautious.

      Esther Kiaaina gave this answer to “What’s the process?” and this is what they have listed on the notice FAQ page on the DOI website:

      After the Department of the Interior receives public comments on the ANPRM, what would be the next steps in the rulemaking process?
      The public comment period for the ANPRM will last 60 days. If the Department ultimately decides to issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), there would be another formal comment period and a second round of consultation with the Native Hawaiian community and federally recognized tribes in the continental United States to allow for further input and refinements before publishing a final rule. A final rule could be published within 18 to 24 months after publication of the ANPRM.

      I suppose all things are possible; but they do suggest we would be given one more opportunity within the next year or so to do these hearings all over again, for better or worse.

      I do wonder about the hearings taking place in the US with the American Indians on this issue. We’ve seen the notice of the answers presented us, but what are American Indians asked to comment on as the questions pertain even less to them than they do us.

      I guess until then, we keep on keeping on. 🙂

  20. Aloha,

    I decided to review this discussion to find out whether everyone or most of the Native Hawaiians are in agreement with the restoration or reinstatement of the HK. I get the overall sense and feeling that most of you are on-board with Aole to U.S. DOI regarding FED REC and Aole to OHA’s upcoming convention this fall, except for a small minority similar to what we’re seeing at the DOI public hearings where most Native Hawaiians are saying Aole, which is remarkable considering that this was not the case just a few years ago.

    I’m not trying to be an arbiter or referee, but I believe I have no self-interest whatsoever in whatever the Native Hawaiians decide to do because I’m not Hawaiian and I support self-determination and justice for the Native Hawaiians who have suffered and been denied justice for the last 121 years.

    I agree that in addition to getting the Native Hawaiians to speak and be united as one voice that the majority of non-Hawaiians, such as myself, need to agree with a decision that will affect them, i.e., consent of the governed.

    Mahalo for your patience and peaceful protests as I’m hoping that in the end justice will prevail.

    • Education is the key!

      What is your concept of self-determination?

      Do you know the difference between sovereignty and
      Do you know the difference between internal and external
      Do you know the difference between a Joint Resolution
      and a Treaty?
      Do you know if Hawaii was ever proclaimed an independent
      nation state, and if it was what was the date?
      Do you know how the sovereignty of one country can be
      transferred to another?

      I believe that knowing the answers to the few questions above
      will go a long way to obtaining a greater understanding to the
      only available option for the Hawaiian Kingdom!

      Whether a Hawaiian subject or not if you are without basic
      knowledge of the above how can you come to a logical
      conclusion of what happened to the sovereign independent
      nation of the Hawaiian Kingdom!

      If anything just learn a section at a time, not everything
      overnight. I’m sure you will come to a higher level of
      understanding on the events that occurred since
      January 16, 1893!

      Once you learn the answers you to will be able to share
      the path for others to follow!

      Hope this helps!

  21. Aloha and Mahalo for inviting me to a better understanding, perspective, and insight regarding the factual history of the Hawaiian Kingdom that serves as the basis for the Kanaka Maoli wanting a reinstatement of the Hawaiian Kingdom as a sovereign and independent nation state. Please help me better understand your perspective and insight of the HK. I will try to provide my understanding of each of your questions above and hopefully get closer to where you’re coming from.

    My concept of self-determination is that each independent nation state has the ability and opportunity to be recognized by state, federal, and international laws that respect the sovereignty of that nation state to govern itself and apply their laws and expect allegiance from the occupants of that sovereign nation state. Before the illegal overthrow of 1893, I believe the occupants of the HK included both Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians. Therefore, the descendents of the non-Hawaiians who owned HK land at that time should be considered an HK subject and be allowed all the rights and responsibilities of a HK subject similar to the Hawaiians, when the HK is restored or reinstated.

    I believe sovereignty refers to an independent nation state that is recognized by other sovereign nation states and is allowed to govern itself, including an oath of allegiance and their own laws that apply to the occupants of subjects of that nation state. Colonization, on the other hand, is the subjugation, usually by violent military force, of another country or sovereign state, such as the British colonization of India.

    Internal sovereignty may apply to a “nation within a nation,” whereby the Mother Country allows a group of people to establish a sovereign nation within its borders. For example, the U.S.A. has allowed the Native American Indians and the Native Alaskans to establish their “tribes” within the confines of the U.S.A. External sovereignty is when a sovereign nation state is recognized by other sovereign nation states by international law.

    A Joint Resolution is an Act of Congress that can be passed with a simple majority vote of both houses of Congress, whereas a Treaty is a Congressional Act that must be ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of both houses of Congress. Therefore, the Joint Resolution of 1898 was a Congressional Act that did not acquire the Hawaiian Islands, and the Annexation Treaty of 1898 was an illegal and deceptive annexation because it was not ratified by a two-thirds majority but just a simple majority of the U.S. Senate. In addition, the subjects of the HK at that time petitioned the U.S. Federal Government with 21,000 signatures of Kanaka Maoli (and perhaps non-Hawaiians as well) to NOT acquire the HK. I’m somewhat confused because some people refer to the joint resolution, the annexation, and the annexation treaty, which are sometimes used interchangeably and in a confusing manner.

    Great Britain and France formally recognized Hawaiian sovereignty on November 28, 1843 by joint proclamation at the Court of London, and the U.S. followed on July 6, 1844 by a letter of U.S. Secretary of State, John C. Calhoun. The Hawaiian Islands became the first Polynesian nation to be recognized as an independent and sovereign state.

    I’m not sure the legal procedure for transferring the sovereignty of one country to another, but let me try to envision how this could come about. If the U.S.A agrees to reinstate the HK or is required by mandate of the International Court, does this mean that the sovereignty of the U.S.A. can be transferred to Hawaii and therefore result in Hawaii gaining its independence and sovereign nation state status as recognized by the Parent
    Country as well as recognized by the international community? I’m really guessing on this question and need your help in better understanding what this transfer of sovereignty is about and how it may apply to the HK.

    Based on the above, I presume that the only available option for the HK is the reinstatement or restoration of the HK as it existed before the illegal overthrow of 1893, the illegal annexation of 1898, the inapplicable Organic Act of 1900, and the inapplicable Admission Act of 1959.

    Teacher, did I pass your rigorous questions, and do I need to further seek the truth to better understand your understanding, perspective, and insight? What is my kuleana and role in the HK? Should I continue my quest to seek justice for the Native Hawaiian people, or should I just forget I even concerned myself with something only the Kanaka Maoli need to determine for themselves regarding the HK, and the non-Hawaiians can provide perspectives/insights that the Kanaka Maoli may not be able to understand and envision, i.e., can’t see the forest from the trees?

    Mahalo nui loa!

  22. Kanaka, You mentioned the great man Ghandi winning India’s Independence by non violence. True but you must remember India’s fight to deoccupy the brits included many years of armed resistance too, long before Ghandi returned to India. Many Indians died using the tactic of non violence too. Including the great man himself. I hope for non violence myself but I will be non violent with those who are non violent with me.

  23. You are invited to attend:
    The Global Education Forum on Conflict, Justice and Education
    Hosted by the International Training and Education Program (ITEP)
    At American University’ School of Education (SOE) in Washington, DC
    On Monday, February 13, 5-7pm
    in the Spring Valley Building, 4801 Massachusetts Ave. NW
    Read speakers’ bios and register at http://www.american.edu/itepgef
    Registration is free and open to the community

    The Global Education Forum is a dialogue amongst students, educators and practitioners to identify current issues in international education and consider how best to impart global concerns and cultural perspectives to students who will choose to work locally in NGOs, in the field, or in the classroom at home and abroad.

  24. Aloha,

    After being away from the HK comments for several years, I feel compelled to comment on the current situation at OHA that has made the Star-Advertiser headlines recently. I don’t know or understand the power struggle within OHA that resulted in new leadership and turmoil that prevented OHA from conducting its scheduled meetings due to a lack of a quorum. I had hoped that with the establishment of a new HK constitution that things would go more smoothly, but I was surprised by the deep tensions existing within different factions of the HK. What is going on here?

    Mahalo nui loa

  25. Aloha 001, I think you are confused about OHA. OHA is a U.S. entity not a HK entity. The new constitution is not a HK constitution. It was created by a raced based NON- elected private group of people. It violates the U.S. constitution and U.S. Law and therefore it has done nothing accept waste beneficiaries time and money. It will never stand up to a legal challenge. OHA and other entities pushing for this thought they had a chance to get it done with Obama as president but it did not happen. It will never happen especially with Trump in office. There are OHA trustees that want to continue this stupidity and waste money and others that want to stop it. Now you got them fighting to get control. It resembles the show Survivor, where alliances and back stabbing is how you win the game. Bunch of idiots.

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